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Phx Joss Whedon Rules! (ie The Buffy and Angel Thread)

Discussion in 'SouthWest Region Discussion' started by Princess_Skywalker_, Jul 25, 2003.

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  1. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    Ok now we can discuss the greatest show that was just cancelled and it's somewhat enjoyable spinoff. OH WAIT! Spike is joining the cast of Angel...So it's gotta get better! :D
  2. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    my buffy action figure sez that spuffy shippers gotta go. :D

    can we discuss firefly here too?
  3. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    With the last season I actually liked Angel a bit better than Buffy (heresy, I know). But the whole "let's release Angelus again" was amazing. I could watch a whole show about Angelus.

    There's a Firefly thread somewhere on the backpages, but I don't see why we can't discuss it here. We'll just make this a general Joss Whedon thread, quiaff?
  4. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    Ahm I know I call myself a Joss fan, but ahm, well, see, I ah, never watched firefly...

    And Angelus ALWAYS rules and FAITH OMG! LOVE FAITH!!! How could you not mention her! :p
    Plus Cordy sucks so I was glad she was in a coma most of the time. But Jasmine and Conner kinda annoyed me. And this year Buffy was NOT as good as I thought it should of been. Of course, I think the finale was ho hum at best so. It should have been this BIG finale and it was....ok. Oh well. Happens to the best of shows I guess. Too many expectations.
  5. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    ohmigod, i am so there with you on cordelia. i was not liking the direction they were taking her as a possible love interest for angel. thankfully the 'saint/sinner cordy' put the kibosh on that.

    sigh. "i'm not getting any older."
  6. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    Yeah it was BEYOND nasty.
    Hi, I'm Cordy, I supposedly like Angel but I slept with (and got preggers with) his SON.

    Besides was Conner even legal? That is so gross. bleh.

    I was so for Wesley and Fred too. Just a thing for the accents and stuffy british guys of course. (even though GILES is the only one with a real accent) :p

    Spike & Buffy never sat well with me. But to me, the best thing about Buffy was the angst, the utter depression. It really was a soap opera. :p You never were allowed to find total and complete happiness in Sunnydale. As soon as you THOUGHT you had. BAM. UTTER and TOTAL tragedy. It was wonderful!

  7. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    connor was ret-conned to be legal. last season he looked more 16; this season they made a point of saying he was 18. i knew the minute they mentioned he was legal, something like this would happen. yuck.

    i'm kinda glad that connor's not coming back... for more than one episode anyway.

    i totally spaced that eliza dushku was at comic-con this year. did anybody get to see her?
  8. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    Don't even GO there. :( I'm so mad I missed Eliza. If it hadn't been my first con, I wouldn't have been so gung ho to go see and record everything. DAMN. I should have waited in her autograph line at the very least.
  9. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    I just have one more thing to add: Buffy is freaking hot! :p

    OK, I actually liked Angel's season finale. While I didn't like Conner that much, I like what they did with him towards the end, with killing Jasmine and ending up with as a real boy! Oh yeah, and Wolfram and Hart. :p I love those guys.

    As for shipping I haven't made up my mind about Angel's future yet. Buffy/Angel was good at the beginning, but I thought it was a little too predictable at points. That's what I liked about Buffy/Spike: it was one of those love/hate things and it never got old and never ran out of new places to...ummm, explore. Yeah.

    Willow/Kennedy was alright, but Willow/Tara was better. Willow/Kennedy definitely had it's moments, but it felt rushed to me.

    In closing I hope Gwen shows up more next season. Oh yeah, and Willow and Faith rank higher than Buffy on my hotness scale. ;)
  10. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    And here's my take on Cordy/Conner. Yeah, it was disturbing and not really my favorite, but regular Cordy wasn't at the wheel there. That was evil Cordy...or whatever. Special Edition Kriffed-up Cordy with 'sleeping-with-Angel's-kid' action (Some assembly required, The Beast sold seperately). Case in point: who in these shows has not been posessed or otherwise under the influence of evil at some point? ;)

    QUICKDRAW EDIT: 2 in the box, ready to go. We be fast and they be slow! ;)
  11. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    I just have one more thing to add: Buffy is freaking hot!
    smartass. :p

    ONE thing to say...hmmm...

    I forgot about the whole Kennedy issue. I didn't like her at ALL. But then again, I was pissed that Willow wasn't with Oz anymore. :p I love Seth Green. He's so good in everything! Scott Evil rules!

    As for Wolfram and Hart. That should be an interesting storyline. I am wondering just how Spike will fit into it.

    As for the HOTTEST Buffy chick. Well that is OF COURSE Eliza. It doesn't get any yummier than miss 5x5 herself. She just has a screen presence that is amazing. Plus she kicks a lot of @$$. :p

    And Cordy may not have been herself, but she always WAS evil. :p Look what she did to poor Xander. And she ALWAYS wanted Angel. I've just never liked her character. Poor Xander :( :p
  12. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    does it make me a bad person to wish that kennedy had died instead of amanda in the finale? i liked her, she was milly from freaks & geeks.

    and tara was a much better fit for willow than kennedy ever could be. speaking of willow, does anyone besides me think she's not totally gay, just open/bi?
  13. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    Yeah, Oz rocks and I was disappointed to see him go. But on the other hand I thought it was the right thing to do. I'm glad Jenny was killed off instead of Oz. Those two events made for great story.
  14. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    best thing that could have happened for seth green's career. how many movies has he done that did pretty good at the box office? he's got this under-the-radar sexy 'tude that makes women want him and men want to be him. which, when you compare seth to, say, tom cruise or george clooney, is a lot easier to do. you could be seth green. i could be seth green. princess could be seth green.

    heh. he was on family guy. heh. funny.
  15. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    But on the other hand I thought it was the right thing to do.

    yeah right. admit it. you were THRILLED that willow was getting a gf. :p

    And yes Jenny being killed off was PERFECT. It devestated Giles. Everyone hated Angel(us) by that point but Buffy had to deal with all that "first love" stuff. It was brilliant. Just more of the "I'm a slayer I have to walk this road alone" that Joss LOVES to drill into the show.

    On another note...I taped a lot more than I thought of that Joss panel. Most of the panels were picky, the Mark Hamill one didn't want ANY video taken (TOO BAD for them! [face_devil] ), but the Joss one was Q&A so I taped pretty much anything that he talked about that was Buffy and Angel...once I got in there and found a decent seat of course...So maybe there is 1/2 hr?? I dunno. I'll have to double check. He covered a lot of things though :D
  16. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    " yeah right. admit it. you were THRILLED that willow was getting a gf."

    Hell yeah, all the 'spell' analogies were great. ;)

    QUICKDRAW EDIT: That's two tonight. :p
  17. blackfeather

    blackfeather Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 6, 2002
    fyi, from what i've read joss is still open to a spinoff based on faith. and unless her new show is uberawesome, based on the shows its scheduled against it may just show up on the teley next year.

    hee. i love my 5x5 girl.

  18. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    boys. pft. :p :D
    crack me up.

    and if you saw the joss panel blackfeather, you would know EXACTLY what joss said regarding that. :p ;)

    I enjoyed a bunch of the "baddies". pretty much all the big bads were entertaining to me. the principal and faith storyline was cool. I really liked Glory a lot too. I didn't like the BEN aspect, but oh well. The evil geniuses. OMG the Star Wars references were hilarious. Didn't Spike come in and threaten a Darth Vader figure?? [face_laugh]

    Some favorite moments:
    After Spike has gotten the piss kicked outta him by Glory cause he wouldn't tell about Dawn being the key....Buffy and the gang have just found out about the Buffy bot and Spike's extracurricular activities. [face_laugh] So the "Buffy Bot" is talking to Spike and asks why he didn't tell. And he explains that Dawn means something to Buffy so he couldn't and the Bot kisses him softly and he realises it's Buffy not the bot. THAT RULED.

    Spike giving Giles a hard time as usual, describing Giles boring life...
    "cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea"

    I loved it when Willow cast that spell and it backfired and no one knew who they were and Spike thought he was Giles son "randy" wasn't it?? [face_laugh]

    I'm gonna have to start calling you S.A. :p
    Are you trying to challenge me for the title of head smart ass here???
    Hmmm...I sense a battle begining... [face_devil]
    "Bring it" :p

  19. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    GILES: You're not too old to put across my knee, you know ... sonny. Anyway, what did I call you?

    SPIKE: Um... (checks the suit) 'Made with care for Randy.' Randy Giles? Why not just call me 'Horny Giles,' or 'Desperate for a Shag Giles'? I knew there was a reason I hated you!
  20. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    [face_laugh] Thanks. I needed that. :D
    Excuse me while I get up off the floor now. :p

  21. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    GILES: We'll all get our memory back, and it'll all be right as rain.

    SPIKE: Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He's got his crust all stiff and upper with that nancy-boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... (pauses) Bloody hell! Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks, oh God! I'm English!

    GILES: Welcome to the nancy tribe.
  22. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    Speaking of Nancy Boys....

    SPIKE: How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing? (low voice) No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I?m just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. No, not the hair! Never the hair! (high voice) But there must be someway I can show my appreciation. (low voice) No, helping those in need?s my job, - and working up a load of sexual tension, and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough! (high voice) I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so? (low voice) Say no more. Evil?s still afoot! And I?m almost out of that Nancy-boy hair-gel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away! (natural) Go on with you. Play the big, strapping hero while you can. You have a few surprises coming your way. - The ring of Amarra ? a visit from your old pal Spike, - and, oh yeah, - your gruesome, horrible death.
  23. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    That reminds me: did anyone see Nicholas Brenden at Con? I heard he was supposed to be there...
  24. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    that reminds you??? ?[face_plain]

    Joss discussed that in the panel, but I'm not a liberty to say. :p

    Best faith quote ever:
    "Ronnie. Deadbeat. Steve. Klepto. Kenny. Drummer. Eventually I had to face up to my destiny as a loser magnet. Now it's strictly get some and get gone. You can't trust guys...

    'Kiss rocks'? Why would anyone want to kiss... Oh, wait. I get it.
  25. Princess_Skywalker_

    Princess_Skywalker_ Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 5, 2002
    "anyone"? I'm the only one here :p

    Actually he didn't show...And there is a bit on the tape in regards to that, that I think you will enjoy...

    Everyone left the buffy room...jess is busy...ah, boredom sets in. I SHOULD go to bed since I have to work tomorrow. drat. I don't want to. Guess I will have to entertain myself by putting another quote or two on here...

    Giles: "It's extraordinary."
    Willow: "It's horrible. That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil, and skanky. And I think I'm kind of gay."

    Spike: You weren't gonna say that name.
    Buffy: Sorry. Why don't we talk about where we're going to register.
    Spike: Well, where would Angel like to register? And can we have the photographer Angel would've wanted? And, flowers Angel would have liked?

    The scene from HUSH where they are all deciding what they are going to do next(they've already lost their voices) and Buffy makes a hand gesture...that she has to CLARIFY by getting out a stake and then making the staking/kill gesture again. :D :p
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