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Freedom to Love (What if Obi-Wan was the same age as Amidala in TPM)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by Marie D Padawannabe, Feb 21, 2000.

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  1. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
    Yes! Post it soon! :)

    KADI-WAN_KENOBI Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 9, 2000
  3. Marie D Padawannabe

    Marie D Padawannabe Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 12, 2000

    I WILL POST!!!

    TONIGHT!!! ;)

  4. val solo

    val solo Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2000
    I just found this and think it's great! Your characterization of Obi-Wan is super! Looking forward to another post soon.:)
  5. Marie D Padawannabe

    Marie D Padawannabe Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 12, 2000

    Okay, finally able to post!

    Shielding as best he could, Obi-Wan padded back inside the room he was sharing with Qui-Gon. A destinctive snort from the sleeping form of said Master stopped the Padawan in his tracks. //Sith!// Holding his breath, Obi-Wan dared to move in closer. The ship was deathly silent, the only sounds around him being the snores of his Master. //Snores are good...waking him up is not.//

    He pondered just sleeping in his tunics, but *nothing* would tip off his Master more than that. Besides, the tunics were not meant to be doubled as sleepwear! Thankful that he had placed his sleep pants and light tunic on the pallet, he quickly changed and slipped beneath the blankets. //Thank the force!// It was only then that he allowed himself to think of her...ofé.

    Whatever she wanted to be called, she was beautiful. And funny, and smart. //Okay, quit whilst your ahead.// Against his better judgement, he searched the ship for her presence. It took only a moment, and he found that she was lying in bed the same as he. Trying to sleep, but..//She's thinking about me?!// His heart skipped a beat or two, and he felt the hold around his shields slip for the briefest of moments.

    It was all Qui-Gon needed. "Padawan, I certainly hope you aren't spying on that young woman?"

    Obi-Wan, startled at the resounding voice of his Master, silently cursed himself out. "Uh, no, Master." Truth was, he *had* been spying on her, to a certain extent. He felt Qui-Gon's gaze on him and opened one eye. "Actually..."

    Qui-Gon sighed in the heavy night around them. "Using the Force to your advantage in situations like these are not Jedi behavior, Padawan," He intoned, sensing his students inner struggle. "Would you approve of someone scampering through your inner most thoughts without permission?"

    //No, but that never stops you, Master.// Obi-Wan eyes widened when he realized what he had just let slip. Oh, he was *so* dead. "Um, I mean, no. No, Master, I would not."

    Narrowing his eyes, Qui-Gon shook his head. "I am your Master, Obi-Wan; It's my inherent right to pilfer through your thoughts." He commented, lightly. Truth was, he hadn't resorted to that...yet. Obi-Wan was so comfortable inside their training bond, that he often broadcasted his thoughts unconsciously. "You all but spoke her name aloud when you entered the room, Padawan. I think that every Jedi within 100 miles heard your thoughts."

    //Why me?// Blushing to the tips of his ears, Obi-Wan shook his head. "I didn't mean to intrude..on her thoughts," He began, thinking of how nice it felt to have someone like her thinking about *him*. "I just...she's so scared, Master. She hides it very well, but I felt it." He searched his Master's expression for understanding.

    The speech he's prepared to give his apprentice took a reluctant step back as he saw the concern in the boy's eyes. For those few moments that Obi-Wan had spent with the Queen this evening, she had forgotten that fear. Oh, he knew very well where Obi-Wan had dissapeared to..despite his efforts to shield it. His instincts were screaming at him to follow the code and restrict his Padawan from interacting with the young Royal.

    The Force was telling him to let go. To allow the two to share from each other the best that they had to offer. In turn, his Padawan would learn about true leadership, and the Queen would learn to better control her fears. Besides, he was not about to spend countless days with *two* sullen teenagers. "Be her friend, Obi-Wan." He instructed. Instantly, he felt the boys mood shift.


    "Yes, Padawan?"

    "I...I'm scared too. A bit."

    Qui-Gon reached out to Obi-Wan's mind, sending him the love and safety he needed to feel. "You would not be human if you were not, Obi-Wan. Take back the power the fear has over you."

    It was silly really; He felt all of seven years old, wimpering to his créche Master. "Yes, Master. We should get some rest...I feel Tatooine growing closer."

    "Indeed, we will be arriving soon. Sleep now, my Padawan. Morning wil
  6. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
    Finally! Excellent! I'm loving this, it's such a great story. :)
    (And you better post soon! You promised!)
  7. Valiowk

    Valiowk Chosen One star 6

    Apr 23, 2000
    Thanks, it's really nice :)
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  8. Kelly Kenobi

    Kelly Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 23, 2000
    Wonderful... simply wonderful.
  9. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
    :) More and UP!
  10. Kelly Kenobi

    Kelly Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 23, 2000
    Darn I was hoping for more story!
  11. Marie D Padawannabe

    Marie D Padawannabe Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 12, 2000

    AH! My apologies once again! Anyone object if I take what *really* happened in TPM and twist the ever-living hell out of them? (Not that I haven't already, but y'know!)


    A fancy name for a relatively forgettable place, Obi-Wan mused. They had landed on the outskirts of town, as to not attract any unwanted attention to themselves. Hmm, sand and...well, sand; He could hardly wait to see what they considered *town* around here. "Master, are you sure that this is a good idea?" He motioned to the clothes he was wearing.

    "Yes, Padawan. Stop fidgeting."

    Clad in dark brown leggings, and a lightweight, white tunic, Obi-Wan looked more like a farmer than a Jedi. //The farmer I almost was, had it not been for Qui-Gon.// He had to admit, wearing these clothes made him feel some lingering self-doubt. Having only been a Padawan for a standard year, those old insecurities were always biting at his heels.

    It helped that Qui-Gon had also changed his attire somewhat. Pulling a long, corsely-woven poncho over his Jedi wares, he was...barely camoflauged. They were now ready to see what they could do about the replacement engine. Halfway down the ramp, they were accosted by Captain Panaka and a handmaiden.

    At least, Obi-Wan *thought* it was a handmaiden; She looked an awful lot like-

    "The Queen commands you take her handmaiden, Padmé. She's curious about the city." The Captain said, squinting in the hot, fiery sunlight.

    //Padmé!// Shielding himself as well he could, he fought back the irresistable urge to smile at her. Dressed plainly, as to fit in, she was still stunning.

    Qui-Gon took to her slightly less warmly. "There will be no more commands from Her Royal Highness today, Captain," He paused, looking at Padmé. "I don't like this, stay close to me."

    //Or me..whichever.//

    //I heard that, Padawan. What applies to the Queen also applies to her handmaiden.//

    //Yes, Master.//

    The journey into the city was long, and made doubly so by the sun and sand. Obi-Wan, used to any of the foul conditions he found himself in, was faring much better than Padmé. Out of courtesy, he had slowed down and walked silently by her side. It occured to him then, why she had told him to call her Padmé; It was her way of being a regular person. He coldn't help but feel honored that she had shared her secret with him.

    Finally, as dwellings and life came into view, he felt the tell-tale excitement that travelling into new worlds always brought. How did the people here live? On this planet controlled by Hutts, were the people allowed simple freedoms? Were they enslaved? Sadly, he knew that they would not be here long enough to find out.

    "We will try one of the smaller shops." Qui-Gon said, breaking the silence. He led them towards a hovel, where they were met by a Toydarian. Obi-Wan recognised the odd flying creature from his Planetary Species class; They were strong-willed and not swayed by the Force. //Great.//

    "Stay out of trouble, Padawan." Qui-Gon instructed, before leaving the shop with the flying junk dealer.

    Obi-Wan smiled weakly at Padmé. "Interesting place, huh?"

    She returned the smile. "Have you been many places, Obi-Wan?"

    //Oh, I love the way she says my name!// "Too many to remember, actually. Some that are beautiful and peacefull, like Naboo. Others that..leave a lot to be desired."

    She nodded, taking a seat on a small metal stool. "I still have much to learn about the Galaxy, it seems. My adventures have only taken me to Coruscant and Alderaan."

    He had to smile at that, Alderaan was one of his favorites. Before he could reply, they were interupted by a small boy, carrying with him what appeared to be a droid. of one, anyway. He approached them cautiously. "Hi, can I help you?"

    Padmé looked to Obi-Wan, not knowing how to reply. Did the boy work here? She stood up, smiling warmly at the boy. "Actually, I think your...boss? He's helping find what he needs." She spoke the lie so smoothly, that he had to bite back a laugh.

    "Watto, you mean?" Asked the boy
  12. Anakin's Angel

    Anakin's Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 3, 2000
  13. Latara

    Latara Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 21, 2000
    Woo-hoo, great post! MORE please!
  14. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
  15. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
    I said MORE!
  16. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
    2 months! Where are you? MORE PLEASE!!
  17. PrincessV

    PrincessV Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 20, 2000
  18. Valiowk

    Valiowk Chosen One star 6

    Apr 23, 2000

    I just found this thread after ages and now I feel really bad because I promised that I would come back and read it...

    But don't worry, it's on my list now :)
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
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