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Senate Gun Control

Discussion in 'Community' started by Ghost, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    On a lighter note, sort of.

    A friend was talking about a thread on a fitness forum demonstrating how to conceal carry while running.

    One of the responses she got was, if you can shoot straight while running, you aren't running hard enough.

    Totally true.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Jedi_Kenobi32

    Jedi_Kenobi32 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 24, 2005
    Yeah. People shoot up schools for many reasons. They were bullied, they felt wronged, they were bored, (Anyone remember Brenda Spencer?), they were terrorists, or they were suffering from something like psychosis.

    Second, I completely agree that the article is poorly written. Also anti-social personality disorder/sociopathy is a mental disorder. While people with anti-social personalities do know right from wrong their condition still falls in the category of mental health disorders. It sickens me when these so-called experts claim or imply that anti-social personality disorder is not a mental health issue.

    So yeah the article is crap. It's the same old nonsense. "Most shooters were sociopaths, very few were actually psychotic, blah, blah, blah." Yeah most of us already know this. We also know that the vast majority of mentally ill people don't commit violent crimes and that most mentally ill criminals were arrested for committing minor/non-violent crimes. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't improve the mental health system though. Why? Because maybe the mentally ill people who were imprisoned wouldn't have even been arrested if they had easier and better access to proper mental healthcare.

    As everyone here should know shootings happen for many different reasons. To pin it on one reason (mental illness, violent media, politics, religion, whatever) and only one reason is downright stupid.

    Finally, I just love how the Washington Post writes about the opinion of one researcher and takes is as gospel. Don't you just love it when the media does that? Ugh.
  3. Ender Sai

    Ender Sai Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2001
    Well the main reason I think shootings happen is the widespread proliferation of handguns, and religion in America. Personally.
  4. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    You're wrong, Ender. Americans would find ways to commit mass shootings without handguns.
    Jedi Ben, TX-20, Darth_Voider and 5 others like this.
  5. Shira A'dola

    Shira A'dola Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 4, 2012
    There was a story on the news the other night about some 8-year-old kid who had brought a fully loaded gun to school. He hadn't intended to use it. He simply wanted to show his friends. Because he'd found it under the ******* bed. Those parents need some serious repercussions.
  6. V-2

    V-2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2012
    The only way to fix bad parents with guns under the bed is to have more good parents with guns under the bed.
  7. Darth Basin

    Darth Basin Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 15, 2015
    How about fewer parents overall?
    TheAvengerButton likes this.
  8. Mortimer Snerd

    Mortimer Snerd Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 27, 2012
    With more guns that just might happen.
    Rew, TheAvengerButton, TX-20 and 4 others like this.
  9. TheAvengerButton

    TheAvengerButton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2011
    I really enjoyed the last few posts.

    A+ biting wit and social commentary, JCC!
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  10. angrysithHerder

    angrysithHerder Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 17, 2016
    God made man and Sam Colt made them equal

    Not sure what movie that's from but I'm pretty sure it was a western. This is a debate that has happened for a long time. People in power made a whole lot of fuss about crossbows back in the day. Firearms are the great equalizer. The world is not a perfect place and humanity is not a perfect race. Guns don't cause crimes. Criminals cause crimes. Look at the statistics of people with concealed carry permits. They are the most law abiding citizens in America. Laws do not stop criminals. Laws by definition only make criminals. And if in America guns were outlawed tomorrow you would only in fact make 100+ million law abiding citizens criminals. Where is the justice in that?

    anakinfansince1983 why is it just Americans that commit mass shootings? What happened in France? I'm pretty sure guns are banned for the common man there, even the police couldn't protect themselves from ak-47's. But maybe if all those people who died had any means to protect themselves than I bet the death toll wouldn't be so high

    Ender Sai
    What are you talking about? American religion is the cause of shootings in America? I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't condone any violence. His message is one of compassion and love. There are no sword verses in the bible. The sword versus in the Quran if you aren't aware is an open ended command to commit violence. It can be summed up by this "convert the world or kill it". But I guess Islam is a religion of peace and American Christianity is the true devil. Smh
  11. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Some of us do not want the United States to resemble the set of a Clint Eastwood movie with frontier justice as the rule of law.

    And look up the statistics on the number of mass shootings committed in France and the number committed in the United States and get back to me. We have a tragedy on the level of Paris every four days. There was a link on that posted earlier in this thread.
  12. angrysithHerder

    angrysithHerder Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 17, 2016
    So there is mass shootings in the US that kill 130 people every 4 days? I think you got the facts wrong on that
  13. FatBurt

    FatBurt Sex Scarecrow Vanquisher star 6

    Jul 21, 2003
    No, there are on average the equivalent of the Paris incident killed every 4 days in the US. Not necessarily as a result of mass shootings but you have so many of them it's difficult to tell these days.
  14. ShaneP

    ShaneP Ex-Mod Officio star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 26, 2001

    I think she means accumulated shootings every four days amount to a Paris level shooting.
  15. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Yep. Give me a minute and I'll try to pull that link. I think Jedi Merkurian initially posted it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Jedi Merkurian likes this.
  16. angrysithHerder

    angrysithHerder Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 17, 2016
    Ok so I went to Google. One thing for certain is that we need more research. I'm all for that. The other thing is the vast majority of gun deaths are for suicide. This doesn't make me change my mind about the 2nd amendment. Suicide isn't a epidemic in America. The other thing (and why we need more research) is no one can really tell the % of homicides related to guns and gang related violence. This is important because criminals don't abide by the law and gun control laws don't affect criminals. What I did see though is that with the number of guns LEGALLY owned in America shows that the number is quite low for law abiding citizens who own guns. Also what I did notice is mass shootings are a very very small percentage of gun deaths. So small it's trivial.

    I guess what I'm saying is that we are far from the wild west here in America
  17. Mortimer Snerd

    Mortimer Snerd Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 27, 2012
    TX-20, Jedi Merkurian , V-2 and 2 others like this.
  18. Mortimer Snerd

    Mortimer Snerd Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 27, 2012
    Also you're a ****ing ***clown and a monster for labeling the deaths associated with mass shootings as "trivial." Tell that to any of the parents who lost their children at Sandy Hook and see if they're gracious enough to not punch you in the face.
    harpua, TX-20, Darth_Furio and 3 others like this.
  19. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    The suicide rate in the United States would be significantly lower if not for gun ownership. Having a gun in the household increases the risk of suicide.
  20. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
  21. Darth Basin

    Darth Basin Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 15, 2015
    Living near active rail road tracks increases risk of suicide as well.

    We must ban all trains!
  22. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
  23. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Except trains aren't designed specifically to kill people. Try again.
  24. Darth Basin

    Darth Basin Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 15, 2015
    Well there cow catchers can be quite deadly to Bovines at least.
  25. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    We cannot be concerned about the percentage of gun deaths in the US as compared to other high income countries because...cows?