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Is Padme as sick and twisted as Anakin/Vader?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Unkar's Muffins, Jun 6, 2005.

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  1. Unkar's Muffins

    Unkar's Muffins Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2002
    She always overlooks Anakin's severe psychological issues, and continues to be a victim right up to the end.

    When Anakin kills the sandpeople in AOTC, all she can say is "You're human." Say what?! This is when she was a senator!

    She hides her marriage, even though she knows that it is illegal according to the Jedi code of ethics, and even her own (the fireplace scene).

    She hides her pregnancy for months!

    When she learns that Anakin kills children in ROTS, she knows it's true, but wants to believe it's not ("You're not a bad person!"), and wants to run away with Anakin from the situation.

    She gets choked nearly to death by Anakin and still says he's good.
  2. whiteeagle

    whiteeagle Jedi Master star 6

    Dec 24, 2004
    intersting thought, but no.

    there still is good in him, she felt and luke felt it.

    if you really love someone as close as she did, you dont hang them out to dry, you try and help them as much as you can.
  3. FallenKnight88

    FallenKnight88 Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 26, 2005
    Sick and twisted--NO.

    Madly in Love--YES.
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  4. X_Darth_Binks_X

    X_Darth_Binks_X Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2005
    Dude, c'mon, she kept secrets, and looked past things, because in reality anakin was a good person, and Padme loved him with everything.

    She obviously loved him more than he did, because his betrayal hurt her so bad, she died.

    She wasnt sick, she was in love.....
  5. whiteeagle

    whiteeagle Jedi Master star 6

    Dec 24, 2004
    i think they were both madly in love, so much that anakin didnt want to lose her, so he tried to find greater power to save her. while in turn, she didnt want him to save her, just for him to be with her.
  6. The-D

    The-D Jedi Master star 4

    May 18, 2005
    Ain't love grand?
  7. DarkSider99

    DarkSider99 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 6, 2005
    padme sick and twisted-NO
    what made you think shes sick and twisted anyway from what you said it tells me that she always looks in the good of people
  8. Sith-Jedi-Master

    Sith-Jedi-Master Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 9, 2004
    no i don't think that she was sick and twisted....

    just in love with the man of her dreams i yeah..

    she died of a broken heart
  9. Darth-Stryphe

    Darth-Stryphe Former Mod and City Rep star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 24, 2001
    Count_DoodooKuku, I get what you're saying. Sick and twisted? No, but an enabler? Yes.
  10. Darth-Stryphe

    Darth-Stryphe Former Mod and City Rep star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 24, 2001
    By the way, I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread. These sandpeople discussions have a way of turning into flame wars. That won't happen again.
  11. Unkar's Muffins

    Unkar's Muffins Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2002
    "padme sick and twisted-NO
    what made you think shes sick and twisted anyway from what you said it tells me that she always looks in the good of people"

    Ummm... maybe you didn't read my evidence.

    When Anakin kills innocent sandpeople in AOTC, all she can say is "You're human." She is actually giving Anakin more fuel to continue in his vile ways, rather than get him some serious psychological help.

    She hides her marriage, even though she knows that it is illegal according to the Jedi code of ethics, and even her own (the fireplace scene). She is supposed to uphold the highest standards and ethics as the highlighted "non-corrupted" senator from Naboo.

    She hides her pregnancy for months! She is actually causing other people, like her seamstresses and personal assistants, to lie for her, spreading yet more lies.

    When she learns that Anakin kills children in ROTS, she KNOWS it's true, but wants to believe it's not ("You're not a bad person!"). She should have turned away from Anakin at this point. He is evil - he killed children.

    Then, to top it all off, she gets choked nearly to death by Anakin and still says "he's good".

    LOL! [face_laugh]

    If this was happening to your best friend, you'd say their off their rocker, she's being a willing victim. Instead, you say "She looks for the good in people" or "They're just in love".

    Yeah. "Natural Born Killers" kinda love, maybe. LOL!

    C'mon, man!

    By the way, do not take this as a flame, it's just that it suddenly seemed so clear to me that Padm,e is a very disturbed individual. VERY. Even though she shows no signs of depression or crazed mania.
  12. threepio_mania

    threepio_mania Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 15, 2002
    Not sick and twisted. But blinded enough by love to be an enabler and not help Obi-Wan do what had to be done.
  13. BosskMaul

    BosskMaul Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 29, 2004
    It's all her fault! After watching Episode II many times, I've come to realize that Padme's horrible. One second she's chatting nicely with Anakin, and the next it's "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" or one second she's all kissy kissy and then she's "WAIT STOP!" and then she's all "I can't!" but later she's all "I love you" and it's like MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

  14. Jedi_in_Love

    Jedi_in_Love Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 15, 2005
    She always overlooks Anakin's severe psychological issues, and continues to be a victim right up to the end.

    When Anakin kills the sandpeople in AOTC, all she can say is "You're human." Say what?! This is when she was a senator!

    "Your human " ,I think is a reation to the wanting to to kill those who he felt was at fault ( the Tuskens) .It's not the Jedi way to kill for revenge. Anakin let his emotions take over .

    She hides her marriage, even though she knows that it is illegal according to the Jedi code of ethics, and even her own (the fireplace scene).

    It's a two way street Anakin is hiding as much as she is.he is afterall the one who suggested they keep it secret.

    She hides her pregnancy for months!

    Anakin is no rush to tell the Jedi council . In the scene on the veranda after the dream in RotS he tells her Obi-Wan and the Jedi council can't help them because the baby is a "blessing".

    When she learns that Anakin kills children in ROTS, she knows it's true, but wants to believe it's not ("You're not a bad person!"), and wants to run away with Anakin from the situation.

    In the beginnning of the movie in the hair brusing /balcony scene before there was any killing of kids she wanted to go away with him to Naboo. The scene before the opera she wants the war to be over so they can go away to Naboo and live their lives with the baby. When she confronts him on Mustafar I think she truly believes she can stop him from doing further bad things.It's not running away on her part she just wants Anakin's love and to raise the baby ,he wants more power. She is consistant in her throughout, he changes.

    She gets choked nearly to death by Anakin and still says he's good.

    I think Luke proved her right on this one at the end of RotJ . Heck DV even admitted so himself.
  15. Cereal_Killa

    Cereal_Killa Jedi Youngling

    Mar 4, 2005
    Well look at all the sympathizers like in the Manson murders. Plenty of people back in the 70?s said what Manson?s disciplines did wasn?t so bad (because of the debauchery behavior of well to do movie stars and socialites in Southern Cali.) Padme might have the social/economic awareness in her career resume. But her ability to perceive psychological disturbed individuals seems to be a little off.
  16. DarkSider99

    DarkSider99 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 6, 2005
    alright i see your point
  17. WLDB

    WLDB Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 11, 2004
    She is a politician, what more needs to be said?
  18. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Pregnant women might get sick at times, that is true. But she is definitly not "sick" in a mental type of way nor is she twisted. She just tries to "stand by her man" as long as possible. But at a certain point it is not possible anymore. On Mustafar he just stopped to be reasonable at all. She can not be with him any longer nor can she follow him on the dark side.
  19. Box_Of_Sharp_Objects

    Box_Of_Sharp_Objects Jedi Youngling

    Jun 17, 2005
    Padme is not sick and twisted at all! I don't understand what you're thinking DoodooKuku
  20. arielthalandra

    arielthalandra Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 10, 2002
    Well, I wouldn't say sick and twisted. I do think there's some neurosis there.

    This is a person whose entire existence, from childhood onward, revolves around public service and other-orientation. Even though she tells Anakin that sometimes there are things no one can fix, she is always trying to fix things. Like trying to rescue those kids on the dying planet, and going back to Naboo even though the Trade Federation has made it extremely dangerous. Actually, a big part of her attraction to Anakin is her trying to fix him. Women have been trying to fix bad boys forever. (I've tried it. Didn't work.)

    As a result of this rarified existence (world leader at 14, senator at 24, surrounded by handmaidens/doubles, etc) she has no clue what normal relationships are, despite the apparent stability of her family of origin. She wants everything to be fair and right, which is noble, but it can blind a person to reality.

    At any rate, since neither Padme nor Anakin are particularly balanced, it makes for a dysfunctional, codependent relationship. Though ROTS has forced me to admit to how awful the love dialogue really was in AOTC, I still find it fascinating that their relationship is so creepily unhealthy. The garage scene, for example: She tells him he's only human, essentially letting him off the hook, which is classic enabling behavior. It also shows how much in denial she is, which is in turn a classic defense mechanism.

    They both need a good therapist (not Dr Phil though, he's a jack***).
  21. Dan-akin

    Dan-akin Jedi Youngling

    Jun 5, 2005
    Padme's notevil, she's in love, and when people are in love they tend to overlook things, and try not to believe other things... at least in movies
  22. Amon_Amarth

    Amon_Amarth Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 27, 2005
    No, she's not sick or twisted, she only loves him very much. People are *blind* when they're in love. It is said so in the ROTS, too.
  23. SKSeven

    SKSeven Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    Well, remember how the people Anakin killed are described to Padme in AOTC. Paraphrasing it, they walk like men on two legs, but they're monsters. To be horribly, horribly poltically-correct, she was being a speciest. [I can't believe this word even exists...]

    She only knew them as monsters, as creatures who stole other human beings and enslaved them. She's obviously only going to see them from a twisted perspective. If they're savages, then they're obviously not on the same level as her, and thus it was okay for Anakin to massacre them. [This isn't how I feel, it's just what I think her rationalisation might have been.]

    Padme has spent her entire life, it seems, serving the people in one way or another. From our p.o.v., we might view her as being selfish by loving Anakin, but from another, she was finally taking something purely for her own needs and satisifaction- something she is otherwise denied. And, perhaps from her p.o.v., it wasn't fair that Anakin- and other Jedi- had to live such a monk-like existence, with the tamping down of emotions.

    In my opinion.
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