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mace windu is the jedi traitor. proof here!

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by the_homeless_jedi, Jun 15, 2002.

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  1. MarvinTheMartian

    MarvinTheMartian Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 31, 2002
    What about my Padme = Sidious theory? ;)
  2. EviL_DukKY

    EviL_DukKY Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 15, 2002
    LoL, gotta love the assumptions...

    I'm the only one out of 3 other people I know that likes Star Wars, and I know about 30-40 people...
  3. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    Assumptions? I made no assumption. I made a declaration.

  4. EviL_DukKY

    EviL_DukKY Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 15, 2002
    Well you're declarations can easily be proven invalid.
  5. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    Mental note to self... don't waste time arguing with a child.


    *taps foot waiting for EviL_DukKY's brilliant response which he frantically is typing as we speak... predictions, something about not arguing with a know-it-all or something less than clever... anyway, back to waiting for the response... waiting... oh darnit.. I got bored waiting* :D

    [second edit]

    *It was worse than I expected. He called me an explative and then accused me of being a flamer who needs banning. This guy is really wrapped up tight... so sad. And he has that very nice website too... I guess it doesn't translate well into his postings*

  6. EviL_DukKY

    EviL_DukKY Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 15, 2002
    LoL, @$$hole, I'm not a child. Jeez, someone ban the flamer.
  7. Christovsky

    Christovsky Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 28, 2002
    I humbly and thoroughly apologize, Razorback...

    ...I honestly thought you were some guy that was just bashing the forum posters. I felt the need to deflate your balloon..

    ...I thought you were being serious. Once again, my bad!
  8. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    It's cool... no need to appologize.

  9. Darth-sennin

    Darth-sennin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    To tell you the truth, I don't think this is the worst theory I've ever heard. I don't believe it, but there is enough "proof" for us to speculate on, why shoot him down?

    Anyway, the thing about Mace looking nervous and not wanting to talk about Sifo Dyas caught my eye. When ever someone talks about that in the PT I always think back to Owen and Beru in ANH talking about Anakin. It's also interesting how Mace jumped to defend Dooku from Padme in Palpatine's quarters.

    EDIT: The one thing that hurts this theory is the rule of two, proving that Mace could not be sith.
  10. Razorback

    Razorback Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 2, 2001
    Windu is no Sith. He was the original Jedi character that Lucas wrote those many, many years ago when he was brain storming Star Wars. I don't think he would ever make him into a bad guy.

  11. Sumbudy-Wan_Kenobi

    Sumbudy-Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 13, 2002
    I always thought when Obi-Wan brought up Sifo Dyas, Mace and Yoda exchanged a "what the heck" glance, then Mace turned back and said that the Council did NOT approve it. I just thought they were suprised that a Jedi seems to be involved in it all.
  12. Cellz

    Cellz Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 12, 2002
    Mace wouldn't have to be a Sith, he could just be a Jedi who had embraced the Dark Side.

    I don't know, it wouldn't shock me if it turned out to be true in Ep3, but it also wouldn't shock me if it didn't. :D
  13. Darth-sennin

    Darth-sennin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    RB, I said Mace Windu is NOT a sith. The rule of two is proof of that.

    BTW, what ever hapened to the rumor that Lucas said about a traitor being on the council? I don't think he meant Dooku because he is not in TPM and he wasn't on the council.
  14. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    Mace isn't the 1st to defend the theory of the Sith not being around (TPM), Ki Adi Mundi is.

    Ki Adi Mundi is also the 1st to defend Dooku.

    Mace doesn't give the order for Anakin to assist Padme, YODA is. Obi Wan asked "What about Senator Amidala,"

    "Handle that, your Padawan will," is Yoda's reply. This is straight from the MOVIE.

    Mace is in denial about the weakening of the Jedi. He's concerned. He's the leader. Yoda and him ALWAYS exchange looks. Concerned looks.

    They are the LEADERS OF THE JEDI. Besides, Yoda's face is CGI, and MAce's face comes from a real, hardcore, stern looking actor: Sam Jackson. When does he NOT look pissed; even with a smile he's a badass.
  15. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    I don't remember Lucas saying there was a traitor. I remember him saying there are several people on the council who know exactly what's happening. That's Mace, Yoda, and Ki Adi Mundi. They're trying to keep things lowprofile and not causing a stir in the Jedi Order.

    And if there was a 'traitor' idea. I believe it was reduced to Count Dooku, a Jedi Master who left the Order.
  16. Dayron_Fett

    Dayron_Fett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 8, 2002
    ...Samuels acting is the only thing that makes him look nervous... nothing more.
  17. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    Either way, why does he have to be nervous about someone figuiring out the plot he's apart of, and not nervous about realizing someone has a vendetta against the Jedi, and they're about to pull off wiping out his beloved people?

    Mace's nervousness stems from the problems in the galaxy and the Jedi are diminishing in numbers and overall force ability.

    He knows, because of the prophecy, in order for the force to be out of balance, the Jedi who keep it in balance, got give up their spot on the food chain and evolutionary chart.
  18. Landos_Pimp_Hand

    Landos_Pimp_Hand Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 13, 2002
    Adali-Kiri, nex time u be makin' coments like "he could be a traitor because he is black" I sugesst you have some mother
    f%$#ing back up, SUCKA CHUMP!
  19. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    Lando! My PIMP! Let's slap these foolz like they ain't eva been slapped be4.

    Mace: This party's over.

    Lando: Naw, brutha, it's just gettin started with Colt .45! [pulls out a gun] And I don't mean liquor!

    >>Parliment Funkadelic begins to play. Mace, Lando, and Darth-Richard begin to get midieval on some a$$es.<<
  20. Landos_Pimp_Hand

    Landos_Pimp_Hand Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 13, 2002
    Yeah, Thats what I'm talkin bout' Mace is our brother too. Darth-Richard u can also join the AOTC Playaz Club, but tha choice is yours alone, and don't look back. And I would slap them but my hands are too pretty for their ugly faces! So I'll just take off my shoe like Ike Turner.
  21. JediLord

    JediLord Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 15, 2000
    The only thing that i thought was odd was that when he showed up in the Arena, he went after Jango, not Dooku. It's Jango's neck that he holds his saber to and then when he fights Jango, he doesn't try to wound him and question him for information, which would have been a wise move, NO, he cuts his head. Sloppy work, don't ya think?
  22. ChopperFace

    ChopperFace Jedi Youngling

    May 20, 2002
    I've thought Mace was evil since the first movie. My prediction was that he'd kill Shmi and then Ani would kill him which would bring him to the dark side. Well that was totally wrong but I certainly still think he's evil. You may all laugh now but in 3 years we'll see who's laughing..

    I always thought the whole purple Saber thing was a clever way of having him be evil but not blatently showing it by having him chucking around with a red one. Of course I too have heard this story about Sammy asking for purple but I can just imagine in Lucas's head "Why that goes along perfectly with my having Mace really be evil" and then "Sure Sammy purple would be great. Bwahaha!"
  23. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    JediLord, do you remember the guy who went after Dooku instead of Jango? He ended up filled with lasers.

    Mace knows Dooku, he's giving one last chance to redeem his honor. The cats know each other. He doesn't know Jango but can see he's some sorta bodyguard with the armor and guns. He needs to be dealt with.
  24. BobTheGoon

    BobTheGoon Moderator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 21, 2000
    "I always thought the whole purple Saber thing was a clever way of having him be evil but not blatently showing it by having him chucking around with a red one. Of course I too have heard this story about Sammy asking for purple but I can just imagine in Lucas's head "Why that goes along perfectly with my having Mace really be evil" and then "Sure Sammy purple would be great. Bwahaha!" "

    So lemme get this striaght: Mace is possibly a traitor because of his saber color? That is by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

    Mace: "Gee, I'm secretly plotting the destruction of the Jedi Order and I love to use the Dark Side of the Force. *snaps fingers* I know! I'll use a purple lightsaber, because I just have to make my evilness apparent visually somehow! The other 9,000, all weilding blue and green sabers, wont suspect a thing. They'll just assume that I wanted something different, but in actuality I chose it because I'm evil."

    Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it went down [face_plain]
  25. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    Yo, Lando-Pimps-Hand:

    i got darkforce lightning
    powerful --- exciting
    knock 'em down like lewis did tyson
    go down lyrically swinging and fighting
    my style b bloodtype-writting
    here 2 wreck 'em
    deck 'em, all lyrically,
    but seriously
    if these cats really want the real
    we'll do it 2 'em physically
    beat 'em so bad
    they'll have 2 document it in a trilogy
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