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Lit Insider #154 - NEW FICTION - The End Of History

Discussion in 'Literature' started by TOD-UK, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. TOD-UK

    TOD-UK Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Mar 4, 2002
    Has anyone picked this up yet? What's it about?
  2. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 9

    Jul 19, 1999
    Fukuyama writes SW.
  3. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    Curse you misleading title! I bet they pulled that move on purpose.
  4. TOD-UK

    TOD-UK Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Mar 4, 2002
    Yea, I was thinking the same thing. But unless its a story that immediately over writes existing EU, then it is a misleading title indeed
  5. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004

    A Corellian Resistance Agent crashes on a remote colony and runs into a historian who used to have Jedi connections. They try to hide from the Imperials that are after the Agent whilst having philosophical differences on what should be done about the Empire and it ends in a rather tragic choice.
  6. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
  7. ifleninwasawizard

    ifleninwasawizard Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2014
    I'm sure Star Wars: An Inconvenient Truth and Star Wars: The Coming Insurrection are well on their way.
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  8. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    I'd like to say the title is surprising, but clever cheap sales and marketing tactics aren't that surprising.
  9. TOD-UK

    TOD-UK Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Mar 4, 2002
    So im guessing 2-1 bby?
  10. Gorefiend

    Gorefiend Chosen One star 5

    Oct 23, 2004

    No date given, though it would feel pretty well at home at happening at the same time as Rebels. So ~5 BBY.
  11. Taalcon

    Taalcon Chosen One star 4

    Jul 12, 1998
    My thoughts:
    • Fascinating passing references to previously unheard of Jedi and Sith.
    • Ossus is canonized!
    • With all we hear about Ep VII potentially involving sith/jedi relics, it seems that just the concept behind the historian character in this story, if probably not the character herself, is quite relevant going forward. Love it.
  12. FTeik

    FTeik Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 7, 2000
    And I thought history begins, where legends end. ;)
  13. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    I wonder if Ossus will appear in TFA.
  14. Taalcon

    Taalcon Chosen One star 4

    Jul 12, 1998

    That confirms it. Andy Serkis is Ood Bnar. ;)
  15. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    The End of History is also a term from some Communist regime, like Red Khmer. Like, with their rule, history would end, because there's no use for any knowledge except what the new government would provide.
    Valin__Kenobi, Zorrixor and Taalcon like this.
  16. FTeik

    FTeik Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 7, 2000
    They also predicted the "end of history" when the Iron Curtain fell and we all know, what became of that.
  17. Taalcon

    Taalcon Chosen One star 4

    Jul 12, 1998

    If part of wiping out the Jedi was to remove as much trace of them is possible, so that by a generation later it is just understood in culture as some old religious sect that had power from time to time, where would anyone go for another version of the story? This historian is absolutely right.

    Luke showing up as a Jedi following ROTJ wouldn't suddenly be hailed as a returning hero. Apart from within cells of the Alliance where the Jedi might be seen as folk heroes, He'd be seen by the majority of the population as a weird and likely dangerous Neo-Jedi cultist.
    Valin__Kenobi and Zorrixor like this.
  18. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Mon Mothma was a Senator during the Clone Wars, so wouldn't she remember the Jedi?
    Taalcon likes this.
  19. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    Of course Ossus would be used. Loved the story and agree with the assesment. Remember, this new canon is going to use the stuff from the old canon and rebrand under the new, much like TCW did. People are forgetting this and of course when they are reminded they get upset because they once again relize that the old stuff will be mined and stripped to fuel and fund the new. Great story though.
    Taalcon likes this.
  20. Taalcon

    Taalcon Chosen One star 4

    Jul 12, 1998
    Akbar knew them, too. Folk Heroes are generally made by the telling of stories about them by those who had/claimed to have firsthand knowledge of them to the next generation who wouldnot have first-hand knowledge. And then the stories are told and re-told.
  21. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I don't know what people are on about regarding the title.
  22. Dr. Steve Brule

    Dr. Steve Brule Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2012
    "The End of History and the Last Man" was a big neoconservative work that Francis Fukuyama wrote just after the dissolution of the USSR which later turned out to be completely wrong in its claims. It's also a phrase used in the last issue of Legacy (which I thought was not only clearly intentionally nodding to Fukuyama but in the context a pretty blatant nod to the readers that the Sith weren't really gone).
  23. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    No, I picked up on that. I'm talking about the people complaining that the title was "misleading".
  24. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    Ackbar even used the term "May the Force be with us", as did other Alliance commanders.

    People who don't understand sarcasm, I guess.
    Taalcon likes this.
  25. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Is this story worth a read.