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Discussion in 'SouthWest Region Discussion' started by Petra_Blakkwing, Dec 1, 2003.

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  1. Jankarakk

    Jankarakk Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2003
    OH yeah and than Ross and Phoebe almost humped on the pool table.
  2. MoronDude

    MoronDude Jedi Knight star 6

    Nov 1, 2000
    I'm glad you put 7, because an evil GM might not count #5... as the game was called fireball, and not flameball.

    Would Extreme Fireball cound as another game using a ball... or would it just be the same as regular, boring, old fireball.
  3. Jankarakk

    Jankarakk Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2003
    It is my understanding that they never in fact played Extreme Fireball...cause that's the one when Joey came out with the bowling ball and a blow torch.....or I could be mistaken....There is also another game....The Prelude to Fireball.
  4. MoronDude

    MoronDude Jedi Knight star 6

    Nov 1, 2000
    You are right, my young apprentice... however, Extreme Fireball seemed a lot cooler than regular fireball, so it should illicit some bonus points of some kind.
  5. Talon_Wolfe

    Talon_Wolfe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 8, 2002
    Well Done, Petra! You get 1000 XP!

    Now some comments:

    1. It is actually called 'Ultimate Fireball', and there is no proof the Friends actually played it, although it would seem they did not based on their reaction to it.

    2. Yes, the game that preceded Fireball does count, although it was ridiculed by Joey:

    [Scene: Chandler, Joey, and Ross's, Joey is trying to write his movie, Chandler is playing a game on the counter by trying to flip a ping pong ball with a spoon into a nearby bowl.]

    Joey: Hey, how do you spell suspicious?

    Chandler: Why?

    Joey: Because I think this character is going to be suspicious about stuff.

    (Chandler makes it into the bowl.)

    Chandler: Yes! Chandler Bing, 7! Chandler Bing, 0.

    Joey: You're driving me crazy with that!

    Chandler: Okay, I'll stop.

    Joey: Don?t stop! Move the bowl further away! Ross could make that shot!

    (Chandler slides the bowl to the far end of the counter. He tries again, but he hits the spoon to hard and the ball goes flying away.)

    Joey: Well, you suck! But at least you suck at a man's game now.

    3. In addition, there are some other games that should be on the list, such as tennis (Chandler, Monica, and Chandler's boss) and racquetball (Chandler and Mr. Geller).

    Excellent job, Petra, you deserve that XP! Was the question difficult or easy for you... and more importantly, how about double or nothing? That's right, TWO-THOUSAND EXPERIENCE POINTS if you get the next question right! You can choose from any new category, and will be assigned a new deadline.

    That's a whole lotta XP... whaddya say?
  6. Petra_Blakkwing

    Petra_Blakkwing Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 1, 2002
    i'll go for it.......and i choose the category of........ ALIAS!!!!!!
  7. Jankarakk

    Jankarakk Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2003
    In the words of Eric Matthews "dun dun dun"
  8. GersonSith

    GersonSith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 30, 2002
    I admit I have only seen a little bit of that song, but not the whole video. I'm sure there will come a day when I own every video from Big Idea, and probably soon. But I digress.

    My guess is, because of the title of the song, bellybutton!
  9. Talon_Wolfe

    Talon_Wolfe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 8, 2002
    Gerson, you are correct for 100 'cool points'! The board is yours....
  10. GersonSith

    GersonSith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 30, 2002
    I'll try Friends for 1933 points.
  11. Acthar_Sm-Ith

    Acthar_Sm-Ith Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2002
    so, 2 questions on ALIAS and one on Friends. Bring it!
  12. GersonSith

    GersonSith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 30, 2002
    You already got your Alias question Acthar, where's your answer?
  13. Acthar_Sm-Ith

    Acthar_Sm-Ith Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2002
    haha, oops, apparently I already had the question this whole time.... I will get down to solving this mystery WITH NO HELP FROM OTHERS! I will watch the dvds and scour the internet endlessly until I find the answer.
  14. Talon_Wolfe

    Talon_Wolfe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 8, 2002
    Gerson, this might be a toughie, but here it is anyway, for 1933 points:

    Name 5 games the Friends have played that does not involve a ball of some kind.
  15. GersonSith

    GersonSith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 30, 2002
    That is indeed a tough question. I'll leave it up to you to decide if these are acceptable games:

    1- Poker, they all play a few times in one episode in which Ross lets Rachel win.
    2- PacMan, could have been Mrs. PacMan, but this is the episode that Phoebe cusses in front of Ben I believe.
    3- Ross' trivia, complete with lightning round in the episode where Joey and Chandler win Rachel and Monica's apartment.
    4- Craps, Monica plays craps quite a bit when the gang went to Vegas, Rachel and Ross get married in this episode.
    5- Pictionary, but I don't remember them actually playing ever. They do allude to the 'Pictionary incident' where Monica throws a plate.
    *6- Because the above #5 didn't actually take place in an episode that I know of, I'm throwing in BlackJack where Joey plays in the above mentioned Vegas episode.

    If you accept these, then bring on the computer questions and do your worst!!!
  16. Petra_Blakkwing

    Petra_Blakkwing Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 1, 2002
    they played strip Happy Days game once, even though Joey suggested strip-bag-of-old-knitting-stuff....
  17. Petra_Blakkwing

    Petra_Blakkwing Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 1, 2002
    by the way, Talon, what's my new question?
  18. GersonSith

    GersonSith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 30, 2002
    They also played Twister I think, when Rachel told her credit card company that she had magic beans.
  19. Petra_Blakkwing

    Petra_Blakkwing Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 1, 2002 now it really is my birthday....happy birthday to back to my season 2 dvd's.....and, vic, where's my question????
  20. MR-V1N

    MR-V1N Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 30, 2003
    Congratulations on becoming 20 years young, Shea! Have a wonderful birthday!!!

    JADED_JEDI Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 21, 2002
  22. Acthar_Sm-Ith

    Acthar_Sm-Ith Jedi Master star 4

    May 23, 2002
    Happy Birthday! I don't remember my 20th birthday. at all. I think I had to work though. I remember the day (and parts of the night) of my 21st birthday fine, and a bit from 19th, but 20th was just so hectic for me (I had three jobs at that point in time). I hope your birthday is filled with more memorable moments that mine apparently was! :)

    JADED_JEDI Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 21, 2002
  24. Jankarakk

    Jankarakk Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2003
    Happy happy birthday, from all of us to you, we wish it was our birthday, so we could party too. OLAY!
  25. Talon_Wolfe

    Talon_Wolfe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 8, 2002
    Petra, I haven't forgot about you, I haven't had the time to come up with a good enough question to challenge your positronic trivia brain.
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