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Roch, NY July meetings

Discussion in 'NorthEast Regional Discussion' started by STAR-WARS-FREAK-JPB, Jun 24, 2004.

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    STAR-WARS-FREAK-JPB Jedi Master star 4

    May 27, 2001
    We are planning on having a meeting / July birthday Barbecue on July 11th at MCH. It is Wesley's Rehses Birthday on July 8th and mine on the 7th. Any other July B Days? We will be discussing things such as Club Banner, Fundraising, Intergalactic reception, and Slanted Fedora Con. It will probably be everyone pitches in for Hots and Hams plus anything anyone wants to bring. More details on that on or after the June 27th meeting. Please post if you can make it on the 11th so we can plan on our food needs. Any Suggestions or ideas post them. Also any fun activities to do that day such as games. There is also a Movie Day planned for the 24th. I think that covers the meetings for July. Would anyone want to have another meeting in July? If so post some possible dates you would like it to be, if you think we need one.
  2. TD-027

    TD-027 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 27, 2004
    Hey All,
    I'm a July B-Day too. July 29 for me... Unfortanatly I can't attend on the 11th, We have previous plans, Hope all goes well, Happy B-day to Wesley and Jeff. Hope to see most of you for Movie day at my place on the 24th.

    Duane (TD-027)
  3. Doc_Bev

    Doc_Bev Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 28, 2003
    Here's the email I sent out to about 40 people regarding the 2nd Rochester Fandom Meeting:

    The Rochester Fandom meeting is on for July 11th at 3pm (arrive at 1:30pm if you'd like to attend the picnic beforehand).
    It will be held at the outdoor pavilion at Monroe Community Hospital on 15A (aka East Henrietta Road). The closest parking lot to the pavilion is Lot 1.

    We're sort of time-sharing with The Rebellion. They'll be having their meeting at noon, then there will be a picnic/b-day party at 1:30pm and then the Rochester Fandom meeting at 3pm. All are invited to join in on the picnic and the birthday party which is for two of The Rebellion's members.

    I only heard back from 4 of the 30 people I emailed so I'm not sure how many people will be able to make it, but here's what we're hoping to discuss during the meeting (beginning at 3pm).

    Finalize plans for the Intergalactic Reception
    Convention Flyer Distribution
    General 2004 Convention planning (especially Costume Social, Video Room, Gaming Room and Fanzine)
    Open Floor

    For people who are interested in participating in the picnic party, please bring your own meat, rolls and fixings as well as a side dish, dessert and/or beverages to share. Darren and I will provide plates, napkins and plasticware. We'll probably be starting the grill shortly after 1pm. Feel free to bring any indoor or outdoor games as well.

    This meeting is rain or shine as we can meet in the cafeteria if the weather's bad. However as the grill is outside, the cook-out portion of the picnic would be cancelled. We could still have the b-day/games portion inside in the cafeteria though.

    Once again, please pass this email along to anyone you think might be interested in this. This meeting is open to the public and is not restricted to people who are affiliated with any specific club or group.

    If you think you are going to be attending the meeting and/or picnic, please send me an email or post on the forum board at so that we bring enough stuff for everyone.

    Thank You!

    Nicky Blum
  4. Doc_Bev

    Doc_Bev Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 28, 2003
    I need to get back to Wesley's mom with a head count for the meetings this Sunday the 11th at the Monroe Community Hospital.

    Whether you're going or not - please post here so that I can get a semi-accurate head count to her.

    Jeff B.
    The Blums

    Not Attending

    STAR-WARS-FREAK-JPB Jedi Master star 4

    May 27, 2001
    Yeah I am there. Bringing a B Day Cake. Hope we got more coming.
  6. HothGirl

    HothGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 23, 2002
    JediAgent and I will be there.
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