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Discussion in 'Costuming and Props' started by myself_me, Jun 5, 2003.

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  1. myself_me

    myself_me Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2003

    (Please excuse my english, it is my second language)
    I'm a newbie to these boards, seeking some help. I wanted to say hello and ask a few questions. I've bin around TFN for three or four months now, and I just spoted this forum which should help me with my fanfilm.

    First of all, I am 11 years old, and I know what I am doing, and if you want, I can show you what i've done already, (fx tests, sound effects and so on), visit My Website (Me and my friend pay for a domain). I got support from the fanfilm boards, from many people there. Now I am here asking you to help me with a few questions.

    I need in general, some advice on lightsaber props - what materials to use, what to not. What to avoid, and what to be sure to have.

    Thank you in advanced ;)

    - Tomas
    P.S: My message board
  2. krillindb

    krillindb Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 5, 2002
  3. myself_me

    myself_me Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2003
    I tried that one already, but I need some advice from you guys, pros. I want to know what you think.
  4. Stephan2312

    Stephan2312 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 6, 2002
    Hi there, I've indeed seen you around at the Fanfilm Forum.

    As appropriate as it is to post your question here, there is a thread about lightsabers right now at the fanfilm forum: this thread

    But to answer your question:
    I've heard that Big Yellow Box sabers are quite good to use for dueling. They use sink pipes.

    You can also use PVC instead. That's what I'm using anyway. Click my sig to see them.

    If you've got a metal lathe, you can make your own metal lightsabers.

    "I need in general, some advice on lightsaber props - what materials to use, what to not. What to avoid, and what to be sure to have. "

    What to avoid: that would be too many thingies on your sabers. If there are too many gimmicks the saber won't lie pleasantly in your hand and can interfere during fighting. Also make sure every single piece has been glued properly. It's better to screw it. I've had quite a few times where pieces flew off during a fight scene.

    What to be sure to have:
    Difficult to say. Just make sure you have something that's easy to use and sturdy at the same time.

    Hope that helped,


    EDIT: I'm in no way a pro. But I have used quite a few home-made sabers and used them for a first time shooting schedule. And I learned a lot from it.
  5. myself_me

    myself_me Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2003
    thanks stephan :) ... I'll look at that thread too.

    I just quickly drew a aproximate design of the original blueprint with Paintshop,

    it lost quality - save it onto disk and then view
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