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Fast and cheapest way to get from LA to Victorville and back.

Discussion in 'Archive: Mojave Desert, CA' started by Estranged, Jan 5, 2004.

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  1. Estranged

    Estranged Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 3, 2001
    Does anyone know a fast and cheap way to get from Los Angeles to Victorville and back? I dont know much about public transportation out there. I am going to be in LA and want to visit a friend in Victorville from a friday to sunday afternoon. Can anyone help me out? Is there a good, fast train or bus service?
  2. TheOmen

    TheOmen Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 16, 2003
  3. DanakinSkywalker

    DanakinSkywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 25, 2003
    My advice: have this friend visit you. It costs you nothing and you get to avoid these desolate towns.
  4. Stridarious

    Stridarious Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2002
    Estranged: "Does anyone know a fast and cheap way to get from Los Angeles to Victorville and back? I dont know much about public transportation out there. I am going to be in LA and want to visit a friend in Victorville from a friday to sunday afternoon. Can anyone help me out? Is there a good, fast train or bus service?"

    Well, I would suggest to look up information concerning the trains which run to Victorville. I happen not however to know a lot concerning the prices, yet, I believe during a certian day of the week it is inexpensive. Although I could be wrong. Give me a few days to research this for you, and I'll be more then happy to get back to you on this matter :D ;) .
  5. Estranged

    Estranged Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 3, 2001
    Well my friend cant visit me. She's afraid of the freeway and has never driven that far alone and other reasons. I looked up some of the trains and stuff and they just dont have times that are good for me for my specific weekend. Greyhound so far is the best option. Though I will continue to look for a rental car.

    Thankyou for all your help :)
  6. Stridarious

    Stridarious Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2002
    Never a problem :D , it in fact turns out that the trian does run through Victorville, yet does not have a station located within LA, according to my parents that is.. 8-}
  7. Estranged

    Estranged Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 3, 2001
    Well I went ahead and rented a car for a weekend. It totaled $99 bucks, not too shabby. I went and visited my friend and had a wonderfully sweet weekend with her. I'll be doing the same hopefully for Valentine's Day weekend :)
  8. Stridarious

    Stridarious Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2002
    Estranged: "Well I went ahead and rented a car for a weekend. It totaled $99 bucks, not too shabby. I went and visited my friend and had a wonderfully sweet weekend with her. I'll be doing the same hopefully for Valentine's Day weekend :) "

    [face_shocked] Oh! Next time your in these parts stop on into the forum and check to see if we are holding any meetings the day that you come to visit ;) . We'd love [face_love] to have you :D .
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