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Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Nasus_Sivad, Nov 2, 2006.

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  1. TionneHawk

    TionneHawk Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 28, 2002
    You found a broom cupboard on the convention floor, didn't you, Master?
  2. Master--Kenobi

    Master--Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2003
    Shhhhssssshhhhh! [face_shhh] Arn't you supposed to be at recess anyways? :D
  3. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    Good for you. You will have to come see us at the Holiday Inn. :) We'll have to have a get together one night.

    Recess - yes it is that time where the amazing new drug called ICE. It cures everything from bumps to sick stomachs, etc. :) only another hour to go. :) Boba Sivad has it even worse. He is a day lead custodian so he is having to clean up for them at lunch time and do the puke patrol, etc. :)

    That is why we look so forward to conventions and Star Wars stuff.

    Are you also a collector?
  4. Donberto1701

    Donberto1701 Jedi Youngling

    Oct 9, 2006
    Anyone Staying at the New Otani Hotel? I liked the whole Japanease thing it said it had going on. Plus It was the cheapest on the list.
  5. JedHead1

    JedHead1 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 20, 1999
    For that weekend, it should be called the New "Utinni" Hotel. ;)
  6. JediDarkNight

    JediDarkNight Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 24, 2005
    How far is the Otani from the Convention center? If it's in reasonable walking distance, maybe we and some others get a room there.

    --Jedi Dark Night
  7. Donberto1701

    Donberto1701 Jedi Youngling

    Oct 9, 2006
    Quite a long walk. I booked it cuz it has a shuttle to the con for free. I just did not want to walk.
  8. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    We have at least one other member booked at that hotel. Sounds like a nice one and a bit better price for those that don't want to pay the $173 at the Holiday Inn. The shuttle makes it worth it since the others are full. Parking is going to be a premium once the convention starts. I wouldn't want to find a spot. :)
  9. Master--Kenobi

    Master--Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2003
    Don't forget the other magic drug...BandAids... Makes things that you can't even see alllllll better! LOL Oh Gods, Puke patrol.. I have the worlds weakest stomach so the kids know that if they are even REMOTELY thinking of hurling, they are to hit the door at a dead run... "and no questions asked." LOL

    Yup, I collect. Mostly the large size 12/18 inch figures and replica (and some original shhhhh) props from SW, PotC and other films. Actually need to sell off some of my lessor film stuff (NO, not SW, PotC, or a couple of others) But really need the room in the house LOL
  10. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    We had to make that adjustment also. :) Had to pick one type and Star Wars won. :) We tend to do the higher end figures and really don't have specific things, we buy what we like or catches our eye and I like the more unusual stuff.

    Sick to the stomach is a guaranteed ride home. They don't always like it but it a definate. Figure if they hurled once, good chances are they will again, and I don't want to have to deal with it. :) Did I say my custodian likes me alot. :)

    Yes, Bandaids, the next best thing to sliced bread. :) We even get them sent by their parents to be bandaged. :( They also think we have a regular school nurse. ha!! I then have to explain that "you know them nasty budget cuts", this is what happens. You get secretaries. Luckily we are all moms and very experienced. God, I love my job. :) or so I keep telling myself.
  11. Master--Kenobi

    Master--Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2003
    One of my little guys is really sensitive and gets emotional extremely easily (Yup, that happens a lot in Special Ed) Well, I found out with him that a BandAid makes EVERYTHING better. If he gets his feelings hurt...a bandaid...doesn't want to do his work...a bandaid...wore the wrong shirt and is devistated...a bandaid. Just put one on his hand and life is wonderful again.

    (Wouldn't it be great if we could do that as adults?) ;)

    And right with ya there on the custodians...those guys ROCK!!!!!
  12. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    I agree. If life were only so easy. I often said the special ed kids have it right. They just live and enjoy the moment and if they don't enjoy it, they let everyone know. There are many times in my life I would like to have not been so confined by what was expected and been able to just live life and enjoy.

    My son was special ed, so I know about them sensitive fellows. He was ED from 2nd grade through graduation. Our teachers and counselors were angels. He is doing so well now. You guys that go into special ed are pretty special yourself. and no not special - ed. :)

    There is a lot of rewards in this line of work that you don't get from other fields. I use to be a customer assurance person and provide tech advise to HVAC techs. Decided that if I was going to work with people that acted like children, they might as well be children. ha!!
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