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ST Daisy Ridley (Rey) in Episode VII

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Chained Prometheus, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. Nipuhanipera

    Nipuhanipera Force Ghost star 5

    May 25, 2014
    Wait, what? I wrote that it would not be interesting to some, but it would be interesting to me. ;)
    Seeher likes this.
  2. KenW

    KenW Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 25, 2015
    Maybe he just means they're going to kill off Luke and Leia and they won't have kids.
  3. Solo-Skywalker

    Solo-Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 29, 2014
    Yeah, I read that wrong my bad :cool:
    Nipuhanipera likes this.
  4. Lurknomore

    Lurknomore Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 18, 2014

    That's debatable. Joe Public won't care what her last name is, as long as she's entertaining.
    Satipo and Seeher like this.
  5. Nipuhanipera

    Nipuhanipera Force Ghost star 5

    May 25, 2014
    Yeah. Onlt they know. But on the whole, If the mystery of Rey`s identity goes on long enough, I might have to order a ride to a special hospital...
    KenW likes this.
  6. EntechednReformatted

    EntechednReformatted Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 17, 2009

    On the other hand, an aspiring Sith Lord who is trying to choose an alias to conceal his real name wouldn't call himself "Kylo Ren." He'd call himself "Darth <VaguelyMenacingMadeUpWord>."

    "Kylo Ren" sounds like a real Star Wars name to me. "Kylo Ren Solo" doesn't. ;)

    My guess is that Rey and Kylo are related to each other (got to get that "family conflict" theme front and center somehow), but are not Skywalkers/Solos. Possibly they may be related to other characters from the Saga, but I wouldn't bet on it. Guys like Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, or Dooku probably never had kids, but there's no reason to think they couldn't have had siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc.
    TK327 likes this.
  7. Jedi with a TARDIS

    Jedi with a TARDIS Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 4, 2013
    Am I the only one who really hopes she's Luke's daughter? I guess I just feel that it'd be too close to Jaina if she were a Solo. I really don't want to feel FA is rehashing the EU. I guess she could be completely new, neither Skywalker or Solo, but considering every main character has been a Skywalker so far, suddenly changing this just doesn't feel right. Not the Star Wars vibe. And I SO want her to be the main character! The daughter of Luke Skywalker, granddaughter to Anakin, growing up to be a awesome Jedi like her father before her, wielding her grandfather's lightsaber for the Force!
  8. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    I think the general consensus is that most people want Rey to be Han and Leia's daughter. However, if she's not, then those same people want her to at least be Luke's daughter but would feel really sad that Han and Leia didn't have a child (or one that was at least good that Han got to know).
    Claire1976 likes this.
  9. Galactic Fenix

    Galactic Fenix Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 23, 2015
    I just want her to be either a Solo or a Skywalker. Whether she's Han and Leia's or Luke's daughter isn't a big deal to me as long as she's related to the original trio.

    With all the parallels and similarities she's shown to them so far, it'd be a shame if she wasn't.
    starocean90 likes this.
  10. Jedi with a TARDIS

    Jedi with a TARDIS Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 4, 2013
    I think the general consensus is that most people want Rey to be Han and Leia's daughter. However, if she's not, then those same people want her to at least be Luke's daughter but would feel really sad that Han and Leia didn't have a child (or one that was at least good that Han got to know).[/quote]

    Maybe they made it official and adopted Chewie?

    Seriously though, one of the other actors could be a Solo offspring. I kinda toss around the Poe Is A Solo idea (being a good pilot with his mother's snark) but I'm not 100% sold on that since his last name's not the same. Maybe he changed it not to trade on his family name? Or is that pushing it too far into soap opera territory?
    iluvkoalas likes this.
  11. Galactic Fenix

    Galactic Fenix Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 23, 2015
    Star Wars doesn't enter Soap Opera territory until it gets an evil twin. Although it may have already counted before the EU was made non-canon.
  12. EntechednReformatted

    EntechednReformatted Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 17, 2009
    I have to admit, I find something very strange about this discussion.

    The general impression I get is that most want either Rey or Kylo or both to be Skywalkers or Solos. In order to make that fit with what little we think we know, people propose scenarios in which Kylo is kidnapped as a child and twisted to the Dark Side, or simply betrays his parents under his own steam; or we get scenarios in which Rey is separated from her parents while young and spends years living a harsh, lonely life on some Force-forsaken sandpit of a planet, all the while her parents likely believe her to be dead.

    And people are hoping for those scenarios, because if Leia and Han never had kids, that would be sad.

    That would be sad.

    My mind ... it boggles.

    Sure, Leia and Han, or Luke, never really had the chance to be parents to their kids. Sure, they may have suffered years of heartache at the separation, the grieving, and possibly even the knowledge that one of their kids was one of the galaxy's greatest monsters. But at least the magic Skywalker chromosomes got passed on. If they hadn't, that would be the real tragedy. Then I would really feel sorry for the Big Three.
  13. plaidphoenix

    plaidphoenix Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2013
    I wonder how many people are rooting for Rey to be Luke and Han's daughter. :p Yes, lets start throwing fanfic tropes into the mix.
    KenW likes this.
  14. KenW

    KenW Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 25, 2015
    They have the technology!
  15. Admiral_Wyvern

    Admiral_Wyvern Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 14, 2014
    I mean isn't it just the same as wanting Episode VII to happen? The characters had their happy ending in Jedi. A new entry can only make them less happy then if the series were left alone. In general, most fiction entertains the audience with the suffering of its characters, unnerving but true. I'm not sure what you're describing is really that different when you think about it. It's not like they're real anyway.

    Anyway, were all just trying to make sense of what information we have. I think its a bit absurd to say that people are hoping that a child of the OT characters will grow up alone on a desert planet simply because that is how they choose to interpret the information available. We're not the ones who wrote the script.
  16. EntechednReformatted

    EntechednReformatted Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 17, 2009

    I'm not saying everything has to be awesome. There's obviously going to be conflict in the films. But if there are no Skywalker grandkids, if the conclusion of the "Skywalker Saga" is Luke and Leia's story ending after having passed the torch to a new generation of heroes who *gasp* aren't of their loins, then it seems like this is being frequently viewed as a very sad outcome. I'm just saying: sad compared to what? The alternative feels more soul-crushing to me.
    Admiral_Wyvern likes this.
  17. Admiral_Wyvern

    Admiral_Wyvern Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 14, 2014
    Well, I can't claim to be familiar with all the debates on this thread, but my impression was that many people feel no legacy children would be personally disappointing to them as fans of the series. I think people are also saying that if Kylo was the son of Han and Leia, then a second child would make the situation more hopeful.

    But if people are arguing that Rey and Kylo theories are a happier outcome than no children I will concede that that is indeed a strange argument.
  18. Rodie

    Rodie Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 16, 2014

    Exactly. No offense to Han Solo, because I love the guy, BUT if Han is not the father of either Rey or Kylo or a mentor/uncle who loves them, then why does he need to be in this movie? Honestly? What's the purpose of his presence that Poe or another younger character could not do just as well?

    By most rumors, Han and Leia do not spend much time together in TFA and perhaps Han and Luke don't spend any time together at all. Han's with Rey and Finn the most, and his most, ahem, intense scene is with Kylo. If there's no prior connection with these characters, what's the explanation?
    Claire1976 and iluvkoalas like this.
  19. Millennium Fairlane

    Millennium Fairlane Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2014

    Hopefully to further a great plot. There are many options. How cool would it be if Rey was Leia's and he protected her and got her back to her mother? Him being a father of someone isn't required for some good drama.
  20. iluvkoalas

    iluvkoalas Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 6, 2015
    No, but I agree with Rodie above that there wouldn't be a need to bring back Han Solo to go through a similar situation where he gets involved with the Rebellion or whatever they're called now again, especially at his age. And the fact that there would be a possible familial connection to Rey, Kylo, and /or Poe would just further help link viewers of the old trilogy to the new trilogy.

    On a different note, I, like other "posters," want to see happy endings for the Big 3 in this trilogy for obvious reasons and also because, in my opinion, what's the point of bringing them back only to have them not have a happy ending? Bring Han Solo back only to kill him off in the first movie? Now, that might have a lot to do with Harrison Ford, but as a "first generation" fan, for me, I'm not happy with that strong possibility. And that strong, strong possibility is a turn-off for me, although I definitely will see this movie.

    And then layer upon layer of bad things that happened along the way...Uh, uh.
  21. Millennium Fairlane

    Millennium Fairlane Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2014

    It's really all going to depend on how it is done and what the real plot is- it's risky. Killing off Han could be a huge mistake, depending, depending. If it is an empty death then they've blown it. We just don't know enough right now. Not everyone gets a happy ending, though. Padme didn't. Ben didn't- he wasn't brought back (whacky time mess with PT/OT aside) to get his happy ending, and he got killed off in the first movie of the trilogy.

    But I am expecting pain, lots of it, and considering a pet theory I am playing with in my head, a lot more than many are braced for. yet.
    iluvkoalas likes this.
  22. iluvkoalas

    iluvkoalas Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 6, 2015
  23. Millennium Fairlane

    Millennium Fairlane Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2014
    I am concerned about Leia, big time, and what she's really up to in recent years.
    iluvkoalas likes this.
  24. iluvkoalas

    iluvkoalas Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 6, 2015
    I think what they mean, and what I agree with, is that if Han and Leia (and Luke) had all of these bad things happen in 30 years, i.e. breaking up, having to go through fighting a war again, and having one "bad seed" of a child, etc. at least they'd have had something good happen-the other child.
    Admiral_Wyvern likes this.
  25. deneuves

    deneuves Jedi Knight star 4

    Apr 19, 2015
    I mean, not having kids is possibly preferable than being killed by your own child or seeing your kid kill a bunch of other people.
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