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Lord of the Rings - Oh my god!!! (Possible plot spoilers)

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Arun Dale, Dec 17, 2001.

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  1. Beckymonster

    Beckymonster Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 28, 2001
    Mots_Minx thus spake...



    And Cyclops and Prof X and Toad and hell! even Magneto looked 'cute' in that gorgeous shot burgundy/purple shirt at the beginning of the movie!

    Sorry - I have this fetish for cute men in black leather! Brian Singer, Todd Hayter and Matthew Bourne have a hell of a lot to answer for!

    I'm intruiged as to what the White version of Mithrandir will look like? Has to have better dress sense than the Grey version!
  2. d4rkside

    d4rkside Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 28, 2000
    I went to the 10am showing at UGC in Glasgow. as the ep2 trailer rolled it seemed i was going to be the only person in my row...then everything went black as 3 huge women blocked my view, and ended up sitting next to me.the one sitting next to me, whose considerable girth was spilling over the armrest, held a plastic bag to her chest throughout the film, often rumagging round the bag for crisps and sweets for her and her companions. im not kidding. the sort of thing that would normally have me in a franzy of pent up frustration...but not this time. despite all the munching and crunching, slurping and murmuring, i enjoyed this film almost completley. i felt it was a little slow in places, but not so much as to take away from the overall experience. altogether a hugley inspiring film. the music was ok, not great. im not a titanic fan nor am i really a fan of lilting celtic melodeys- Bravehearts already got that covered. i Liked the loud bits tho :) the 3 large ladies sat next to me seem to have enjoyed it too, tho at one point i thought they were going to start eating the seats. i cant wait to sit and watch the DVD in peace!
  3. Gav Daragon

    Gav Daragon Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 25, 2000
    Wow - I didn't liek the book that much (only read the first one and the start of the second), but it was amazing!

    Superbly casted, especially Gandalf and Saruman. I LOVED their duel it was excellent. I also liked how they made Gandalf more... nice. In the books I thought he was a right moany fart, but the film showed that he cared quite a lot for Frodo. Though I agree with Cass, I thought that there would have been more magic flying about with more effects, which was really the only bit I found disappointing.

    I was sooooo glad they cut out Bombadil, man I hated him in the books. Boromir was cool as was Aragorn. But the coolest award goes to Legolas, whom I now want to be!

    Waaaaa I wanna see it again
  4. AL

    AL Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 22, 1998

    Having seen the flick five times now, I have certain reservations. It really should have ended right after the Lorien sequence with the lost time being replaced for character development and interaction for Gimli, Legolas, Merry and Pippin.

    I have more but I do not want to spoilt the fun. I am not at all bashing the flick - it's astonishing. Nevertheless, it is not the be all and end all of fantasy cinema like everyone seems to suggest it is.
  5. ObiJohnKenobi

    ObiJohnKenobi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Aug 30, 2001
    Seen it!!!!

    That film was beyond skilliant. That's the first time in ages I've come out the cinema bobbing up and down going "did you see the bit where ... I woulda just gone .... did you see the bit where .... I woulda just gone ...."

    And can I just say: the light reflecting out of Gollum's pupils.

    (AL: Hmmmmm, see any film 5 times and you're going to have reservations ..... and I really can't think of a fantasy film to touch it)
  6. Tanktopgirl

    Tanktopgirl Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 25, 2001
    One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness make me poo my pants (and glare at the idiot snorting popcorn up his nostrils across the aisle)

    Gandalf kicks Balrog ass (well almost) I heart Gandalf.

    That film rocks. Absolute breathtaking genius. And Tolkien was such a clever bloke, it thankfully did him justice.

    The Dark Riders made me feel exquistely sick and nine years old again, Gollum was wickedly sneaky, Gandalf was fanfunkintastic, Sauramans Tower, tres magnifique.

    Is it next year yet???

    > I also liked how they made Gandalf more... nice. In the books I thought he was a right moany fart, but the film showed that he cared quite a lot for Frodo

    Yeah exactly, I know what you mean - I remember Gandalf as a quite frightening no-nonsense kinda wizard with a strange affection for Hobbits. But never quite as affable.

  7. ObiJohnKenobi

    ObiJohnKenobi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Aug 30, 2001
    Did you sdee the bit where ... did you see the bit where ...

    // mimes Balrog approaching down hall behind pillars.
  8. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    "Peter Jackson directed all three parts of The Lord of the Rings adaptation at once.

    But he has admitted that he has strayed from the original plot for the second and third films, risking the wrath of die-hard Tolkien fans."


    I still haven't seen FOTR but I really hope he doesn't bugger up the others after such a good start.
  9. ObiJohnKenobi

    ObiJohnKenobi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Aug 30, 2001
    Did you see the bit where ... I woulda just gone .... did you see the bit where ....

    // mimes all the orcs digging the ground up around Saruman's tower
  10. DarthHomer

    DarthHomer Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 29, 2000
    Great movie. The audience I saw it with actually applauded when Aragon beheaded the mutant Orc at the end. I'm sure you guys know that hardly ever happens in a British cinema.
  11. Ramesh

    Ramesh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 30, 2000
    Spoilers ahoy! I think like it did to most of you, the movie just blew me away. There's no dispute that the storyline, the acting, special effects, props, sets etc are all flawless. Visually the film is a masterpiece and finally ILM has some serious competition in WETA, in industry leading special effects.

    It was sad in a way to see the omission and reworking of characters (notably Bakshi and Arwen respectively), but the film can only be so long and having Arwen rescue Frodo from the dark riders was a nice little twist. There are other issues relevant to the loyalty of the adaptation from novel to movie but we should be content with what we've been given. It has to be said though that LotR's real weight (other than the story itself) is its strong characters but while the novel made space to develop and flesh them out, it was not the case on screen. However the acting itself by McKellen, Holm and Wood is remarkable.

    I honestly thought I'd end up loathing this movie, Peter Jackson and everyone associated with it, for trying to emulate Tolkien's work. I am so delighted to be proved wrong. Hats off to Jackson et al who thoroughly deserve all the praise for their monumental achievement. Christmas 2002 cannot come soon enough!
  12. Echo_Base

    Echo_Base Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 15, 2001
    Never read it, tried twice but couldnt be arsed with it.

    The film. Brilliant. Just wonderful. And how good is McKellan? Just think they were originally talking about Sean Connery for this role, sheeesh....

    My only quibble is that sometimes the fx in the scenes where Gandalf was talking to Bilbo before it all kicks off in his house werent the best, the back projection had that familiar "smoke" around Bilbo. But that is my only quibble, and its so minor as to be ridiculous.
    Going again next week!
    The only flick that could have beaten Moulin Rouge as my film of the year.
  13. Capt-Mentalist

    Capt-Mentalist Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 8, 2001
    Actually , Connery was talked about for the role of sauron .
  14. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    Ok, so I saw it. It was good. Not nearly as much midgets walking as the book. ;)
  15. Gav Daragon

    Gav Daragon Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 25, 2000
    Hooray. I finally finished the first book last night. It's only taken me aboot 6 months
  16. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    Saw it again on Saturday night! KICK ASS!!!! Best film of the year for me and no doubting! I enjoyed it more the second time round! Exceptional!!
  17. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    Here's pretty much my whole opinion.

    That Stryder guy....what a babe. ;)
  18. Ginger_Jedi

    Ginger_Jedi Jedi Knight star 6

    Jun 4, 2001
    It was SO WICKED!! Best movie of the year! Spent most of the time with my mouth hanging open it looked so cool :D
  19. Echo_Base

    Echo_Base Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 15, 2001

    No. The producers orignally wanted Connery for Gandalf.
    Sauron is played by Sala Baker, a little known actor. He doesnt have many lines in the last movie, Return of the King, hence no need for a big time actor to play the part.
    They def. did talk to Connery about Gandalf and Saruman though.
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