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Before - Legends Devil in the Details (Kotor/Star Trek:DS9 crossover) -- Epilogue -- 4/13/07 **Completed**

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by WyoJedi, Feb 15, 2006.

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  1. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005

    Too true, too true.

  2. Obregon91

    Obregon91 Jedi Youngling

    Aug 3, 2006
    Hm...this should be interessting. Just one question-is this Sith Lord your original character or does he really exist in the SW universe? Great chapter. The new poster is awesome! [face_peace]
  3. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    Obregon91: Indeed it should be interesting. If you are referring to Kosst Amojan that name comes from Deep Space Nine. It is the name used to identify the Pah-wraiths and has been suggested as the name of the primary Pah-wraith. So he is not really a Sith Lord except in this story where I have identified the Pah-wriaths and the True Sith as the same group. Thanks for the kudos on the chapter and the poster!

  4. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    The time has finally come! The climactic battle is upon us. I hope you all enjoy reading this finale as much as I did writing it. There will be an epilogue following this update, but for the most part this is it. Thanks for reading!



    Chapter 30


    The question came from both Rago and Bastila at nearly the same moment. Malak simply laughed at their surprised looks. It was obvious that they had never expected to see him again. Considering that they had left his lifeless body on the Star Forge he couldn?t blame them. But the wicked joy he felt from their reaction was so gratifying.

    ?Yes Revan, it is me. And I see you?ve brought my apprentice back. Do you wish for me to turn her to the Dark Side yet again??

    Malak could see Rago?s jaw tense as his teeth clenched together, but otherwise his face showed little expression. Bastila?s visage, on the other hand, drained of color and Malak assumed the memory of being tormented until she fell to his will was still fresh in her mind. The thought pleased him greatly. Quickly she regained her composure and spat out a retort.

    ?It would appear that you are the apprentice, not me. How does it feel to be the subordinate once again??

    Malak?s anger flared to life and he extended his hand, exerting a Force push against Bastila sending her back into the stone wall of the cave. With his other hand Malak drew his lightsaber, its bright red blade igniting as he leapt at Rago. The azure blade of Rago?s weapon was activated and brought into a high block just as Malak attempted a powerful slice for his head.


    From the corner of his eye Dukat saw Sisko moving quickly toward him. Thrusting out his right hand he directed a stasis field in the direction of the captain bringing him to an immediate stand still. He could see Sisko struggling against the hold, his muscles tightening in a useless attempt. Dukat laughed with evil scorn.

    ?Oh come now, Ben? you?ll have to do better than that.?

    At the same moment Dukat felt his danger sense come alive and turned to see Kira raising a phase blaster to fire. A red bolt of energy shot from the weapon and streaked through the air toward him. Lifting his left hand he felt the heat of the assault on his flesh, then willed the Force to shield against it. The shot deflected off his palm and hurtled harmlessly into the ceiling of the cavern. Clenching his fist, Dukat caused a Force grip to close against Kira?s throat and watched contentedly as she dropped her weapon to clutch at the unseen pressure there.

    Pulling his hand back to himself he drew Kira unwillingly toward him, her body struggling for breath and control of its own movements. Steadily she moved forward until she was less than a meter from him. With a forceful push toward the ground Dukat caused Kira to drop to her knees before him.

    ?I?m so glad you could make it my dear. I have waited a long time for this moment. Now? bow to me.?

    Kira looked up into his face and Dukat could see the hate in her eyes. Most people would find such a look unsettling, but it pleased him. It must have been tearing her soul to pieces to be under the control of a Cardassian, and especially him. He watched her lips move subtly trying to form words, her neck convulsing against the still present Force choke. When the single word finally found expression it was weak, but full of revulsion and rage.


    Dukat smiled. He had expected nothing less from Kira. He reached into his vest and drew out the lightsaber he had crafted only a few days before. Lightly he touched the activation panel and watched with malicious pleasure as the blood hued energy blade erupted from the cylindrical handle, its shine reflecting off Kira?s skin.

    ?Very well. If you will not bow in life, you shall do so in death!?

    Slowly he raised the weapon high above his head, the wicked smile never leaving his face.


    Malak a
  5. SuperSaiyaMan12

    SuperSaiyaMan12 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 30, 2005

    Nice final battle. No one died this time...

    And Dukat and Malak are finally, both deceased.

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  6. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    FANTASTIC!!!!!!! =D=

    A great ending to a really great epic fic, bro! You out "did" yourself here with the finale. It took my breath away! Of course I loved the final words between Rago and Bastila. [face_love]

    Well done and Bravo! =D= =D=
  7. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    What happened to Nerys? I mean Yes she is burned, but what a horrible way to have to live! Can someone help her?

    So Sisko survived this, although without an arm?

    The Jedi are together and Safe. so that part is good.

    And Yes! All the bad guys are GONE!
  8. Obregon91

    Obregon91 Jedi Youngling

    Aug 3, 2006
    Most excellent! I honestly don't know what to say. You've managed to flesh out the battle in perfect detail. It saddens me however to see this terrific fic coming to an end :_|. But when one door closes another one opens.
    Well done, Wyo! Well done!
  9. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Excellent ending, Wyo. =D= I'm sure that Dr. Bashir will heal Kira and Sisko. As for Rago and Bastila, I wonder now where they'll go to next. [face_thinking] I guess in your epilogue you can have them all at Quark's with Morn listening to their glorious battle stories.
  10. RK_Striker_JK_5

    RK_Striker_JK_5 Force Ghost star 7

    Jul 2, 2003
    Damn, Wyo. That was awesome! Excellent action, there. They won, although not without injuries. Still, the Sith have been defeated. :) Malak, Dukat and the Pah'wraiths sealed away. Now for the epilogue... cannot wait. :)
  11. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    SuperSaiyaMan12: Thanks. I'm glad that the battle was enjoyable enough. Yes, I made sure that all the good guys survived. This was a very Llight Sided fic :D Well, Dukat and Malak finally got what they deserved.

    Jade_Pilot: Glad you liked it. Ok, in and out, in and out... I don't want anybody passing out from loss of breath because of my fic :p I thought the final lines fit rather well for ending the main part of the story. Thank you!

    Noelie: Nerys was burned pretty badly, but I'm sure Dr. Bashir will take good care of her. Burns aren't too terrible in the ST universe. Sisko will have to get a prosthetic which will probably help him understand Nog a little better.

    Jedi are all safe... this is a SW fanfic after all ;)

    Good riddance to the baddies. :D


    Obregon91: I'm glad the battle was sufficiently detailed. I had been concerned that it wouldn't come across as well as I imagined it. But it seems to have gotten the point across :D

    I too am sad to see it end... but opportunites abound in the GFFA. Thank you very much!

    RX_Sith: You are right about Dr. Bashir and I'm planning to show that fact in the epilogue. The epilogue will discuss what becomes of our Jedi friends, and I think I might throw some mention of Morn in there too :D Thanks!

    RK_Striker_JK_5: Thank you, thank you! Of course they won... but as in any battle it didn't come without a price. The Sith are done for, at least in the Alpha Quadrant. I'm glad it was an enjoyable ride for you :D

  12. Jedi_Sulimo

    Jedi_Sulimo Jedi Youngling

    Aug 22, 2006
    Hey I'm finally in the show :D! A Terrific ending to a terrific fanfic. I hope Sisko and Kira recover. All that's left is to send the gang back home.

  13. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    Jedi_Sulimo: Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic and this final battle. I hope that the epilogue will do a good job of tying up the final loose ends. Thanks again!

  14. Kelli_LB

    Kelli_LB Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 24, 2006
    Very well done, you did a wonderful job with the battle. I can't wait for the epilogue.
  15. obi_webb

    obi_webb Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2005
    that was how dramatic final battles should be written!
    =D= i was so shocked when sisko pulled out a lightsaber!!:eek: and he did pretty good too, for what i imagine was his first real lightsaber fight!

    this story has been fantastic and i look forward to seeing how you tie it all together! :)
  16. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Excellent finale, Wyo. Very thrilling and exciting.

    I have to admit, I was not expecting seeing Ben Sisko with a lightsaber, much less knowing how to use it. ;-) It was good to see that the heroes did not get away unscathed. There have not be injuries to make the victory matter.

    Its funny how people like Winn never see that light until it's too later. Perhaps she never saw the light, but was just vindictive enough to want to see her rival taken down.

  17. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    Kelli_LB: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the battle. It was a fun section to write and I think it came out well. Epilogue will be coming soon... I promise! :D

    obi_webb: :D I'm glad you approve!

    I'm glad that seeing Sisko with the lightsaber was a shock. I wanted his involvement to be a given, but also I wanted it to be surprising. You would imagine well that this was his first lightsaber duel... but it is my guess that he probably had some basic tutoring by Rago.

    Glad you have enjoyed the story, and I hope the epilogue ties it all up into a nice, neat package. Thank you!

    brodiew: Thanks! Thrilling and exciting was what I was going for :D

    Sisko with a lightsaber was a surprise I had been waiting to drop in there for a while. I'm glad it turned out well. I didn't want him to be a natural Jedi, but I figured that a lightsaber in the hands of a hero of his stature was fairly acceptable.

    I think Winn realized at the end that there was no place in Dukat's regime. She was only concerned with her own magnification, not complete domination of others. It is hard to decide whether she was tring to make things right, or just take Dukat down.

    Thanks again!

  18. WyoJedi

    WyoJedi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 7, 2005
    I apologize for the long wait with this update. DRL and travel have certainly done their part. Anyway, without further ado and with a heavy heart I give you the final installment of Devil in the Details. Thank you all so much for your continued support of this venture and for your comments throughout.




    Rago paced nervously outside the door to the infirmary on Deep Space Nine. He had held vigil there for many hours as Sisko and Kira underwent the necessary treatments for their injuries. It tore him up that so much injury had occurred throughout the war and the mission to the Fire Caves, and yet he came through unscathed. That wasn?t entirely true. However his injuries lay on the inside, deep and severe, perhaps too deep to ever fully heal.

    While he was lost in his thoughts the door to the infirmary swished open and returned his thoughts to the moment. He faced the entry expectantly and moved closer as Doctor Bashir exited the room.

    ?Well, are they going to be all right??

    Bashir?s face brightened and beamed with joy. Rago could not tell if it was simply because his friends were recovering well, or if his gladness held a hint of pride at being able to once again prove he was one of the greatest doctors in the Alpha Quadrant. Bashir nodded as he spoke.

    ?They are both going to be fine. I had to use multiple dermal regeneration treatments on Kira, but she will be fully recovered in a few days. And Captain Sisko?s prosthetic has been fitted perfectly. It will take him some time to get used to it, but I suspect he will be returning to all his normal activities in no time.?

    ?That is wonderful. May I see them??

    ?Kira is resting right now, and I think it would be best to not disturb her. But the Captain was asking to see you.?

    Bashir stepped to the side of the doorway and directed Rago into the room. The lights were dimmed with most of the illumination coming from the vitals monitors and other computer terminals throughout the medical bay. Rago let his eyes adjust for a moment before moving toward the bed Sisko occupied. Ben was sitting up, rubbing the new prosthetic hand when Rago came toward him.

    ?Mr. Kin-Kari? I blame all this on you.?

    Rago?s eyes grew wide and he felt a rush of blood to his face at the accusation.

    ?Me? Ben I saved your life down there at the risk of losing my wife -- ?

    ?That?s not what I mean Rago. Your arrival here has helped us defeat the Dominion, the Pah-wraiths? and Gul Dukat, who has been a thorn in my side for seven years. You have been an invaluable asset to returning peace to the Alpha Quadrant. Thank you for coming here. And thank you for saving my life.?

    Rago felt overwhelmed by the admission. It wasn?t the first time he had been hailed as the hero of a galaxy? yet never before had it been so personal. Which made his next statement that much more difficult. The words seemed to catch in his throat as he spoke them.

    ?Thank you Ben. I am? grateful to have helped in bringing stability to people. Now that victory has been secured I? I ??

    ?You want to return to your own galaxy.?

    Rago nodded. It was a bittersweet notion. He wanted to return to his own place, yet to leave so many new friends and comrades tore at his heart. Sisko nodded in concurrence. It seemed that the same thoughts were on his mind as well.

    ?I suspected as much. The Prophets came to me again during my treatment. They said that it was time for the paths of the Sisko and the Revan to diverge, that our purpose had been fulfilled.?

    ?I see. Did they happen to give you any clue as to how we can get back to our own galaxy??

    The sudden sound of the medical bay door opening grabbed both of their attentions. Standing in the portal was Chief O?Brien, his hands clutching a datapad.

    ?Perhaps this will help. I?ve been working the last few days on a way for you to return through the wormhole, since that?s how your ship came through. It?s going to take some work, recalibrating the stations em
  19. Obregon91

    Obregon91 Jedi Youngling

    Aug 3, 2006
    YES! I get the first comment :p! Simply wonderful! A bit sad but wonderful. I'd like you to keep me informed about anything you write from this moment on, if that's OK with you.

    All hail WyoJedi, one of the best (In my opinion, of course...) SW fanfiction writers of all time! :D
    =D= =D= =D= =D= =D= =D= =D= =D= =D= =D=
  20. RK_Striker_JK_5

    RK_Striker_JK_5 Force Ghost star 7

    Jul 2, 2003
    That was awesome, Wyo! [:D][:D] Thanks for writing such an awesome ST/SW crossover, dude. Such a lovely epilogue, there. *Sigh* They'll get home... but not before hitting some alternate realities along the way! ;)
  21. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    This was so great!!!!! =D==D==D=

    If you do anything like this ever again I want to know about it!

    Wonderful. It was just wonderful!
  22. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wowzah! Great epilogue to a great crossover fic, Wyo! =D=

    Can you belveive you've made it to the end? I'd be very sad if it weren't for your Emergence and Hand fic going on right now. Still plenty of WyoJedi to read! :)

    This entire ff has been so terrific with wonderful characters and action galore. Is this your first epic? 'Cause it seems like you have a great talent for this kind of writing.

    Bravo and well done! =D= =D= =D=
  23. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Woohoo, =D= excellent ending to a great story and crossover. I hope that once Kotor III comes out, that you'll consider doing this again. All I can say is Kapla!
  24. SuperSaiyaMan12

    SuperSaiyaMan12 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 30, 2005
    Excellent update my friend. You wrapped up such a story nicely...

    Any plans for a sequel?
  25. Jedi_Sulimo

    Jedi_Sulimo Jedi Youngling

    Aug 22, 2006
    Well I'm glad that everything turned out OK. Well done!
    =D= =D= =D=

    I just hope that the wormhole doesen't take them into the Battlestar Galactica universe or something :D. Not that there's anything wrong with that...[face_laugh]

    BTW I have a question: Are nuclear weapons mentioned anywhere in the SW universe?
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