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Does anyone have Rouge Squdron 2

Discussion in 'Archive: Games' started by elliott_t, Jan 25, 2003.


Does anyone have Rouge Squdron 2

Poll closed Mar 22, 2012.
  1. I do.....

  2. yes

  3. no

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  1. Mace_Windo

    Mace_Windo Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2001
    I have it.
    like 5 platinums, the rest gold or silvers...
    (platinum medals are the medals you get when beating a level on ace mode. ;) )

  2. Jedi-Anakin-Solo

    Jedi-Anakin-Solo Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 26, 2001
    I have it! Awesome game! :D

    Yes, there are platniums, but I forgot how to get them... I think you put in a code to get bonus objectives or something...

  3. Jedi_Horn_888

    Jedi_Horn_888 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 4, 2002
    I read a review of RSII and it said it was out on the PS2, maybe they stuffed that up. I'll accept the fact that the graphics are lightsaber sharp but I think the PS2 could handle it. Look at some of the other PS2 titles out.

    Horn out
  4. Rabid_Balding_Ewok

    Rabid_Balding_Ewok Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2000
    >>>I'll accept the fact that the graphics are lightsaber sharp but I think the PS2 could handle it. Look at some of the other PS2 titles out.<<<

    Like what? :confused:

    "Rabid Balding Ewok, you make me sick.
    If there was an enemies list, you'd be on mine."
    [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh]

    :::*::(^^) :(^^) :::::::
    ::::::/::::^^:::::\ ::*::
    :::::/###-^^-##I :::::
    : *:.l##/(*)# (*)\\:::::
    :::/##(###.00#)#I ::::
    ::(___/#*#(XXX)/__) ::
    ::/000{{{{www}}}}\:: Ewoks Will Eat You!
  5. elliott_t

    elliott_t Jedi Youngling

    Jan 18, 2003
    I can't get past the level strike at the core :( I can get past Deathstar escape thou :) And about the PS2 well psh I don't think they could handle it as *GC* did.

    *game cube* P.S sorry for the spelling at the start.
  6. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    Like what?

    As a owner of a PS2 I think I have to stick up for it by here. Good graphic games on PS2:-

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

    Spider-Man: The Movie

    Medal of Honor Frontline

    The Getaway

    SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals

    The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

    Final Fantasy X

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

    And the best till last....

    Star Wars:Bounty Hunter
  7. wesjanson1138

    wesjanson1138 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 31, 2001
    No, but I have MASCARA MAN IV. ;)
  8. Rabid_Balding_Ewok

    Rabid_Balding_Ewok Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2000
    Umm.... odj, he was stating that the PS2 had games that were graphicly on par with Rogue Leader. And non of those games you listed come even close to being on par with Rogue Leaders graphics. Pay close attention to the shadows, lighting and textures. You won't find anything on the PS2 that comes even close.

    [image=] [image=]
    [image=] [image=]

    Now odj, when you can find a PS2 game with graphics like these rendered in real time, come back and we'll talk. ;)

    "Rabid Balding Ewok, you make me sick.
    If there was an enemies list, you'd be on mine."
    [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh]

    :::*::(^^) :(^^) :::::::
    ::::::/::::^^:::::\ ::*::
    :::::/###-^^-##I :::::
    : *:.l##/(*)# (*)\\:::::
    :::/##(###.00#)#I ::::
    ::(___/#*#(XXX)/__) ::
    ::/000{{{{www}}}}\:: Ewoks Will Eat You!
  9. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    Final Fantasy X
  10. Rabid_Balding_Ewok

    Rabid_Balding_Ewok Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2000
    [image=] [image=]
    Now how do you figure that this is on par with this.. :confused:

    [image=] [image=]

    Look at the textures on the buildings and the bump mapped snow. Now look at the FF screens you'll notice muddy textures and no bump mapping. See that ploom of smoke on the Hoth screen, if you fly through it the smoke actualy reacts and moves around. The PS2, technicly can't handle volumetric fogging so it can't have effects like that. Take a look at Tidus sword, the lighting has no effect on the ground. In Rogue Leader your lasers light up the enviroment. FFX isn't even in the same league as RL graphics, thats a simple fact.

    "Rabid Balding Ewok, you make me sick.
    If there was an enemies list, you'd be on mine."
    [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh] [face_devil] [face_laugh]

    :::*::(^^) :(^^) :::::::
    ::::::/::::^^:::::\ ::*::
    :::::/###-^^-##I :::::
    : *:.l##/(*)# (*)\\:::::
    :::/##(###.00#)#I ::::
    ::(___/#*#(XXX)/__) ::
    ::/000{{{{www}}}}\:: Ewoks Will Eat You!
  11. Chaotic_Jedi

    Chaotic_Jedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 20, 2002
    Do you got something against PS2 rabid that u cant except that it can make good looking games. If you want to talk about lighting effects play baldurs gate dark alliance and shoot some fire arrows around. The lighting effects that come of those are amazing and show what the PS2 is capable of.
  12. HotsForTahiri78

    HotsForTahiri78 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 2, 2002
    I usually dont agree with you RBE but you are correct this time. You will notice that all of PS2 "amazing graphics games" have very linear pre-rendered backrounds and shadowing effects? Forget it.
  13. Jedi_Horn_888

    Jedi_Horn_888 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 4, 2002
    Can we please halt this brewing argument about how well the PS2 can render graphics compared to the Gamecube? I've already seen eonugh of this is the "Which do you own" and so on threads. This thread is designed specifically to ask people whether they have RSII, not whether the GameCube is more powerful than the PS2 or vice versa.

    Bolt Lead out
  14. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    Oh by the way Game cube are probably going to stop making games for it in a couple of years. Simply because the Gamecube 2 is comming out.
  15. portman_is_so_fine

    portman_is_so_fine Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 28, 2002
    Yep, thats how it usually works when a newer console comes out odj. Way to keep us on our toes. [face_plain]
  16. Coligeon

    Coligeon Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 20, 2002
    Exactly Aragorn327! If it ever will come to PC I will go pick it up. Where is Sithman when you need him.
  17. elliott_t

    elliott_t Jedi Youngling

    Jan 18, 2003
    As odj_033188 (i hope that is right) said the PS2 does have good graphics, and the games come out sooner aswell. But it is more expensive seen as now the GC (GameCube) has come down in price bellow £100, because it used to be £129.99 !!!

    :) ;) B) :S

    Elliott_050392 ;)
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