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Lit Could someone please spell...

Discussion in 'Literature' started by TheNewEmpire, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. TheNewEmpire

    TheNewEmpire Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 12, 2007
    Tiaan Jerjerrod's surname phonetically please?

    Is it Jer-jer-rod? Sounds silly to my ears, which is why I think I may be saying it wrong.
  2. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000

    Missa ab iPhona mea est.
  3. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Jar Jar Rod

    Gamiel and Commander Wolffe like this.
  4. Senpezeco

    Senpezeco Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2014
    I prefer to pronounce it Jer-JAIR-rudh, but the Time Warner audio book narrated by Tony Roberts pronounced it Jer-jer-rod (example). If I'm remembering correctly, the NPR radio drama pronounced it the same way, and Wookieepedia seems to back me up on that:

    I don't know if there are 'more canon' (EU or NEU) audio sources.
  5. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I will never get over how unpronounceable these things are.
    Barriss_Coffee and Revanfan1 like this.
  6. Revanfan1

    Revanfan1 Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 3, 2013

    It literally makes no sense to say "pronounced: gibberish." [face_dunno]
    Barriss_Coffee likes this.
  7. Senpezeco

    Senpezeco Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2014
    I use this IPA chart when I forget my symbols. Most dictionaries come with an IPA chart in the front, too.

    dʒ - j as in job
    æ - a as in trap or bath
    ʌ - u as in sun, o as in done
  8. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    This is exactly how I've always said it.
  9. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    No, I was getting mine from the radio drama. Disc 2 track 1, 12:52 -- for example. Jer-jair-rudh. But then Vader's VA goes and says Jer-jer-rod a few minutes later.

    So it depends on who you trust -- Vader, or Imperial officers.

    Same, but it's terrible which is why I immediately defected to the radio drama version once I heard it.
  10. Senpezeco

    Senpezeco Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2014
    Ooh okay, thank you! I don't have my own copy of the radio drama anymore and couldn't find it easily on YouTube to check.
  11. jSarek

    jSarek VIP star 4 VIP

    Feb 18, 2005
    Maybe I've just heard it in my head for too long, but Jer-jer-rod doesn't sound the least bit silly to me.
    Iron_lord likes this.