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Beyond - Legends Forever in the Force (After the Death of Mara Jade Skywalker) 09/13/03 Surprise!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by ZaraValinor, Aug 5, 2003.

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  1. Shloz

    Shloz Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 13, 2001
    Powerful posts, Zara. Powerful posts.

    'Nuff said. :_|
  2. Aimeer9

    Aimeer9 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 27, 2002
    The scene in the medcenter will really be a tearjerker.
  3. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002
    Poor Luke. Poor Han. Good post.




    Han isn't giving himself enough credit. Like Luke said, he's been here before. The med center scene is going to be heartwrenching.

    I hink few people give themselves enough credit.

    Powerful posts, Zara. Powerful posts.

    'Nuff said.

    Don't cry Shloz


    The scene in the medcenter will really be a tearjerker.

    It's definitely nt going to be happy go lucky.
  4. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002
  5. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    I think I'm going to need tissue for the medcenter scene.

    Well written as usual.
  6. Eowyn_Jade

    Eowyn_Jade Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 14, 2003
    aww...this is so sad! :( More soon?

  7. JadedSkycrawler

    JadedSkycrawler Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 10, 2002
    ...Not more soon? :( I finally found a fanfic I'm actually enjoying! lol. sad times, sad times :(
  8. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002
    Despite Ben's most valiant efforts the boy still needed rest to heal the remainder of his injuries, and had softly lulled himself to sleep. That's the way Luke and Han found him, sitting up, his head tilted towards the pillow, his face still covered in the angry red slashes from Vronian beaks.

    With exaggerated care, Luke walked over to Ben's bunk and sunk down on the side. A finger came to trace each of his son's wounds. "You know I prepared myself in advance for this. I know the risks, I battled them enough times myself. Mara and I knew our son would have to be strong, perhaps stronger then us all. Dangerous situations are our everyday life, Han." Luke
    brushed a hand through his son's long ruddy brown hair. "But I always hoped that when the time came for Ben to have to face this, he would have been older. More hardened by age."

    "He knew what he was facing, Luke," Han said. "He knows the dangers as well as you do. He's young, but he's not naive. You and Mara have done well with him."

    "And now it is just Father and Son," Luke murmured. "Does it always come down to that."

    "You two aren't enemies," Han pointed out.

    Luke nodded. "But for how long Han?"

    "Don't even say that," Han snapped quietly. "Not about him. Not about you."

    There was nothing to say to that. He had buried so many of his fears for his son, so many things that his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru must have shared in when they had watched after him. Since Ben was born, he had suddenly understood Owen Lars so much better. Sometimes it was easier to be gruff and unyielding when the fate of someone you love so dearly hung in the balance. Luke had found him occasionally displaying that same sort of gruff exterior to his son, much to Mara?s annoyance. There had been more then one instance where she had knocked some sense into him, literally.

    Luke felt the familiar tightness return around his chest as he remembered that Mara was no longer around to bring him to his senses. ?I can?t do this alone,? he whispered, thinking of the insurmountable task ahead of him. Bringing back the Jedi seemed like child?s play next to it.

    A warm hand clamped on his shoulder reassuringly. ?You won?t be alone, Luke,? Han told him with conviction. ?Leia and I are here for you.?

    ?Thank you, Han,? Luke said, turning momentarily from his son to show the appreciation to his old friend.

    ?Nooo!? a shout suddenly ripped through the Force, although it was verbally released. The backlash though was fully in the Force causing Luke and Han to be blasted away from Ben?s bunk only to thunk painfully against the nearest wall.

    The dim light in the room suddenly brightened and Luke tossed his eyes to his son lying restlessly on the bed. His entire body glowing vibrantly. ?Oh no,? Luke breathed before using the Force to cut through Ben?s subconscious barrier, reaching out towards his son and grabbing his hand.

    ?Luke,? Han called unable to move through the Force bubble that was encircling Ben Skywalker. "What?s going on??

    ?We?re losing him, the Force is drawing him in,? Luke yelled back. Closing his eyes, he called on the Force, bringing tendrils of it to wrap around the wavering presence of his son.

    Han in his most stubborn repeatedly beat against the barrier. ?Why??

    Luke didn?t have the time to explain to Han. Didn?t have time to explain the extraordinary gift his son possessed, that was also a curse. Normally, Ben would keep a tight reign on his touch with the Force, but being ill he did not have the same connection and he was falling fast. The same thing had nearly happened on Vrona, but Luke had stopped it then too.

    When Han stumbled forward, a clear sign that the barrier had been withdrawn back into Ben, Luke let his mind connect lightly to his son?s so as to keep a tight reign of his own. He didn?t want another occurrence like this and should have thought of it sooner. Instead he had taken a trip to the local pub.

    Catching his footing, Han nearly missed trampling over Luke. ?What was that all about, ki
  9. JainaDurron

    JainaDurron Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    *chin trembles* Oh that was so sad :_|. Poor Ben! Poor Luke!

    More please...:D

  10. Aimeer9

    Aimeer9 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 27, 2002
  11. JediMasterKobe

    JediMasterKobe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2003
    I second those emotions...

    :( :_|
  12. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    *Adds more tears to the flood*

    The grieving process has begun.
  13. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002

    *chin trembles* Oh that was so sad . Poor Ben! Poor Luke!

    More please...:D


    Hands out tissues.


    And another


    I second those emotions...

    And another. oh, boy.


    *Adds more tears to the flood*

    The grieving process has begun.

    Indded it does. And it might take some time to be complete.
  14. joy_noel

    joy_noel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 21, 2002
    Pass the tissues this way. :_|
  15. ZaraValinor

    ZaraValinor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 31, 2002

    Pass the tissues this way.

    Here you go.
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