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Do you consider humans to be animals?

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by TheBoogieMan, Sep 8, 2006.


Do you consider humans to be animals?

Poll closed Mar 24, 2012.
  1. Yes, they are on the same level

  2. Yes, but humans are somehow seperate from the animal kingdom

  3. No, humans are not animals

  4. Other

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  1. neeldawg66

    neeldawg66 Jedi Master star 8

    Mar 21, 2002
    Yes, same level.
  2. Nktalloth

    Nktalloth Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 5, 2005
    Know what? Just to add another viewpoint, no. Humans are not animals.

    Humans, while they share some similarities with animals (require food, possess sentience, react to the environment, mark their territory, etc.) Humans are too different from animals to truely be among them.

    Humans practice many things not found in nature, such as racism, sexism, politics, medicine, music, agriculture, psychology, philosophy, religion, intolerance of other religions, and so on. None of these are found among animals, (though a few do grow their own food, humans do not do it by instinct) not to mention that humans are the only creatures on this planet who RELY on tools. Some animals use tools, but only Humans RELY on them. Also, animals join in a sort of equilibrium with their environment, whilst Humans are forced to alter it, or else be killed by the environment.
  3. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Not really. Humans are perfectly capable of functioning without tools and in many environments.
  4. Nktalloth

    Nktalloth Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 5, 2005
    I've never heard of any human surviving without tools, and I'm fairly certain that unless we manipulate our environments in places such as... oh... ALASKA we tend to spoil.
  5. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Humans don't survive without tools simply because it makes life much easier to use them, not because they are absolutely necessary.
  6. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    And therein lies the point. Humans create tools. Whether by neccessity or not, we create them. We create them to use and to make life easier, as you say. But we still create them. Do you see animals doing this? ;)

    Huamns are not animals. Physically, we may appear similar to them (monkeys, lol). But no way are we animals. Just look at society. Huh, some animal kingdom.

    Above all though, humans are in the image of God, not animals. But that's another debate, of course.

  7. JediNemesis

    JediNemesis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 27, 2003
    We're certainly not vegetable or mineral, so we must be animal :p

    Yes, we're biologically animal. We're sapient, but I've always thought of sapience as another trait that we evolved (because natural selection saw that the clever ones survived and the less clever didn't).

    So yeah, no innate difference from other animals. But I have no issue with anyone who thinks otherwise. It's impossible to prove either way in any case :)

  8. Nktalloth

    Nktalloth Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 5, 2005
    Ah, but humans do rely on tools to survive. They are the only reason a species such as ours could have survived this long. Think- we have no natural defenses, for starters. No sharp claws, no powerful senses, no wings, no fur (to speak of, anyways), no plating, we possess neither great speed nor great strength, and we aren't even somewhat unsettling, let alone terrifying. We rely on tools to help us gather/produce/hunt food, to help keep us warm or cool, to shelter ourselves from the powerful elements, to keep our own from dying, to defend ourselves from more gifted hunters, to aid in communication (our only natural asset apart from our minds), and to even warp the world into our own picture. Some animals use tools, yes. Chimps and such, for example. But humans are the only creatures who could be wiped out by removal of our tools.

    As for being made in God's image... If horses could speak and think in a sapient manner, they would think themselves to resemble God as well.
  9. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    As opposed to vegetable or mineral, yes. ;)
  10. Nktalloth

    Nktalloth Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 5, 2005
    Pfft. Humans are Plasma. Everyone knows that, silly.
  11. leia_naberrie

    leia_naberrie Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 10, 2002
    Yes, we are animals biologically. We are seperate because we have immortal souls.
  12. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001

    Yes. From primates to birds, there are innumerable examples of animals using tools.
  13. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Yes, but you almost never see animals deceiving and murdering each other for money. And that is the true mark of what is human and what is not.

    My neighbor's dog is the rare exception. That poor squirrel killed, just for those nuts. Just for those nuts . . .
  14. morrison85

    morrison85 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 13, 2005
    Biologically they are animals as a species, like primates , th cat and tiger are one of felidae..etc
  15. jedikitty19

    jedikitty19 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 23, 2006
    No, humans are not animals
  16. StarWarsFreak444

    StarWarsFreak444 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 28, 2005
    Yes, but humans are somehow seperate from the animal kingdom
  17. DK_Force85

    DK_Force85 Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2006
    No, humans are not animals.
  18. Rhodna

    Rhodna Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 28, 2006
    Most - but not all - of the people that I'm personally acquainted with behave mostly like animals, so I'd have to choose that, primarily, where on the same level. Strip away all the glamour, glitter, civilisation and you get a being as wild and uncontrolled as any animal.
  19. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
  20. Beowulf

    Beowulf Jedi Master star 5

    May 28, 1999
    We're animals, but with bigger and better tools than a chimpanzee's termite stick.
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