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Durge Costume

Discussion in 'Costuming and Props' started by DarthFloyd, Feb 22, 2004.

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  1. DarthFloyd

    DarthFloyd Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2002
    I was wondering if anyone would like to help me out with ideas for a Durge costume...I am a big bigger in the chest than a Fett would warrant, and want to pull off a decent costume, so I figured durge would be a definte...i want something more normal, not of the cartoon variety, so I was thinking of looking at the toys and comics for ideas, but I am not very good at coming up with things to use for the various pieces...can anyone offer up some insight? Thanks in advance!
  2. DS615

    DS615 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 30, 2003
    The face mask looks like a paintball mask.

    I was thinking of doing this costume as well, but then I saw the cartoon.
  3. Mandalorian-Warriors

    Mandalorian-Warriors Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2003
    The Clone_Emperor is working on a Durge.

    The helmet looks fairly simple, however the armor placements look challenging.. try getting in contact with Clone_Emperor for more info. His durge helmet is awesome!
  4. Obi-Dawn Kenobi

    Obi-Dawn Kenobi Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 27, 2000
    "...but then I saw the cartoon." So, I'm taking it you didn't like the cartoon? :p

    Exciting to hear that The_Clone_Emperor is working on another costume. Should be great!
  5. DarthFloyd

    DarthFloyd Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2002
    The cartoon makes him look, kinda, i dunno...a little odd...i admit i didnt like the look they gave him in that. I would much rather my costume look more, you know what i mean...
  6. foxbatkllr

    foxbatkllr Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 27, 2001
    IMO, the cartoon version is 10 times better than the comic version. But I don't even like the character in the first place. He is way too overdesigned...and his mask is just ugly.
  7. Obi-Dawn Kenobi

    Obi-Dawn Kenobi Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 27, 2000
    Seems like Durge is one of those 'love him or hate him' kinda guys.

    I eagerly await to see someone finish this costume though. If done well, I think it would look really cool. :)
  8. Mandalorian-Warriors

    Mandalorian-Warriors Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2003
    IMO, I think Durge is really cool. If someone were like 6'9 & made up a costume of Durge, that would rock!

    But I just don't like the fact that Durge (here we go again) came up with the Mandalorians.. wasn't it Mandalore... of wait, how about Jaster Mereel.. wait, maybe it was Lucas? ;)
  9. Hawk-Bat

    Hawk-Bat Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 4, 2003
    If you want to see good cheap paintball mask go to the web site they have everything you need for a mast i would suggest a JT Specter its cheap and duriable.
  10. DanakinSkywalker

    DanakinSkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 25, 2003
    But I just don't like the fact that Durge (here we go again) came up with the Mandalorians.. wasn't it Mandalore... of wait, how about Jaster Mereel.. wait, maybe it was Lucas?

    Durge didn't start the Mandalorians. The only reason he has that mark on his chest is because the Mandalores burned it into him during their torture session. I believe he kept it to remind himself of his hatred of the Mandalorians.
  11. Boskone_Kenobi

    Boskone_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 15, 2002
    <<<<<<<<But I just don't like the fact that Durge (here we go again) came up with the Mandalorians.. wasn't it Mandalore... of wait, how about Jaster Mereel.. wait, maybe it was Lucas?

    Now that we know that Jango begat Boba, Jaster is now bona fide wishful rubbish. EU that was paved over by the Official Eddict of the Lucas.
  12. The_Clone_Emperor

    The_Clone_Emperor Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2002
    [color=006699]From my readings, reaction to the presence of Durge in the Star Wars Expanded Universe has been volatile. There are already several threads in the Jedi Council forum arguing the virtue of the character and his design.

    As to actually producing a believable fascimilie of such an exotic character, I am in favour of starting from scratch. Consider those who have already made Zam Wessel. There is no real "hardware" solution to this character. To make a great or even passable Zam, these industrious costumers sculpted and sewed almost every component to their suits and props. I am thinking Durge will take more than a year of dedicated work to complete.


  13. DanakinSkywalker

    DanakinSkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 25, 2003
    Now that we know that Jango begat Boba, Jaster is now bona fide wishful rubbish. EU that was paved over by the Official Eddict of the Lucas.

    Not true. Jaster was Jango's mentor. Check out the Open Seasons comics for more. Nothing in the EU has been 'paved over', you just have to interpret a few aspects slightly differently.
  14. krillindb

    krillindb Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 5, 2002
    While I agree with DAnakin, ther is one thing he didnt mention/didnt know. Jaster Mereel originally was Boba fett. If you read teh tales of the bounty hunters book, Boba Fett's tale tells of this. Jaster was a politician who had his own sense of justice. He believed a fellow politician was corrupt so he killed him. JAster was then Banished from his home planet. He found the Mandalorian armor and took on the name of Boba Fett and thus became the bounty hunter we know and love.
  15. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    Everyone forgets that nearly everything in Star Wars "depends largely on your point of view." Jaster Mereel was a convenient alias used by Boba for a brief while. It was never intended as his actual birth name.

    But, this thread isn't for discussing the pros and cons of the EU/canon debate. It's a costume forum.
  16. Mandalorian-Warriors

    Mandalorian-Warriors Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 8, 2003
    I have alot to say, but Scruff is right.. must stay on topic...

    The_Clone_Emperor, you did one hell of a job on that Durge bucket man! I first saw it over on TDH when you first showed it to the public & I was going nuts, looks great!
  17. Obi-Dawn Kenobi

    Obi-Dawn Kenobi Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 27, 2000
    Scruff is right, let's please not turn this thread into an EU/canon debate.

    The_Clone_Emperor, your progress on this project is as inspiring as I expected it to be. Thanks for sharing!

  18. DS615

    DS615 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 30, 2003
    "...but then I saw the cartoon." So, I'm taking it you didn't like the cartoon?

    I like the series just fine, but I didn't care for the "squirming muscle mass" alien thing that Durge turned out to be. That struck me as silly.

    The 'toon costume is fine for what it is, and for the style it was drawn for. I do prefer the comic version.

    I may still do this costume. My Wife is working on a Ventress costume, (using the Art of Ep.II book as reference) and it appears that Durge and Ventress are "partners" of some sort in the next batch of toons.
  19. DanakinSkywalker

    DanakinSkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 25, 2003
    Durge and Asajj couple costumes would rock. And I believe they are generals or commanders or half and half, either way they rank high in Dooku's command.
  20. Obi-Dawn Kenobi

    Obi-Dawn Kenobi Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 27, 2000
    Yeah, seeing a Durge with an Assaj would be a treat!
  21. The_Clone_Emperor

    The_Clone_Emperor Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2002
    [color=006699]This weekend past I learned fibre glassing techniques from The Dented Helmet forum member Judz Dwedd. For my first fibre glass project we produced a hard copy master from my Durge helmet sculpt.

    Wishes of ample ventilation to one and all.[/color]

  22. Hawk-Bat

    Hawk-Bat Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 4, 2003
    That is sweet! You have to show me how you do that. I just showed my mom and yes I was the crappy looking jedi at the halloween parade and my mom was the talking mundane person, asking about your latex mask lol.
  23. surlygirlie

    surlygirlie Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 1, 2000
    That looks just beautiful, TCE.
  24. iycis

    iycis Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 7, 2002
    Great looking work Clone Emperor. I also saw you post about it on TDH.

    Sorry to ruin your idea about Durge and Ventress being partners in the next toons, DS615, but they most definately are not. I got to see the next ten episodes at a cartoon network event two weeks ago. ;)
  25. DanakinSkywalker

    DanakinSkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 25, 2003
    They might not work together in the cartoon, but they definitely are working alongside each other in the comics.

    And Thomas, as always, excellent work. Don't forget what I said in my e-mail to you ;). Keep up the awesome work buddy.
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