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PT In your head canon, Did Darth Maul die in TPM?.

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by The Chosen TML Fan, Sep 3, 2015.


Did Darth Maul Die in TPM?.

  1. He's dead Jim......

    117 vote(s)
  2. MAUL LIVES!!.

    68 vote(s)
  1. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Well, when Maul reappeared his story was still being written by Katie Lucas. But Son of Dathomir, when the 'Mother' reveal came wasn't. Unless the original scripts were, and then they had someone rewrite them? I don't fully know.
  2. MidKnighT

    MidKnighT Force Ghost star 4

    May 23, 2005
  3. HevyDevy

    HevyDevy Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 13, 2011
    Yeah he's dead.

    For one, Obi-Wan's claim that "Sith Lords are their specialty" taken at face value makes more sense this way.
    cwustudent, Slicer87 and Davak24 like this.
  4. zisme

    zisme Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 19, 2016

    but his revival in TCW didn't bother me too much *shrug*
    darth elyk likes this.
  5. Darth__Lobot

    Darth__Lobot Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 29, 2015
    Things like this are a reason that I don't consider things like TCW and Rebels to be true canon.

    Doesn't keep them from being entertaining... but I find it very difficult to reconcile the universe depicted in those shows and the universe depicted in the films
  6. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001

  7. Cyreides

    Cyreides Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    i agree, tho i rly wish i could force TCW into my cannon at times for stuff like this, because Maul is awesome as hell in TCW, but it doesn't really fit

    only things in my cannon for now are I-VI and the KOTOR games
    ObiWanKnowsMe likes this.
  8. Rachel_In_Red

    Rachel_In_Red Jedi Master star 3

    May 12, 2013

    I'm a huge DM fan, but to me he was dead and gone in TPM. I never watched TCW but bringing DM back after he was cut in half and tumbled down a very deep hole was stupid.
  9. RX-77

    RX-77 Jedi Padawan

    Jan 13, 2016
    He's alive and although I'm a huge Maul fan he should have stayed dead.
    ObiWanKnowsMe likes this.
  10. Palp Fiction

    Palp Fiction Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 18, 2003
  11. Heroic BB-8

    Heroic BB-8 Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 29, 2015
    he did not die in TPM. he lived on to be flarking awesome on TCW.
  12. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
  13. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 43x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I would say that Lucas retconning Maul's death is like Conan Doyle's retconning Holmes's death - a choice he's entitled to make.
    cwustudent, Sith-I-5, Erkan12 and 2 others like this.
  14. Antpocalypse

    Antpocalypse Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 26, 2016
    A question: Way before TCW in 2005, wasn't Darth Maul already resurrected in a comic book storyline? A little searching and I found the name 'Star Wars: Visionaries' which features a story called 'Old Wounds' where Maul is back from the dead to exact revenge on Obi Wan.

    So, I know that book isn't cannon now but I would very much like to if it was ever cannon, back when it was released.

    Also, I found this comic called Star Wars Tales 9 - Resurrection, released in 2003, that shows Darth Maul being resurrected in the post Episode 3 world where Darth Vader fights and kills him. Was that ever cannon?

  15. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 43x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Resurrection was made C-Canon thanks to Leland Chee - and its inclusion as one of "20 most Memorable moments in the EU" in Star Wars Insider:

    Old Wounds, however, was confirmed as Infinities - despite another author making a nod to it:
    cwustudent and Antpocalypse like this.
  16. Antpocalypse

    Antpocalypse Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 26, 2016
    Sorry to derail the thread, but how many levels of Star Wars canon are there? I thought it was just Canon and Legends?
  17. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 43x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Even the new system has a few "non-Canon even compared to the rest of the Legendsverse" stories, that either were always an alternate universe from conception (the Infinities comics) or ended up being decanonized a long time after the event.

    So, at the moment - there's two major universes - the "Legendsverse" and the "new-Canon-Verse" and a bunch of minor ones (one for each Infinities story, the Jeffery Brown Jedi Academy universe, the Lego Star Wars universe, and so forth.
    Antpocalypse likes this.
  18. Antpocalypse

    Antpocalypse Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 26, 2016
    Thanks for clearing that up! [face_peace]
    ObiWanKnowsMe and Iron_lord like this.
  19. lordboomblast

    lordboomblast Jedi Youngling

    Mar 12, 2016
    if anakin could survive being burned alive , i think maul could survive.
  20. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Currently Darth Maul is dead to me, but I haven't yet watched the last two seasons of TCW. [face_laugh]
    Force Smuggler and CIS Droid like this.
  21. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    Please share you thoughts when you´re done with the last 2 seasons :)
  22. Tolvo

    Tolvo Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 28, 2014
    The term "head canon" needs to go. It's an oxymoron. Canon is nothing personal. If it's only in my head it's not canon by definition. That's what you call "imagination" or "wishful thinking" or "fan back story". You could just as well say "Well, in my head law it's okay to do X". We're not the ones who decide.

    Anyways, no. The Clone Wars is not only canon but also a great series overall, so it's not going to make much sense to cherry pick what I consider to be whatever. Do I like it? No. It's not necessarily that he survived that I have a problem with, but more the way they continue his story. Contrary to apparently most people, the Maul episodes are some of my least favorites. They felt jarring among the rest of the series and were very pseudo-dramatic. Yes, they were a nice departure from the rest, but a lot of it felt like fan service.
    cwustudent and Luukeskywalker like this.
  23. Darthman92

    Darthman92 Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 24, 2016
    Let me put it this way. From the pieces I've seen of him in "CLONE WARS" it works fine on its own terms. But when marathon-ing the saga itself I just prefer to see him as dead at the end of "THE PHANTOM MENACE". I don't really need to be watching the other ones and think in the back of my head, "Oh man, Maul's out there somewhere" when it has no impact on the rest of the films and Obi-Wan defeating him was his big trial by fire that proved he was ready to be a Jedi Knight. Maul surviving doesn't completely ruin that in all fairness but with the preceding point on top of it (It not being necessary to understanding the rest of the saga) I prefer to just think of him as being dead when watching the movies themselves.
    HevyDevy, Lt. Hija and Force Smuggler like this.
  24. DarthCricketer

    DarthCricketer Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 18, 2016
  25. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015

    I see your point, but there are retroactive continuity changes / premise changes that take its toll on overall credibility - with the ressurection of Darth Maul apparently being one of these, and it qualifies as a classic "continuity conflict".

    Ultimately it becomes a philosophical question: Do I prefer what I see in the original context intended by the creator (which here remained unchanged for over a decade) or do I prefer to buy into the later premise change (perhaps more importantly: did the creator elaborate on the premise change, e.g. making Vader Luke's father?).

    And it just doesn't stop here. Were the PT Jedi really "consumed by the dark side of the Force"? (IIRC, no hints in the PT) and does Ashoka in Rebels really no longer qualify as a Jedi to be compliant with Yoda's "When gone am I the last of the Jedi you will be" in ROJ (which, anyway, ultimately depends on whether Yoda still regards her as a Jedi or not - and not what Ashoka would like to believe...)