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Abq March Meeting

Discussion in 'SouthWest Region Discussion' started by LetoQuorme, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. LetoQuorme

    LetoQuorme Mos Alba FF Chapter Rep star 4

    Nov 11, 2001
    The March meeting will be on Sunday, March 18th, starting at 2pm, at Loma del Norte park. For those that may not know where this is, the address is 7898 Raymond Dr NE. See you there!
  2. JaceMardu

    JaceMardu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 30, 2005
    Since the weather is kinda nice and we might actually hang around for a little bit, how bout we bring some food and mingle? Just a thought.
  3. Wook

    Wook Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 23, 2002
    Dang! I was looking forward to showing up!

    Son's soccer game at 2pm... frack!
  4. batmex1

    batmex1 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 12, 2007
    How 'bout some chicken or sumpin good lak dat?
  5. JaceMardu

    JaceMardu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 30, 2005
    Sounds good!
  6. batmex1

    batmex1 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 12, 2007
    Any idea how many members are making it to meeting tomorrow? Need an idea so I can bring some goodies to munch on........chicken.......or mebbe snickerdoodle cookies.....both are scrumteeleeicious!! :)
  7. hairlesswookie

    hairlesswookie Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 23, 2001
    I'll be there!
  8. batmex1

    batmex1 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 12, 2007
    Sorry I cant make the meeting. My mom-in-law is in the hospital in AZ with pnuemonia..She is 92 and not doing too good. Heading down to Tucson in about an hour. Sorry about flaking out of the meeting. Hope its a good one.
  9. BrotherHalo

    BrotherHalo RSA Emeritus and Heckler star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 12, 2003
    Sorry to hear that, Ralph. I hope she gets better soon!
  10. hairlesswookie

    hairlesswookie Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 23, 2001
    Hope everything is okay Ralph, be safe man.
  11. LetoQuorme

    LetoQuorme Mos Alba FF Chapter Rep star 4

    Nov 11, 2001
    Hope she gets better soon, Ralph!

    March Meeting Minutes


    The taping of the pilot of The Scott Connors Show went well! A couple of our Stormtroopers and our resident Wookiee got to have some fun on camera, and word is might be back for more. No word on where/when the show will be aired, but even if it's not picked up, it'll end up on YouTube, so that's something.
    Sci-Fi night at the Scorpions game this Friday, the 23rd! The DRS will be out in full Force (tee hee) for this event and the Scorpions people seem really excited to have us. Come on out if you can!
    There are several other troops coming up as well, like the March of Dimes. More info on those on the DRS boards.
    And finally, JESS! No, not the man, but rather J.E.S.S.: Jacen East's Sandbox Surprise!

    Next scheduled meeting is Sunday, April 15th. See you there!
  12. hairlesswookie

    hairlesswookie Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 23, 2001
    He was just giving us his best Cammie impersonation.
  13. BrotherHalo

    BrotherHalo RSA Emeritus and Heckler star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 12, 2003
    I was gonna ask...

    Now I don't hafta...
  14. hairlesswookie

    hairlesswookie Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 23, 2001
    Well, ya can't really blame him....

    The signs there are pretty confusing....

  15. JaceMardu

    JaceMardu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 30, 2005
    That was hilarious!!!

    When Scott Conners said he would use us again if the show gets picked up that meant the whole group. Not just the three of us that went. So there would be lots of opportunity for different people in the group. I told him we have Darth Vaders and Boba Fetts and many other characters, not just the ones he saw this time.
  16. Lorithavon

    Lorithavon Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2003
    This isn't really a fan force thing but since it's being discussed here I'll post... And James pretty much cleared it up... but...

    As far as the Scott Conners show is concerned and the DRS, He was interested in all that we (the DRS) have to offer... but as allot of things Clean White stormtroopers are almost always what people want, especially for something like a TV show. Because the are the most recognizable. If there would have been more interest from the Stormtroopers of the DRS I personally would have stepped back and let other TK's be on the show... but they wanted at least 2 he would have been happy with more. and Since only Wayne stepped up I filled the other position of the At least 2 TK's that they wanted...

    so there might be opptunites for Vader, Boba fett, biker scouts, tuskens, and other rebel scum, than just Chewie... and if there is a way to include our no-costumed friends in the fanforce you better believe I'll include you guys....

  17. SithLordAaron

    SithLordAaron Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 21, 2002
    So it sounds like the line has been drawn between the DRS and Mos Alba. It was only a matter of time.
  18. Lorithavon

    Lorithavon Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2003
    Since when have the 501st and the fan force ever been the same group? or even the Rebel legion for that matter they are 3 separate and distinct groups with different goals.

    The 501st is a Imperial Costuming Group.
    The Rebel Legion is an Rebel Costuming Group.
    The Fan Force is a Star Wars Fan Club. (no costumes)

    is any one group better than the other? no... are they different groups yes... and that is good they all have something to add to the star wars community. Can people belong to all three group, of course they can, but that doesn't make the groups the same.

    JaceMarduÊ is a good example of this, he is the Co-CR for the Albuquerque Fan force, He is also the Mountain Base XO for the Rebel Legion. And lastly he is TA-5115 of the 501st. on the TV show he was Representing the Rebel Legion, not mos alba or the 501st. Even though he is a member of those other clubs as well.

    There has always been a line in between the groups. Because we (the 501st, RL and fanforce) work together on a lot of events but we have separate identities. And just because you belong to one of the groups doesn't make you a de-facto member of the other ones.

    I was just trying to say that we (DRS), will try to make sure that the Mos Alba members who are not involved with the costuming groups can hopefully be involved with the show if they are so inclined.

  19. SithLordAaron

    SithLordAaron Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 21, 2002

    So what did that mean? Not "Uh oh, got to cover my arse now!"

    I love to break your bells!
  20. JaceMardu

    JaceMardu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 30, 2005
    <admin hat on>I don't think anyone is trying to or wants to draw lines. Speaking for myself I was trying to state that this opportunity was open to others and not just the three people that went this time. I think the question of lines is just a question of semantics and costumes. The groups cross over but Lor is a very active squad leader for the DRS and he leads the group well, just not here under the Mos Alba umbrella as was done before. Likewise the Rebel Legion just isn't as big or they would have banners and a table as well, or share a table with the DRS. Postings of events still go up here and anybody is welcome to attend any event! Take the Sci-Fi night coming up Friday! It's going to be a blast! If Mos Alba members who are not in the DRS or Rebel Legion want to participate they can arrange a table for Mos Alba or help with the DRS table. <admin hat off>

    Now, I need directions for the after party Friday Aaron, can you pm them to me? You better have some good beer and cigars ready my manbear buddy! Need me to bring anything?
  21. Redgek

    Redgek Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 26, 1999
    I'd like to add "Who gives a crap?" I see all the same people at 501st or Mos Alba events. That may not be the case in other cities but it's true here. If one organization or the other has to stroke itself by pointing out what everyone already knows, so be it. Nobody cares.
  22. JaceMardu

    JaceMardu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 30, 2005
    Scott said stroke!
  23. BrotherHalo

    BrotherHalo RSA Emeritus and Heckler star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 12, 2003
    Lor, Aaron, Scott, James - everyone's right here.

    Everyone knows that the DRS and Mos Alba are NOT the same entity. Mos Alba supports the things the DRS does, and the DRS supports the things that Mos Alba does. Nobody is trying to step on toes. We're all friends here and both the DRS and Mos Alba has been through a lot of CRAP the last 1-1/2 years. It's basically time to rebuild what we had.

    I don't think Lor was trying to draw a line between the two groups when it's always been there. That line has always been stepped over by both sides. Mos Alba and the DRS has co-existed for quite a while and like I said, we can take steps to rebuild the friendships we've shared.

    Never has Mos Alba tried to claim being part of the 501st. Everyone knows that anyone in Mos Alba that wants to put on plastic is capable of joining the 501st. Those that don't care for costuming have always been there to SUPPORT their friends. It goes both ways. I for one have always appreciated (when in costume) having someone around not in costume that can watch my back (and sides - stupid biker scout helmet).

    Hey Aaron, I've got a PM coming your way, dude.

  24. Redgek

    Redgek Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 26, 1999
    I love you all.
  25. BrotherHalo

    BrotherHalo RSA Emeritus and Heckler star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 12, 2003
    You just don't know how tingly that gets me, Scott. You may make James swoon, but you've got me in a puddle, dude.