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ST Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) in the ST

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Darth_Voider, Dec 17, 2015.

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  1. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    Luke is still Luke deep down. He's just in a bad state atm.
    Demsa Aztor likes this.
  2. Fjall

    Fjall Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2014
    can anyone draw a mock up of the necklace? i can't get a good Iook...
  3. Dame sans merci

    Dame sans merci Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2016
    Yep, this is how I see it. Luke was always a character based around possibility, about optimism. How does he react when that optimism is crushed by someone he loved and trusted? It shakes him to his core, enough that he questions himself and his own place in the universe.

    But his own fallibility will end up making him a stronger person in the long run.
    Demsa Aztor and themoth like this.
  4. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014

    Oh look, it's Luke being trained to realise that when he's unsure of the good side and the bad, seeking peace and tranquility is the answer
  5. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    true, for Han they made a return to where he was at ANH times, so back from rebel general to rogue smuggler. Luke made a 180° turn from hopeful new Jedi to hopeless last Jedi. Only Leia did not change a bit and is still as strong as ever and the only character who at least continued fighting for the light despite all the losses.

    If I were Obi-Wan/Yoda, I would turn around in my grave and telling myself I did train the wrong Skywalker. :rolleyes:
    -LordSkywalker- and Darth Nikean like this.
  6. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    And guess which character is getting a meatier role in the ST...?
    Demsa Aztor and themoth like this.
  7. arjank

    arjank Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 17, 2015

    Why does it need to be dramatic....I think it's harder to write something compelling without making Luke a broken man. This whole broken man story is IMHO a tried-n-tested method to easily create a story, it's laziness. I still hope they have a surprise up their sleeves....
  8. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014
    And you've basically said what Rian Johnson has said. Luke is not a coward, he cares about his friends and the galaxy. Luke does what he thinks right, so why is he there? Rian hasn't just taken it for granted; he actually considers it a prime question to be answered. Why?

    Obi-Wan tells Luke early on, "you must do what you feel is right, of course." And so he has. I think one thing you can depend upon is that Luke is doing what he thinks is right.
    Demsa Aztor likes this.
  9. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    1. Han ran from his wife and his problems by returning to smuggling, he essentially backslide from where he was at the end of ROTJ to where he was at the beginning of ANH.
    2. Leia was so blinded by her belief that her son could be redeemed that she sent her husband to his death, and only helped push Kylo completely into darkness...losing them both for good.
    3. Luke's plan B in ROTJ was to die on the Death Star with Vader and the Emperor, essentially ending the Jedi so his current actions and mindset are well within his established characterization.

    To make it compelling.

    No, it's a case of Tropes are not bad:

    Also, keep in mind that 'There is nothing new under the sun.'

    Deciding to go in this direction is not a sign of laziness, that is an assumption that ignores a lot of the information we have from Rian and the comments on the creation of the story going back to George Lucas having Dinner with the OT actors to discuss how to handle their characters in the Sequel trilogy. This direction just serves the story they want to tell.

    I must admit I am somewhat amused by all this hand wringing. Back in the day of the old EU people were complaining that Luke (who rebuilt the order just like some people on here wanted) wasn't being handled correctly. In fact they started a thread called 'Save or Skywalker' (S.O.S.) to discuss it. I guess it's comforting on some level to see that history really does repeat. Even in fandoms.
  10. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014
    "Why does it need to be dramatic?"

    That's what we're up against.
  11. arjank

    arjank Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 17, 2015
    Well, we'll see how it all pans out, I still have hope for seeing my childhood hero in true form [face_praying] :luke: :greensaber:
    Strongbow and nightangel like this.
  12. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
  13. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    It will happen, my friends :)
  14. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    sometimes I don't get it and what kind of fans you want? Some like these?

    Ahh that Luke type is a homeless, who cares, give me a 2 hour blast ala Transformers, a hot chic and a beer, then I'm with you....[face_plain]
  15. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014
    I agree. The Breznican article makes it clear to me it will. See my sig line.
    Satipo, arjank and nightangel like this.
  16. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014
    Can't answer for CEB, but for me, I just want people to understand that any meaningful journey for a character means adversity in some manner or another. That means sometimes the story is gonna put some of our favorite characters through tough times. It would be easy to just imagine Luke as this boy scout with a lightsaber, even 30+ years later, but how interesting would that be? It might work if he were just there to support Rey, but it's clear JJ and Rian think Luke has one more great journey left in him. Check my sig. I think it is true, and when we see him again, it will be that much more satisfying.
  17. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    I can't speak for everyone, but seeing Luke deconstructed then reconstructed is a process I'd enjoy, no matter what the catalyst for it is. Luke made a LOT of mistakes in the OT, and the Jedi Order itself has a number of systemic problems that really need to be addressed. This is a chance to do that, while still showing Luke and by extension the Jedi are a force for good while still being human. Look at Spider-man, one of Marvel's most popular and iconic characters. Not only is he motivated by the results of his inaction when he failed to stop a robber, but also by the mistake he made in failing to save Gwen Stacy later on. Ben's betrayal stabs Luke in the heart more than any other event in his life, and shakes him profoundly. This wasn't a father he barely knew, but a child he helped raise and trained and yet it still went wrong. That demands some introspection and re-evaluation of what he is doing.
  18. Satipo

    Satipo Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 29, 2014
    The Jedi master training Rey in the teaser is after the Broken man. That should reassure people as to which direction his arc his headed in.
    Demsa Aztor and JoJoPenelli like this.
  19. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    As an experienced poster who has seen fear grip just about ALL the fans of every single character in these films at one point or another....I feel confidant in saying...

  20. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014

    I mean, this should be kind of obvious, but the "2 hour blast a la transformers" is reductive in any context, but is a better fit for "Luke Is The Bestest Strong Hero And Does Not Have Failures" than "Luke's Psychology Isn't Heroic At The Start Of This Film, And The Way Two Characters With Psychological Issues Help Each Other To Find Their Path Is Key To The Story"
  21. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    Would you rather Luke have a big role, complex arc, and go from broken to whole? Or a Luke with just a few minor issues, no real arc and a marginal role?

    Those were the choices, really.
  22. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    Gandalf was not broken, but also had not a marginal role, despite that others were the protagonists. [face_dunno]
  23. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014

    Phew, I'm sure glad they haven't ripped off Gandalf for Luke Skywalker's story!
  24. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    I seem to recall something about a Balrog somewhere in there...

    And not much of a character arc.
    nightangel likes this.
  25. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    Gandalf died and was sent back so....not sure that matches up at all.
    IncessantRamblings likes this.
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