  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

Shades of Gray -- NJO -- (links pg. 1)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by LadyMairead, Sep 13, 2002.

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  1. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    You? Good? Impossible.
  2. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    who, me? will someone please tell me what's going on? i'm all confused :confused: i promise that i'll be good if you tell me, so now tell me!!!
  3. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    I'm entering this contest about a sci-fi novel and LadyMairead is reading it for me.
  4. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    oh, shush, LM. i promise i won't be evil anymore. happy? now will you guys tell me what's going on?

    i see. will you send it to me, too?
  5. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    I vouch for its excellence. The second chapter is even better! I'm still working on the first [face_devil]. I have most of the major stuff done...
  6. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Oh gosh she's going to make me cry, i just know it.
  7. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    i see. so, Sara, will you please send it to me?
  8. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    hehehe. I'll do my best.
  9. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    I'll send it to you, Lt.
  10. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    thanks! my email address is in my bio
  11. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    You're email's not working with mine,Lt. I'll just pm it to you.
  12. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    UP for me. Good night everyone! I'll be back tommorrow with a new, improved, longer, and generally less-sucky post. Unless I've been forcibly removed from this house for using the computer too much... Hope you come and see!
  13. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    I hope that doesn't happen.. that would really suck.
  14. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    yes, that would stink. my email's not working? interesting. it should...
  15. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    to the top!

    LM, there's a new viggie up: Hopes Reborn and i'm not evil in it. can you go check it out?
  16. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    A morning up for the hobbit loving LadyMairead.
  17. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    uppers for LM from her evil friend....
  18. JediWarriorYoda

    JediWarriorYoda Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
  19. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    This post is for Lt.JS, who inexplicably appears to have survived the night (do I need to ask you again JWY??)...

    Jaina stood and held him at arm's length, keeping a tight grip on his calloused hands. She began at the bottom, gazing at the cracked toenails and the dirty feet covered in newly-healed sores that had puckered to an angry reddish-pink. Her eyes continued upward, past his ankles, where the ends of his pants hung awkwardly, one leg longer than the other.

    Past the frayed knees, where the brown fabric had been worn to a tired gray, to the waist of brown, mossy pants that were rolled up and knotted at the waist, obviously not tailored for a human's physique. She looked up, her gaze falling on their linked hands, and when she turned them over, so that his palms were facing downward, she saw a criss-crossing map of raised scars that she had no memory of him ever aquiring.

    She looked up, past the too-long sleeves of the tunic, made of the same living material as the pants, to the collar, which, in the middle, hung far enough past his prominent collarbone to reveal the frightening beginning of a wide scar that looked as if it had not fully mended. Past his neck, to the scraggly, uneven blondish-brown hair on his face that appeared to have been hacked at with a knife, up to the much darker brown of the hair that hung lank, swept back from his face to curl just below the level of his ears, and looked to have been cut in the same manner as his beard.

    She stopped there for a moment, mesmerized by his forehead, where the lines that she had previously seen appear only in moments of darkest worry, had been engraved permanently into the landscape of his face. The familiar scar under his eye was still evident, but looked like a mere scratch in light of the other marks that she had discovered on his body. Finally, she drew her gaze to the one place she had been avoiding: his eyes.

    As she stared into their depths, she was forced to remind herself that she was looking at her twin brother, whose every dark corner, every dusty alcove of memory, every buried feeling, had been as familiar as her own. She felt slightly naseous with the realization that those days were over. Because in his eyes, she saw the first small hint of what it was that had changed him so. And that clue, that tiny glimpse of his experience, hit her like a punch in the stomach, and for half a second she couldn't catch her breath.

    Staring into his eyes, she had the impression that if she were to fall into them, she would be sucked into a swirling whirlpool that would assault all of her senses and from which escape would be doubtful. She had the impression, the fear, that she would experience things that her mind, with all it had seen, could not even begin to envision. She had the feeling that if she fell within those eyes and then turned and looked back out them, she would see a very different universe, a differnt reality, than the one she currently existed in.

    "Jasa?" she breathed hesitantly.

    "Jaya," he said, grinning widely.

    And as tears gathered on his lashes and fell, the depth of his eyes seemed to be suddenly hidden from her, and she wondered if she had imagined its existence. Perhaps it had been a trick of the light. As the deep brown color of his irises lightened, and he gathered her in his arms once more, she swept her fears aside.

    She held him firmly, enjoying the familiar forest smell, like dried leaves or a crackling fire, that always seemed to accompany Jacen. She giggled as the scratchy growth on his cheeks rubbed against her face, still damp with tears. They both stepped back slowly, reluctantly, and, eyes shining with delight, walked arm in arm down the squishy docking ramp to meet their parents.


    There you go! And j/k, Lt.JS, je t'aime. :)
  20. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    *wipes tear away from her eye*

    :_| that was so beautiful, LM! yeah, and i love you too! great job!
  21. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Thank you Lt.JS! Sorry it's not longer. I have more written, but I had a hard time dividing it evenly into posts, and this one got the short end.
  22. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    so, can we get more soon?
  23. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Ummm.... Maybe? :) I'm thinking that there isn't going to be a post tommorrow. I really need to clean up what I've written and write more. So there will probably be a post wednesday.

    I have a feeling that my thread will have been relegated to page fifteen by then, but oh well.
  24. Lt_Jaina_Solo

    Lt_Jaina_Solo Jedi Knight star 5

    May 27, 2002
    i'll try to keep it up for you, if you promise we'll have a post by Wednesday night....

    then again, i don't know if i'll be able to get on the boards, Darth Real Life, Darth School, Darth Homework, Darth No Time, and Darth Mom, and all....
  25. LadyMairead

    LadyMairead Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    I feel your pain, sista. Thanks for the help.

    Hey, where is everyone? Was the post that bad?? I'm sorry!!!
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