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Lit A/V Clone Wars Continuity Discussion (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Literature' started by sabarte, May 12, 2008.

  1. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    That actually brings up another interesting point--for all the timeline problems of the Clone Wars themselves, the amount of stuff that's purported to happen in the immediate wake of TPM is kind of nuts. Plagueis dies, Sifo-Dyas orders the army, dies, Dooku quits/is recruited by Sidious, recruits Jango to make the army...I like to think of the gap between TPM and AotC as being more like 10.5 years, actually (which may be official, even? I know Anakin goes from 9 to 20, but I dunno how precisely they've nailed that down).
    darthosaka likes this.
  2. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    Honestly. It seemed like the clear implication in AotC was that Dooku killed Sifo-Dyas and used his identity to order the clones. I know Obi-Wan seemed a bit unsure as to how long ago exactly Sifo-Dyas died, but that's because he just heard some strange new information that seemed to conflict with his initial impression. No normal person would come away from the movie thinking the Jedi actually weren't sure when Sifo-Dyas was killed, and that it wasn't before the clones were ordered.
    darthosaka likes this.
  3. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    Obi-Wan never says anything of the sort. He says "Master Sifo-Dias died almost ten years ago".

    That's because this show is Lucas's damage control. Why do you think people got interested in SW again because of it? The Prequels on their own almost killed SW.
  4. Cynical_Ben

    Cynical_Ben Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 12, 2013
    You know how badly it confused me as a kid? When Obi-Wan asks Lama-Su "When my master contacted your blah blah blah." I took him literally and assumed they were actually talking about something Qui-Gon did before they went to Naboo ("almost ten years ago" fit the timeline between films in my primitive brain), and that he had been renamed Sifo-Dyas for some reason.

    I spent much of the time between the movies very, very confused about how these things could be, and it's actually one of the main catalysts that led to the discovery of Wookieepedia and this very board, in fact as I searched for answers.
    Barriss_Coffee and CooperTFN like this.
  5. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004
    So AOTC doomed and failed you in more then one way? :p
    Cynical_Ben likes this.
  6. newdawn12

    newdawn12 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2013

    HEDGESMFG Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 20, 2010
    The script doesn't contradict the first one at all, as SD probably was still conned ("Oh, this is only a list of orders for balance of power, it will hopefully never be used, my friend."), and it's not clear at all how much the Kaminoines are or are not aware of the Sith's intentions. They merely know of Order 66 as a contingency plan they were ordered to keep secret. That's as far as specifics go.

    The brainwashing is a change, though, and I know that will come as a shock/disappointment to some.


    I wonder if the ep before it really will bring us to Tython, or somewhere new?
    darthosaka likes this.
  8. Havac

    Havac Former Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 29, 2005
    Well, that's actually the Occam's Razor explanation. I thought it was a mistake when the EU ignored it in favor of making some random Jedi order the clones because secret visions and then he was killed and Palpatine just conveniently took over his order because we had to make the whole plot insanely complicated for no reason.

    Lucas is just terrible at connecting the PT films together. Way too much making-it-up-as-he-goes-along. The OT hung together perfectly despite being written and directed by a variety of people alongside Lucas. Let Lucas write and direct the entire PT himself, and we need EU and TV series to understand it.
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  9. DelRiego

    DelRiego Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    darthosaka likes this.
  10. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011
    "Yes, Master. They say a Master Sifo-Dyas placed the order for a clone army at the request of the Senate almost ten years ago. I was under the impression he was killed before that."

    The prequels almost killed Star Wars? That's why all three were among the top-grossing movies of all time?
    Gamiel and darthosaka like this.
  11. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Wait, so was "Moriband" just a translation problem all along?
    darthosaka likes this.
  12. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004
    I wonder how the blogger that was celebrating Morriband feels about this.

    Edit: probably a transcription error. I'm really glad I got upset about it though.
    darthosaka likes this.
  13. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    Well, it's really just this one thing. And it's not like the movies are incomprehensible on their own. Barriss_Coffee actually just changed my mind. I used to think the Sifo-Dyas thing was a really glaring loose end, but looking at it from the perspective of a new viewer I think I agree that it's actually pretty straightforward. The actual explanation may be unnecessarily convoluted, but the movies make sense on their own, so it doesn't matter. Like it doesn't matter if Darth Maul "actually" comes back to life during the Clone Wars, you can watch the movies believing he's dead and it hangs together fine.

    So what you're saying is Moriband has been retconned into Korriban??? LUUUUUUCAS! FILOOOOOOONI!!!!!
    darthosaka, HEDGESMFG and CooperTFN like this.
  14. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004
    I was always confused how Palpatine knew how to use the Force.
    CooperTFN likes this.
  15. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    He used Google.

    And typed in "How to use the F" before the drop-down predictor popped up showing that millions of people had already searched for the same thing.
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  16. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004
    Google didn't exist then!
  17. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    Google has always existed. In fact, it's a Celestial construct. Do you think any mortal being could design something with more than a rudimentary level of technical complexity?
  18. spicer

    spicer Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 14, 2012
    Good to know that it's Korriban :D
    darthosaka likes this.
  19. DoubleSith

    DoubleSith Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 5, 2002

    Not only are the plot summaries in that article are the same translated from German ones we've seen before, their source is Wikipedia.
  20. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    Korriban is portrayed as orbiting two suns instead of one. EU is destroyed all over again. Dave Filoni ascends the Iron Throne.
  21. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004

    The Sifo-Dyas episode and the Qui-Gon/Yoda episodes are written by Christian Taylor, whom wrote the Mortis trilogy.
    MistrX likes this.
  22. Mat Skywalker

    Mat Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Im curious about that arc, particularly "the heart of the galaxy" and "the origins of the Force".
    darthosaka likes this.
  23. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    That does not bode well at all for those episodes.
    DelRiego and Dr. Steve Brule like this.
  24. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    Everyone knows the Force originated on Andowyne.

    (The episode is probably just about the origins of the Jedi on Tython.)

    Mortis owns Krayt dragon bones.
    darthosaka and DigitalMessiah like this.
  25. Mat Skywalker

    Mat Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Apparently not everyone is in the know ;)