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Discussion in 'Literature' started by Jedi_Rock_Star, Nov 25, 2001.

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  1. Jedi_Rock_Star

    Jedi_Rock_Star Jedi Youngling

    Nov 22, 2001
    I think there may be a few possible ending..
    1) Jaina uses the darkness
    2) The Vong win and a new series must come iinto the works.
    3) New technology
    4) Its really a dream.. could be Luke, Mara, Anakin, Ben...
    what do you guys think?
  2. dark_jade

    dark_jade Jedi Youngling

    Nov 22, 2001
    "luke, mara, anakin, ben" - what does that mean?
  3. darthparth

    darthparth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 10, 2001
    1) It had BETTER not be a dream. Thats the lamest plot device ever.

    2) I think it will be some combination of Jacen/Jaina force use and a new NR fleet/military.
  4. Jedi_Rock_Star

    Jedi_Rock_Star Jedi Youngling

    Nov 22, 2001
    another way could be having the Ssruk (sic)
    come and help or some other species from the unknown regions
  5. Sith_241

    Sith_241 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    Yeah the dream plot could be a big bummer, what if luke woke up in the med ward of a mon cal cruiser after endor? That would piss me off!

    SCI_FI_NUT Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 6, 2001
    real simple, Jacen and jaina are finnaly united at teh end of Reunion, but as they are rescueing Raynar(only to find he's already dead) Jaina is mortally wounded and dies in Jacen's arms. Jacen exacpes, has a last meal with Han, leia tries to stop him but he goes anyway. He then forces his way into Lah's strong hold,using thermal detonators, blasters and sheer determination. As he's working his way up the fortress he gets hit in teh upper shoulder with a thud bug, also he bumbs into Verge, nearly kills her and then she takes a mortal wound for him, she too dies in his arms, bringing back memories of everyone he's lost. Finnaly he mkaes it to the top where Lah is waiting, he tries to snipe him with a blaster but misses, lah throws an amphiknife, strikes Jacen in lower cest to his left. Jacen rushes him, he draws his blade, they strike bloack strike again knocking eachothers weapons out of their hands, the weapons fly into eachother's grip, they hold for a secound and then at teh same time spike, uhh i mean jacen throws lah's aphistaff to him and lah vice versa with jacen's light saber. tehy strike again but lahs blade scrapes on teh wall and is slowed down just enough. Lah gets jacen acros the chest and then collapses in death. Jacen hobbles out of the fortress gripping his chest wound and in frount of a shocked crowd raises his hand like a gun, says "bang" and tehn collapses into death.

    NOw why does that sound so familar, (looks over at TV with Cowboy bebop, "the real folk blues part 2" playing) oh ooops.
  7. Sith_241

    Sith_241 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    wow, sounds like you read the end of the series(Rambo style)
  8. Draco_Starcloud

    Draco_Starcloud Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 25, 2001
    Wiggy. *laughing* Here's how it will really end though.

    1. Anakin comes back from the dead by channeling his spirit through one of those new YVH Droids.

    2. Anakin leads an army of the droids and kills all the Yuuzhan Vong on Coruscant.

    3. Anakin builds a "Mobile Suit" called WIng Zero and uses it to destroy all the Yuuzhan Vong fleets.

    4. Anakin fights Shimra in a final duel with Shimra in the Yuuzhan Vong version of Wing Zero called "Epyon".

    5. The two fight on and within a Super Star Destroyer.

    6. Part of the SSD begins to fall on the planet they're fighting over (which will be Naboo).

    7. Anakin uses his "Twin Buster Rifle" to destroy the chunk of the SSD. Afterwards, he disappears.

    8. Whatever remains of the Yuuzhan Vong fights the rest of the Jedi and they all die except for Jacen and a few other Knights along with most of the Trainees that were aboard the Errant Venture.

    9. Jacen takes a role as the head of a "New Jedi Order".

    10. Jacen and Danni Quee get married, have children, and everyone lives happily ever after except for Tsavong Lah because his body rejected that arm implant and he became a Shamed One who lived the rest of his days on Naboo in the wilderness.

    (This has been another non-sensical answer from Draco Starcloud.)
  9. Protege-of-Thrawn

    Protege-of-Thrawn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 14, 2001
    I find it interesting that with Jimmys passing everyone is now endorsing Jacen as the next big thing, sure to lead the Jedi.

    Is this some extraordinary turn around from the majority labelling him a "coward" "loser" and other weak sounding terms, or perhaps some mysoginistic posturing coming into play?

    Why not Jaina? because she touched the dark side? fair enough. Its only the majority of the greatest Jedi who have touched the dark side. (Luke, Kyp, Streen, Corran, Kam...)

    just an observation that someone so hated is now so reverently endorsed as the 'next big thing'.
    I personally have always liked Jacen's character and welcome the change in perception, yet i am still puzzled by it.
  10. ShinagamiWing

    ShinagamiWing Jedi Youngling star 4

    Oct 21, 2001
    I say Tahiri starts being all bitchy towards a ressurected Anakin because she has, in the meantime, hooked up with Jacen, who she's actually been crushing on the whole time (but she won't admit to herself that she's in love with Anakin because she thinks that he's too immature). Anakin has to fight the last battle against Shimmra, but even though he wins, everybody else dies. Suddenly, a giant Jaina appears and holds Anakin in her hand and tells him that he has now grown up and may have whatever he wishes. He then wakes up on a beach with Tahiri next to him, and he tries to strangle her for hurting him like she did. She then wakes up and caresses his cheek, because she can finally express herself to him then says "I feel sick". They go on to repopulate the galaxy in peace with Force-sensitive humans with a minimum of genetic decay, and thus is Jedi Master Ikrit's prophecy fufilled. I call it... "End of Star Wars"... or "Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Sues Lucasfilm". Your choice.
  11. Draco_Starcloud

    Draco_Starcloud Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 25, 2001
    And then, someone found pudding in a field.
  12. Grand_Admiral_Xian

    Grand_Admiral_Xian Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 5, 2001
    Ok... Gundam Wing? Cowboy Bebop... Waking up on a beach, after a wish from gian Jaina?!?

    Nope... thats all I got...

    I can't even ridicule you, cause I don't have a better idea at the moment..

    but... wow... you guys are out there...
  13. Tahiri-Solo

    Tahiri-Solo Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 21, 2001
    no, it wasnt a dream, but a vision of Lukes or Jacens, nayones actualy, but not for the entire series...just the part where jimmy dies, :D
  14. jimmything2681

    jimmything2681 Jedi Youngling

    Nov 13, 2001
    Here you go. Jania stupidly gets the strike force captured going back for Jacen. They get brought to Lah, and Shmirra and the anti-shaper are with Lah to witness the battle of the twins and the sacrifice of one. Here's where the possibilities begin.

    1) Jania and Jacen duel, and Jania wins with her dark side powers. She then uses her dark side powers to destroy everyone of importance in the chamber and leaves, becoming the next big enemy for the good guys. (Odds:20-1)

    2) Jacen and Jania use their powers together to hog tie all the important Vong, then tie them to the back of their star ship and drag them through hyperspace. They then pull a Angelina Jolie/her brother kinky thing and make lots of crazy mutant Kentucky inbreds with lame Jedi powers and populate the universe with their hick babies, and consequently install a broken screen door on Coruscant, with at least 15 capital ships on blocks in orbit and Uncle Lando bringing them cases and cases of Colt 45. (Odds:150-1, but wouldn't it be cool).

    3) Jania and Jacen duel, Jania uses her dark side powers but Jacen convinces her to come back to the light side. They kill Lah and start to escape, but need Vergere's help to get out. She ends up being the key to destroying the Vong, and they (A strike force composed of all the Jedi except one and Ben) fly to the outer rim to confront the supreme leadership of the vong, while at the same time a HUGE invasion force of battle droids and starships win back Coruscant AND there is a coordinated rebellion by the Shamed Ones throughout the universe. The Vong are defeated, the New Republic is reestabilished, the Shamed Ones get Yavin as a homeworld, and one more Jedi from the original group (Luke, Mara, Corran, or Kyp) bites the big one taking out the Vong leadership--my money's on Kyp. (Odds:5-1)

    4) Something completely unexpected happens that none of us, despite our vast force talents, could have predicted. (Odds: 30-1)
  15. chissdude10

    chissdude10 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Jul 26, 2001
    Chiss and Imps team up to kick the vong butt, WHILE I marry Jaina and we live happily ever after.
  16. Emiaj

    Emiaj Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 10, 2001

    Ok...I'm calm. Right a big book comes out and the story ends.

    "But how?!!" I hear you cry, an answer to which the only reply is that a wirter writes the novel which has been commisioned by LFL and Del Rey and it is printed many times and bound in a nice cover.

    And it ends with Nom Anor controlling the whole Yuuzhan Vong race, sending them to their deaths as he gets New Republic races to support him as he announces himself Emperor of the Galaxy.

  17. Tahiri-Solo

    Tahiri-Solo Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 21, 2001
    you forget the part where Jimmy comes back!!!!!!!Oi!!
  18. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    I say just make the jedi destroy the Vong and they leave and let the jedi start a new republic with just jedi and leave it like that. You don't have to kill anymore people, but I like the idea of the dream. [face_mischief]
  19. Emiaj

    Emiaj Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 10, 2001
    Oh, sorry.

    After Nom Anor becomes Emperor of the Galaxy he stands in the big senate place delivering a speech about how everyone is now his slave.

    Then a big wibbly wobbly time portal opens and a being known only as Jimmy appears (who later turns out to be a long lost friend once the spoiler time elapses). He raises his precious sabre of light and stabs Nom Anor repeatedly.


  20. Jedi_Rock_Star

    Jedi_Rock_Star Jedi Youngling

    Nov 22, 2001
    im still willing to put my money on the Vong winning and a new rebellion must begin
  21. Veng_Commando

    Veng_Commando Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 26, 2001
    Jaina and Tahiri get it on and decide to kill the Vong together using the darkside.
    Jaina Kills Jacen, Luke, and everyone else except Tahiri and Ben.
    Tahiri Takes care of Ben whilst being Jaina's Darkside apprentice. Using their Darkside powers, they kill the VONG and initiate the Rule of Two again
    Jaina kills Lah with her darkside powers, but dies in turn. Jacen Tahiri and a bunch of others go to a worldship after Shimerra[1] where they find a VONG Anakin[made by Nem Yim]. They fight him and Shimmerra and Ankakin, anakin then decides to Kill shimerra so the others could escape
    Everything above up to the number one happens and Tahiri and Anakin Force Merge where Tahiri shares a sub-conscies [talks to him in her sleep] mind with Anakin. Then they Fight Shimerra and Nem Yim's creation [whatever it is]
    Shimerra is really another Reincarnation of Palpatine and the Vong are his little science experiment.
    The Imps, Chiss, NR, and Jedi team up and beat the crap out of the Vong from all fou sides.
    (ODDS-with detailed stuff inside-50-1)
  22. Quiwan

    Quiwan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2000
    Protege-of-thrawn "just an observation that someone so hated is now so reverently endorsed as the 'next big thing'"

    Personally, i still think he's a weak coward and every other word imaginable that reflects him being a piece of crap. I'm not sure how the NJO series will end, but i really hope he changes or dies.
  23. royalguard96

    royalguard96 Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 13, 2001
  24. chissdude10

    chissdude10 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Jul 26, 2001
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