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Sarlacc life-cycle...

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Rilwen_Shadowflame, Nov 7, 2005.

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  1. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    ...Is there one? I'm kinda curious about sarlaccs at the moment...
  2. jedimasterinu

    jedimasterinu Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jul 29, 2005
    Thats the thing that ate Boba, right?
  3. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005

    I looked around and I cannot find anything that cites a possible age limit. All I can see is that the digestion cycle can last up to 1000 years, but nothing beyond that.

    I would assume that they would live about 2000-3000 years, but that is a total guess on my part and backed up by nothing.
  4. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    I also find myself wondering what baby sarlaccs would look like. Are there baby sarlaccs? :confused:

    Edit: Found some info:
    Sarlaaci are found on many remote worlds throughout the galaxy. They thrive most effectively in moist environments, though some are known to live in such inhospitable places as airless moons and the arid wastes of Tatooine. Depending on environmental conditions, an adult sarlacc may grow to dozens of metres across, or may have an appature of as little as a metre. Sarlaaci propagate via spores which drift through interstellar space, though how the planet-bound adults release the spores into space remains a mystery.


    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Star Wars Tales #6 (comic) had a story on the life cycle of a Sarlacc. You can see a short detail here on TOS. The tale is reprinted in the 2nd Tales tpb, I think. (I'd get up to check but the cat is curled up on my legs asleep). Tales are Infinities and not canon but the story is still pretty good.
  6. EmperorSorridom

    EmperorSorridom Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 2, 2005
    Sarlaccs have a lifespan of 20,000-50,000 years.
  7. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
  8. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    I recall hearing that the Tatooine Sarlacc was just a baby 4000 years pre-CT.
  9. Alpha-Red

    Alpha-Red Chosen One star 7

    Apr 25, 2004
    Hmm...considering how horriblee Sarlaccs are, you'd think that people would toss a couple of thermal detonators at the things when they show up in the neighborhood.
  10. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    Agreed. Although I wouldn't want to stand too close to a Sarlacc to throw a bunch in. Orbital bombardment of the position seems like a better idea.
  11. JediMasterChiefYoda

    JediMasterChiefYoda Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 8, 2003
    Why not just get a couple of skiffs and use 'em as a base to drop the bombs. No need for oribtal strikes, military intellegence might get a decimal point in the wrong spot and destroy the Mos Eisley Cantina. Then were would we all go to wet our whistles? Moe's?
  12. theN00_Jedi

    theN00_Jedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 26, 2005
    Considering the size of the thing, you have to assume it doesn't get that big just from eating the occasional passer by..

    Maybe it's a lesser of two evils thing, like leaving a spider alone so it will take of any mosquitos or other air born pests..

    Perhapps the Sarlacc helps take care of Bantha over-pupulation, or maybe they snack on Kyrat Dragons, or the occasional Tuscan Raider
  13. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    Much as I hate the GODV series, there's a nice picture of the Sarlacc eating a Tusken and a Bantha. (Krayts would be way too big)

    And it wouldn't be much of an orbital mistake. The Sarlacc is in the middle of nowhere, far, far away from the cantina.
  14. jedi_master_ousley

    jedi_master_ousley Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2002
    Well, it's not like it was hurting anything out there in the desert. As long as no one goes near it (and that seemed like a pretty deserted area), they should be fine.
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