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Art Archive Fandom Comics Star Wars Comic and Pin-up Art (Updated 24 May 07)

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by NarCranor, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Keith Kappel, better known as Nar online, and I am one of the co-founders of Fandom Comics. The site is at We do Star Wars Fan Comics, as well as some Fan Fic and D20 Material. Regardless of all that, this is a thread about the amazing artwork the talented individuals on the site produce! So without further ado, allow me to post an image from each of the talented fandom staff and contributors!


    This first offering is one of the pages from the Cracken's Crew fan comic that we do. It was drawn, inked and colored by Steve Criado, with letters and effects by Ryan "Tron" Brooks. The actual comic is written by me, but in a single page offering, that hardly matters. Steve's style is gritty and the coloring work has a painted quality to it.


    This second offering is one of the pages from Tales of the Chu'unthor, our newest edition to our Star Wars fan comic lineup! It was drawn, inked and colored by TJ Colligan, with letters and effects by Ryan "Tron" Brooks. Again, I write this comic. Tjs style is very dynamic and lends itself to the ebb and flow of lightsaber combat exceptionally well.


    This is a pin-up drawn by contributor Tim Sullivan of Jedi Master Avan Post, known for his skill in a Starfighter, colored by Steve Criado. This pinup was done for the Clone Wars D20 Fan Sourcebook. This image was designed to emulate some of the WW2 recruiting posters, which we felt was appropriate during the Clone Wars era.


    This pinup of Jedi Knights Durnar and T'bolton was created by Matt Skilton. His paintings are reknowned throughout the Star Wars fan community, though he is probably best known for his webcomic, NightWarrior. Check for more.


    This offering was one of a few from contributor Holly Laing and inked and colored by Ryan "Tron" Brooks. Again, this pinup was created for the Clone Wars D20 Fan Sourcebook. This young arkanian girl is named Hanna Ding, from the Yoda: Dark Rendezvous novel. Holly's lines are incredibly clean, and I am a huge fan of every piece she contributes, as well as the work she does on her own sci-fi web comic and her deviant art page at


    This final offering (this time!) is a pinup of Master Roan Shryne from the Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader novel as drawn, inked and colored by Sean Vrabel. I think the piece is amazing, and luckily, a few months after this piece was drawn, when an acutal image of Roan Shryne was revealed, we discovered we were not too far off from being right on the money, so the image stayed!

    Well, there you are. We do have another half a dozen contributors whose pin-ups I would love to reveal after December 1st. In the mean time, however, I would love to hear what people think of the stuff we already have! Also, don't be afraid to check our site for all the comic book pages and more pin-ups!

    Keith "Nar" Kappel
  2. Ive_Got_Two_Legs

    Ive_Got_Two_Legs Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jul 18, 2005
    I'm a big fan of your website, just found it a few months ago and quickly read through it.
  3. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Hello NarCranor, and let me say that you definitely have some professional-class artists working for you! All of this is beautiful--clean, skillfully composed and extremely well-done. One of the things I like so much is the variety of styles included in the selection: everything from straight comic-style to beautifully blended digital paintings. All of it is wonderful, but I think I like Jedi Master Avan Post best--it's a powerful image, with the ship beside him and the formation passing overhead--very much like the recruiting posters you mentioned.

    Please pass on my most sincere admiration and =D= to all the artists involved--it's a real treat to see their work!

  4. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    High praise from you both, indeed. Falcon, I will say your latest Kyp Durron offering is stunning. I'd love to convince you to do a pin-up or two for our Clone Wars D20 Fan Sourcebook. Needless to say, consider your comments on Avan Post relayed to artist Tim Sullivan. The guys (and girls) always love getting feedback, so I'm happy to see its been overwhelmingly positive thus far!

    On December 1st or so I will definately give this thread an update with pieces by a half a dozen other new artists, as well as some new pieces from our existing artists! And remember, you can always go right to our site to see TONS more pieces, there just wouldn't be much point in HAVING a site if I was going to post EVERYTHING in this thread :p

    Glad to join a forum filled with so much talent, and hope to add a few of the guys on this forum to the fandom comics team either as a staff member or contributor!
  5. Anstrona

    Anstrona Jedi Youngling

    May 14, 2005
    I'm really happy to see that you like what we've shown you so far. I'm anxious to see what what everyone thinks of some of our other work. I guess we'll find out December 1st :)
  6. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Alright, as promised here are a new round of pieces for our newly edited Jedi Order chapter!


    This first piece is of Master Arligan Zey, in charge of Republic Commando Units. I really like how this piece turned out. Drawn by TJ Colligan with some help from Ryan "Tron" Brooks


    This very dynamic Master Glynn-Beti piece was drawn by new contributor Greg Woronchak. I think he did an outstanding job bringing the diminiutive Bothan Jedi to life! Some might remember her from the Boba Fett novellas.


    New contributor Fritz Aldrin Casas produced our next detail-heavy image of Master Maks Leem, which was colored by Ryan "Anstrona" Brooks. Fritz crammed so many details into her face that I was worried it wouldnt look right when shrunk down! The worry was misplaced as the piece turned out amazing.


    New contributor Sandra Scholes created this image of Master Puroth, an Eirrauc Jedi. Master Puroth was only briefly mentioned in a Star Wars Insider article, but the Eirrauc species is an obscure reference to the old Star Wars Galaxy Magazine by Topps, which used to have WEG material in each issue. Ryan "Tron" Brooks colored and I believe also composited the background.


    Scout is one of the main characters from the Yoda: Dark Rendezvous novel. This particular piece was done by new contributor Duanne Barbour, who is probably best known for his own web comic at . I love the layout of this piece in particular.


    This piece was done by HAI, best known for his work at . Pax was a fairly minor character from Yoda: DR, same as Scout. HAI's manga style is strong (sorry, just punning) and I really enjoyed the piece when he sent it in.


    New contributor Noel Ward was probably the biggest surprise for us. His samples that he sent in were no where near as amazing as the two pieces he produced for us. This image of Lena Missa turned out incredible. His style is remniscient of a Neal Adams with his tight lines and lean limbs. Ryan "Tron" Brooks colored the piece.

    So there you have it! Few more samples of Fandom Comics artwork to feast your eyes on! As always there is more at our site, ! And of course, remember that the artwork does have a context it fits into beyond just being amazing on its own! Check it out inside our clone wars D20 sourcebook to read about all the diverse characters picutred and nearly 200 others!
  7. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    As with previous updates, this one is chock-full of fantastic artwork, Nar! I have to say that my favs of this batch are Master Maks Leem (Fritz Aldrin Casas) and Scout (Duane Barbour)--the first is awesome in the detailing, and the second is a beautiful character-study comp (and I'm a sucker for fiery redheads wielding lightsabers, lol! :p )--an excellent action pose for her, there! =D= All are gorgeous--you certainly have some talented folks working for you!

  8. TheOnlyJediPrincess

    TheOnlyJediPrincess Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 11, 2006
    I reallt like Scout and pax. I like how the city is in the background. Very cool!
  9. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Very glad that both of you enjoyed the updates! Wish we could get a little more love in this thread, as I feel the high quality work being done by all my contributors is top notch. Not sure how long itll be before I post another update, as I am sure you can imagine, artwork from my contributors can take some time to come in. However, the biggest producer of our original artwork is our Clone Wars D20 Fan Sourcebook, and we are continually posting up new chapters of it monthly, and each chapter usually requires 10-20 new images, so expect updates down the road, though they might take a few months.

    Also, as I have said before, be sure to check the website out, which has 26 some odd comic book pages, and plenty of pin-ups that I haven't posted here. (cant give away all the goods in the thread, that wouldn't leave you any reason to visit the site!)

    Keith "Nar" Kappel
  10. rocketscientist

    rocketscientist Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 16, 2005
    Very nice NarCranor - I love comics! Excellent work here! Lots of different styles, so I'm assuming each of your contributers has their own. I'm going to hop over to your site and check it out.

  11. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Thanks Roc, glad you enjoyed the selected pinups. Unfortunately, we are only running two fan comics currently, as I am sure you discovered. I can't write enough material to keep all those artists drawing a comic, and the artists don't all have the ability to make the longer term committment a comic would require. So, my contributors pretty much just create pinups, while my staff artists Steve Criado and TJ Colligan draw the two comics we are currently running; Tales of the Chu'unthor and Cracken's Crew: The Invisible War.
  12. BIEREN

    BIEREN Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 12, 2005
    your work is FANTASTIC.
  13. jamierichards

    jamierichards Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2002
    matt skilton and sandra scholes???!!!
    two immensely talented artists!!!
    well done to you all.
  14. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Glad you two enjoyed the selected pin-ups! Sandra and Matt both have additional pieces on the site, so be certain to check out our pin-up gallery at . It might be a little while before I update this thread with new work, as we dont currently have anything being produced by the pin-up team. However, that is about to change, as a bunch of emails are going to go out shortly to let the contributors pick which characters they want to do pin-ups of. More info when I have it.
  15. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Bit of small news here, but Noel has agreed to do another pinup, and so has one of the Forum's very own, Darth Mikus. Both will be working on two of the ten pieces we need completed for the Separatist chapter, though we are still contacting other contributors, both old and new. When all ten pieces are completed, expect another post in this thread, as well as a reposting of the Clone Wars D20 Fan Sourcebook CIS Chapter, complete with new art, characters, and sidebars! We will announce more as artists commit!
  16. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Well, our revised Sith chapter should be going up on feb 1st, and we will have a beautiful new piece by Tim Sullivan of an Anzati Dark Jedi (Nikkos Tyris), I will post the new piece up here after we post the new revised chapter!
  17. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Alright, as promised, here is the Nikkos Tyris image that was updated along with the Dark Side Chapter


    This was a piece pencilled by regular contributor Tim Sullivan, and digitally inked and colored by my partner in crime Ryan "Tron" Brooks. I think the piece turned out great, very menacing. The lightsaber is actually supposed to be blue, but because of the red background, red and blue make purple, so we have kind of a purple look going on there. Might have to get that tweaked a bit! Otherwise, I feel the image turned out supeurb, and was worth updating the chapter for.

    In other news, Darth Zemog has just turned in his piece for the CIS chapter, Separatist Commander Zian Finnis (from galactic battlegrounds). I wish I could post it here now (because its awesome), but we are going to sit on it until at least 7 of the 14 required new pieces of artwork are completed for the chapter (6 more to go, 1 is coming in tuesday!) So in a few months, when we do update that section, expect a nice update to this thread as well!

    Anyway, enjoy the current Nikkos Tyris image, and be sure to download the updated dark side sourcebook for other original art we have had done for the chapter! Tim, TJ and Holly have all contributed multiple pieces to it!

    Keith "Nar" Kappel
  18. Your_Worshipfulness

    Your_Worshipfulness Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 21, 2005
    Awesome foreshortening on Nikkos (pulled off successfully, might I add). The detail freak that I am loves the work on the robes. :D The expression on his face is just oozing malicious intent.

    Loving the variety from the very talented artist's you've posted up thus far. A stand out for me was 'Pax' by HAI as I really enjoyed the style (all the colours look great). 'Scout' definately caught my eye because of the dynamic action pose, and 'Master Maks Leem' is as detailed as you could possibly get. Fabulous work all around. =D=

    - Suz ^_~
  19. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    I'm with Your_Worship on the details and foreshortening here--absolutely fabulous! Great pose, and the steep perspective here, with his face so prominent, really adds to the "menace factor!" Gorgeous work--and I'm going to be looking for DarthZemog's contribution--I literally worship that guy's talent! :p Can't wait!

  20. hai

    hai Jedi Youngling

    Aug 28, 2006
    Thanks to everyone who liked the Pax drawing I did. I'm truly honored to be in such fine company and I can only wish I have more time to contribute in this project.

    The time and research Keith and the rest have invested in this is phenomenal!
  21. Vandalier

    Vandalier Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 15, 2006

    Awesomeness! On the bottom of the Nikkos image, I half-expected to see "?±?±?Å?I?í?é?¹?Â?¹?â?é" [Read: This ends here] and have him leap into a frey.

    Great stuff everyone's contributed. All the time you're investing looks to be well worth it. Please keep it up! ;)
  22. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    Whoa did I make a major mistake! In a freudian slip, I stated that Darth Zemog would be drawing our Ziann Finnis instead of Darth Mikus, also of this forum! You forum guys and your darth names! I am of course deeply sorry for the error! In any case, Mikus has posted his piece in his thread, so if you guys want to take a peek, its there, along with several other amazing pieces!
  23. NarCranor

    NarCranor Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 1, 2005
    So we have been very fortunate of late in that darth mikus wants to do an additional piece for us (his zian finnis was amazing!) and Rob Harbor wants to also do a second piece for us! We have also begun talking with Arf Maul, the guy doing the Star Wars Outsider online quaterly fanzine at so expect some collaborations there (ok, mostly they just want us for our deep art bullpen, but still, its an exciting project!) Anyway, ill report more when there is more to report!

    Keith "Nar" Kappel
  24. NLSkywalker

    NLSkywalker Jedi Youngling

    Jun 8, 2005
    That sounds really excited,I am looking forward to it!
    BTW,Scout is my favorite one!=D=
  25. arf_maul

    arf_maul Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 25, 2002
    Man, these pieces are nice. Hooray for fanart!!! =D=
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