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Progression of both trilogies in relation to eachother

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by thefreshman, Nov 22, 2004.

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  1. thefreshman

    thefreshman Jedi Youngling

    Nov 21, 2004
    This is something i just noticed last night as I was trying to sleep, and it's a credit to the PT. Something that never really hit me.

    I go over the first trilogy, then move on to the PT

    A New Hope
    This is an introduction to the Star Wars world. Nothing really more that flat characters, lovable but flat. Not to discredit the film, it's exceptional, but it's a basic popcorn movie. The main attraction of this movie is it's world and mythology. Even though the characters are at stake, there isn't alot of emotional punch behind any of the characters. It's a getting to know the characters movie, keep in mind that no one knew they would meet these characters again.

    The Empire Strikes Back
    This is using everything from the first movie to it's advantage (something alot of sequels don't have the capability of doing). You realize that the characters aren't exactly the flat characters from it's predessecer, they are at stake at an emotional level. Han and Liea love eachother, they just have a hard time admitting it, Luke is truly challenged by the yoda and the Jedi ways, and finally by the possibility of Vader being his father. You feel for the characters (before you just liked them, now you empathise with them). Not only this but all of the characters (Vader included) are left in a meloncholy limbo. This film centers itself on a personal relationship, against a backdrop of the Civil War.
    point is it's no longer primarily about jedi or civil war, but luke and Vader.

    Return of the Jedi
    This packs the punch of the previous movie, and resolves everything. You know Vader is luke's father, you know though the movie is about several relationships and conflicts the major one is Luke and Vader's. this film is all about bringing emotion to a boil, and resolving the story.

    Now we'll move to the PT, you have to look at this as a first time movie, acting like you don't know anything about the OT, in fact you don't know there is even going to be a series. it's an individual film.
    the possibility of a sequel isn't even in your head

    The Phantom Menace
    Like ANH, you are introduced to a brand new world, and most of the characters are flat, likable(depends on who you ask) but flat, they are in peril but not much of an emotional attachment. As a side note this may be why TPM is considered one of the weakest films in the trilogy, we already know this world, and this film is mostly introduction to a worls we are familiar with, if it were the first people may feel differently about it. Basically though the film is just about good guy/bad guys. hints towards the end leads to a longer story.

    Attack of the Clones
    Again you familiar with the characters, but you still think the stories are episodic having little relation with eachother. Your led to believe the prime focus of the films as a series is Jedi vs. the ultimate evil Sidious, there could be 100 different stories but these two facets will always be present. Good stay good, bad stay bad. There is however and emotional punch with Anakin loosing his arm and Anakin/Padme's marrage. Hint's of actions in this film taking a toll in later episodes, but it's only hinted. You believe good will stay good if it continues over the course of one movie, and bad will stay bad. Character's have an emotional stake, but you don't believe the story is focused on them as much.

    Revenge of the Sith
    All of the things set up in the previous two, take thier toll in this movie, and this movie is about Anakin and his becoming Evil. This movie changes Anakin from a major character to the tragic character for which every following movie will center around in some way.

    Point is the PT, if seen first wait until the end(don't now exactly when Anakin will trun yet) to totally transform series into an emotional story centered around one character and the ones that surround him

    about the Jedi, fantasy movie, think a one timeJames Bond

    about the Jedi against Sith, think comicbook superman vs. Lex Luther, He-man vs. skeletor

    about all above, but it makes st
  2. Darth-Seldon

    Darth-Seldon Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 17, 2003
    Nice thoughts. There are many connections from a story point of view between both trilogies.

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