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Raynar/NJOSB/Post NJO

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Pellaeon-Firke, Aug 16, 2004.

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  1. Pellaeon-Firke

    Pellaeon-Firke Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    I was gone for a month recently, and I'm pretty sure that this was mentioned, but I need someone to explain this to me. Once the explanation or lack thereof is posted, feel free to lock this.

    The recent info given out by the VIPs is that Raynar will be in the Dark Nest trilogy. Wasn't he said to be dead in the NJOSB? I don't own it, but CUSWE and posters say it says he died. Isn't this a blatant contradiction? Is there any possible way to fix this?
  2. flowerbee

    flowerbee Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2004
    He didn't die, he was captured by two dark Jedi named Lomi and Welk, I think.
  3. jawajames

    jawajames Former RSA // contributor star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP

    Apr 26, 2002
    The recent info given out by the VIPs is that Raynar will be in the Dark Nest trilogy. Wasn't he said to be dead in the NJOSB?

    I seem to recall in ANH, a character saying that Luke's father was dead.... and yet he appears in ESB!

    while i haven't seen the actual wording in the NJOSB, i'm pretty sure it's easy to convert "dead" to be "believed to be dead" or "dead, so far as we know"

  4. NJOfan215

    NJOfan215 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 17, 2003
    I'm not sure, but the njosb had kenneth hamner on the myrkr team, so i don't consider it all that accurate.
  5. Thrawn McEwok

    Thrawn McEwok Co-Author: Essential Guide to Warfare star 6 VIP

    May 9, 2000
    It all depends, though. Raynar could simply have been "mostly dead", not "dead dead". In which case, he's presumably the new Boba Fett...

    Or maybe that's Kunra? [face_mischief]

    - The Imperial Ewok

    JEDI-SOLO Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 12, 2002
    I knew it! I knew they would bring up Raynar again! Just a gut feeling!

    I really started to like this kid after he got it on with the jedi girl on the way to the mission!
  7. Dante_Glass

    Dante_Glass Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 2, 2004
    Yeah they she got half her head chopped of and raynar cryed and held her dead body...that was actualy pretty sad.

    JEDI-SOLO Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 12, 2002
    It sure the hell was out of left field uh.

    Jedi girl turns her head and wack split at width wise at the nose falls to the ground and her body starts twitching while Raynar looks on in shock.

    Her name was Uerial or something like that.
  9. Mike-Sunrider

    Mike-Sunrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 4, 2003
    Was her death that gruesome? o.o I can remember her death just not the details.
  10. flowerbee

    flowerbee Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2004
    She got hit in the face with a razorbug, it was horrible. I think her name was Eryl?
  11. Knight1192

    Knight1192 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 5, 2000
    Star by Star does not say one way or another whether he died or not, it's left open. The last thing seen by the strike team is over Tenel Ka's comlink showing the Tachyon Flier the shuttle Raynar and the dark siders were on, being attacked by coralskippers. Anakin ordered Jaina to keep a line open to Raynar so they might hear what became of him. That was the last SbS had to deal with him.
  12. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    The remains of the strike team sensed a disturbance after the Tachyon Flyer took off, and believed Raynar, Lomi Plo, and Welk were killed. Since we now know Raynar is alive, we have to wonder who died - Lomi Plo, Welk, or both.
  13. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    I bet that the two of them survived, just like Raynar did.
  14. Knight1192

    Knight1192 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 5, 2000
    Where, where does it say they sensed a disturbance after the Flyer took off and thought they were dead? They clearly see it being a piece after it took off, but they don't see it destroyed.

    JEDI-SOLO Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 12, 2002
    Raynar had been horribly injured right?
  16. Ph0enix

    Ph0enix Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 22, 2002
    Where, where does it say they sensed a disturbance after the Flyer took off and thought they were dead? They clearly see it being a piece after it took off, but they don't see it destroyed.

    I think that was in the NJO sourcebook...
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