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SWRPF Archive Separatists Fan Club RPG

Discussion in 'Star Wars Role Playing Archive' started by Timothor, Dec 6, 2004.

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  1. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Bunker is surrounded and Grievous is fighting ;)
  2. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    IC: Sora Bulq

    With a sudden burst of speed, Sora desperatly sprinted towards the lift, hoping to make it in time. Realising it was too late, he force-threw his saber into the lift, hoping to either jam the controls or injure Nass.
  3. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Be creative ;)

    IC: Nass

    Nass ducked as the saber spun about in the lift. The saber struck the contraptions and mechanic devices. In an instant, with a thud, the whole lift stopped, and suddenly sped down full speed.
    Eventually it hit the bottom, nothing cushioning its fall. The impact destroyed the entire turbolift, crushing the lightsaber of Sora Bulq under heaps of metal, and burying Nass with it.

    Stangely, his large body absorbed most of the impact that would have destroyed vital organs. Oozing Gungan blood, Boss Nass lay under the remains of the turbolift on the bottom floor. Alive, but unable to move.

    The bad thing for Sora now was, that his lightsaber was at the bottom floor. Five Senate Guards burst into the room, blaster rifles raised.
    "Sora Bulq, you are under arrest for the murder of officials and civilian Jack. You are also under arrest for the impersonation of a civilian, 'Hector'.
    Scans indicated it was you, and reports from neighbouring apartments of a 'red beam of light' confirmed it."

    TAG: Anyone
  4. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    OOC: Oooo... complements from Timother!

    IC: Asajj Ventress

    Ventress approached the bunker, deftly brushing aside the few clones in her path with the Force. She grinned in response to the Jedi Master's threat.

    "Over, Master Trebor? At last, I believe we reached a mutual agreement on something. For your time, as well as that of your beloved order, will soon indeed be over. And I shall help to aid in their demise." Ventress raised her lightsabers and charged toward the waiting Jedi.
  5. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    OOC: Creative, eh? Are you sure you really want that...?

    IC: Sora Bulq

    After taking a quick glance down at the remains of the lift, Sora looked over his shoulder to where the Senate Guards were huddled.

    "Blast...and this is why I don't like using lightsabers!" he scowled.

    Admitting being cornered, he turned around, while staring intently down at the floor.

    "Well, it appears I've gotten myself in quite the doozy, haven't I? Yes, Sora, I'd say so. I mean, it's always one thing or another. Staying out late, never leaving's a shame, an awful shame. And now look, surrounded by Senate Guards. You've really slipped up this time. I must admit that you've lost some of that old skill, old sport, oh yes."

    Looking up, he noticed the Senate Guards didn't make any sudden moves, in fact, they appeared to be listening intently to him.

    "More confessions from a troubled Weequay? Perhaps another time. Buy my autobiography when it hits shelves next fall. For now, old chaps, I've got to think my life over and hit the bottle."

    With that final word, he took a small jump down the edge of the floor where the lift had fallen. Immediately, he grabbed hold of a piece of useless machinery on the wall and began his climb down. After a few minutes, he reached the bottom to where Nass lay, barely concious.

    "Senator Nass, I must admit you've proven to be quite a thorn in my side...Now, if you'll allow me, I'll make this quick. " With that, he rested his right foot on Nass' neck and slowly pushed down with all his weight.
  6. Son_of_Jango

    Son_of_Jango Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2004
    IC: Grievous and Mundi

    With the arrival of Ventress the advancement into the bunker was was now clones vs trandoshans and droids and the clones had no jedi to help them...

    meanwhile Grievous stood his ground as an large group of droids lead by Mundi charged at him...Grievous cudnt wait for the clones to stop and shoot at charged forward as well and met them in battle...he immediatley incapacitated a number of clones and then started to fight mundi as well..grievous knew that with the odds against him he could have difficulty...he backed off a little bit...and then too out his four arms! He then stood ready with four lightsabers in his hands as Mundi grew wide eyed...

    Mundi knew that the clones would not survive this fight..

    Mundi: "Quickly! Retreat and attack the bunker from a different postion! NOW!"

    As the clones started to break away Grievous lunged forward and hacked a large group of them down...Grievous went on a rampage decimating his foes..until it was just him and mundi again....they stared each other down....

    Grievous: "This ends now jedi.."
  7. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Sora, good thinking. I didnt expect that - I thought you would do some kind of Force battle.
    Nice move. :D
    This RPG is really going uphill. Two Jedi battles, siege on Kachiro and an assassination mission right now.

    Lets continue the party shall we?

    IC: Coleman Trebor

    Coleman saw Ventress attack. She attacked, and he spun aside. Her twin lightsabers would be difficult to block with one weapon - but he would win. Since Geonosis and the close shave with Jango, and especially the Battle of Naboo where he escaped due to a hostage he had trained.

    Months of saber training, discarding the diplomacy skills he had gained and replacing them with arts of combat. Pablo-Jill's capture had left him angry even. Not Dark Side angry, but enough to make him question the motives of his masters.

    Now he was here, on Kashyyyk, fighting to save some uncivilized Wookies. How had he come here? Master Yoda willed it. What a waste of good men, and Bariss had to die for it.
    Coleman leapt over Asajj, to spin around swiftly dealing a sideways slash.

    IC: Boss Nass

    Boss Nass could not resist, as metal chuncks were burried in his body. Sora's foot squeezed the life out of him. With a final gurgle, he released a spray of bloody spit onto Sora's boot.
    Sora Bulq's lightsaber lay there beneath a metal plate. Easy to retrieve.

    The Senate Guards rushed to the enterance to the turbolift shaft and looked down at the scene.
    "Crap they are gonna fire us for letting this happen to Nass. Lets get the guy responsible for losing our jobs!" One of them cried.

    They all obliged and hurled down Thermal Detonators.

    TAG: Anyone
  8. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    IC: Asajj Ventress

    Ventress moved swiftly to parry the blow. She moved closer into a less crowded area of the first hall leading into the bunker, where there would be fewer clones to get in her way. Knowing of Colemann's failure at the Battle of Geonosis, Ventress was tempted to immediately take on the role of the aggressor in the match; nevertheless, as she was about to do so, she sensed something peculiar in the Force, eminating from the Jedi Master. While she had never been particularly adept at reading the minds of others, she was almost certain that, for a moment, she had sensed an inner conflict the Jedi was undergoing. Uncertain herself of what this meant, she decided to submit her role as the aggressor to Trebor, so that she would have time to understand completely how much of a threat he actually was.
  9. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    IC: Sora Bulq

    Quickly, Sora made a grab for his saber. It appeared to be fizzling and a couple of dents decorated the handle. Glancing menacingly up at the Guards, he spied a wave of thermal detonators, and on sudden impulse, he attempted to block them with force push. Not so lucky this time, a couple landed nearby on the ground and Sora flew sprawled out on the floor. Quickly reviving himself, he checked the damage and noticed that one of his dreds had been singed off.


    "You'll pay for this!!!! FIENDS! IMBOSILS!!!!! BOO HOO HOO HOO!!" he sobbed. "Why??? WHY??"

    As if suddenly remembering where he was, the dark jedi flew up on his feet and dashed madly towards the door, tossing the flawed saber aside.
  10. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    IC: Senate Guards

    Since the Senate Guards did not reckon Sora would escape through the lift, they had all gathered in the apartment of Nass...
    The door was unguarded - well almost unguarded.
    A fat, slutty female Wiphid stood guard. She was a mercenary with a blaster pistol.

    Sora could kill her with his hands if he wanted to. She fired several useless shots that missed.

    IC: Coleman

    Coleman Trebor became angrier as Ventress parried his strikes.
    Fiercely he continued to fight on.
    He suddenly jumped back, saber in a defensive position.
    With one hand held his comlink and saber with the other
    "Commander, I want ALL troops deployed to the bunker now! The tide has turned..."

    With that, Coleman charged, using the Force to speed him up. He dealed several fast swings, and finally lunged forward to strike.

    TAG: Anyone
  11. The_General_Grievous

    The_General_Grievous Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 8, 2005
    IC: San Hill

    San Hill sat in a silver chair on cato neminodia,2 battle droids stood behind him just incase anything went wrong or there was some troubel. As the munn laied back in his chair the doors to the room suddenly opened and a battle droid walked into the room.

    Battle Droid ap20: Sir your fleet from munnalist has come, the fleet has your new ship designs. Here are the new additions to your fleet and will soon be part of every seprist fleet. he IBC communications frigate( ) is part of your new and better fleet and also the TF Crusier ( ) is in are new fleet.

    San Hill: Good good we are ready to re assult telos

    San hill walked out of the conferance room and walked onto the main lobby of gunrays palace. 3 neminodian gaurds pasted them as san hill walked for the hanger. San Hill walked into the hanger and entered his personal craft.

    TAG: Timothor end the battle in the courtyard
  12. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    IC: Sora, I've got no idea how you ended up in this fan club. [face_laugh]

    IC: Asajj Ventress

    Ventress had been enjoying herself for some time until Trebor gave the order for his troops to advance. While she had the utmost faith in her abilities, even she knew her limits. Hearing the clones approach, she turned and ran deeper into the bunker.

    She knew she was probably heading into a trap, but it appeared that the Jedi Master had come up with his idea on the spur of the moment. There was certainly something different about him she was sensing... unless she was mistaken, he appeared to be giving in to his emotions...
  13. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    IC: Sora Bulq

    Ignoring the few clumsy shots that the guard fired at him, Sora raised his hands in the air in defense, making it clear that he held no weapons. Looking around to check that no one else was near, he timidly took a step forward.

    "Excuse me miss, but I happen to know of a place that serves the most excellent wine you could imagine. What do ya say?" he offered with a wink of an eye and a toss of a dred. Noticing that the reaction wasn't quite what he expected, Sora backed away a step.

    " assured that I'll pay in full..." he stammered. Shying away from her menacing glare, the Weequay turned and made a mad dash for the door.

  14. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Mr. Hill, Telos battle you can control. Just leave me some parts to control, but this time with the new additions to your fleet it will be easier.

    IC: Lady Wiphid Guard

    The hairy Wiphid chased Sora out the doors onto the landing platform. She drew a vibroblade. What a shame she clumsily fell on it.

    Sora had to get out of there now. The Senate Guards were charging down the steps to run for the door.
    Sora Bulq's ship was on the platform, where he had left it calling himself 'Hector.'

    Mission accomplished.

    IC: Wookies

    The battle in the courtyard went well for the Separatists. With Droidekas steaming fire into the bulky Wookies behind the barricades, the tide had turned.
    Battle Droids added to the confusion, and the three Geonosian Starfighters rained fire into the courtyard.

    Tarful was panicking. He was in the top level issuing orders clumsily. The Clones thar remained were making for the second level.

    Soon Sun Fac had captured the first level, and Battle Droids marched in unstopped.

    IC: Coleman Trebor

    Ventress' skill was agrivating. She was not winning, but neither was he. Memories of failures and victories flashed in his mind. At times he could have won.
    He could have killed Jango instead of dodging that shot and jumping back down. He could have killed all of the Separatist leaders where they stood in that box, just by swinging his saber.

    He hadn't. Now he'd make up for it, wether it cost him his allegiance to the Jedi or not.
    Coleman allowed the dark side to strengthen him, and he would have lost before. Now he had a chance.
    With anger he slashed and struck, saber upon sabers.
    Clonetroopers got in the way trying to fire at Ventress' back, but Coleman pushed them aside with the Force. This was his fight.

    He did a slow but heavy overhead swing at Ventress.

    TAG: Anyone
  15. The_General_Grievous

    The_General_Grievous Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 8, 2005
    IC: San Hill

    San Hills fleet jumped out of hyperspace and waited on the edge of telos. The new sepritists fleet saw the reackage of the last battle, peaces of droid starfughters, battleship rings and many more ships scatered around the rim of the planet. There was a medium sized fleet surronding the planet but nothing the size of when san hill firsted attacked the planet.

    San Hill: Send the IBC crusiers in

    Neminodian: Yes sir

  16. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Telos battle, just in case I havent told you, is yours to control. The Jedi Sar Labooda, a humanoid female with a green saber is in charge of the fleet.
    Do not kill her off she will be my NPC in the battle.

    IC: Palpatine

    Palpatine sat at his desk, viewing papers. His Rodian aide, Dar Wac was at his side, and his majordomo, the blue skinned Chagrian Mas Amedda was looking out of the glass window behind them.

    A hologram of the Clone Commander from the Republic fleet at Kashyyyk appeared.
    "Our report, Chancellor."
    He continued
    "Our fleet has been unhindered so far, and Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi and Jedi Coleman Trebor are on land. Battle has gone well so far, with only infantry casualties and the loss of a few Gunships. Original defenses are shattered, and scouts report what is left of Bariss Offee's original forces are positioned in Kachiro helping the Wookies. The Wookies are holding out on their own, and the main Separatist forces are assaulting the tree city. Barriss seems to be dead, and the bunker taken. Ground forces are fighting for the bunker, but the tide of battle has turned with the arrival of Asajj Ventress."

    Palpatine frowned
    "Ventress? Are you sure commander?"
    "Affirmative sir. General Grievous and Asajj Ventress are defending the captured bunker and have turned the tide of the battle. No worries, Chancellor, our AT-TEs will arrive shortly."

    IC: AT-TEs

    The Clone forces at the bunker were not as strong as they had been. With Grievous having decimated many Clones, and Ventress' explosion of one of the Gunships taking out many infantry was costly indeed. The Trandoshans, Quarren and Battle Droids were ignoring Asajj and Coleman, but concentrated fire at the Clonetroopers rushing in.
    It was a stalemate so far... or so it seemed.

    Reinforcements arrived for the Republic, as Coleman Trebor had requested. Two heavily armoured AT-TEs broke through the jungle, and came to a halt side by side near the ravine. They could not reach the bunker, but they could fire at anyone that came out.

    The Separatists were trapped. Those remaining forces of the CIS outside were rounded up and taken captive, except for the mindless Battle Droids which fought on till the end.
    All hope remained for those inside the bunker, and Shu Mai's reinforcements.

    IC: Shu Mai's Reinforcements

    Shu Mai had given orders to send all her forces to support the Kashyyyk battle. Unhindered and unseen, Droid Landing Ships reached the ground far off from the battle. They unloaded battalions of Battle Droids and detachments of STAPs as well as a few AATs. All that was needed to, perhaps, save Grievous and Ventress.

    TAG: Anyone
  17. Son_of_Jango

    Son_of_Jango Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2004
    IC: Grievous and Mundi

    As the Republic forces arrived Grievous and Mundi were still fighting...neither had gained the upper hand...but Grievous knew that he could not continue the fight with the republic forces approaching...he would have to retreat until separatist reinforcements arrived...

    Grievous quickly leaped back as Mundi took a swipe at him...

    Grievous: "This is not over jedi...i shall see to it that you are crushed beneath my feet."

    With that Grievous sprited back to the bunker killing a few republic forces along the way
  18. Only-One Cannoli

    Only-One Cannoli Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 20, 2003
    IC: Sora Bulq

    Running across the platform, Sora felt a sudden urge of glee and did a tap dance of victory, jeopordizing his time and escape.

    However, he managed to board his ship without being caught by the remaining Senate Guards yet. After taking off, he fired a few times at the Guards, missing every one of them. Doing a victory circle in the air with his ship, he left the planet, plugged in his coordinates for hyperspace, and sat back.
  19. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: You left out the tradishional Weequay tap dance of exaggerated joy :p

    IC: Dooku

    News reached Dooku of Sora's success.
    As Sora sat in his ship, Dooku's hologram appeared before him.
    As if to Force Choke Sora, Dooku extended his holographic hand, but instead of a deadly force attack, Dooku retracted his hand and bowed.
    "Congradulations, Dark Jedi. Onworld agents have quickly reported Boss Nass' death, and witnesses speak of a spasticated Weequay lunatic. I assume it was you, and thus you will be rewarded. I will send you a list of possible rewards for selection:"

    A list in code appeared, which Sora could read:

    * A New Single Lightsaber
    * A personal guard of Assassin Droids
    * A Sith holocron
    * The lightsaber of the captured Pablo-Jill
    * A chance to convert the captured Even Piell to the dark side. If a success, Even Piell, then a dark jedi, becomes a companion NPC.

    Dooku continued
    "So you can choose the lightsaber of Pablo-Jill, or a new red beamed saber to replace your lost one, or another treat."

    IC: Clonetroopers

    The Republic's forces continued to advance through the hallway, ignoring Asajj and Coleman in a nearby one.
    Separatists were losing once more. With the Trandoshan Lieutenant decaptitated at the enterance, the Trandoshans had lost heart.
    Few Quarren from the Isolation League remained.

    Yet just a mile off, Battle Droids marched, and AATs hovered to be enforced by Super Battle Droids.
    Shu Mai's forces would arrive soon.
    Jango, Asajj and Grievous just had to last this last hour.

    IC: Sar Labooda

    Female human Jedi Sar Labooda circled one of the Assault Ships at Telos. She would soon return to Coruscant, and leave her small fleet to defend, yet news had reached her of plans to attack Telos.

    She was vigilant, and watchful.

    TAG: Anyone
  20. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    OOC: Oh god don't give Sora Even Piell to play as... I can just see how that would turn out... **shudders**

    IC: Asajj Ventress

    Ventress was forced to turn around once more and block Trebor's continuing onslaught. Trapped in the bunker, she wasn't sure how well the Separatists were doing on the surface... however, she had a bad feeling about the situation.

    In the meantime, Ventress had the Jedi Master to worry about. He was certainly giving in to anger... Force-pushing his own men around revealed that much. Ventress flipped over and tried to strike him from the side, but he was too fast. This fight was becoming tiresome... she decided it was time to liven it up with a bit of conversation. "Master Trebor," she began, "Something seems to be troubling you. What's on your mind?"
  21. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    OOC: Sorry for the delay, a power cut. Baah.

    IC: Coleman

    Coleman fought on fiercely, but then recoiled and answered, fury controlling him
    "I will not fail! Jango nearly defeated me, and if only I had not been loyal to the lightside I could have used my rage to kill ALL the Separatist leaders!"

    Calming himself, Coleman pointed his lightsaber at Asajj
    "Why did you turn to the darkside, if the Jedi, Ky Narec, who taught you was so close to you? If he could see you now, Ky Narec would be disappointed in you, Ventress. Why did you turn?"

    TAG: Anyone
  22. The_General_Grievous

    The_General_Grievous Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 8, 2005
    IC: San Hill

    San Hill watched telos and the fleet around it. He walked along the bridge of his ship and looked around to see a bitalion of battle droids.

    Battle Droid ag4: Where ready to begin are assult

    San Hill: Good Good begin at once
  23. Son_of_Jango

    Son_of_Jango Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2004
    IC: Grievous

    Grievous reached the bunker as republic forces continued to swarm in....he grew tired of this battle...he ignited 4 lightsabers in his 4 arms and quickly began taking out the republic forces that raided the bunker....Grievous was mad....very mad..

    IC: Mundi

    Mundi ran towards the republic forces off in the distance to regroup and get a team together..he knew grievous would be in there and the republic would lose too many forces to him if he did not stop him soon...Mundi got a team together and advanced towards the bunker...
  24. Timothor

    Timothor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 12, 2004
    IC: Sar Labooda

    The Republic fleet of Telos was quickly alerted to San Hill's fleet leaving hyperspace and entering the system.
    Yet there was not enough time to prepare a formidable force of space defense.

    Sar Labooda piloted her Jedi Starfighter into the hangar of the main Assault Ship.
    It was time for combat.

    IC: Shu Mai's Forces

    Shu Mai's reinforcements arrived just in time.
    As Grievous was cleaving through Clonetroopers, the AT-TEs could not fire, as they would take out their own troops.
    Yet Gunships had taken off, and their guns were aiming at Grievous!

    The AATs of Shu Mai's force entered the clearing and surrounded the AT-TEs. Their fire began, and the AT-TEs began turning their cannons towards the new enemies.
    Detachments of Battle Droids burst out of the jungle and opened fire, shooting over the ravine onto the spurt of land where clusters of Clonetroopers were posted.

    The Gunships turned around and shot at Battle Droids instead of Grievous.
    Battle Droids alone could not handle ARC Troopers and Clonetroopers that were backed by Gunships.
    Super Battle Droids marched forward in square formations, and extended their arms releasing laser barrages.

    Finally the unexpected happened.
    10 Droid Starfighters from the Separatist fleet on the other side of the planet were released, and they approached the bunker.

    Soon they would arrive.

    TAG: Anyone
  25. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    OOC: Man, that Shu Mai... she's really something. She writes in 1 sentence every few weeks and manages to do more than any of us could do in ten thousand words.

    IC: Asajj Ventress

    Ventress was taken aback by the Jedi Master's unexpected retort. "I have never turned away from my Master's teachings. It was the Jedi, not I, who betrayed Ky. And the Jedi betrayed my people as well. But surely you cannot understand this -- for you, too, are a Jedi, and it is beyond your ability to comprehend that your kind is anything but the elite of civilization."

    Like Trebor, Ventress was beginning to loose control over her emotions. Vaguely aware of this, she decided to create a diversion for a moment to give her time to regain control, and leaped backwards onto a catwalk spanning the upper portion of a large room in the bunker. She looked down at the Jedi and awaited his next move.
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