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Beyond - Legends Looney (short humour)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by J_K_DART, May 11, 2003.

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  1. J_K_DART

    J_K_DART Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    Excerpted from the reference files of Doctor Jonathon Kenneth Dart, Psychotherapist

    Transcript of conversation

    Dart: Good day, Mr. Skywalker, it truly is an honour to have a man of your distinction in my office. I?ve always been a great fan of your work, although to be honest I have always wondered a little just how you Jedi REALLY do it?

    Luke: It?s all to do with the Force, Doctor, a sort of cosmic energy generated by all life. Jedi can tap into it.

    Dart: Please, sit down on the couch. Hmm, not very democratic, is it?

    Luke: Since when was nature democratic?

    Dart: (sounding a little annoyed) Mmm-hmm, I suppose, Mr. Skywalker?

    Luke: Please, call me Luke.

    Dart: Very well, Luke. But tell me, what is the real reason you Jedi can do your things? I mean, how did you blow up the first Death Star?

    Luke: Well, I heard the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi tell me to trust the Force, so I turned off the targeting computer?

    Dart: (interrupting) I thought Kenobi died in the rescue attempt of Princess Leia?

    Luke: He did. He still spoke to me, though. He told me how to find Yoda too, when I was on Hoth.

    Dart: He told you how to find Yoda?

    Luke: Oh, yes. Yoda was this little green alien who lived on Dagobah and could lift X-Wings with his mind? He was an ancient Jedi Master.

    Dart: I see. What species?

    Luke: (sounding indecisive) For all I know he could have been a muppet! He was this little green thing who talked really strange?

    Dart: I see? And he trained you?

    Luke: Exactly! (pauses) Well, not exactly.

    Dart: Then what exactly?

    Luke: Well, I had this vision of my friends in trouble, and I set off to rescue them before my training was complete. I should have trusted Yoda?s words. (sounds sad) It cost me my hand.

    Dart: Had you been eating anything unusual before you had this ?vision?? (sounds cautious)

    Luke: Oh, no, just Yoda?s soup?

    Dart: Ah, I see? What was in that?

    Luke: Oh, just your standard Dagobah junk-food.

    Dart: I see? (sound of Dart typing into his laptop to send an investigative committee to Dagobah to investigate hallucinatory junk-food) And your training was interrupted?

    Luke: Yes, that was when I found out Darth Vader was my father.

    Dart: (shocked) VADER is your father?!? I dread to imagine the family dynamics..!

    Luke: Yes, he tried to kill me.

    Dart: Oh, do tell? (slipping into full professional mode)

    Luke: He tried to kill my sister first, though!

    Dart: Ah, on the first Death Star, I remember reading about it? Quite beautiful, is your sister? (wistful)

    Luke: Yes, she is. I used to have a crush on her.

    Dart: (sound of sitting up even straighter in seat, if possible) I? I see?

    Luke: She kissed me once.

    Dart: (shocked) Oh, um, ah? What did her husband make of that?

    Luke: Oh, they weren?t married yet, weren?t even dating. I think she just did it to shock Han, truth be told. (sounds sad)

    Dart: If I were Han, I?D have been shocked, alright! Kissing your own brother!

    Luke: No, it wasn?t like that! (sounds reminiscent)

    Dart: (deciding to drop that subject, sounding very nervous) How did it make you feel, when your sister and Mr. Solo married?

    Luke: Very lonely. I sort of felt she was the lucky one, and I would always be alone. I mean, there had been women, but well, the first ? on Bakura ? was opposed to Jedi for religious reasons? I supported her daughter after she died, though.

    Dart: Ah, you had religious differences. Those are quite common?

    Luke: And then there was Mara, she's now my wife. She was an assassin for the Emperor, and tried to kill me. She wound up killing my clone.

    Dart: Ah, um, I see? (pauses, sound of
  2. Ra_Skywalker420

    Ra_Skywalker420 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 11, 2003
    AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! That was great!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahah!! i can just picture Luke carrying on like everything was normal and the guy just kinda staring blankly at him...blinking...typing... pulling out a blaster. HOLD STILL YOU MAD MAN! ::shoots blaster:: DIE DIE DIE! oh...sorry...kinda got caught in the moment. but still that was great!
  3. MariahJade2

    MariahJade2 Former Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 5 VIP

    Mar 18, 2001
    LOL. Now you have to do some more.
  4. Kettch_the_Jedi

    Kettch_the_Jedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 22, 2002
  5. J_K_DART

    J_K_DART Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    Glad you all like it!
  6. Elven_Jedi_Maiden

    Elven_Jedi_Maiden Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 7, 2003
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Oh my gosh! Ha ha, that was hilarious!

    Will there be any more?
  7. EmilieDarklighter

    EmilieDarklighter Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002


    *hugs tightly* I've missed you so much! Welcome back to the wide world of the JC. ;) Hope Uni has been kind to you. ;)

    Wonderful story, m'dear. Even if it wasn't listed under your name, I could have guessed exactly who it was. Only you could come up with that, Doctor Dart! I love you!


    EDIT: WHO wants my Lukie to die? *goes into Mara-mode* *deflects bolts with lightsaber* You LEAVE my Lukie ALONE!
  8. J_K_DART

    J_K_DART Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    There won't be any more, no; it's just a shortie, inspired by a conversation in the Lit forum. Hi Em! Hmm, what do you mean, listed..? :confused: Ah, it's good to be back, altho' still at uni LOL!
  9. EmilieDarklighter

    EmilieDarklighter Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    I mean, Dart-dearest, if I had been given this story and not told who the author was, I could have guessed it was you. Totally classic. ;)
  10. J_K_DART

    J_K_DART Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    Heheheh, bearing in mind the Doctor's name is 'Dart'..! 8-}

    LOL!!!! Mucho gracias, Em! :D
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