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mace windu is the jedi traitor. proof here!

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by the_homeless_jedi, Jun 15, 2002.

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  1. Darth Geist

    Darth Geist Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 23, 1999
    "there must be a traitor and it has to be one the least that comes to mind."

    By that logic, it can't be Mace; there are fourteen pages about him being the traitor right here.

    Hey, fifteen now.
  2. OBI-GYN_Kenobi

    OBI-GYN_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 25, 2002
    I read the first few posts.......
    ROTFLMAO. :) :) :)
  3. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    well yes darth..but you see. no one else thinks he is one the movie!!!!! except yoda of not talking about me.

    i do have a very high IQ
  4. AnotherAgentSmith

    AnotherAgentSmith Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    How do we actually know for sure that Yoda suspects that Mace is a traitor?

    Again I do not adhere to the theory that Mace is a traitor since I fail to see any motivation on his behalf.
    (He could be nonetheless there just is no definate proof to indicate that he is or is not.)
  5. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    the way yoda looks at him. it's only obvious.
  6. AnotherAgentSmith

    AnotherAgentSmith Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    I do believe that in the scene at Chanceloor Palpatine's office Yoda looks at Palpatine and not at Mace.
    In the other scenes I do not really see Yoda looking at Mace in any definate way that would surely show he thinks Mace is a traitor.

    It is possible, those could be hints and clues. But it is not sure and you could still be misinterpreting it.
  7. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    mace erased the files from kamino, only a jedi could do that. a jedi that has priority one in the jedi archives. a jedi that can be trusted. a jedi that is there all the time..inside the jedi temple. had to be mace... it is clear that mace ordered the clones with syfo-dyas, as he tried to cover for it and change the subject on the scene when obi was was transmitting from kamino.. it is clear that he was a bit tense and scared to be caught, by yoda. and there...yoda gives him that look again. but he cannot read mace's mind. as he countinually says the dark side of the force is hard to see. he is telling him right in his face that he knows it's him. they seem to be on opposite sides..yoda and believes the force is and the jedi order is over(mace) ...the other one believes..there is still hope and the good side will always win. on a council there will always be a power struggle. and in the end yoda will win. oh yeah samuel jackson said he wanted to go out with a bang. i think he will get his chance..he's going to have his dream come true...fight yoda himself..

  8. Darth Geist

    Darth Geist Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 23, 1999
    "mace erased the files from kamino, only a jedi could do that. a jedi that has priority one in the jedi archives. a jedi that can be trusted. a jedi that is there all the time..inside the jedi temple. had to be mace..."

    Or Dooku, who had ten years to do it from the time the clones were ordered.
  9. OBI-GYN_Kenobi

    OBI-GYN_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 25, 2002
    Maybe Yoda looks at Mace strangely a few times because Mace hasn't got a clue what's going on......

    Like the several times Yoda is aware of what's going on with Annakin through the force but Mace doesn't show an inkling of knowing anything.

    Or how about in TPM when they're testing Annakin?

    "A speeder. A this. A that." says Annakin.
    Right every time.......
    So Mace looks at Yoda & nods that he's correct.

    Like Annakin would be able to tell what's on the screen without looking but Yoda wouldn't?
    Hello! Coruscant to Mace....... :)
  10. AnotherAgentSmith

    AnotherAgentSmith Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    "mace erased the files from kamino"
    That's possible but we don't know that for sure. You can believe that but there's no proof. (Yet.)

    "a jedi that has priority one in the jedi archives"
    Why not any other Jedi? Plus I believe Jocasta Nu the librarian would have more knowledge and privileges with the Library's systems than Mace Windu.

    "a jedi that can be trusted"
    I think the Jedi trust most if not all of the Jedi. (Else if they needed an internal police and surveillance they wouldn't really be Jeid anymore would they?)

    "a jedi that is there all the time..inside the jedi temple"
    Mace Windu is not always at the Jedi temple, he goes out on missions as well. Also there's no time index for exactly when Kamino was erased from the Archives.

    "it is clear that mace ordered the clones with syfo-dyas"
    How so?

    "on a council there will always be a power struggle"
    The Jedi Council doesn't work that way, it is not about power.
    If you do think and believe that then you have no clue what the Jedi are really about, then you're in error just as Dooku is. The Jedi and Jedi Council are about knowledge, peace, serenity. Some Jedi Council seats are temporary positions and it is there not to project power, but wisdom, knowledge, understanding -of the Force-.
  11. JacenSolo527

    JacenSolo527 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 29, 2002
    Jesus frigging Christ, Mace is not the traitor. The only traitors to the Jedi Council are Dooku and Anakin.

    Kenobi is cool
  12. Promiscuous_Jedi

    Promiscuous_Jedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 6, 2002
    Mace Windu has been on the High Jedi Council too long to be a traitor.
  13. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    anakin and dooku are not members of the council. therefore they are not traitors.
  14. AnotherAgentSmith

    AnotherAgentSmith Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    So you mean that every Jedi youngling, padawan, Knight & Master that is not on the Jedi Council and becomes a Dark Jedi/Sith/murderer etc. is not to be considered as a traitor?

    Argumenting that only members of the Jedi Council are capable of betrayal seems rather weak to me.
    (Dooku left the Jedi order and became a Sith Lord.)
  15. Darth Geist

    Darth Geist Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 23, 1999
    "anakin and dooku are not members of the council. therefore they are not traitors."

    That only makes sense to you, homeless. You've made up this whole framework--including Mace being Lando's dad--which has no basis outside of your own head.

    Get out more.
  16. Darth_Tarpals

    Darth_Tarpals Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 11, 2002
    This discussion reminds me of my all time favorite activity.. running my head into a brick wall repeatedly! ;)
  17. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    All I can say is....

  18. AnotherAgentSmith

    AnotherAgentSmith Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    Lol @ Darth_Tarpals and darth-sinister.

    (Now where's that headache medicine? :p )
  19. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    the following are quotes from the_gatherer.

    We all thought it was pretty obvious that Count Dooku, just before he left the Jedi Order, deleted the planet Kamino from the Jedi Archives. However, in the DVD commentary of Attack of the Clones, George Lucas says that whoever deleted the info is a mystery, which will be resolved in Episode

    Perhaps it wasn't Dooku after all?

    Perhaps this could lend credence to the popular fan theory / rumour that Mace Windu is a traitor?!

    What are your thoughts???
  20. Wild_Huntress

    Wild_Huntress Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 15, 2002
    It's a good theory and if it comes true it'd be such a twist, but I still don't see it. I sooner see it being Anakin, who we know is already in a shady situation, in league with Palpatine and powerful enough in the Force to do all sorts of stuff.
  21. NinthSith

    NinthSith Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 4, 2002
    I do think its possible for Windu to have erased the files but not for intentionaly bad purposes.I think Qui-Gon, Dooku,and Windu are up to something.
  22. Am_Calmiluath

    Am_Calmiluath Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 9, 2002
    Bingo NithSith!

    Looka t the deleted scene on the DVD where Mace walks Obi Wan to his ship. Mace tells Obi Wan to have faith that Anakin will make the right decision. Seemed kind of odd to me. OH but you are all going to tell me that it was not CANON because it was not IN the movie?! Do you think it was deleted because it gave too much away?

    I was also ery surprised that they all just let Annie take on his own mission without any question. Another example of how the Jedi were under the influence of the Sith too. But that's a great topic for another thread!!
  23. JeffKenobi

    JeffKenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 11, 2002
    Many people believe there must be some fantastic twist in Episode III to make the series complete. All SW movies are fairly straight-forward and it is pretty easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys. It's just not Lucas's style.

    If its twists you want, maybe they could get M. Night Shyamalan to do Episodes 7-9.
  24. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    DARTH KLTULU..HAS OFFERED HIS PROOF IN ANOTHER THREAD..even proving that my theory has substancial..heavy weight.

    1) The knowing concerned look shared by BOTH Dooku and Mace when Jango (the ORIGINAL source for the future clone armies to become storm troopers) is decapitated. Watch it again and again. This was not part of the plan, and it will most likely have something to do with the inferior storm troopers seen later in the OT.

    2) The most convincing evidence is when Dooku makes the comment that Mace Windu is "worthy of recognition in the ARCHIVES of the Jedi Order".

    Dooku has clearly betrayed Mace. Mace was some how part of a dark plot - probably under the premise that the Dark Side is growing stronger while the Jedi grow weaker.

    Something must be done.

    Mace is the leader, and Mace makes a WRONG decision.

    He's not evil.. just desperate for a solution.

    One which Palpatine was more than happy to provide.

    This is conclusive proof.

    once again. i was laughed at..and it seems that people are watching the movie a lot more now..that's on dvd..but this is something i knew..long time ago..
  25. ksid

    ksid Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 15, 2002
    Hmmmmm....This is interesting and it could be true.

    Maybe he is some kind of tragic hero/villian.

    Have you noticed the way he always looks at Yoda? And at Anakin in TPM.

    Maybe he is in cahoots with Palpatine and doesn't want anyone to know about it. But Anakin kills him in the end.

    Plus, why would they want to put Annie and Padme together? They would know that putting their teenage hormones together would mean all hell would break loose? That it's a recipe for trouble, since the Jedi's aren't allowed to marry or consumate love.

    Ponder on this, I will.......

    "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
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