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Matrix & Star Wars - it's just sooo unfair!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Blueharvester, Jun 5, 2003.

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  1. Blueharvester

    Blueharvester Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 12, 2000
    When I heard, that the Wachowsky Brothers were filming scenes for the 'Enter the Matrix'-Videogame whilst on set for 'Reloaded', 'Revolutions' and 'Redundant' and with the original cast and crew from the movie production I felt that this was more than a little 'cheap', just not the kind of thing you'd do, if you are really into the 'art' of movies you know...

    And the 'best' part of it: All the media & journalists praised the brothers to the skies over this fact. Just so cool what they are doin with the cool animatrix-series, the cool videogame..oh this franchise is just so cool and philosophical and on and on.

    Tell you what: If our old flanneled one would've filmed cutscenes for a StarWars videogame On Set whilst doin Episode 1/2/3 he would've been booed to hell and back for it. 'Oh we all knew it! He's doing cartoons and his movies look like videogames and now he even melts the videogame with the movies, which btw have no story and blablabla

    All the mainstream media seem so biased it's just ridiculous.
    Part of the 'Matrix is so cool' thing obviously comes from the fact, that Joel Silver/Warner Brothers/Atari Games just organized big press events, spent millions of dollars on advertising and 'bribing' the journalists. I know for a fact, that the bigger the press events are, the worsethe game/movie/dvd is...

    (btw Enter the Matrix sux so bad that Dave Perry and Shiny should be ashamed til the end of their lives, 45 Million bucks and two years time and the game is just bad, bad, bad. Just wait 6 months for Revolutions, than we'll certainly get a second game with the same engine, the same badgraphics, the same bugs and the same boring and redundant game play...)

    Oh and for those who still praise the Brothers for their 'innovative vision' check tis out:

    Ah now I feel better... ;)

    edit/ this turned to a pure Matrix-thread, and that's better suited in the Amphitheatre or YJCC.
  2. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Well apart from the bugs, I thought Enter the Matrix was pretty good, and I thought that the Animatrix was excellent.

    And I think that all this fanboy knee-jerk bashing of any franchise that "threatens" Star Wars in any way, be it Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix, Spider-Man, Harry Potter, whatever, is getting really really tedious.
  3. KenKenobi

    KenKenobi Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2002
    *laughs at anything that even tries to compare Star Wars with the Matrix, both in film, gaming, and artistic value*

    It's so sad, I don't even have to post a counterclaim to the fact. I really didn't even have to post that it was pitiful in the first place.

    ;) :p

    Ken Kenobi- And you have a nice day ;)
  4. Blueharvester

    Blueharvester Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 12, 2000

    What on earth is good in this game?

    When you're on a driving mission (which btw look even crappier then the grey in grey on foot missions) you can get stuck when the AI drives. And it's a console game without the ability to patch it!
    And all the fancy bullet-time and hundreds of moves aren't needed. You can just fight your way through your foes like Rambo without all the artistic stuff - talk about game design flaws...
    Tell you what: A friend of mine is gametester for a big gaming magazine and he wasn't allowed to review it! He wanted to give it like 65-70% and the boss said: No, either make it an award title (85%+) so we please Atari/Warner Brothers or forget it cause we have a deal with that's freedom of the press... :(
  5. Fanboy_Solo

    Fanboy_Solo Jedi Youngling star 4

    Oct 7, 2001
    After I saw Equilibrium, I realised how "Hollywood" (lack of a better term) Matrix has become.

    Don't compare the two ever. Wait 1 year, people won't be talking about the Matrix trilogy as much.
  6. Sithwitch_13

    Sithwitch_13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 27, 2002
    mmm... Equilibrium...
    I love action scenes and Star Wars, Equilibrium, and the Matrix movies have enough of that in different ways to satiate me. If I wanted to think, I'd read, and if I wanted art, I'd wander a museum. I'm just here to appreciate what I was given.
    Except for diseases. I don't like to be given diseases. :p
  7. plokoon480

    plokoon480 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2002
    I also think Matrix the game, movie, and Animatrix were cool. Hopefully the Clone war series will be as cool as Animatrix.
    BTW-I got the Animatrix DVD! :D
  8. mrslush50

    mrslush50 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 22, 2003
  9. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    I won't argue that the driving missions in EtM are very dodgy. But I enjoyed the rest of the game, probably because I'm a fan of The Matrix, which you obviously are not. Yes, the game can be played like any old action game, but this defeats the whole purpose of it. The sheer coolness of all the moves you can do, being able to leap around in bullet-time, that's the point of the game. Since you're not a Matrix fan, that's not the kind of thing you would appreciate, but that's ok. It's no skin of my nose whether you like it or not.

    And yes, plokoon480, The Animatrix is awesome, isn't it? Great stuff. I also hope the Clone Wars cartoons can be as good, though it is a completely different type of project. I think an Animatrix-style series of short Star Wars films would be great.
  10. GrandMoffTarkin

    GrandMoffTarkin Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 22, 2001
    I really like the Matrix films. Lots of fun, cracking music and Reloaded even gets you to think about the whole nature of existence thing.
    However I agree with Harvester. The bias towards it is terrible. People praise it for its special effects, but Star Wars is slammed for them. Everyone loves the complexity of the Architect but galactic political intrigue? Much too far. While Neo's reception as a demigod is showing how powerful he is, the virgin birth in Star Wars is sacrelige.

    On a side note, I felt that the Matrix seemed to try too hard to be cool, instead of . The shots in the Agent Smith(s) fight looked like they were in it purely to look cool. Which is a pity as Neo's CGI stood out like a sore thumb.

    Oh, this ranting thing's better than I thought! :D
  11. ratmankey

    ratmankey Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 15, 2002
    The thing that pisses me off is that the press loves to gush over how "original" the action sequences in The Matrix are...when all of it (with the exception of bullet-time) was done by John Woo 15 years ago!

    And the fashion too...Neo's getup is EXACTLY the same as Mark's in A Better Tomorrow.

    This isn't a criticism of the Wachowskis, because they never even tried to hide the fact that it was one big tribute to HK action films and anime. It's the way the press and uninformed public keep melting all over the movies that pisses me off...

    Oh, and the whole "the world is not what it seems" thing was done better in Dark City.
  12. JangoFett316

    JangoFett316 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 2, 2001
    Thank you, Blueharvester! Finally, someone else sees it the way I have, the real way.
  13. TheOmen

    TheOmen Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 16, 2003
    Wow. I never recognized of all the similarities between matrix and dark city. I guess it has been a while since i saw Dark City, which I found to be a better movie anyways over matrix. Nothing compares to the star wars, not even remotely.
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