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How many times a week do you watch star wars and does it affect your life

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by haljordan33, Apr 16, 2009.

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  1. haljordan33

    haljordan33 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2008
    By affecting your life I mean do your girlfriends make comments about you being too old for it and things like that?

    i watch some or all of a star wars movie at least 2 times a week. yes, even prequels. I have my apy decorated with star wars posters and action figures. Also marvel comics and marvel action figures. I get a lot of grief from girlfriends when I invite them over. Some think it's cool but most say things like "aren't you a little too old for this" My ex that I lived with for 4 yrs wouldn't even allow the stuff to be hung up. Said it was for kids.

    Anyways I was wondering if anyone else shared similiar experinces.
  2. Eternity85

    Eternity85 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 24, 2008
    Well. Your a fan, thats for sure. I dont watch the movies very often. I have different Star Wars artifacts, books, posters and games. I doesnt affect my life, but i see Star Wars as part of my life, in a good way. So Star Wars is always with me, its special to me, and i like it.

    Star Wars is for everyone caught by its magic. Maybe the movies are aimed at a younger audience, but the themes in Star Wars - light vs dark, redemption, friendship, forgivnes and love. These are all eternal, and for everyone, no matter how old they are. If people say Star Wars is for kids, maybe they are those not mature enough to see what Star Wars truly represents. There is so many different aspects to understand, and i bet "grown up" people are to hardend to be able to see them.
  3. Darth-Johnny-Cash

    Darth-Johnny-Cash Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 26, 2009

    I watch at least one movie from the OT per week. I'm not that into the PT but for some reason a TV channel called RTE where I'm from has one of the PT on every few Sundays at 2 o'clock or so. For me that and Christmas are the best times to watch SW so I tune in from time to time. It reminds me of being a kid.

    I'm not into the EU at all, my folks still have all my and my brothers SW toys in there house, I don't have any posters up or anything like that. I do have a lightsaber mind you which is cool o and a toy yoda in my car.

    My wife really likes the OT and every now and again she loves watching one which rocks so it doesn't affect my life in that way.
  4. haljordan33

    haljordan33 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2008
    the only EU i enjoyed the the rebel mission to ord mantel. I use to love listening to that when i was a kid.
  5. Grand_Moff_Jawa

    Grand_Moff_Jawa Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 31, 2001
    Watching the OT has become one of those events I partake of only a few times a year. I used to watch them weekly, but not anymore. It's not because I don't like them as well, it's because they are a special event thing for me now. I haven't seen a PT movie since ROTS came out in 2005. I last watched an OT movie about 6 months ago. I treat the OT as an old friend that I look up every once in a while and get reacquainted with.
  6. ezekiel22x

    ezekiel22x Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    I just watched Revenge of the Sith for the first time in a year a few days back. That's actually the impetus for my "surge" in posting the past week. Last year I watched all the films in a little over a week's span. That's the closest I've ever come to a marathon. Before that I probably didn't watch TPM or ANH for a good two years. Watching Star Wars films is definitely more of a yearly event for me than a monthly or weekly one.

    Beyond that Star Wars doesn't really affect my life at all except for it being a nostalgic hobby I dip into at varying levels every now and then. I buy three or four new novels a year. I used to collect the figures, but gave that up for good in my early 20s (not because of social pressure, I might add, but because I kind of entered a bit of a minimalist phase with a lot of my non-book possessions).
  7. Etgreat

    Etgreat Jedi Master

    Mar 26, 2009
    I agree with you Eternity 85.

    Most people just think that movies, books... whatever has only entertainment value, i.e. to distract. It takes, on the other hand, great maturity and composure to see the real value of anything beyond what seems apparent.

    Star Wars is the ultra-example of this, in that it has tremendous and timeless value that mature individuals would pick out. It also has an added benefit that if kids are introduced to it in a mature way, like seeing that adults watch it with the same respect and its not just put on as an electronic babysitter, I believe they will also begin to learn from it and be introduced to deep themes.

    When I was a kid I used to watch the OT and just seek and enjoy the actions sequences like the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Hoth..etc. I hated watching the Empire Strikes Back and all the lightsaber duels like Luke vs. Vader Ep.VI or Ben vs. Vader Ep.IV simply because it wasn't as action packed and all the dialogue was not exciting enough.

    Then I reached the point, a little older like in my teens, where the struggle took on an added lure. Empire Strikes Back turned into my new favorite and the darkness and loneliness of Luke's journey and transformation from a kid in Ep.IV to a poised and confident Jedi in Ep.VI intrigued me. The Ewoks, so cool as a kid now seemed a little more goofy, annoying...

    Then I got a little older, Ep.I arrived, and the flawless, dangerous and powerful abilities of the Jedi and Sith in Duel of the Fates suddenly meant more to me and I started to enjoy the calm and deadly combat of the lightsaber duels from all the Episodes.

    And now I find myself, with the 6.5 films now out, that I am appreciating everything that adds to this story. My appreciation, so incremental and limited and growing up focusing on certain aspects, had not blossomed into an exponentially grown appreciation of the immensity of all that is going on in these films. The incredible theme of corruption and redemption going on in Vader. The theme of powerstruggle and the Sith's attempt to dominate and the Jedi's ever delicate attempts to hold on, even in the shadows, to keep that good hope alive. The incredibly rich philosophical themes between the light and dark side; passions vs. detachment; love vs. too much love which 'the shadow of greed that is'; friendship and loyalty with sacrifice between Anakin and Obi-wan, Luke and Han. I even appreciate those Ewoks now, yes who once were so cute, then goofy..., now they stand for the proposition that one should never underestimate critical assistance in any situation, no matter how small or apparently worthless, because helps and assistance comes in mysterious ways. They happened to be the overlooked and dismissed aid that turns the tide that the Emperor did not count on in this "forseeability"... What a beautiful concept: never dismiss any life, it always has value.

    These themes are soo rich, deep and like any great work of philosophy, spirituality can benefit every individual who approaches it with an open mind and mature poise, like the stoic and rock hard disposition of Luke being brought before the Emperor. I greatly look forward to being able to view these films more and more into my life (Im almost 30 now) and getting even more and more themes and lessons from them, as well as eventually introducing them to my children and be confident that they will reach perhaps the same arc on them that I did on their own...

    I am confident in this as these films can take care of their own timelessness and value!

    P.S. I still havent found a value and appreciation for Jar Jar... perhaps the answer and meaning will come in time when I am like 60 or something. haha!
  8. grimlockbedi

    grimlockbedi Jedi Master star 2

    Sep 16, 2006
    I tend to watch ANH or ESB when I am in a bad mood or having a rough week. Watching them reminds me of my younger days and sometimes helps me to feel better, at least while I am watching them.
  9. ShaneP

    ShaneP Ex-Mod Officio star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 26, 2001
    I watch the OT in total maybe once a year. I dont ever sit down and watch them all at once. But I probably do see all 3 films at least once a year.
  10. Palp_Faction

    Palp_Faction Force Ghost star 4

    Feb 3, 2002
    I deliberately went on a Star Wars diet last year: I didn't watch any of the films for the whole of 2008! It meant that when I watched them a few weeks ago they seemed fresh again! Even TPM seemed entertaining...
  11. StarWarrior77

    StarWarrior77 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 30, 2008
    Ever since ROTS came out on DVD, me and my brothers watched Star Wars a lot. Both the PT and the OT, we couldn't get enough. Now we limit our SW viewings to once a month. We put all of the SW movies in a hat and then pull one out. It actually works out quite nicely and the movies are more enjoyable. :)
  12. drg4

    drg4 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 30, 2005
    The Empire Strikes Back (Twice a year)
    Revenge of the Sith (Twice a year)
    The Phantom Menace (Once a year)
    A New Hope (Once a year)
    Attack of the Clones (Once every two years, French language track only)
    Return of the Jedi (No intention of watching again, unless I have children)

    Honestly, I rarely bring Star Wars up in real life, so only my closest acquaintances know I'm a fan.
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