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Official Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games) and the EU Thread (KOTORII Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Literature' started by masterskywalker, Nov 29, 2002.

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  1. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    I'm not sure if this information has been brought up, but KOTOR is going to have a VERY large impact on the history of the Old (Old) Republic. Some of the interesting things include:

    A new Dark Lord of the Sith: Darth Malak.
    A previously unknown war, the Mandalorian wars.
    The resurgance of the Sith as a galactic power.
    Reference to the TOTJ period, including Exar Kun and other characters.
    Deciding the ultimate fate of the Republic, either defeat Darth
    Malak, or replace him (It'd be AWESOME if they found a way to incorperate both endings into canon i.e. "holo records at the end of the heroes quest were lost" etc).

    Some of the party chacters include:
    (you) A Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel that becomes a great Jedi/Sith.
    Your sibling, a great Jedi.
    A love interest (Male/Female or Female/Male)
    A "cute twi'lek girl". ;)
    A Wookie.
    An ex-Jedi/Smuggler.
    A Jedi master of battle meditation.
    A Mandalorian warrior.
    A Republic soldier.
    An assassin Droid.
    An astromech.

    Some of the weapons include:

    Single or dual blasters (possibly heavy weapons too).
    One, two, or double bladed lightsabers. :D

    Any other information on how this game is set to effect the EU?
  2. Leto II

    Leto II Jedi Padawan star 6

    Jan 23, 2000
    "The Mandalorian Wars"...?? [face_shocked]

    Interesting...has there been any further info on this one?

    EDIT: Darth Malak...wasn't it that the Sith did not begin adopting the moniker of "Darth" until *after* the big reformation circa 2000 BSW4?
  3. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    Here's the game set up from the official site:

    The Mandalorian Wars
    Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Republic was at its most vulnerable state. A devastating war against the fallen Jedi Exar Kun had shaken the galaxy to its very core, and left the Republic's defenses crippled.

    Sensing this weakness, the warlike Mandalorians began a series of brutal attacks against worlds throughout the Outer Rim. In desperation, the Republic turned to the Jedi Council for aid. The learned Masters wanted to proceed with customary caution and due care before embarking on a long and destructive military campaign; however, more immediate help came in the form of two young Jedi Knights named Revan and Malak.

    Ignoring the dictates of the Jedi Council, the charismatic pair recruited many to their cause, rallying the impulsive youth of the Order with cries of victory and glory. With Revan and Malak at the head of their great fleet, the Republic set forth to drive the invaders back. The Mandalorian Wars were long and bloody, and many Jedi perished in the struggle. Yet, at its end, the Republic emerged triumphant, and Revan and Malak were hailed as heroes.

    But the heroes did not leave the war untouched; something about the Outer Rim worlds twisted and corrupted them. On Korriban, Revan uncovered the lost secrets of the Sith and became the heir to an ancient and evil legacy. Succumbing to the lure of the dark side, the fallen Jedi assumed the title of Darth Revan, Lord of the Sith. Malak was chosen as the Dark Lord's apprentice, and the great fleet under their control abandoned the Republic and swore fealty to their new Sith masters.

    With their army of followers, Revan and Malak returned not as saviors, but as conquerors. For two years battles raged on the perimeters of Republic space. The Sith gained victory after victory, until the Jedi set a trap for Revan and succeeded in destroying the Dark Lord. But during the chaos of battle, Malak managed to escape.

    Malak seized the mantle of his fallen Sith Master and proclaimed himself the new Dark Lord, swearing revenge on those who had killed Revan. And the Sith armada continued its relentless advance upon the Core Worlds...
  4. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    "Darth Malak...wasn't it that the Sith did not begin adopting the moniker of "Darth" until *after* the big reformation circa 2000 BSW4?"

    Well, no, as far as I know what you said doesn't has not been said in any official works.

    What we do know is that at the same time that there was a Darth Bane at 1000 bby, there was also a Darth Rivan, (not to be confused same with Revan),who fought at the battle of ruusan as well(see

    As for the name of the rogue jedi at 2000 bby, we have no clue if his name was Darth or something else altogether, as none of that information as been given, we also know that not all sith use the name Darth.
  5. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    Also, a huge array of force powers including classics such as force push, saber throw, force choke, force lightening, and "lost" and "unique" force powers like Jedi battle meditation.

    Based on the information above, a large part of the Jedi Order (the impulsive youth) was corrupted to the dark side and filled the ranks of the new Sith Order. This is a huge revelation. This could end up being the main reason why the Jedi moves towards the more restrained (and flawed IMO) order that we see in the Prequel era that denies all strong feelings.
  6. Leto II

    Leto II Jedi Padawan star 6

    Jan 23, 2000
    Nice...we're finally getting information on the gaps between Redemption and Jedi vs. Sith, and who would'a thunk that there would be a massive war against the Mandalorians and the Republic in the mix, there somewhere? Great stuff. Darth Revan and Darth Malak...I can go with it. :) Sort of following after Ulic Qel-Droma's stumblings, but it makes it rather interesting, storywise, and gives it some nice scope.

    In "Timetales," there's something of a huge gap between 3,990 and 1,000 BSW4, and this'll cement in some of those holes quite well, looks like.

    Based on the information above, a large part of the Jedi Order (the impulsive youth) was corrupted to the dark side and filled the ranks of the new Sith Order. This is a huge revelation. This could end up being the main reason why the Jedi moves towards the more restrained (and flawed IMO) order that we see in the Prequel era that denies all strong feelings.
    Yep, I can certainly see that mentality spinning out of this, along with the aftermath of Ruusan. What's good about doing these things *today*, as opposed to eight or ten years ago, say, is that we know where Lucas *begins* the prequels, and the writers can build up to that point in a slow-burn, as opposed to what Timothy Zahn worked with all those years ago.
  7. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    Don't forget that while during the game there is a second great war between the Jedi/Republic and a reborn Sith empire.
  8. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    I can warn people now though, I've seen screen shots of some of the text in the game, and the style of writing used, from what I've seen is rather drab and boring. It's as limited as most of American style RPGs, with little simple sentences.

    Hopefully with voice actors it will sound good and be able to add emotion to the lines, but from what I've read it looks kind of limited.

    I just hope that the story is good, and not stilted and boring, unlike the text that they have released so far.
  9. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    I wouldn't worry about that Val, I believe there's something like 12,000 lines of spoken dialoge, not including alien voices. It's one of the largest voice projects ever. Your dialoge choices start out broad and narrow. But as you move more to the dark or light side, certain dialoge choices will be added or removed (Certain choices will be availible only to the goodest of the good and baddest of the bad). You'd have to play through the game 3 or 4 times to get everything you could say out.
  10. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Well quantity of dialogue isn't the problem, it's the quality of the dialogue I'm worried about.

    What i've seen is kind of bland, maybe with the right voice actors they'll sound great, but I've seen other american rpgs, with similer bland writing, and the voice acting while good didn't help the dialogue much.
  11. Jet-Eye-Blah

    Jet-Eye-Blah Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 5, 2002
    Darth Rivan and Darth Revan?

    Are you sure it is not a simple case of mis-spelling?

  12. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Well considering that Rivan, and Revan lived in two different eras, one being close to TOTJ time period, and the other at the battle of ruusan. Plus, Rivan died in the last battle of ruusan, and Revan died in TOTJ times. ya they have to be two different people.

    Lucasarts is so original aren't they, ;)?
  13. Leto II

    Leto II Jedi Padawan star 6

    Jan 23, 2000
    This sounds like one I'm going to be picking up, then...for PC, as I don't currently own an XBox, but any port in a storm, eh? And yeah, if there are over 12K+ lines of dialogue, it's greater than three or four feature films in size. Were those screenshots you saw part of the preliminary beta-version, or the near-"finalized" edition, Val?
  14. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    You can find the screenshots at IGN, or Gamespot. I don't know exact build they belong to. But generally in games like these the acting is completed before the builds of the game are finalized. So generally what quotes you see, have probably already been recorded.

    Like I said it's not the quantity i'm worried about, it's the quality, most of the dialogue I've seen seems humorless, and in a matter of fact style. Where as I saw the script of Jedi Outcast a good 3 months before it's release, and diologue in that was quite entertaining, with a style that seemed full of emotion.
  15. Leto II

    Leto II Jedi Padawan star 6

    Jan 23, 2000
    Yeah, okay, I'll go take a look around those places. Thanks. And I'd bet that the designers probably went with a transliterarily-similar name ("Revan," "Rivan") to evoke the other one to come down the road.
  16. Jet-Eye-Blah

    Jet-Eye-Blah Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 5, 2002
    Evoke other one down the road?

    You meant there is going to be a Darth Ravan, a Darth Ryvan, in addition to the existing Darth Rivan and Darth Revan?


  17. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    You know I'm kind of partial to Darth Rayban my self, heh, :D.

    Though I'd point out it's not the only time LFL, has switched a few letters around in names to create "new" characters in the EU.

    You can find it in the novels as well.
  18. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    I wonder if this will only be an X-Box exclusive for a certain period of time, and eventually get ported to another console? PS2 might not be able to handle it, but GCN should...

    Still, interesting stuff- hopefully this'll be a big hit and will encourage more TOTJ-era material in it's aftermath.

    Between TOTJ, KOTOR, JF:eek:S and the hinted Fett backstory from Marvel, there certainly is no love lost between the Jedi and Mandalorians, is there? ;;D
  19. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    If the dialoge is half as good as Fallout 1/2, it's going to be the greatest game ever. :D

    Quest, the game is coming out for the PC too.

    KOTOR = Knights of the Old Republic.

    It'll be out spring next year for the X-Box and summer for the PC.
  20. Nerak

    Nerak Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 28, 2002
    This game looks cool when is it coming out and for what system. What does KOTOR stand for?
  21. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Other names that have slightly different spellings to represent new characters in the EU:

    Celina Marniss and Melina Carniss, Allya and Allaya, Horrsk and Harrsk, Threkin Horm and Hrekin Thorm, etc. etc.

    Can anyone think of any more?
  22. Invid_Clone

    Invid_Clone Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 14, 2002
    *Groans at Valiento's pun.*

    Sorry, just got off seeing Bond's latest. The guy and the lame puns he puts out has never grown on me.

    So it's two new Darths now. I wonder what Lucas had in mind for that name? Is it a proper name -- a Sith word that means something along the lines of "Servant/Master of the Dark Side"? Or is it a title that denotes some sort of rank within the Sith? Hmmm...

    Anyways, this game sound interesting as hell, and it sort of puts me in a quandary. Either(1)I get myself an X-Box or (2) I upgrade my PC, coz I sure as hell wanna play it.

    Have the PC minimum requirements been published yet?
  23. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    >> Quest, the game is coming out for the PC too<<

    Alas, probably without an accompanying Mac port...but who knows, if the min requirements aren't that ridiculous, I might be able to emulate it like I hope to do so with Galaxies.
  24. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Well, Rivan, and Bane exist at the same time as each other, but they aren't tied together at all. They were just two seperate sith lords scheming that just happened to take part in the Battles of Ruusan.

    We also know that Bane's master did not have the name Darth, neither did Kaan, even though he was in charge.

    So it would seem between those the title didn't mean much, and it didn't tie them together.

    After bane took over he instituted the master and apprentice policy, according to various sources, and apparently he started passing down darth as a title.

    We know that the sith after endor, don't use Darth either.

    Now this new source is interesting as we see another group of sith that also seems to pass down the name darth, yet we don't have any known darths before exar kun's death that we know of.

    It leaves things interesting as Darth as a usage hasn't been very consistant throughout the eras.
  25. Leto II

    Leto II Jedi Padawan star 6

    Jan 23, 2000
    Also, interestingly, this is the first time (historically-speaking) that we see two and only two Darths present...probably, what will happen is, after Ruusan, when you had umpty-ump Darth-lords frolicking about in the dewy spring meadows, Darth Bane will look back upon the Mandalorian Wars and the relative stability that Darth Revan and Darth Malak inspired for the order with this example, and institute that cute l'il "Rule of Two" that we all so know and love. ;)
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