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Memph, TN Con Nooga

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by mr_nightmarez, Jan 31, 2007.

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  1. mr_nightmarez

    mr_nightmarez Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 20, 2003
    [face_tired] There's a new Con in Tennessee.

    Howdy Ho! SMT Gang! Long time no speakage! or Hear or You know.

    I partnered up with some guys and we are developing a Adventurecon/DragonCon wannabe!
    Yes it's smaller, yes it's our first year... :rolleyes:

    But we are committed to bringing you the best darn Con you can buy for $1.99![face_dancing]

    We are tired of Party Cons in Chattanooga. Don't get me wrong - Partying is good. But we felt the Cons should have Meat and Potatoes w/ the Beer. Plus no one does Horror Right! So I felt Horror should be drawn into our Con.

    We are working w/ Fans from Cosplay, Anime, Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Gaming, Comics, Fan Films etc. etc.
    We have a year to really get this under way (FEB-22nd-24th of 2008) but I feel we can put together a Con worthy of a nose bleed! The hotel is ''this close to being finalized and we have contacted too many celebrities waiting to see who can make it on my $1.99 budget!
    Ok so we have a few more $$ than $1.99...
    The site is pretty generic right now, but soon the site will explode into what I call "Madness" - We have stolen..uhhmmm borrowed all the best ideas from Cons all over and learned what NOT to do and we are asking people to sign up on our forums (NOT ANOTHER FORUM) But to only give us your ideas on how to make our convention better.

    For those that do/don't remember me. Todd (Nightmarez Haunted House Guy)

    I would hope some of you can make it to our FIRST Con Nooga in Feb 2008

    Chattanooga is a Fun Place and we hope to make our Convention a Must See!

    Check us out! CON NOOGA
  2. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Thanks for the heads-up and invitation, Todd! We'll definitely mark our calendars for it. :D Any Con we can buy for $1.99 is cool with us. ;)

  3. mr_nightmarez

    mr_nightmarez Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 20, 2003
    For you guys, $1.99 will work!
    The rest may have to pitch in more![face_blush]

    I may go broke on the venture...:oops: but I'm trying to bring the best of all Cons to little old Chattanooga!

    And what would it be w/out my Memphis Friends/Family! Lin has already committed...:p

    We met w/ the hotels yesterday and will finish up negotiations in the next week... If WE can swing it - we will actually be @ the Convention Center! [face_praying] [face_dancing]

    But if not the Choo Choo may be our home for a year until we can afford the Con-Center!

    Keep posted! Let me know if you have any contacts for some Sci-Fi celebrities.. For some reason horror has not be a problem...[face_thinking]

    Take Care! Hope to see ya soon!
    Need to promote @ MidsouthCon[face_skull]
  4. TK_1427

    TK_1427 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 12, 2003
    I will promote at MidSouthCon and have put it on the S.O. boards. But maybe you need to come to MidSouthCon and promote it yourself ;)
  5. mr_nightmarez

    mr_nightmarez Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 20, 2003
    I'm allergic to Memphis. After living there for 33 years - I realized the reason I was irritable, sick, and delusional was because of Memphis... hehe:eek:
    But we truly appreciate anyone pimping us out
    We hope to have some info to send to folks soon. Getting all the legal mumbo-jumbo completed now...:-B
  6. Schmootika

    Schmootika Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 20, 2005
    Come on dude, you can get shots fer that! I got you beat....I lived there for 37 years and yet I keep finding myself drawn back to the bluff city. Does that say something about its vaccuous properties?[face_laugh]

    But seriously, come to MSC and I'll let ya borrow one of my jumpball costumes.[face_batting]
  7. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    Does that mean Nightmarez can put you in one of the costumes he has? [face_whistling]

    um... more updates at! :D

    Got any suggestions? Weesa listening!
  8. rhonderoo

    rhonderoo Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 7, 2002
    I've put this on my calendar! But you guys must promise at least SOME partying... [face_mischief]
  9. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    Who says there won't be some partying going on? [face_dancing] Oh, there will be some great nighttime stuff happening. We just want to bring a con that has stuff for everyone to do throughout the weekend as well. Our unofficial tagline is "We want you to go home with more than a hangover". :cool: Now we can't give away too much yet, but our Friday and Saturday night stuff we have planned will definitly satisfy all you partiers out there.
  10. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    Chattanooga Choo Choo
    Feb 22-24, 2008

    Keep checking for all the latest info.
    If you're a gamer, you're going to LOVE ConNooga. Tournaments and open gaming galore in our 6800 sq. ft. gaming area!
    If you've ever walked into a gaming store and wondered about some of these games, we'll have Game Designers and reps teaching people how to play them.
    Video gaming... BIG news coming soon!
    15,000 Square Feet of Exhibitors, Artists, Celebrities and Fan Groups!
    Like horror? We're bringing in industry pro Leonard Pickel (co-creater of Haunted Attraction magazine and founder of HAuNTcon) to run all of our horror related programming.
    For those that like Anime, we will have an entire area devoted to all things Japanese PLUS our first annual Anime Music Video contest!
    With a 500 seat theater at our disposal, it seems only fitting that we have a FanFilm contest as well! In addition to that, we will be premiering (at least) two new feature films (more on this later).
    Workshops, panels, contests, kids programming, and much, much more....

    Special Guests include:
    Actress / Journalist - Suzi Lorraine
    Actress / Producer - April Monique Burril (aka Chainsaw Sally)
    Comic Book Sensation - Thong Girl
    Actress/Model - Niki Notarile
    Blinky Productions - Chris Notarile
    Actor, Stuntman, Musician, Magician, Director, Writer, Consultant Jim O'Rear
    Actor, Producer, Martial Artist Ted Alderman
    Cast, Crew, Special Effects and Bands from the Film FOREVER DEAD!
    Fantasy - Local Wrestling Sensation as well as other local Wrestling Superstars!

    Special ARTIST and AUTHOR guests include:
    Artist and Founder of Dark Angels - William 'Nick' Johns
    Artist Steve Stanley
    Artist of Bushi Tales Comic - Lin Workman
    Artist Billy Tackett
    Author - Georgiana Kotarski
    Artist and Author - Ed Crandell

    Musical performers
    Crank Sanatra
    Leticia Wolf
    KIFF - Knowledge is for Fools

    As we're a convention for the fans, by the fans, we encourage all types of Fan Groups to be a part of ConNooga. If your fan group would like a table to help promote your group, send your request to At this time, the following fan groups have signed on:
    The MidSouth Garrison of the 501st
    The Corellian Base of the Rebel Legion
    The Jedi Assembly
    The SouthEastern Browncoats
    The Dark Alliance
    SEPS - SouthEastern Paranormal Society
    The Dark Empire
    Chattooine - Chattanooga's Sci-Fi group
    The 1337girls

    If there is something that you would like to see or feel others would like, let us know! We want to put together a multi-fandom convention made up of things that the fans want. Registration is now open! A 3-day pass is only $22.00 (until July 31st).
  11. a_salty_sith

    a_salty_sith Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2005
    oop! add antone, janet & kevin to that list of guests!


    ok i won't ever do that again. sorry.
  12. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    You know it! Oh... lookie here... Is this some kickin' artwork I see? I beleive it is!


    Now who did this again....? ;) (hint: go buy JETTA: TALES OF THE TOSHIGAWA - REVELATIONS today!) [face_whistling]
  13. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003


    Saber Idol Contest To Be Held February 22nd, 23rd, 2008 Chattanooga, TN Connooga Convention

    Saber Idol is a "Saber" Contest designed around the format of popular American TV shows. Saber Idol will be an entertaining event for the entire family that is designed for the master Saberman/woman to show off his or her skills and talents. The Competition is to be entered by individuals that have a set of pre-choreographed ?saber? demonstrations that highlight one?s finesse without fighting. Demonstrations will be set to musical themes chosen by the contestants themselves. This controlled and civilized Demonstration will not only show the skill of the Saberman/woman, but their discipline, grace and their flare for the dynamic and dramatic! The Competition will be broken down into three (3) rounds with Convention attendees choosing the Idol after live voting. Three Saber Idol Judges will determine the initial eight contestants culled from videos submitted on YouTube and via mail.

    The Judges are as follows:

    Tanthos Jorlac- Founder of The Jedi Assembly, International Costuming Group. Force Battle Extreme Contestant: Master Replicas Combat Trials-Hollywood, CA 2007.

    Jade Starlighter- Fan Judge. Member of The Jedi Assembly costuming group.

    Simon Drego- SaberMaster extraordinaire. Swordsmaster to Master Replicas Freestyle Champion Qui-Kel Jinn

    Saber Idol will be hosted by: Qui-Kel Jinn - Force FX Freestyle Champion at Master Replicas Combat Trials in Hollywood, CA May 2007.

    For official rules and entry form, go to: ConNooga - Saber Idol
  14. Obi_J_Kenobi

    Obi_J_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 15, 2002
    Looks like I'll be making the trip for this one.
  15. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    Not sure if you're into video games or not, but....


    GameStop / EB Games is sponsoring our Video Gaming Room. So ALL the best systems and ALL the hottest games will be at ConNooga.

    Want some more awesome news? The 1337girls will be there handling the tournaments and (if you ask nicely) happily pwn you until you cry.
  16. rhonderoo

    rhonderoo Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 7, 2002
    That's awesome! Make sure you guys get this on the front page of TFN. :)
  17. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Tim and I are planning to come, finances willing. Get some more use out of those C 4 costumes, LOL.
  18. SarkaVrae

    SarkaVrae Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 3, 2004
    That's great news, Traci! :) As the Co-Anime/Cosplay Director of ConNooga, I'd like to inform you all that Kell/Kelldar will be an official guest of the Anime/Cosplay area--she's agreed to help judge the Cosplay Costume Contest (which takes her out of the running ;) ...heeheehee) and do some panels for us! I know she's part of the Memphis family & you will all want to come and support her! :D

    We also have a friend of yours, Traci, Karen Thomason aka "Lady K", who has agreed to help with promotions at DragonCon and run some cosplay panels from a "beginners" perspective. :D

    Friday night we've got a concert planned, there will be a live Rocky Horror show, movies premiering, special screenings, Anime Rave with "Cosplay After Dark" (including a surprise prize to be given out to "the best of show"), Saturday night themed Room Parties (some planning give-aways and scavenger hunts to keep you busy), a Sunday "garage sale" for you to bring all your geeky "extras" laying around the house & pawn them off on some well deserving & like-minded geeks....and SO much more! I'm REALLY looking forward to this & can't wait to see you all there! :D
  19. rhonderoo

    rhonderoo Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 7, 2002
    I plan on making it if at all possible. :)
  20. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    That?s awesome! Kell is da bomb. :cool:

    Karen?s gonna be there? Well, now I gotta fuss at her for not telling me, LOL. Sounds great! :D

    Shweet!!!! Can we costume for it? I was Magenta last Halloween...and it was fun. [face_mischief]

  21. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Hey, Jody and Jeff. Tell Todd to check his PM's every now and then! :p I wanted to talk to him about Con Nooga and possibly joining the rest of the Memphis Mafia as a guest. (Que Traci's roll eyes here.)
  22. Vesper2112

    Vesper2112 FF President & CR, Chattanooga, TN star 4

    Nov 14, 2003
    [face_laugh] heh... OK, I'll tell him. I think he's actually in Memphis now working on Nightmarez, but he'll be back in Chattanooga tomorrow for a Ruby Falls Haunted Cavern meeting (which I'll see him at). I'm betting you'll be hearing from him soon. :D
  23. LadyKeira

    LadyKeira Jedi Youngling

    Jun 7, 2006
    Sorry, Traci, Sarka just, talked me into doing this and I haven't had a chance to tell you, yet. She beat me to it!! I'm excited that you're all going to be there. I have more SW friends in Tennessee than I do here. :D

    I already told them they better have good music for us to dance to. We can't have a repeat of the RL party at C4. :rolleyes:

    (I am working on getting Kathy to come to Connooga. Maybe if we gang up on her she'll actually come. ;) )
  24. SarkaVrae

    SarkaVrae Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 3, 2004
    *ahem* Sarka does not con people...she force schmoozes them ;) :D

    who is Kathy & where do I go to talk to her? :p

    Did Todd get back to you yet Tim? :)
  25. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    No, not yet, but I'm sure he will soon. I hadn't heard anything about there being a Nightmarez haunt this year, so I'm sure he's pretty busy with that right now, and it's not like it can't wait.
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