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If you could give any minor character a bigger part...

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by JediStarKiller, Jun 20, 2005.

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  1. __THX__

    __THX__ Jedi Youngling

    Jun 21, 2005
    General Grievous! I wish he had been in AOTC, commanding the CIS Armies and everything.
  2. b-wingmasterburnz

    b-wingmasterburnz Jedi Master star 3

    May 27, 2004
    Mon Mothma. Show how she disapproved of the Empire, and thus went on to lead the Alliance.
  3. ZachH

    ZachH Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2005
    I would Really like to see alot more Taun We, she's my favorite alien female just something about her I like.=P~
  4. jangoisadrunk

    jangoisadrunk Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 7, 2005
    I agree 100% on that one.
  5. Darth_Jurassic

    Darth_Jurassic Jedi Youngling

    May 25, 2005
    Not a minor character in the saga, but in the prequels it is C-3P0. Part of the reason is because he is so important in IV-VI and doesn't do much in I-III.

    In I, we see that Anakin built him which amounts for something to OT viewers but people who see them in order will wonder why he even gets included.

    At least II, he gets a decent part that I can't complain too much about. If only he didn't have those horrible puns - "This is such a drag." and "I'm quite beside myself." Argggggg.

    The one that really bugs me though is that he is simply windowdressing in III. He just kind of floats around in the background the whole time till he gets his memory wiped at the end.

    I mean R2-D2, whom I like more than 3P0, gets to shine in the prequels and totally kick butt in III. 3P0 should get something considering the two droids were of equal prominence in IV-VI.
  6. Omicron5

    Omicron5 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 22, 2005
    If I could give any minor character a bigger part, I'd give it to the kaminoans because you hardly see them do much and they manage to create 200,000 clone trooper units and train them for military combat, when they seem so peaceful to me. We ought to see them fight in the clone wars.[face_skull]
    Especially if they ended up facing Anakin or a jedi, how powerful are they really?[face_thinking]
    Pilot Omicron5 posting a message,sir.
  7. Padmes_love_slave24

    Padmes_love_slave24 Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 24, 2003
    Aayla Secura or Shaak Ti!
  8. jedicam10

    jedicam10 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 16, 2005
    General Grievous and Kit Fisto
  9. raniE

    raniE Jedi Youngling

    May 22, 2005
    Hmmm, tough one. It would have to be either Bail Organa, because Jimmy Smits rocks and Bails a cool character, or C3PO, because of the discrepancy between his importance in I-II-III and IV-V-VI.
  10. HowardFilms

    HowardFilms Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 18, 2005
    They really should have shown Maul getting rebuilt as General Grievous, that'd be sweet, and then we could say Maul/Grievous had the more time we wanted for them, eh?
  11. DarthBinks-yeahright

    DarthBinks-yeahright Jedi Youngling

    May 4, 2005
    Oh, no question! Definately... um, well... I don't know. Come back to me.
  12. Master_Jedi80

    Master_Jedi80 Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 27, 2005
    i wouldve liked to see more (at least one scene of dialogue) with Tarkin and the emperor/vader.

  13. The_Negotiator

    The_Negotiator Jedi Youngling

    May 31, 2005
    I'm always up for seeing more of Dooku. I'd like to have seen him as part of the Jedi Council in TPM, and he could have had a meatier role in AotC and RotS.

    Ric Olie one-liners should have it's own thread.
    "Anakin, you've had your legs and remaining arm cut off!"
    "Kamino, the whole planet is covered with water."
    "Geonosis, the whole planet is crawling with insects that speak Swahili."
  14. Sebulba_Wins

    Sebulba_Wins Jedi Youngling

    Jun 16, 2005
    I think Darth Maul should have been the villain throughout the PT, but I also think of him as a major character.

    I'd give Sebulba more screen time. He's my favorite character. He could provide a Han Solo type character for the PT.

    In TPM say he follows the party around in his ship after the podrace. Maybe he runs into Jar Jar or Padme, and they have an argument or something. In any event you're not sure where he stands in everything. He stands off during the start of the space battle at the end of TPM. You get Ric Olie saying the space battle is going against the Naboo. Anakin enters the battle, and he is in trouble. The Naboo are trying to protect him, but even with this and his skills the overwhelming droid numbers are keeping him hardpressed to survive. We see Sebulba's ship enter the fray, and he starts following Anakin. The audience is unsure what he's going to do, but Sebulba starts to attack the droid fighters. He takes control of the battle. He tells Anakin how to attack the capital ship (maybe Anakin has the only missiles left or something a la Spoilers Independence Day End Spoilers) while Sebulba and the Naboo fighters guard his approach.

    Then in AOTC he could be the guy who knows about Kamino instead of the cook in the diner. He joins Obi-Wan during his detective stuff, the fight, and the chase with Jango. Then he could kill Jango instead of Mace in the Arena battle.

    In ROTS maybe we get to see him fighting alongside some Jedi/Clone fighters during the Battle of Coruscant. Then he gets sent to some remote planet during the rest of the movie partnered with them. Bg battle with the CIS, and in the middle of it Order 66 is issued. The Clones try to kill the Jedi. The Jedi manages to survive the initial clone attakcs, but it is obvious they will be overwhelmed. Sebulba saves them to let them escape. Maybe he dies doing so. Maybe he tries to save them, but fails even though he manages to defeat the Clones. Then we get info that he goes off to help start the Rebellion or something.
  15. Sebulba_Wins

    Sebulba_Wins Jedi Youngling

    Jun 16, 2005
    Of course if we can include more than one character I'm all for Aayla (maybe she could be the Jedi Sebulba saves) as well as the Geonosians getting more screentime. There should have been some non-Force user who could be considered a CIS hero, and maybe it could be some Geonisian bounty hunter or something.
  16. DarthSkeptical

    DarthSkeptical Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 19, 2001
    Well, I dunno what constitutes a "minor character", exactly. Just being shown in a STAR WARS film is almost like being a featured player in any other film. But I guess if I had to pick one character who I'd have liked to have heard more from, it'd be Chancellor Valorum. I think we really need just a bit more setup on where the Republic was prior to the rise of Palpatine. I'd rather have some direct contact with his character, rather than seeing him more or less exclusively through the eyes of Palpatine.

    It would have been nice to start Episode I out just prior to giving the orders to send Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan out on their diplomatic mission. I kind of imagined Episode I beginning with a long shot of a vessel as big as the destroyer in Episode IV--only that it's the Chancellor's yacht as he prepares for the 1000th anniversary of the Republic.

    We see him engaged in a party or something like it, when he gets called away to view a plea from Queen Amidala. He's respectful, but slightly curt as he wants to get back to his party.

    He ends the transmission and mutters to an aide, "Which one's Naboo, again?"

    Wearily and almost disinterestedly, he calls Master Yoda and almost apologetically asks Yoda for a favor. "Your Grace, it's probably nothing, but could you spare a Jedi for a minor problem we're having on Naboo?"

    Holo-Yoda says, "Arrange it, I will. Have two for the job, I do,"

    The holo-transmission ends, and we're looking at the real Yoda. To his side is Mace. "Qui Gon?"

    "And Young Kenobi, Master Windu."

    We cut to two cloaked Jedi getting ooff their shuttle in the hangar bay, and the adventure begins as it currently does.
    A close second would be Bail Organa. Lucas gives us all we [i]need[/i] from the character, but it's a little less than what I [i]want[/i]. Basically what I'm askin' for is the "birth of the Rebellion" scene that was cut.
  17. QuiGonHrafn

    QuiGonHrafn Jedi Grand Master star 3

    May 25, 2002
    Obviously Jar Jar Binks. I wouldn't mind if George had put him walking past the characters in every scene in SITH (like George jokes he was contemplating in The Making of SITH). But seriously I think some minor characters could have had an extended role.

    1)Bail Organa - I would like him to be added to TPM. It would be nice to see him in all three films.
    2) Sabé - would have been much more emotional if Sabé had died at the beginning of CLONES. We don't know Cordé but we know Sabé (wouldn't neccesarily have to be Kiera Knightley. Just for Padmé to say Sabé instead of Cordé).
    3) Watto - would have liked to see him in SITH and I want to see him at the end of JEDI.
  18. magicfann

    magicfann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 22, 2005
    Shaak Ti or Barriss Offee.

    DARTH-SODA Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 29, 2005
    You know what, I'd actually like to see those Tusken Raiders without their tattered rags and filthy robes? Are they just normal people with weird clothes, or are they a separate race?[face_alien_1]
  20. Hero_Of_Lime

    Hero_Of_Lime Jedi Youngling

    Jun 28, 2005
    I would have liked to see more Darth Maul. That guy was awesome! Also, I would have liked to have seen a cameo of Osama in Ep. II. It would have made the movie a lot more interesting.
  21. Ackbar_The_Great

    Ackbar_The_Great Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 20, 2004
    Mon Mothma and the founders of the Alliance. Wasn't she supposed to be in Episode 3?
  22. angel_of_the_force

    angel_of_the_force Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 26, 2005
  23. jedimaster11

    jedimaster11 Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 23, 2002
    Agreed. I also wished for more "rebellion" intro from ROTS. More bad ass Mace Windu. Don't forget Ayala Secura [face_love] also.
  24. JediStarKiller

    JediStarKiller Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 2, 2005
    Opps ya I forgot about Maul...yes more Maul would be nice. How about some more little greedo...(foreshadwoing for both of them) They get in a fight, both have a temper both become "evil."

    Why the Greedo scene got cut, I don't know!?!?!???

    And yea everyone would have liked to see more jedi in action fighting the clone wars....its a shame. Really is.
  25. master_ghost

    master_ghost Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 29, 2005
    More Darth Maul and Plo Koon
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