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Disappointed that the PT did not explain what a Sith is.

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by EmeraldBlade, Feb 12, 2011.

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  1. janstett

    janstett Jedi Master star 3

    May 29, 2004
    Socratic Method

    Really Anakin doesn't even need to be in the first movie at all, he's completely irrelevant to the plot. The only reason he is there is because his character needs to be established for the next two movies. But for the first movie and especially its plot, he's completely useless.

    In fact, you may be familiar with The Phantom Edit where they cut out or minimized Jar Jar Binks from Episode I and the movie is improved as a result. I'm suggesting the same can be done with Anakin -- completely remove the entire Tattooine excursion and cut out Anakin's parts, and the movie is essentially unharmed.

    The difference he makes to the plot of the first film -- NEVER EXISTED. None of the things you list make one iota of impact on the plot of the film.

    Seriously, the character can't even be argued to be one of the main characters and makes absolutely no difference in the plot. The character himself is confused and impotent, lost and powerless. A child along for the ride. Great storytelling!

    How would the plot of TPM have been different if they never met Anakin at all? Simple, it wouldn't have been different. The only thing Anakin does to impact the plot is an accident, blowing up the control ship, which the Naboobies would have done eventually anyway. What a compelling protagonist!

    The entire Tatooine sequence, let alone the completely self indulgent pod race, could have been just as effective to the arc of the saga if it were told via flashbacks or expository dialogue in Episode II. Therefore, it should be painfully clear that it has ZIP to do with the plot of Episode I. It doesn't need to be there because it didn't change the Ep. I plot at all. And as a bonus, eliminating the Tatooine trip from TPM would get rid of the poop jokes, Anakin as C-3PO's creator, yippee!, and midichlorians. Talk about win-win scenarios.

    It's like one of those completely irrelevant Family Guy segways that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the episode.

    That you seem unable to tell when a filmmaker is treating his audience with contempt and pooping down their throats and calling it ice cream is even sorrier. Thank you sir, may I have some more? Glug glug...

    Treating the audience with contempt and creative self indulgence are two of Michael Bay's four hallmarks. The other two being shallow, almost offensively stereotypical and racist characters; and mindless explosions.

    Three of those are also hallmarks of PT George Lucas. It's even arguable that all four are.


    Michael Bay likes to see explosions, hot girls, and fast cars tied together in some sequence for reasons that aren't really important.

    PT George Lucas likes to tell special effects using a story that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

    They have much more in common than you would like to admit.
  2. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    Are you sure? Because it would be funny if you contradicted yourself later.

    In gambling circles this is called "doubling down". So far, so good...

    Wow, now you're using the word "absolutely". I'm impressed! Of course, it's just a smoke screen...

    But I thought Anakin had ABSOLUTELY no impact on the plot! So much for that. You're also forgetting that Anakin's podrace was the only reason the characters got the parts they needed to fix their ship and get the Queen to Coruscant. FAIL.

    Not likely, since they were just firing unsuccessfully at the exterior and not attempting to fly inside the ship.

    But it wouldn't get rid of biologically inherited Force potential, which was part of the holy original trilogy.

    [face_laugh]That's not what a "segway" is.
  3. sith_rising

    sith_rising Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 7, 2004
    I think we were provided with just enough information: they wear black and have red lightsabers as opposed to the brown/tan/gray Jedi with their green/blue/purple lightsabers, they all betray each other, either immediately or over a long period, they exist in pairs of Master and Apprentice, at some point they ruled and were oppressive, they have had no real power for a thousand years, they are angry at the Jedi and want revenge against them, they cannot achieve "oneness" with the Force and seek only personal power and the ability to either extend their life, create life and cheat death, they see the Force as a tool to be used rather than a spiritual power to appease, and I think we can safely assume they were, at some point, a rogue or splinter sect of the Jedi Order.

    Of course, more backstory is always interesting, but the story is really about Anakin and Luke, rather than Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis. In that context, the history and dogma of the Sith isn't very important. We didn't even hear the word Sith in the OT but we still got the gist.
  4. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Well, if you were Palpatine, what would you do?

    Same with Luke in ANH. The droids could have bypassed him entirely on the way to Obi-Wan.

    "Power, unlimited power!" Good enough reason for me. The Opera scene gives enough information to get the picture. It's not like we go in depth about the Jedi's motivation to serve the Senate.

    No, he says he's going to be the most powerful Jedi ever.

    He said Vader would be more powerful than either him or Yoda. Again, future tense.

    Yoda called him "powerful", not "the most powerful". Darth Vader himself says in ANH he was still a learner when he last dueled with Obi-Wan.

    He definitely had the potential. In ROTS, he's equal or better than any Master as far as his fighting skills went, it's his maturity that was in question and eventually led to his downfall. If he stayed on track, he'd reach his potential in a few years tops.
  5. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001

    They want to blockade the planet and take it under control, not destroy it and kill everyone.

    Don't see any martial law right now (knocks on wood).

    Didn't bring the rest of NY or the country into shambles. Even the two world wars didn't affect continental US all that much (compared to Europe).

    Besides, Palpatine wasn't interested in destroying his own capitol or striking terror in his own citizens. Just like invasion of Naboo, it was a ruse.

    Other planets? And really, the worst thing about the Clone Wars is not the actual damage, but the fact that it was a false flag war and brought Palpatine into power.
  6. SambX

    SambX Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 14, 2011
    Let's completely cut out the time on the Death Star and pretend that they went directly to Yavin because Leia freed herself. How is the plot of AHN changed?
    Let's completely cut out the asterioid chase and pretend that they went directly to Bespin and Luke was trained faster. How is the plot of TESB changed?
    This list could go forever. If you don't like certain aspects, you tend to to think they might be unnecessary.
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