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SOS - Luke Skywalker - Version 2.0

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Jedi Ben, Sep 12, 2005.

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  1. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002

    Thanks, Raven. I was just about to inform you, Genghis, when I saw the post here.
  2. Sith-Pirate

    Sith-Pirate Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 16, 2001
    this kinda upsets me but i don't believe it to be true. i would think luke and anakin are =. any help will be much appreciated thanks.

    Ask if ROTS Vader or ANH Vader was more powerful. If they tell you ROTS Vader was. This gives us a paradox. Why would Vader say "When we last met, I was the learner. Now I am the master." If he was weaker? Also, if Vader was so much weaker, then how could he have helped the emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights? Why would Vader be so confident he could defeat Obi-Wan in ANH when he couldn't beat him when he was more powerful? He had NO reason to believe Obi-Wan had become weaker since he had already faced an 80-year-old Sith Lord that was even more powerful then Obi-Wan in his prime.

    If they say ANH Vader was stronger (I doubt they will) You're arguement is already won. How could Luke become more powerful then ROTS Vader at the same age and with less training unless he had at least equal potential to his father?
  3. DeJade_Vu

    DeJade_Vu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 29, 2002
    I wanted to post on the first one, but by the time I was aware of it, it had gotten so big, and people were so deep into their conversations, that I was kind of intimidated. So, I guess this is a good thing.

    Yeah, I know that feeling, but for future reference and also for any lurkers on here, "jumping in" is actually pretty easy in this thread. We don't bite, unless we're starving from having gone so long without food so as to finish a particularly long post. :p

    I look forward to being really involved with this thread.

    YESSS!!! You're my new friend. [face_dancing]

    I'm glad you found your way to the new place, DJV!

    Thanx! It was quite a shock to suddenly see "SOS - Luke Skywalker - V.2.0 and to know that the old sod was behind us.

    i'll post tommorrow more tomorrow, though guys how many of you think luke's potential is = to anakin's potential ?

    I think they're about equal, but I really agree with this quote down here:

    Luke has the potential to be more powerful than Vader (which is to
    say, powerful enough to defeat the Emperor), but had Anakin never
    been injured, he would have been even stronger.

    It seems logical.
  4. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005
    YESSS!!! You're my new friend.

    It's always nice to have new friends.
  5. LeiaSkywalker4

    LeiaSkywalker4 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2005
    Do you have to join or anything?

    Well, I have read some of your posts and I have to say I agree with them. I can't stand the whole Jacen looking for other sources besides The Force to follow and Luke listening to him about it and Jacen's attitude. And another thing of those writers allowing the Jedi to use the dark side. At least in TJK Luke realizes what they are doing is wrong, so maybe down the road some writer will have Luke telling the Jedi they can't use the dark side anymore.

    Had to put this seperate: I don't want to see Luke going to the dark side. Wow, I sound like the rest of you.:)

  6. Grand Admiral Wettengel

    Grand Admiral Wettengel Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jan 10, 2000
    If only Lucas would have actually done some research, such as going back over the OT screenplays or actually watching the movies again to pay attention to the dialogue instead of: "What fx can I spruce up in this scene?"

    And where were these "new powers" than Anakin spoke to Padme about?

    It just comes down to that evil, manipulative old man wanting to paint Anakin with as dark a brush as possible.

    I was hoping that rotS would have given me something to latch onto regarding the redemption of Kenobi and Yoda. I used to like Yoda in the OT, but now . . . forget it.

    Poor Anakin was used and abused by everbody.
  7. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005
    Well, I liked Obi-Wan and Yoda in the prequels. In fact, I liked the prequels in general. I know it's rather unpopular to admit that, but I don't even hate the Gungans.
  8. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001

    What have I read already? Well, since this is a Luke thread, I'll only list the ones with him in them.

    Well, I think you should definitely read The Thrawn Trilogy, Truce at Bakura, and Courtship of Princess Leia. You'll probably want to read Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future as well. Those are the most important ones. I suppose you should read the Jedi Academy Trilogy too, though I didn't like when Luke was put into stasis, a sort of coma.

    All of NJO

    Stars! You made it all the way through the NJO? To quote Leia, "You're braver than I thought". ;) The NJO had mostly TERRIBLE Luke characterizations.

    I do agree that condoning torture was the worst thing Luke did in The Joiner King.

    Yes, that disturbed me greatly! :(


    what's up with that connect to starwars universe thing ? i got it 3 times in a row just tonight.

    Yes, that's what Excellence and I were talking about yesterday. Thankfully, the problem seems to have been resolved.

    i'll post tommorrow more tomorrow, though guys how many of you think luke's potential is = to anakin's potential ?

    I definitely like to THINK it is, and from some of the Lucas comments this year, it seems that he is.

    i basically e-mail this to the for an answer about force potential and i got this.

    First of all, who actually wrote that answer, MS? If it was just someone from one of the boards, it was just that person's opinion.

    Luke has the potential to be more powerful than Vader (which is to
    say, powerful enough to defeat the Emperor), but had Anakin never
    been injured, he would have been even stronger.

    That's not what Lucas said in an interview. He said something about the reason Palpatine wanted Luke was because Luke had the Force potential that his father had lost after his battle with Obi-wan. I don't remember the exact words.

    As for your broader
    question, Force potential being hereditary isn't even really an
    absolute phenomenon to begin with; non-Jedi can have Jedi children
    and vice versa. Is does seem to run in families pretty consistently,
    but it certainly doesn't decrease (or increase) automatically with
    every generation.

    I partially agree with that. It IS possible for non Force sensitives to have Force sensitive children, but it is rare. Most Force sensitives DO have Force sensitive children. It's possible that those children who are born to non-Force sensitive parents may have inherited a recessive gene somewhere down the line. But it seems that it's also possible for a child to spontaneously exhibit the Force sensitivity trait, as Anakin Skywalker did. It didn't seem that his mother was Force -sensitive.

    I think that most Force sensitives have Force sensitive children because the Force trait is dominant.But I think they probably pass on the Force trait completely, which means that Luke and Leia should be as powerful in the Force as their father. After all, children of a blue-eyed parent and a brown-eyed parent don't have blue-brown eyes, they usually are simply brown-eyed, as that's the dominant trait.

    i would think luke and anakin are =. any help will be much appreciated thanks.

    Well, I agree with you, MS, and I think our opinions are as valid as whoever gave you that answer to your question. Someone who writes for The doesn't necessarily know for sure. Now, if George Lucas said that Luke wasn't as powerful as Anakin, I guess I'd have to accept that. But since (at least as far as I know) he didn't say that, and in fact, in an interview said that Luke IS as powerful as Anakin Skywalker, then I think we can believe that Luke is as powerful as Anakin.

    If they say ANH Vader was stronger (I doubt they will) You're arguement is already
  9. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005
    Well, I think you should definitely read The Thrawn Trilogy, Truce at Bakura, and Courtship of Princess Leia. You'll probably want to read Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future as well. Those are the most important ones. I suppose you should read the Jedi Academy Trilogy too, though I didn't like when Luke was put into stasis, a sort of coma.

    I plan to read those. There's a really cheap used book store really close by. I can get all most of those for $3 or less a piece.
  10. Mat Skywalker

    Mat Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    thanks guys for helping me out.:)


    LOL! I actually prefer hot chocolate myself, but I needed something stronger to drown out my sorrows over losing the original SOS thread

    what ever you say Child, just remember you're not the one flying the falcon tonight.;)

    Oh, I'm still on the dinosaur dial-up. I'm not really online that much anyway, so I didn't want to go through the hastle or expense of something least not right now. Maybe someday.

    LOL!! i thought dinosaurs were extinct, probably that's where the future of dial-up is.[face_thinking] but i'm just glad you can connect and post on the thread. though IMO cable is the way to go.

    Hey! Anyone who posts here three times I consider a "regular". So you've been a regular for a LONG time now.

    though i don't know if the others feel the same way, thanks Child i appreciate the complement:).

    Speaking of regulars, I wish we'd hear from C and from JK_Dart and JLot and a few others.

    i hope they're not having computer troubles of their own and i hope skydancer found a solution to her technological diffuculties.

    I'll have to send her an e-mail and ask her. I'm sure she'll be disappointed, but grateful that JB started one again. It was just SO nice to see that huge number of posts. Now it's like this is a Newbie thread

    well at the pace we're going, i think it'll be a matter of days. i read the first pages of the original thread and many people respond to skydancer's furious words of anger(was she in full darkside mode ? [face_worried] ) i would be too after reading the rest of NJO. though her message spread across and people answered.

    Not really. I just thought it was rather interesting that Tyers was also a teacher as well as an author. She's had many good and tragic things in her life.

    yeah i agree, but what happen to her ? good and bad ?

    I don't want Luke to be powerful because he's using the darkside. I want him to be a powerful LIGHTSIDE Force user!.

    he only use the darkside when making the illusion, choking welk, and he was rather dark when torturing gorog. but i'm glad he decided that the new way is the wrong way. ever wonder why everybody(jedi) accepted the new way without asking why ? doesn't it seem strange ?

    But you must admit that "Last hope" is rather a large step DOWN from "The Chosen One".

    well i have to admit i like the chosen one, but since the chosen one cause chaos and turn to the darkside, there was reason for another chosen one to spring forth, Luke Skywalker the Galaxy's Last Hope. I mean even Episode 4 was his title.

    Okay! I'll concede!

    sadly even the movies they don't show speed alot, only in ESB(luke) and TPM(obi-wan,qui-gon), so it could be easy to get confused.

    We can hope.... I'm glad your glass is always half-full, MS!

    looks at his choclate milk cup in confusion:confused: : i never heard that expresion before, but thanks.... i think.



    The problem is that the things that bug me tend to surpass the things I liked.

    yeah i have noticed, but i can understand with bad EU books. you have symptoms of Del-Reytitous, read 2 good Eu books(TUF, VOTF) and call Dr. MS86 in the morning.;)

    Yes, that's what Excellence and I were talking about yesterday. Thankfully, the problem seems to have been resolved.

    yeah i guess it was a problem with one of the images and a link to it. though the mods fix it in 2 minutes, boy they're good.

    I definitely like to THINK it is, and from some of the Lucas comments this year, it seems that he is.

    if you know any comments off hand, let me know please. thanks.

    First of all, who actually wrote that answer, MS? If it was just someone from one of the boards, it was just that person's opinion.

    it was mike cooper from the website's faq.

    That's not what Lucas said in an interview. He said something about the reason Palpatine wanted Luk
  11. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005

    you're very lucky, i really wish i had a mom & pop shop by me, so i don't to have to travel to the big businesses, and i could save my hard earned cash. but i haven't learned everything about luke either, though a big help to me was the essental chronology, i got some of my Eu knowledge from that one book.

    I really like it. Except for the fact that he put all the Star Wars books right next to the porn section. I really would prefer it if the two were kept more seperated, if not in different rooms altoghter. I read the entries on the major characters and events in the Star Wars Encyclopedia just after TPM came out, so that, combined with what my brother told me and backstories provided in the text of the books I have read, I'm pretty familiar with Luke's history.

    i think he was having a hard time since it was in fact he was using the dark side to power it up. i think his instincts or rather the force was telling him this is the incorrect way of using the force.

    I agree that that is the reason why he is so drained afterwards. However, if I remember correctly, he started having trouble before that. Maybe after living for five years with this new view of the Force, he has a harder time accessing the Light Side than he did before.


    Stars! You made it all the way through the NJO? To quote Leia, "You're braver than I thought". The NJO had mostly TERRIBLE Luke characterizations.

    I know. That and too much polotics are the reasons my brother gave up after only reading three of the books. I tried to ignore the Luke whimp-ification, and I really didn't feel that there was as much polotics as my brother made it out to be. I was pleased that the Enemy Lines duology treated him like a Jedi Master, instead of the Padawan that some of the other authors tried to make him out to be. Honestly, I think that the worst Luke characterization ever is in Planet of Twilight. IMO, Hambly made Luke weak and Callista the be-all, end-all Jedi. And I could understand Callista being better trained than Luke, because she was from the Old Republic. However, Hambly made it obvious to me that her reason for Callista being better was that she was a woman and Luke was a man. I don't mind strong female characters, but Mary Sue-ing just to make a feminist statement irritates me to no end.
    Just my oppinion.


    Had to put this seperate: I don't want to see Luke going to the dark side. Wow, I sound like the rest of you

    Yeah, Luke going to the Dark Side is so thirteen years ago.
  12. Jedi_Knight88

    Jedi_Knight88 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 18, 2005
    Thank you, Master...I may have to join you in that hot chocolate in case someone from CorSec finds out I'm underage ;)
  13. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005
    Underage drinking, eh? *pulls out fake CorSec badge* I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate your supply of Gizer ale, ma'am. ;)
  14. Jedi_Knight88

    Jedi_Knight88 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 18, 2005
    C-c-confiscate w-what, s-sir? [face_worried] wanna buy some death sticks? :)
  15. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002

    Just curious, am I the only one who delighted in the way the Jedi acted in Joiner King, Skywalker too? Been meaning to ask that for a while.
  16. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005

    I think you're definitely in the minority on this board


    Well, as long you're selling them, I guess one time can't hurt...looks like I won't be driving tonight, either.
  17. Jedi_Knight88

    Jedi_Knight88 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 18, 2005

    From wandering around the boards, I gathered that you were delighted with the Joiner King in general, Ex. :)
    Out of interest, why were you delighted with the way Luke and the Jedi were portrayed?
  18. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005
    Yes, Ex, enlighten us with your take on the whole thing.
  19. quad_gun_jinn

    quad_gun_jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    I'm with Ex on this one. I really enjoyed the way most of the Jedi acted. That is all the mature Jedi and not the ones that thought they had six legs and antenna
  20. HandofSkywalker86

    HandofSkywalker86 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 12, 2004
    I liked the way they acted. Its an entertaining read. You get to see the Jedi using the force creatively, they don't make themselves subordinates to a fallible Senate and, most of all the characterizations were dead on.

    This is basically how I saw the galaxy after the Vong war. Mr.Denning did a wonderful job logically moving off of previous plot lines. This book has made him one of my favorite authors.
  21. LeiaSkywalker4

    LeiaSkywalker4 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2005
    Thank you for the warm welcome ChildofWinds and MasterSkywalker86. Have you seen the cover of Swarm Wars? It looks like Luke is using lighting out of his hands what is up with that. Okay, maybe I am jumping to conclusions with that, but I'm not liking it. Just no Darth Luke!!!!!

    Oh and speaking of Jacen I think Luke should open a can of whoop*** on him. Sorry don't like to swear or put it in my posts, but there is something about that kid that needs to change.

    So I am new here, I have another question to ask how is Mara Jade viewed by people on this thread? I probably opened up something I shouldn't of, but I was wondering.
  22. Mat Skywalker

    Mat Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2005

    Just curious, am I the only one who delighted in the way the Jedi acted in Joiner King, Skywalker too? Been meaning to ask that for a while.

    not at all i was delighted in them using there powers(finally some action with luke), but the only thing that turn me off was the new way's dark side use. i rate the book a 8.5/10
  23. HandofSkywalker86

    HandofSkywalker86 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 12, 2004
    First of all welcome to the thread. This thread is one of the better threads in the entire forums.

    As to Mara Jade, I really am ambivalent about the character. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I dislike her. Most of the time I could care less.

    As to the general mindset I tend to think that there are alot of people who like her but, a very vocal minority who have nothing better to do than bash a fictional character.
  24. Joser_Kyind

    Joser_Kyind Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2005

    If you're referring to them using their powers, then I do agree that it was good. However, if you're referring to them acting like school chilren, arguing over every little thing and being ruled by their emotions, then I would have to say that I did not enjoy that part.


    Yes, the Swarm War cover does look rather dark. However, I would like to point out that many Jedi, including Plo Koon, used Force lightning without using the Dark Side. In the movies, i believe it's kept solely as a Sith power for the purpose of creating a visual contrast between Jedi and Sith. The EU has been a bit more liberal with how Force powers can be used. I would also like to say that Force lightnig, if sommoned through the Light Side can be used to do more than just kill and destroy. A well-controled jolt of Force lightning could act as a defribulator (sp?) in a way, shocking the heart back into beating. Can anyone else think of any non-destructive uses for Force lightning.

    I certainly do hope that Jacen gets his butt kicked, but it might be even better if he gets owned by a villian who is later defeated by Luke. Then, not only would it be proven that Luke is better than Jacen, but also that Luke is better than someone who could also defeat Jacen.

    I like Mara Jade. I don't know about the others on this thread, but most of the complaints about Mary Sues and all that don't really bother me.
  25. Mat Skywalker

    Mat Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Leia Skywalker4

    Thank you for the warm welcome ChildofWinds and MasterSkywalker86. Have you seen the cover of Swarm Wars? It looks like Luke is using lighting out of his hands what is up with that. Okay, maybe I am jumping to conclusions with that, but I'm not liking it. Just no Darth Luke!!!!!

    well i do rather like the cover, but i like to think that the cover is flaunting luke's power. we're not too sure what is actually going on though, looks like he's whooping some gorog butt. but Child and i agree no more darkness please. ;)

    Oh and speaking of Jacen I think Luke should open a can of whoop*** on him. Sorry don't like to swear or put it in my posts, but there is something about that kid that needs to change.

    yeah i totally agree, jacen needs a permant attitude adjustment.;)

    So I am new here, I have another question to ask how is Mara Jade viewed by people on this thread? I probably opened up something I shouldn't of, but I was wondering

    well you have to be careful about mentioning about mara brings a lot of haters & fans around. begun the jade wars has. :p

    but my opinion of her, she is pretty cool and i'm happy she married luke, they complete each other.

    i'll post more tonight.
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