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Did Padme look pregnant in the wedding scene?

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by Darth_Howell_III, Sep 17, 2002.

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  1. Darth_Poutine

    Darth_Poutine Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 20, 2002

    Rick McCallum, Producer
    Q: There was 10 years between Episodes I and II. How much time will pass between Episodes II and III?
    A: Right now, it looks like around 2 to 3 years.

    The following is an interview with Rick McCallum in the Dutch Magazine SUM (Specifiek Universitair Magazine),
    vol. 7, no. 3. This is from around 1996 or 97.

    SUM:Do we get to meet the mother of Luke?

    RM: Yes, of course you do.

    SUM: And a young Luke?

    RM: No. You'll see him be born. But there the story ends and goes to part 4,5,6.


    So unless Padme stays pregnant for 2 to 3 years, what you're seeing is her tummy.
  2. Haydens_MineNotYours

    Haydens_MineNotYours Jedi Youngling

    Oct 20, 2002
    Okay, you people are forgetting this, IT TAKES EXACTLY ONE WEEK TO CONCEIVE A HUMAN CHILD.OR CHILDREN IF THEY ARE TWINS,TRIPLETS ETC.WHATEVER!!! (Sorry for yelling, it had to be done.)
  3. Rep

    Rep Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 5, 2002
    What is you definition of conceived? When the sperm gets in to the egg, thats conception. I don't think it takes a week...
  4. Nightowl

    Nightowl TFN Timetales Writer star 4 VIP

    Jul 8, 1998
    Once, er...introduced into the female body, sperm (the ones that aren't killed by the various internal defenses built in to weed out the weaker swimmers) last for roughly seven days. Also, it takes roughly seven days for the egg to make the long journey from the ovary to the womb, and it hangs around a few more days until that "time of the month" comes around. Conception itself (sperm meets egg) can happen at any time during those seven days, but the woman isn't considered "pregnant" until the embryo-to-be reaches the wall of the womb and hooks in. (That's how birth control pills work, btw -- it chemically renders the womb walls impossible for the egg to hook into.)

    (This has been a TFN medical moment. We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum topic.)
  5. Darth_Saytan

    Darth_Saytan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 11, 2002
    hey, maybe she was just really full after eating a whole lot of Naboo fruit and cheese, then went to get married, and was waiting to lie down and take a little nap?
    no? well, just a thought, :p
  6. jewlmc

    jewlmc Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 29, 1999
    Um..Haydens_Mine_not yours:

    First it DIDN'T have to be done...

    Secondly...ya know what? When the child is concieved...IT DON'T SHOW and it DOES NOT SHOW until MONTHS later.

    Sorry for my yelling but THAT had to be done.
  7. Darth_Howell_III

    Darth_Howell_III Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 12, 2002
    Darth_Howell_III here.

    In the Episode III Forum, I posted a thought that belatedly occured to me on this subject.

    The birth of Luke and Leia is probably the most pivotal, significant moment in the SW saga.

    In a film that proports to be in dire need of "bright spots," we can rest assured that George and Rick M will give us a fitting "Birth Scene" for the Guardians of the Galaxy in Ep III.

    Jeepers, if they "introduce" R2D2 in a ceremony where he gets commended in front of the Queen's entire crew, don't you think they'll introduce Luke and Leia with a little fanfare?

    To have the birth take place between movies, and have the opening crawl say "Padme has given birth to twin children"?!

    It would be like having ANH end with Leia's words "We did it!! hahaha!", and then having the opening crawl of ESB say "the rebels used the Death Star plans to destroy the Space Station in a thrilling battle."

    No way.

    It's too important to NOT happen in the next movie.

    Not pregnant, yet.
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