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If you could meet one person in the SW galaxy

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Derek_Colze, Mar 17, 2002.

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  1. Derek_Colze

    Derek_Colze Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2002
    Who would you want to spend a day with? What character? It can be anyone in the Star Wars Galaxy, NJO era, TPM, or before.
  2. Valyn

    Valyn Jedi Master star 8

    Mar 2, 2002
    I'd like to be Kyp Durron's apprentice. :)

    Hmmm...or maybe Luke Skywalker's apprentice...*contemplates*

    Oh! And I'd like to meet Jaina! heheheh...I have my reasons...but it doesn't include a master-apprentice relationship, that, I assure you. :D

    In a more serious respect, I'd hug her and reassure her that everythin's gonna' be all right and I'd be her boyfriend and stuff... :)

    I'd also avoid Jagged Fel, 'cuz he'd outdo me. ;)

  3. Derek_Colze

    Derek_Colze Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2002
    Choose one please.

    I know it's hard, but you gotta try.
  4. dp4m

    dp4m Chosen One star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Luke. To discuss philosophy on this whole "never for attack" and determine whether preemptive defensive striking is okay. Oh yeah, and so he can touch that "nub" at the back of my brain and fly very far across the room because I'm so powerful with the Force...
  5. Miin_Bodenna

    Miin_Bodenna Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 7, 2002
    WHo would want Kyp or Luke when you could get Baron or Jag.

    So their not Jedi, but they sure do know how to fly.

    Miin Bodenna
    Co-CEO of Massassi
  6. Valyn

    Valyn Jedi Master star 8

    Mar 2, 2002
    I have to pick one? But there's an entire galaxy of people I wanna' meet! No fear! :(

    I don't care too much about Jaina, so we can scratch that off...

    I really can't decide out of Luke or Kyp. Both would be so interesting to meet, in my opinion.

  7. DarkTreader

    DarkTreader Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 22, 2002
    Jagged Fel, hands down.

    The guy's got everything rolled up into a nice neat package... looks, attitude, and the piloting abilities of a GOD.

  8. ash_shack_II

    ash_shack_II Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 27, 2001

    Or maybe Wedge or Talon Karrde or Thrawn or Ackbar or Mace Windu or Vader or Oola ( :D ) or... can't think of any more. Got kinda sidetracked when I got to Oola. Mmm, there's something about those lekku... uh, gotta go, uh, to the bathroom!
  9. IAmTheDarkSide

    IAmTheDarkSide Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 9, 2002
    Guri or Nomi, for their gravity defying, er...intellect...

    EDIT: Oh yes, and their breasts.

    But Vima's probably more my age. Or Tahiri.
  10. ash_shack_II

    ash_shack_II Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 27, 2001
    Hee hee, I'm with you, DarkSide.
  11. Valyn

    Valyn Jedi Master star 8

    Mar 2, 2002
    "or Vader"

    :eek: Wha-? Wouldn't you be afraid of him?

  12. Miin_Bodenna

    Miin_Bodenna Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 7, 2002
    Tsavon Lah...oh wait he would sacrafice me...wouldn't he?

    Miin Bodenna
    Co-CEO of Massassi
    Defense Department
  13. Derek_Colze

    Derek_Colze Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 14, 2002
    or he would be fascinated at your stupidity.
  14. Miin_Bodenna

    Miin_Bodenna Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 7, 2002
    Me and DC r freinds if you can't tell!

    Miin Bodenna
    Co-CEO of Massassi
    Defense Department
  15. ash_shack_II

    ash_shack_II Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 27, 2001
    I think me and Vader would hit it off pretty good. I can see it now:
    Shack & the V-Man, kickin' back on the Death Star, chillin' wit da hunnies...
  16. Balance_Point

    Balance_Point Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 10, 2001
    Jacen. I'd absolutely love to meet the whole gang, but if it had to be only one, it'd be him, no doubt about it. :)
  17. Danamel99

    Danamel99 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 10, 2001
    Jagged Fel.....he intrigues me!
  18. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    I would want to meet either Luke Skywalker or Mara Jade.

    I would probally want to meet Luke Skywalker more, but if he was busy, I wouldn't mind meeting Mara Jade.

    And if they were both busy, I would want to meet Yoda or Obi-Won. And if they were both busy, then I would want to meet Han Solo.

    1. Luke Skywalker
    2. Mara Jade
    3. Yoda
    4. Obi-Won
    5. Han Solo
  19. ash_shack_II

    ash_shack_II Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 27, 2001
    Yo DarkSide, wassup? You think there's any hunnies around dese boards? Prolly not as hot as Guri (mmmm...HRDs...taste so good...) but at least they be real.
  20. Lady_Tahiri

    Lady_Tahiri Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2001
    Up until DJ I would have said Anakin Solo, hands down, but there really is something about Jagged Fel ... [face_love] ... Jaina is one lucky girl, you know. *goes into deep meditation to ponder this question* Ok, so it would still have to be Anakin.
  21. Niralle

    Niralle Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 28, 2001
    Luke. I have a thing for short guys [face_love]
  22. Halcoholic

    Halcoholic Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2002
    I'd most like to meet and observe Grand Admiral Thrawn and his tactical genius at work... like perhaps take Pellaeon's place :) That'd be sweet, eh? Being the protege of the greatest tactical mind to ever exist?

    Or Face Loran and take some acting tips. You're talking to the new Charlie Brown in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown".... damned musicals.....
  23. DarkTreader

    DarkTreader Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 22, 2002
    Wait a sec... I just re-thought my answer.

    Kyp Durron.

    An I'd specifically like to meet him when he's about 100 m in front of me in his X-Wing, and I've got the sweetest target lock possible in my mod'd Clawcraft (hehe... CHISS RULE!)
  24. mr.binks

    mr.binks Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1999

    Because... I don't need a because. Obi-Wan is simply the definition of cool.

    I can't possibly meet Jacen, 'cause we're the exact same person, and the universe would end.

    However, if this is mutated into who I'd date; Tahiri, Danni, and Padme. I'd have to see.
  25. Kier_Nimmion

    Kier_Nimmion Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 9, 2000

    Luke Skywalker or Nomi Sunrider would be my top choices.

    Tionne if Kam isn't around [face_love]

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