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George Lucas' new live -action TV-series?

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by nett40, Jul 2, 2009.

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  1. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    I have been thinking about George Lucas' next big adventure in the Star Wars universe...

    It's supposed to take place in the period between Episodes III and IV, which holds a lot of possibilities for all the good things we love about Star Wars. Epic battles, heroic deeds and adventure. And after I have seen Star Wars - Clone Wars, I believe that none of the mistakes made in the Prequel-trilogy will be repeated.

    I think the new Star Wars live-action TV series 1st Season should be an edited re-released version of all the 3 movies of the Prequel-Trilogy. The 3 movies should be turned into approx. 20 episodes of 30 minutes each. George Lucas would have to add quite a few more scenes, more in-depth portrayals of the other Jedi and lots of long battle-scenes.

    As I see it, the story-arc can easily take this. There are plenty of untold stories in Revenge of the Sith alone. How does the Alliance begin? A better description of some of the other Jedis last battles, Aayla Secura, Plo Kloon and others. But also what becomes of Asokha and Rex? A few episodes with a younger Anakin and Obi Wan in the decade between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, would also be enjoyable. What about an episode with Sifo Diyas' mission to Kamino, and how Darth Sidious had him killed!

    Season 2 and onwarts should be about Darth Vader and his fight against the few surviving Jedi, the emerging Rebel Alliance and the Seperatist remnants last strongholds. By doing this George Lucas would give SW-fans a fantastic new TV-series with the evil super villain DARTH VADER. This would allow us to view new awsome battles and adventures each week, as the evil Empire struggles against heroic freedom fighters, Hutt crime lords and Jedi survivors.

    A re-release on DVD of the original trilogy in an un-edited version (digitalized and re-polished of course). With the original movie posters from 1977, 1980 and 1983, as covers. The re-release should include both the original movie-version, as well as the director's cut version. "STAR WARS - Episode IV - A New Hope" should simply be called STAR WARS as it was named in 1977. Episode V should simply be The Empire Strikes Back in a yellow Star Wars "box" (like it was originally) and Episode VI should also just be Return Of The Jedi, also in the yellow Star Wars "box" and with no episode designation.

    George Lucas could then use the episode designation for his live-action TV-series instead, just emagine...

    "Order 66"

    Obi Wan Kenobi has killed General Grievous on Utapau and the end of the Clone Wars are near. But the fate of the Galaxy hangs in the balance, as the evil plans of the Sith begin to unfold on Coruscant...

    George Lucas has proven before that he is not afraid to change his work and improve it, where improvements are needed. I am sure that this would give him an opportunity to turn the Prequel-trilogy into that what it was intended to be from the start, a great SAGA about Anakin's fall to the Dark Side and the rise of the evil Empire...

    Guys, as much as I appreciate the well-thought-out, considerate argument going on here, for most of the last few pages, it's become a standard EU/Canon argument.

    I'm going to lock this, and any actual discussion *about the LAS* can be done in the official thread. Thanks, G_M.
  2. Darth_Morder

    Darth_Morder Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 2, 2004
    No offense, but how old are you? I think this thread proves what I was talking about in my post on the "No Jedi on the LAS" thread.

    I wonder if everything you talked about is what you wish the LAS to be about or if you are speculating what it'll be about. Although we know very little about the stories that will be part of the LAS, we know what we won't get from it and basically, everything you say it'd be a good idea is everything that won't happen.

    What's the point of that?...really.


    and what's the point of that? do you really want another edition of star wars?


    Of course, and the reason he spent millions of dollars and time in making the prequels the way he didn't want them to be was because he was pulling a joke on us, the fans, right?

    I'm sorry man, but with all due respect all you're saying is complete nonsense.
  3. Laserhead

    Laserhead Jedi Youngling

    Jul 2, 2009
    nonsense indeed.
  4. MvG-88

    MvG-88 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 25, 2008


    People have to accept this sooner or later. It's not our franchise.

    I see what you are trying to get at with your post, some kind of huge fan service project to "make up" for the prequels "failing". But what you want it to be is unrealistic and probably sounds better to you than it actually is. I'm sorry I have to agree with the above posters, it sounds like a lot of nonsense.
  5. Laserhead

    Laserhead Jedi Youngling

    Jul 2, 2009
    tbh, he sounds like a prequel lover afraid to be flamed.
  6. Drewton

    Drewton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 8, 2009
    Uh...isn't it already about this?
  7. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    nett40 posted:

    A re-release on DVD of the original trilogy in an un-edited version (digitalized and re-polished of course). With the original movie posters from 1977, 1980 and 1983, as covers. The re-release should include both the original movie-version, as well as the director's cut version. "STAR WARS - Episode IV - A New Hope" should simply be called STAR WARS as it was named in 1977. Episode V should simply be The Empire Strikes Back in a yellow Star Wars "box" (like it was originally) and Episode VI should also just be Return Of The Jedi, also in the yellow Star Wars "box" and with no episode designation.

    darth_morder posted:
    and what's the point of that? do you really want another edition of star wars?

    I would not like a NEW EDITION, but the original release of Star Wars the way it was prior to 1999, but with all the photographic repairs and digitalized.

    I can see that most think it's written in solid stone, what the live-action show will be about. But I'm not that sure, remember, that in the time between the last of the 3 movies in the old trilogy and the remade version in 1999 - There were numerous articles and rumours of George Lucas making 9 movies in all.

    The success or failure of Star Wars the Clone Wars animation TV-series will have a strong influence on what direction the next project will take...

    My whole idea is that turning the Prequel into the 1st Season of a TV-series, he could turn Star Wars into something like Star Trek or Serenity. Correcting some errors along the way.

  8. Gry Sarth

    Gry Sarth Ex 2x Banhammer Wielding Besalisk Mod star 5

    Jun 24, 1999
    :eek::eek: And just WHY would anybody want THAT?
  9. Laserhead

    Laserhead Jedi Youngling

    Jul 2, 2009
    my thoughts exactly.

    Even though there were plans by George for a saga consisting of 9 to 12 episodes, plans have changed. Star Wars always suffered mutations, and I don't see any more movies coming. If they do, as much as I love George, I hope he doesn't directs them.

    Also, I thought the release of the unaltered but remastered original trilogy was going to happen. I haven't heard anything about it in a while though, so I have no idea what happened with that. But still, the whole poster and yellow box thingy is unnecessary. In my opinion though, the Special Edition is the best... most of the tweaking was reasonable and added a lot to the movie. Everything that came after it was just raping the movie over and over again.
  10. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    I'm not advocating new MOVIES, I'm simply saying that a LIVE-action TV-series has to have the ingredients that made STAR WAR huge, in the first place. If there is nothing from the known STAR WARS universe in it, but bounty hunters, he would be better of making a TV-series about Flash Gordon instead, as he actually intended to begin with.

    I believe a remastered, digitalized version of the Old Trilogy, exactly as they were, is truly needed. I had my old originals transfered from VHS to DVD and they are in need of a serious makeover.

  11. Laserhead

    Laserhead Jedi Youngling

    Jul 2, 2009
    And what are those ingredients you are talking about?
  12. Drewton

    Drewton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 8, 2009
    That would just be terrible.

    Star Trek has only just moved from TV to film this year and it was epic. All the "movies" that came before it were more like elongated TV series episodes.

    Going from epic films to lower-budget TV series is completely the wrong direction for Star Wars, IMO. It almost seems like Star Wars has switched places with Star Trek.
  13. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    A space opera with epic battles between good and evil and hazardous adventures by our heroes. More or less, a modern fairytale with wizards and knights, like Lord of the Rings, but in space.

    After all, since the series is going to take place between Episode III and IV, it would be nuts to leave out such figures as Vader, Tarkin, Boba Fett and the Emperor from the series. A young Han Solo could also be in it, why not?

    Concerning big movies being the way forward, for Star Trek. I doubt it very much, Star Trek is big because of the series not the movies (that franchise was never really about the movies).

    Furthermore, George Lucas' (GL) reason for taking on the TV-media, is that he want to dig deeper into the various characters, so that we can see more of them. TV-series are ideal for just that. TV, Internet and phones are melting together at a fantastic rate. I believe GL want's to be part of that development.
  14. Dark_Lord_THX_1138

    Dark_Lord_THX_1138 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 17, 2009
    Your ideas to make the prequels into mini episodes will never, ever happen. George has had enough of that time period and won't want to go back and make complete re-makes of films that already stressed him out to the bone before. Why would he spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the prequels and then go back and effectively re-make them?
  15. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    Why is he then making a Season 2 of the Star Wars Clone Wars animation TV-series, if he is so tired of that time period???

    And why did he go back after 25 years to remake parts of the Old Trilogy, which he also spend lots of millions on???
  16. Dark_Lord_THX_1138

    Dark_Lord_THX_1138 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 17, 2009
    You are talking about literally "Re Making" the prequel trilogy
  17. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    No, no I'm simply talking about re-editing the existing movies and expanding it with a few other Jedis adventures, like he has done in the animated Clone Wars series. There are 3 movies, if an episode last approx. 30 min. then you can turn these approx. 6 hours into 12 episodes. You then only need 8 episodes to have a full Season. He could make a couple of Episodes about a young jedi in training, Anakin, taking place between "Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones". An episode about Sifo Dias and how he was killed. Episodes with Aayla Secura, Plo Kloon and others incl lots of battles...
  18. Drewton

    Drewton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 8, 2009
    It is now, and it's gotten a lot better because of it.
  19. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    So you don't think there should be a Live-action Star Wars TV-show?
  20. Drewton

    Drewton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 8, 2009
    I do, I just don't want TV to be the only future of Star Wars as George Lucas says it is, or changing the films into TV episodes.

    Back to the original topic, whether I want anything you mentioned in your first post to happen or not, I can say with 99.9% certainty that most if not all of those things are not going to be what the LAS will be like.
  21. Game3525

    Game3525 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2008
    No offense, but this is a terrible idea. Why would Lucas just four years removed from ROTS, go back and basically remake them. I for one hope GL stays with the "Dark times" era, he is already "remaking" the Clone Wars, I don't see why he would redo the PT.
  22. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    I DIDN'T SAY REMAKE THE PT, I said turn the 3 movies into 12 Episodes, He should use the existing photage and some of that, which didn't make into the final release. He should of course add new scenes and 30 min. episodes with other Jedi adventures and some of the heroes of the LAS could be introduced here.

    I also hope that GL stays with the "Dark Times" era, it's hard not to, when it's supposed to take place between episodes III and IV. What I'm saying is that it would help the timeline of TCW and the PT, if he began the LAS with a beefed up version of the PT.

    In TCW he's not remaking the Clone Wars, he is MAKING the Clone Wars, only the beginning and the end was portrayed in the movies. My nightmare of LAS would be a bounty hunter/smuggler show, it's after all still called STAR WARS and not STAR COPS or STAR CRIME!!!
  23. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    What do you think it will or should be about?
  24. novajoe23

    novajoe23 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 6, 2006
    He won't. He's already told us what the time period will be, and he's hinted at who some of the characters will be. I'm not sure if the original post was intended as a wish for what he or she wanted Lucas to do, or if it was actually a prediction.

    If it's just a wish or idea, I'd have to respectfully disagree with it, since Star Wars is known for its continuity, and even with the Clone Wars TV series, a way to fit it into the canon will be found and there won't be a "reboot" of anything. This applies to the movies as well. What's done is done.

    If the original post was really a prediction of what the LAS will be, well, then, there's simply NO chance of this happening, so essentially this entire thread is irrelevant. In fact, usually threads like this get locked pretty quickly.
  25. nett40

    nett40 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 1, 2009
    I know, I wrote a long description of my wishes and ideas. But DID you read it your self, or are you just making assumptions based on what others mean of those ideas?

    Concerning "whats done is done" 1999 re-release of the OT!!! That was not carved into stone, do you really think this is?
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