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Saga Hide- Crashed Rebel pilot meets exiled Jedi

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by snowspeeder_gunner, Aug 26, 2008.

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  1. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    Title: Hide
    Author: snowspeeder_gunner
    Characters: OC's, Shaak Ti
    Timeframe: Between ANH and TESB
    Genre: Drama, with some comedy as well
    A/N: Thanks to Kidan for helping me get started/beta-ing!
    Disclaimer It all belongs to George & Co

    Bay Squadron

    1 Commander Devo Gresll (Qwohog Male from Hirsi)
    2 Captain J. Wheck (XO) (Twi?lek female from Coruscant)

    3 Veyr K?Lar (Bothan male from Bothawui)
    4 Donaler Kai (Human female from Kuat)

    5 Erl Niuum (Gossam male from Felucia)
    6 Sleena Bel (Human female from Lorrd)

    7 Sar Mehukan(Human male from Coruscant)
    8 Linak Garlen(Human male from Averam)

    Sar Mehukan was pretty sure that he was born awkward. Having no recollection of the event, he couldn?t be entirely sure. However, using the evidence he had, which was quite plentiful, Sar?s was pretty sure that his mother had probably gazed at him when he was born and given him the same humiliating look that his wingmate, Linak Garlen, was shooting his way now.

    ?Well, Sar,? Linak began in his infuriatingly condescending drawl, exchanging a knowing smirk with the Bothan Veyr K?Lar who stood on his left. ?You didn?t ever tell us that you wanted to come along! You have to tell people these things if you want to be included, you see.?

    Sar felt himself turn a darker shade of red. He lowered his gray eyes from Lin?s wide blue ones and instead stared at the floor. ?Yeah, you?re right,? he mumbled, wishing he could dissolve into air. ?I?m sorry I mentioned it.?

    Lin chuckled. ?That?s alright Sar,? he said ?you wouldn?t have enjoyed it anyways. We were out dancing and you aren?t really a dancer, are you, with those huge feet? Besides, we met up with some girls from the cantina, and they don?t really go for the, well, the stilted types, do they??

    The Bothan next to Lin let out a shouting laugh, saying ?Stilted? That?s a new one, Lin!?

    ?Well, it?s true!? Lin chuckled again, ?Come on, Veyr, we?re already late for meeting with your wingmate.?

    ?Oh Sithspawn, we can?t keep her waiting. Dona will have our heads if we?re late for sabbacc night,? Veyr K?Lar said urgently.

    As he watched the two walk away, Sar realized that he should have probably asked them if he could come along. But then there would be an excuse, as usual. Oh, there?s only room for three this time Sar. Of course you can come Sar, but you wouldn?t have fun, you aren?t much of a card player, are you, and we don?t have enough time to teach a new player so you would just have to watch.

    Sar sighed and turned back to go to his room. Nothing wrong with getting some extra sleep, he said to himself.

    He walked into his room and hauled himself up onto his top bunk. Automatically, he glanced over at the holo right beside his face. His three older sisters grinned back at him, their frizzy red hair blowing around their faces in the heavy Coruscant winds; Sar, the only brown haired child in the Mehukan family had taken the picture.

    Sar wondered where they were now. All four of them had joined the Rebellion about a year previously, Sar as a fighter pilot, his oldest sister as a mechanic and the other two as medics. All four had been stationed together on Yavin, however, his squad, the Bays, had been sent on a mission escorting refugees to an obscure Outer Rim world during three weeks prior to the battle, and when they finally got back to civilization, the Rebellion had taken giant steps forward. Unfortunately, in the confusion and rapid evacuation following the battle four months ago, he had been unable to keep in touch with his sisters as they had dispersed throughout the galaxy. He knew with some certainty that they were not dead, but he still worried.

    Lost in his thoughts, Sar did not realize that he had drifted off into a doze. He awoke abruptly a few hours later when Linak banged into the room. ?Hi Lin,? Sar tried tentatively.

    ?Oh, hey Sar,? Linak said offhandedly, not even looking around.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great beginning and you can put me on your PM list.
  3. ratna

    ratna Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 1, 2007
    Man, I am so glad i came in and took a look at this one! Love your protagonist. And it looks like a very intriguing story starting up.

    PM please!
  4. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Great start! Even though we've only met a couple so far, I love the distinct personalities your characters have. I'm looking forward to getting to know them (especially Sar) better, and also seeing what's happening with the lightsaber that just ignited on the moon. Sounds like poor Sar is going to be on his own for a while without any help from his squadmates.

    Great job! =D=

  5. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    Thanks for reading guys! :D

    earlybird Glad you liked it! [:D] I hope you like the next update!

    ratna I'm happy you came and took a look at it too. Sar is definitely in for some intrigue.

    Thumper :D Thanks for reading this! Yeah, Sar is going to have to figure out what to do next, and the lightsaber will definitely play a factor, haha.

    Here we go!

    Sar knew he should be moving, hiding, running, anything to get away from the glowing beam of light slowly advancing towards him. However, no matter how many times he instructed his body to flee, he simply was not capable of moving at the moment. Fear was flooding straight down from his brain through his feet and anchoring him to the ground like the roots of the most robust tree on Kashyyk.

    ?State your purpose!? A loud, commanding voice rang out from the cave.

    Before Sar could rally his hysterical mind enough to answer, a new voice came from the cave.

    ?Oh come on, Tarir, can?t you see he?s a Rebel?? While just as robust as the first voice, this speaker did not sound as stern, but his voice was choppy oddly abrupt.

    ?I think Tarir?s blind,? a quiet voice, this one female, giggled.

    The second voice joined the female in laughter until the first speaker interrupted.

    ?Egall! Au-lli! Better Jedi than you have been murdered simply because they did not take precautions!?

    ?Jedi?? thought Sar incredulously.

    ?Like leaving a poor crashed pilot out to be picked up by Rebels? Yeah, great precaution! He looks really dangerous out there with his demolished X-wing, doesn?t he, Au? ?

    ?I can hardly breathe with fear,? Au-lli replied softly, breaking into giggles again.

    Tarir began to splutter with anger, and Au-lli continued gently, ?Besides, we would have sensed it if he was bad, right??

    Tarir grunted. ?There?s nothing wrong with being careful,? he said grumpily. He sighed and walked out of the cave, and Sar saw the short, dark haired, older man power down his glowing blue blade. A grinning Sullustan and a muscular red haired girl followed him. Both young people were several inches taller than Tarir, and both were looking at the stern man affectionately with the same amused expression.

    ?Tarir Anaca,? the man said formally, holding his hand out to the utterly confused Sar. ?And this is Egall Draw,? the cheerful young Sullustan waved, ?And Au-lli Kralb,? Tarir finished, gesturing to the young woman who smiled kindly at Sar.

    ?I-I?m Sar. Sar Mehukan,? Sar muttered, still shaken up. He raised a trembling hand to shake the one offered to him.

    ?Well that won?t do,? Tarir said. ?Back straight! Look me in the eye and give me a real handshake, not this wimpy excuse for one.?

    ?Master Anaca, take it easy,? Egall chuckled. ?Sar here just crashed. I don?t think he?s going to be up to your hale and hearty standard yet.?

    Sar found himself smiling slightly as he tried to shake Tarir?s hand again, this time with a much steadier hand. The older man grudgingly accepted Sar?s hand this time, muttering under his breath about ?the breakdown of military discipline? as Egall and Au-lli began laughing once again.

    ?S-so you?re Jedi?? Sar asked. ?I thought that they were, uh, killed by Darth Vader and the Emperor.?

    ?Some of us escaped the initial attack twenty years or so back. And we?ve been training young ones, like Egall and Au,? Tarir explained. ?But we will fill you in later. Right now, we need to get back to camp, quickly,? Tarir stated. ?Those TIE?s will be here soon, and I seriously doubt you want to wait for your squad out in the open.?

    The short Jedi turned on a small light and led the way back into the cave, which turned out to be merely the entrance to a long underground tunnel. As the four walked, something occurred to Sar.

    ?How did you know about the TIEs?? Sar asked, confused. ?Can you sense them, too??

    ?Of course we can!? Tarir snorted. ?Can we sense TIEs- hah! The noise those overgrown wailing hawkbats make, even a thickheaded fighter pilot like you should be abl
  6. ratna

    ratna Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 1, 2007
    A motley crew.

    With lightsabers. Gotta love it.

    Keep me posted.@};-
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Lovely update and interesting to see more Jedi have escaped the Purge and are teaching again.

    They should make a nice asset to the rebels.
  8. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    Oh hai. Just popping in here to say I'm really glad I did. I've never had the pleasure of reading any of your stuff, Snowy, but I can see that I've missed out! This is a great start to this story, and I'm excited to read more. If you've got a PM list running, slap me on there, would you?

    I bet I blend in with the grass.
    I el-oh-el'ed for real and nearly spit out my coffee today. It started with the ejection, and then the random thoughts started. Sar felt an shameful sort of triumph that Lin was worried about him. I snickered. Then, the blending with the grass comment... sort of a depressed curse at the situation and a sigh of frustration, like he may get forgotten again.

    Great work! Thank you!

  9. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    That sounds like quite a group there! The adults seem to have their hands full with those bundles of energy. ;) I imagine hiding out for years isn't easy with needing to take care of and teach the younger Jedi as well. It sounds like all of them (especially the adults) have been through a lot.

    ?The movement to retake this system. After we complete our present directive, we will take you back with us to headquarters.?

    Ooh, directives and headquarters? I bet Sar wasn't expecting that, heh heh. :p Sounds like he just got tossed into the middle of a whole lot of happenings, whether he likes it or not.

    Great update! I'm looking forward to more. =D=

  10. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    ratna Thanks for reading!! Motley is definitely one way to describe this bunch. And the lightsabers, well they just add to the fun.

    earlybird Yeah, I think they will be a good asset, too! Thanks for reading!!:D

    Trika Yay! Thanks for stopping by! Sar does have a tendency to get forgotten, doesn't he?

    Thumper Haha, yeah, Sar was NOT expecting a bunch of crazy Jedi, that's for sure. Thanks for reading!! [:D]

    Here we go!

    ?Are you going to drown yourself in that glass??

    Veyr strode across the small cantina to where Linak sat and pulled the despondent pilot?s drink away from him.

    ?Ew, Lin, why do you drink this stuff? You?re just going to get sick,? Veyr frowned.

    Lin pulled the tumbler back. ?I feel like we?re abandoning Sar,? he sighed.

    Veyr?s frown slid into a more sympathetic expression. ?There was nothing else you could do,? he said kindly. ?What, were you going to shoot up five squads? We were lucky to get out when we did.? The Bothan patted Lin on the back. ?And besides, Sar can find somewhere to hide on that planet. He?s just one pilot and he probably had the sense to turn off his honing beacon.?

    ?See, that?s why I?m worried,? Lin said, shaking his head. ?Sar won?t know what to do. He?ll panic- he always does. And well, Sar just doesn?t really have a backbone. You?ve seen him with Erl and Sleena.?

    Veyr nodded. ?He lets them come up and talk. I?ve seen how he just lets them walk all over him.?

    ?He wouldn?t be so gloomy all the time if he just took our advice and ignored them.?


    ?Wait, headquarters?? Sar looked at Shaak-Ti. ?I can?t go to this headquarters, this Derilfronde. I?ve got to stay here- my squad will come back and pick me up!?

    ?They?ll what?? Pollace the mechanic spoke for the first time.

    ?Th-they?ll come find me!? Sar said, beginning to have his doubts. ?See, I?ve got my honing beacon and-?

    Pollace lunged across the cave, displacing a few baby Bothans as he went, and seized the small beacon from Sar, hurling it to the ground. ?You want the Imps finding you?? he bellowed.

    Tarir rolled his eyes. ?Really, was it necessary to destroy the beacon? I thought you claimed to be a mechanic- couldn?t you have simply disabled it??

    Pollace narrowed his eyes at the short Master Anaca, but did not say anything.

    Shaak-Ti cleared her throat, shooting a reproving look at Tarir. ?We need to leave now,? she said firmly. ?Sar, I am quite certain that your squad will not try to come back when there is such a strong force against it here, and it is not safe for you to remain here.? She looked at the angry mechanic. ?Pollace, have you wired the device?? she asked.

    Pollace nodded and handed the Jedi master an extremely intricate looking box. ?I calibrated it to sector Z14. We should be getting a clearer picture of the Imps back at base if this works like it should.?

    ?Good. Master Anaca, take Au-lli and go secure it in the location we discussed.? Shaak-Ti paused. ?Make sure you don?t run into any of our Imperial friends out there.?

    Tarir snorted. ?Those overgrown clodhoppers are so dense, even Pollace could shield himself from them.?

    Pollace ignored the diminutive man?s comment. ?Can you handle the formatting?? he asked Au-lli. The young Jedi nodded and followed Master Anaca down a different path in the cave tunnel.

    After the two had gone, Shaak-Ti looked over at the mechanic. ?Pollace, we need to have a discussion,? she said gently.

    ?If this is going to be another one of those spiels about restraining my anger, I don?t need to hear it,? the scowling man growled, stalking back towards the entrance of the cave.

    Looking resigned, Shaak-Ti glided after him.

    ?Whew!? Egall said, corralling the five little Bothans into a corner and giving them some sort of toy. ?And they say that Masters can control themselves. If I?d said something like that to Pollace, well, I would be in trouble so fast that-hey, are you okay?? The Sullastan darted over to the trembling Sar, who was sliding down the cavern w
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great update to see all those characters developping.

    Love your story.
  12. ratna

    ratna Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 1, 2007
    I really like Sar. He's so normal and fallible and engaging.

    Looks like he's going to be with the Jedi for the duration, at this point. I eagerly await his further adventures!:)
  13. p_stotts

    p_stotts Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 21, 2001
    Nice to see that Sar's friends and commander are worried about him. Good for Sar that Jedi found him before the Imps. I wonder has this little adventure will change Sar... hopefully for the better. Great story. I look forward to reading more.
  14. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    ?But I bet you won?t forget to turn it off the next time you crash into a planet and your squad leaves and you have to hide from Imperials and you basically fall on top of four Jedi, a mechanic, and a herd of baby Bothans!?

    Yep. First time that happened to me, I learned my lesson for the next time for sure. It could happen to anyone, really. [face_whistling] :p

    Great work! Thanks for the update!

  15. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    ?He wouldn?t be so gloomy all the time if he just took our advice and ignored them.?

    heh heh. Maybe Erl and Sleena talk to Sar *because* Veyr and Lin ignore them? ;)

    I felt bad for Sar when Pollace got angry with him about the beacon, and I liked how Egall tried to cheer Sar up afterward. It's not a nice feeling to realize one has messed up despite having no bad intentions.

    Hopefully the group's snooping device will work and give them some info on the Imperials.

    I kinda like General Frizar. :) He seems like he's willing to admit mistakes and is trying to fix it. I hope he'll be able to, but Gresll sure isn't too optimistic about it.

    Great post! :D

  16. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007

    earlybird Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like this next update!

    ratna Yeah, I like Sar, too. Hopefully he doesn't get into too much trouble.

    p_stotts I'm glad you like it! Thanks for reading!

    Trika It's a dangerous world! Those Bothans are up to their usual mischief in this update. Thanks for reading!!

    Thumper Yay, thanks for reading!! I kinda realized too late that General Frizar's name sorta sounds like a certain household applicance, but hey, he came from a cold planet.

    Okay guys....don't faint from shock! I'm updating! I know it's been a long time, so I made a little summary so you don't have to go back and read the whole thing.

    Time- about 4 months after the Battle of Yavin. Sar Mehukan crashed his plane into a moon of Takornan during a recon mission due to the unanticipated arrival of LOTS OF TIES. Luckily, he got rescued by a team consisting of Shaak Ti and another Jedi Master (Tarir), a grumpy mechanic, two young Jedi, and four baby Bothans. Apparently, there's some resistance movements going on here that the Rebellion did not know about. Sar is being taken through an underground maze to the headquaters of this mysterious movement.

    [i]I hate caves![/i] Sar thought wearily as he stubbed his toe for the fifth time. The Bothan dangling in front of him giggled. ?Yeah, go ahead and laugh at me,? he muttered to the baby as it rode in its carrier on Pollace?s back.

    ?No one is laughing, pilot,? Tarir?s voice boomed from the front of the line.

    Sar jumped and stubbed his toe again. He glared up at the little Bothan, who gazed innocently back at him.

    ?Don?t worry,? Shaak Ti said softly from behind Tarir. ?We?re almost there.?

    ?Thank the Force,? groaned Egall, the chatty Sullustan grimacing as he adjusted the baby carrier he wore. ?I swear these Bothans get bigger every time we have to carry them. What are you feeding these monsters, Pollace??

    The mechanic did not answer, but simply continued to trudge along the dark path through the seemingly never ending caves.

    ?I?ll feed them your dinner if you don?t stop complaining,? Tarir said sharply.?Now does anyone have any more comments? I don?t think I?ve heard enough whining.?

    Au-lli chuckled slightly. ?He just gets grumpy when he has to carry a Bothan,? she whispered to Sar.

    ?Why do you bring them along then?? Sar whispered back. Egall hissed at Sar to be quiet, but it was too late.

    Pollace stopped dead in the path, causing Sar to nearly collide with the baby on the large mechanic?s back.

    ?They stay with me,? Pollace said firmly. Sar felt his face grow warm and was now glad that the cave was dim.

    However, as the group rounded the corner, Sar?s embarrassment vanished and was replaced by shock.

    He was staring at a fully equipped command center that, while small and slightly old fashioned looking, was still extremely out of place for a cave. Large bulky terminals lined the tall walls, and weaving through the bustling room were dozens of diverse sentient beings carrying datapads and other electronic devices.

    ?Pick your jaw up off the floor and try to look like you belong to a military organization,? Tarir instructed Sar firmly.

    Egall and Au-lli both had to cover their mouths with their hands to avoid laughing out loud. Even Pollace looked slightly less angry than usual.

    ?Come on,? Tarir said, a hint of good humor finally seeping into his tone. ?We need to report our success and introduce Sar to the rest of the teams.?

    Sar tried his hardest, but he continued to gape at his surroundings as he was led through the busy room. He was very glad that he was with the Jedi- he felt as though he would simply swept away by the chaos.

    Suddenly, a loud bell rang and everyone in the room streamed to one door. Sar was dragged through the door by Egall, who was muttering something to Sar that the flustered pilot could not comprehend. They flowed through the door with the crowd into a new room, a large amphitheatre. The walls were lined with flashing maps and schematics. Sar sat with Egall, Au-lli, Tarir, Pollace, a
  17. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Woot! Glad to see this story updated! :D

    ?Pick your jaw up off the floor and try to look like you belong to a military organization,? Tarir instructed Sar firmly.

    LOL, that's an awesome line. I can understand why Sar would be a bit surprised to see a fully functional control center inside a cave, but it seems to be working well for the group.

    ?And it gives me great pleasure to announce the newest member of our group- Sar Mehukan!?

    When I first read this, I started thinking that Sar probably wasn't expecting to suddenly become a member, and I wondered what he was going to think about that and how he was going to react. Then when I read this part:

    ?Sar is a Rebel pilot, and fortunately, this means we will be able to carry out the mission we have been waiting for,? Rerdd continued.
    ?It?s good to finally have someone who can pilot a TIE!?

    ...all I could think was, D'OH! Sar just got totally thrown in the deep end, didn't he? Poor guy! It's going to be very interesting to see how this twist develops and how Sar handles it.

    Great post! =D=

  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Exiting update and nice to see your vivid details making the scenes come alive.

    Great writing and waiting for more. Flying in a TIE[face_thinking]
  19. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    I totally thought the same thing! I just started smiling 'cause I basically knew this wasn't going to be pretty, either. :p

    Glad to see this is being updated. Thanks for the read! Great work!

  20. p_stotts

    p_stotts Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 21, 2001
    Great post! Thumper09 quoted all my favorite lines, so I won't repeat them. Poor Sar. I have a feeling he won't know what hit him before these particular rebels are done with him. Perhaps this experience will be good for him. He probably has more to offer than he's aware of.

    I hope you'll post more often from now on. Thanks for the PM.
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