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Beyond - Legends Hey, Boy (J/Z, Non-NJO, Angst/Mush, Song-fic)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Agent_Jaid, Oct 26, 2004.

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  1. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003

    Title: Hey Boy

    Author: Jaid

    Disclaimer: The song is ?Austin? and the artist is Blake Shelton. Zekk, Jaina, and, well, everything else is George Lucas?s. Selfish man!! :p *teases*

    Key Words: Zekk, Jaina, left, love, com unit

    Genre: angsty mush

    Authors Note: Hey guys! Over the past few days, I?ve been reading a lot of O_E?s work, and found myself feeling, well, quiet. Contemplative. Serene. And then this song played on the radio and I obediently downloaded the lyrics to my computer and left for the beautiful country up around Mt. Rainer. I wrote this up during the first evening there. I hope you guys like it. I wrote this mostly off the fly and while listening to a remix of the song ?I Belong To You? by Superchic[k], so if it sounds odd, that?s why. I also felt like making Zekk Xan?s son. If you don?t know who Xan is, don?t worry about it ? it just means that I?m giving Zekk a last name. I hope you guys like it. (NJO never happened ? Coruscant is still alive and well)

    Summary: It was two weeks before their wedding that Jaina ran out on their relationship, leaving Zekk?s heart in tatters. But the Force wasn?t done with them yet.


    Hey Boy

    She left without leaving a number
    Said she needed to clear her mind

    It was afternoon, overcast, and a cold unfeeling rain kept skittering down the windows of the small lonely apartment. In his office, Zekk DeCrion sat in a large nerf leather chair. He was silent, staring listlessly at the wall before him, trying to not focus on the pictures of Jaina smiling that hung there peacefully, mocking him. In his hands he held a small datachip, but he didn?t need to read its message to know what it said.

    Jaina Solo, his fiancé, his light, his one constant, his reason for living, had left him.

    Zekk tilted his alabaster face up, his dark emerald eyes glinting with liquid pain that begged for release. Release he couldn?t afford. He tightened one pale, long-fingered hand into a fist. It was the only physical manifestation of the loss that was reeling through him that he allowed himself.

    Taking a deep shuddering breath, Zekk forced himself to slow his breathing down, to reach out for the Force to calm himself. Carefully, slowly, it worked. The pain that shimmered in his eyes sank back into emotionlessness and he spun his chair a bit to slip the chip into a data reader.

    ??Sorry for everything, Zekk. I shouldn?t have let things go so far and not speak up.?? Zekk read aloud, trying to remain emotionless as he read the message he had found left on the middle of his single sized bed.

    ??I can?t take all of this right now. I need to clear my mind. Don?t look for me. Love, Your Goddess?.? Zekk?s breath caught on the last word, turning it into a heartbroken sob. ?Oh Jaya?? He gave up on his hopeless attempt to remain in control and buried his white face in his hands, tears matting in his long eyelashes before sliding down his cheeks.

    Outside, a sudden crack of thunder was followed by the distant flash of light and the rain came down harder.

    He figured she'd gone back to Austin
    'Cause she talked about it all the time

    The next day dawned bright and disgustingly cheery. Zekk splashed cold water on his face, wishing that everything that had happened the day before had been nothing more then a nightmare ? ignoring the fact that the Jedi didn?t have dreams or nightmares. Drying his face in a towel, the tips of his fingers pressed against embroidered initials at the edge. Jaina?s supposedly future initials; she had placed the thick towels in his bathroom two days before, laughing and telling him that it wasn?t long before it would be her bathroom too when he objected.

    Zekk?s hands trembled as he dropped the towel like it was a living coal. Pressing his cool fingers against his burning eyes, he forced himself to take long calming breaths.

    Once he felt in control, he pulled on a flowing, loose silk shir
  2. GenOochy

    GenOochy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 8, 2003

    Purly wonderful. :D Very nicly written, and I love how you edited the song into the story.

    Great job!
  3. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    *applauds for the second time*

    I loved it while betaing it, and I loved it while just plain reading it. ;)

    Nicely done sis.
  4. Lusa_Thul

    Lusa_Thul Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 9, 2004
    That was AWESOME Mel! I loved it!

    Zekk's message machine was hilarious! I can totally imagine him recording stuff like that!

    Also, your descriptions of him were really, really hot! [face_love]

    It was so good! I'm all warm and fuzzy now! :)
  5. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    *claps* Purly wonderful. Very nicly written, and I love how you edited the song into the story.

    [face_blush] Aw thanks Ty! :D

    Great job!

    [:D] Tha hast boosted my failing ego. :p


    *applauds for the second time*

    [:D] Life Saver Art Thee! :D

    I loved it while betaing it, and I loved it while just plain reading it.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it two-fold, Brother Mine. [face_blush] :D

    Nicely done sis.

    *hugs* All thanks to you big brother. ;)


    That was AWESOME Mel! I loved it!

    I'm glad!! I was hopeing you'd like it. [face_love] You're the only Zekk fan that I know that's still really on the boards a lot... Everyone else has... has LEFT...

    Zekk's message machine was hilarious! I can totally imagine him recording stuff like that!

    [face_laugh] I loved it too! Seriously. I try to fit the lyrics into the story but, I couldn't really do that with these lyrics because they're so specific. So I altered it. :D I had the most fun with his "I'll meditate and see if the Force wants me to call you back" part. [face_mischief] [face_batting]

    Also, your descriptions of him were really, really hot!

    *bows* Thank O-E for them! Seriously, that's not even HALF of how she can discribe her guys. [face_love] *dreams* Des is sooo hot... *has a fangirl moment*

    It's funny. :p My fangirlisms are for guys whose names start with "De".

    It was so good! I'm all warm and fuzzy now!

    :D Really?? *happy squeal*

    Warm and Fuzzy and I CAUSED IT!!! :cool: Oh yeah, I'm awesome. :p Kidding kidding!!

    [face_batting] Thanks for reviewing guys.

  6. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    *cries* I LOVE THAT SONG!!!! I LOVE THIS FIC!!!! I WAS GREAT!!!!! Great now that song's stuck in my head switching around with "Baby" every now and then, odd combo,ne?

  7. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    *cries* I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!

    It's soo pretty!! :D [face_love]


    [face_love] Aw thanks Girl!!

    Great now that song's stuck in my head switching around with "Baby" every now and then, odd combo,ne?

    Baby? Who sings it? *looks confused*


    Fun adjectives! :D


    [face_plain] I didn't think about that.... :p No honestly I didn't!! :D :p

    [face_devil] [face_mischief]

  8. GenOochy

    GenOochy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 8, 2003
    Tha hast boosted my failing ego.

    Failing? :eek: We can't have that!

    Yousa Welcome!
  9. Enelya_Sol

    Enelya_Sol Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 2, 2004
    Awww...that was sweet. <3 J/Z fics. :D

    My favorite line:

    ?If it?s Friday night, I?m playing smash ball with Durron and Fel. Bet on us when the fights come ? ?kay? Hey! How could you go wrong? We could pass for brothers, we?re so gorgeous! Well, maybe not Fel but-? Zekk coughed. ?Okay so I lie, but, hey! We?ll still totally rule the fights.?

    The similarities between the three crack me up every time. :D
  10. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    "Baby" is a ballad type song sang by Blake Shelton. It was so sweet!!!! I cried the first time I heard "Baby".

    Just to let you know, I don't think I'm horrible anymore. I was just really down and feeling guilty about somethin'.
  11. Lusa_Thul

    Lusa_Thul Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 9, 2004
    I love the smash ball line, too! It's so funny! And so true. :p
  12. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    Failing? We can't have that!

    Well, it does happen often...


    Awww...that was sweet. <3 J/Z fics.

    I'm glad!! :D The J/Z fans are slipping... :( *sniffles* :_|

    My favorite line:
    ?If it?s Friday night, I?m playing smash ball with Durron and Fel. Bet on us when the fights come ? ?kay? Hey! How could you go wrong? We could pass for brothers, we?re so gorgeous! Well, maybe not Fel but-? Zekk coughed. ?Okay so I lie, but, hey! We?ll still totally rule the fights.?

    *laughs* [face_laugh] I had sooo much fun with the answering machine messages!! I'm glad you like it!! :D

    The similarities between the three crack me up every time.

    I read somewhere that there's a formula for getting Jaina to like you and becoming famous in the SW universe... all you have to do is have black hair and green eyes!! :D

    If you do, you have it made. If not, then you have to be a "big wig" like Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Han Solo, etc... :p

    (that's the reason Wes Janson's not that popular :_|)


    "Baby" is a ballad type song sang by Blake Shelton. It was so sweet!!!! I cried the first time I heard "Baby".

    Oh... that one...

    Just to let you know, I don't think I'm horrible anymore. I was just really down and feeling guilty about somethin'.

    *hugs* :( Poor Mimi.... :(


    I love the smash ball line, too! It's so funny! And so true

    Idn't it?? :D [face_mischief] *hugs* I'm so glad you're going to write it!! *happy squeal*

  13. Darth-Phoenix

    Darth-Phoenix Jedi Youngling

    Oct 13, 2004
    Well, you know me, but . . . I liked it. :) Very well-done, nicely written.

    Evil Dana
  14. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    You know what would be really funny? A songfic to the song "The Truth About Men" by Tracy Byrd.

    Hey, guess what? I posted a fic on It's DBZ so I couldn't post it here.
  15. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    Hey, this fic doesn't belong on pg.4!!!!! *knocks it up*
  16. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
  17. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    *is angry* WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S UPPING THIS THING?!?!?!?!?!

    Hey, can you read something for me? I want to know what you think of it.
  18. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    UP!!!!! HELLO?????? WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE UPPING THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  19. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    *is in shock* the Queen of K/J hath read mine J/Z... :eek: *faints*

    Well, you know me, but . . . I liked it. Very well-done, nicely written.

    Aw! Thanks! [face_love] *HUGS* *screams happily*


    You know what would be really funny? A songfic to the song "The Truth About Men" by Tracy Byrd.

    Or just as bad? one to "Girls Lie, Too" by Terri Clark... :D

    Hey, guess what? I posted a fic on It's DBZ so I couldn't post it here.

    :eek: *runs off to read it, screaming happily*

    [face_love] Thanks for being an angel and uping this... [face_batting]

    Hey, can you read something for me? I want to know what you think of it.

    Sure! what is it? :confused:

  20. Kyo-kun_Fan

    Kyo-kun_Fan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2004
    I don't mind, I like to up things. I'm hungry! Oh, btw, if you read my weird DBZ fic, tell me what you think of it. And criticize me!!! Tell me what I did wrong!!!! I actually begged one of my friends to flame me. It was very funny to hear what she had to say.
  21. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003

    :eek: Masochist! :p

    (...kidding, just kidding... :p)

  22. Abby

    Abby Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 7, 2004
    Hey there Mel!

    Yes, it's me! Thought I'd check out something of yours (even if I'm iffy on the whole J/Z thing)

    This was really good! And you wrote mush! Yay!

    Loved the "answering machine" bit with Zekk, both times, and the ending with Jaina's 'message'.

  23. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    *freaks out* :eek: :eek: oh... Oh... OH!!!!! :D A J/K!!! EEKK!!! *freaks out in a good way*

    *HUUUUUUGS* You read! YOU READ!!!!! *happy squeal*

    Hey there Mel! Yes, it's me!

    :D It's you!!! *dances*

    Thought I'd check out something of yours (even if I'm iffy on the whole J/Z thing)

    And? How'd I do? :confused: (don't worry, I'm pretty much NOT a J/Z'er, but that's cause I hate Jaina and I think Zekk could do so much better for him, (hence why I'm not a K/J'er) and I only have one other "J/Z" thing, the other ones are Zekk-in-love-with-Jaina-and-Jaina-marries-Jag sorta thingies... :p)

    This was really good! And you wrote mush! Yay!

    The second one was a shocker, no? :D

    Loved the "answering machine" bit with Zekk, both times, and the ending with Jaina's 'message'.

    Ah yes, the answering machine... Gosh I love that thing!! I want one when I grow up so I can leave rediculous messages and make people laugh!!! (which I do already but they currently all involve... *gulp*... singing... [face_worried])

    :D *happy scream* ANOTHER J/K'ER!!!!!! *screams even more happily*

  24. Saturniia

    Saturniia Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 28, 2004
    =D= Very, very nice. Probably the best phonefic I've read in the SWEUFF genre. (Phonefic meaning that most of the meaningful action is centered around the primary mode of verbal communication.)

    :eek: Wait a second... J/Z's own Lady of Angst has written a moderately fluffy fic? (Well, more like fuzzy than fluffy, but you get the picture)

    [face_worried] Are you feeling all right?
  25. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003


    Very, very nice. Probably the best phonefic I've read in the SWEUFF genre.

    :eek: Really?! Oh goody!! I'll admit to being apprehensive about the whole thing, the only other fic that I've ever read that had something even VAGUELY along these lines was a J/Z by Erin... And even that only had like two lines with phone.

    (Phonefic meaning that most of the meaningful action is centered around the primary mode of verbal communication.)

    I see! Creative. There's fics like that? :eek:

    Wait a second... J/Z's own Lady of Angst has written a moderately fluffy fic?

    Wait a second... I've just been called J/Z's Lady of Angst?!? :D *is dazzled*

    Yeah! Amazing isn't it? And this one was easier to write then my Other "fluffy" fic...

    (Well, more like fuzzy than fluffy, but you get the picture)

    Hey, it's the thought that counts, right? :D ;)Sides. Fuzzy sounds better :D

    Are you feeling all right?

    *thinks* Well... I got a flu shot yesterday so no. But then again, I think what you were refering to was the decided lack of dwelling on pain and on the emphasis on getting the block head back with the hot Jedi Zekkie.... and yeah, I was. I had just finshed reading some very nummy fics and I just wanted to write, write, write.... :)


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