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LA, CA Potterish talk and Britishy things. (BOOK 6 chat!)

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Elensara, Jul 16, 2005.

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  1. Skyryder

    Skyryder Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 13, 2004
    Since I'm not seeing Happy Feet, I checked out the trailer online. Also in HP news I watched all four movies out on DVD over the past couple of days. Along with the LoTRs too. I'm done nothing this holiday but lay on the couch. It has been nice.
  2. Varekei

    Varekei Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 5, 2005
    Well, I did some chores & errands and had a nice Turkey day. But, the most WONDERFUL thing was not getting up to the alarm and hurrying to shower & dress & get to work for four days.
  3. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    SR, that sounds like my weekend, minus the HP viewing.

    HBO is hosting a contest where the winner receives tickets to the US premiere of OotP. I entered it once but I guess you can do it every day if you'd like. I'm just too lazy, I guess.
  4. Skyryder

    Skyryder Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 13, 2004
    Ok, I signed up for the premier giveaway too. Maybe I'll get lucky again like with the Grudge II.

    And since this is the thread for British things (and one more reason I cancelled my open EE orders) is that I'm going to London and to Cardiff the first week in May! I'm very excited about the trip. My friend Tim and I are going and we are going to Cardiff just to see where Dr. Who is filmed. We are nerds.
  5. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    SR, I am sooooo incredibly jealous. It looks like I'm not going to be going to the UK next year after all because of my padawan's school plans. Can I just hide in your suitcase?
  6. Skyryder

    Skyryder Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 13, 2004
    You may just make sure you don't have any liquids on you. I need to start saving for this trip though. I have a small stash of money for it but not near what I need. I think we will buy our tickets in March.
  7. crazybirdman

    crazybirdman Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2003
    shot of possible upcoming HP fig:
  8. ValedaKor

    ValedaKor Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 25, 2000
    So you HP fans have seen the puzzle that reveals the (possible) title of #7, right?
  9. crazybirdman

    crazybirdman Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2003
  10. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    Where is it?

    Found it. It's Jo's site.

    Here are the directions to find it.

    Go to Click on the eraser on her desk.
    1. Click the knob on the open door in the mirror to see the Christmas tree.
    2. Click on the top half of the main door to see a wreath.
    3. Click on the top of the mirror to reveal garland.
    4. They will all go away if you click the spider web next to the mirror.
    5. Click on the fourth chime in the window and the key for the door.
    6. Drag the key to the door knob to unlock the door.
    7. The door opens to reveal a package.
    8. When you click the bow, the package will open.
    9. Inside is a game of Hangman you can play to guess the title of Book 7!<--

    If you want to skip all of that, it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    It's an okay title but not her best. Rather disappointing, really but still I'm excited for it's release. I can't wait for that!
  11. JediBith

    JediBith Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 6, 2001
    Aw she could call it "Harry Potter and the Silly String" and it would still be fine...:D
  12. crazybirdman

    crazybirdman Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2003
    I thought Half-blood Prince was the worst title. You get all the way to the end of the book and Snape says, "Yeah, that's me. . . bye."
  13. Skyryder

    Skyryder Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 13, 2004
    Solved it without the clues. I guess it depends on what are the Deathly Hallows.
  14. crazybirdman

    crazybirdman Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2003
    and boy are the HP fans over analyzing that one. They're up to 100 pages of discussion in that thread
  15. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    I wonder when it will come out. I can't wait!
  16. jedifan77

    jedifan77 Jedi Master star 5

    Mar 19, 2006
    I'm showing my ignorance by asking this, but how long has it been general knowledge that OotP comes out on July 13? I just found out today!
  17. AboutaSith

    AboutaSith Jedi Knight star 5

    May 13, 2005
    Did anybody see Radcliffe on BBC's "Extras" on HBO yesterday? [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    If you didn't you should check in out on google video or youtube.
  18. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    JF77 - I think most of us have known for quite a while, maybe a year? It's okay though, the info is always good.

    I don't have HBO. I'm going to have to google it. Thanks for the heads-up ASith!

    Okay, I may be crazy but I've put in my name for a copy of HP and the Deathly Hallows at my local bookstore. I'm number 2 in line. I love their arrangement, they do a midnight release but no party which is fine with me because I'd rather just get my book and bring it home before anyone spoils it for me. I'm going to get two copies this time so my padawan can read along with me.

    I was speculating with the bookstore lady about a release date and she said it would never be released on 7/7/07 because that is their equivalent to 9/11. Someone mentioned that November 1 would be a great day because in HP and the Sorceror's Stone, McGonnagal mentioned that since there were so many witches and wizards celebrating that she would not be surprised if it was called Harry Potter day. Of course, November 1 is a Thursday so it may not be. The other day mentioned is the Solstice because in a prediction, I think Trelawny's, she mentioned that on the Solstice would come the last and JKR released the title on the Solstice. If this happens, I hope someone else hosts Christmas because I'll be too busy reading to do anything else. I may have mentioned this stuff before but I don't recall and I'm lame any way.
  19. jedifan77

    jedifan77 Jedi Master star 5

    Mar 19, 2006
    You're lame? Who's the one that just figured out when the new HP movie is coming out? If you're lame, I must be just plain ol' pathetic! My name should be the Lost Jedi! [face_laugh]

    Thanks for all the info and theories. Not suprisingly, I hadn't heard much of any of it. I'm torn on how badly I want that last book to come out. On one hand, it will be great to know what finally happens. On the other hand... it will be over! :_|
  20. Elensara

    Elensara Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 2, 2002
    I'm torn as to whether I want to pre-order it or not! It was a lot of fun going to the midnight opening thing last time...hmm, I should just pre-order. My parents were considering getting an extra copy this time, like you're planning on, DH, 'cause with HBP me and my sis bought books and our parents had to wait until we finished to start (they didn't like that much, haha).

    In other sort-of HP things, Elise hasn't been updating her livejournal very much from London...I want to know when she's seeing Daniel Radcliffe's play!!
  21. Elensara

    Elensara Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 2, 2002
    OH my god, you guys NEED to see this Extras thing. My my my, SOMEone's grown rather randy, hasn't he? Anyway, it's hilarious. If I had a dvd burning-dvr, or SR's tv-to-computer setup, I'd make copies for you guys. :/
  22. AboutaSith

    AboutaSith Jedi Knight star 5

    May 13, 2005
    [face_laugh] Told ye it was hilarious! Extras is the funniest thing on TV at the moment, only 2 episodes left!
  23. DarthHaskett

    DarthHaskett Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2003
    JF77, I know what you mean. I can't wait for the book but at the same time it'll be sad that it'll be over. Of course we'll have the movies to look forward to but it's not quite the same.

    ES, I would not be able to wait for my book to be delivered to me. When GOF came out, I bought it from my normal bookstore because I did not want to deal with the hordes of crazed fans but it killed me to wait for the stupid place to open and then I waited a bit more to make sure the crowds had died down. Well, there were no crowds and I stupidly waited for hours to start reading! I could not do that again.

    I must know what happens! Are we going to have to start a Book 7 thread when it's finally out?

    Also, I did not know JD was in the UK! Is she doing a semester abroad or something? I really wish I had done it when I was in school but circumstances would not allow such frivolities.
  24. Elensara

    Elensara Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 2, 2002
    Oh no, I didn't mean I thought you were ordering online or something, just PRE-ordering to be picked up at midnight. ;) I pre-ordered 2 copies (one for me, one for my and dad are on their own if they want one too!) tonight at the Barnes & Noble where we got HBP at midnight. Yea! They didn't even make you put $5 down--just fill out a pink slip of paper.

    Yep, JD's in London until April.
    I wish I could've gone abroad too. :(
  25. Skyryder

    Skyryder Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 13, 2004
    But has anyone seen the pictures from the play Equus? Now that's not very Harry like at all. Very disturbing play and movie if you've seen them. I was hoping to see the play while in London but we have postponed our trip to September now so I won't be seeing it.
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