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If Sidious' orders where to "wipe them out, all of them"....

Discussion in 'Archive: The Phantom Menace' started by LORDeron_MAULer, Feb 27, 2005.

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  1. LORDeron_MAULer

    LORDeron_MAULer Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 6, 2003
    why were the droids taking prisoners at the end of the battle? Surely it would be easier to shoot them on the spot, its not like they had been taking care not so shoot theme earlier in fight.

    DARTHLINK Force Ghost star 4

    Feb 24, 2005
    Okay, i can remember where in the movie you are talking about. Are you talking about those tiny Jawa looking droids that were marching in the ship after the ship went "ka-boom"?
    Well, if you are talking about that, then i gotta say: I don't think those droids were prisoners. I can't remember seeing a droid behind them with a blaster.
  3. LORDeron_MAULer

    LORDeron_MAULer Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 6, 2003
    Sidious: Wipe them out, all of them.


    Droid: hands up!

    Jar Jar: My give up, my give up.
  4. Wesyeed

    Wesyeed Jedi Youngling star 4

    Feb 5, 2005
    ^LOL... yeah. I don't know the answer to that.
  5. Padme-Wan_SkyWindu

    Padme-Wan_SkyWindu Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 1, 2002
    That's a very good point. Of course, the easiest and most obvious answer to give is the standard "It's a movie, Sidious saying 'Wipe them out. All of them' sounds cooler than 'Kill some of them. Take the others prisoner', and the Gungans should survive so kids that like Jar Jar can be happy" - the same way that those red energy walls at the end of the duel are there just so Darth Maul can go against Qui-Gon one on one, but it's more fun to say something like "These doors relate to an old Naboo legend about doors holding back chaos" and stuff like that. The best "fun" answer I can give is that Nute Gunray is an idiot and did not tell the droid commanders to kill all the Gungans. He has demonstrated many times that he is incredibly stupid, and he probably just screwed up again.
  6. Flying_Swordsman

    Flying_Swordsman Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2005
    Perhaps they were being rounded up all together so they can be slaughtered on the spot all at once. In other words...WIPED out. ;)
  7. Harabec

    Harabec Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 28, 2001
    Perhaps they were being rounded up all together so they can be slaughtered on the spot all at once

    I tend to agree. It would be much easier once they'd been disarmed and gathered rather than armed and heading off in all directions.
  8. Smuggler-of-Mos-Espa

    Smuggler-of-Mos-Espa Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jan 23, 2002
    I doubt even the Federation would be that sloppy, however, I can't think of anything else that would make sense of it.
  9. openmind

    openmind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 23, 2003
    I doubt even the Federation would be that sloppy

    Well considering that Gunray was considered "brain dead" by his own kind, sloppiness couldn't be counted out totally :p
  10. Chaotic_Serenity

    Chaotic_Serenity Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 10, 2004
    I always assumed they were rounding them up to a "line up and shoot" style execution. Once they had won, what was the point of rushing, after all?
  11. TrueJedi

    TrueJedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 22, 2000
    Well, it's because it sounded better that way. Is it a plot hole? Sure, of course it is. They had their orders and they would not disobey or spend time rounding people up only to execute them latter. Just add this issue to the long list of plot holes.
  12. DarthDan10855863

    DarthDan10855863 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 23, 2005
    That's a very good point. Of course, the easiest and most obvious answer to give is the standard "It's a movie, Sidious saying 'Wipe them out. All of them' sounds cooler than 'Kill some of them. Take the others prisoner', and the Gungans should survive so kids that like Jar Jar can be happy"

    -- lol...

    I guess it is a plot hole, but movies are movies and it doesnt happen often in movies that main(ish) characters are suddenly executed... they always have some way to escape (like James Bond)

    PS- stuff the kids, Jar Jar should die anyway... and who knows, the kids might want him dead anyway
  13. orangefuzz

    orangefuzz Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 21, 2003
    Just goes to show that you should never trust a battle droid, even one as cool as OOM-9 with specific commands.
  14. rogue_wookiee

    rogue_wookiee Jedi Youngling star 6

    Apr 24, 2004
    Maybe the Neimodians just sucked at following orders.
  15. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    Naw, Gunray is brilliant.
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