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Star Wars STAR WARS: INTERVENTION (A story-telling style OT starfighter game)---Always taking new players!

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Bravo, Jun 11, 2009.

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  1. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    IC Fress Colias
    Johnny Boy gym/ training area

    ?Watch your step!? was all Chris called out as the remotes began cycling through the color pattern more rapidly, and more then two at once.

    Fress glanced over at Jeth who was close to the edge as a pair of blasts barely missed him. That was nice to know, she thought with a frown. Test or not she was going to find someway to get back at Streets for this.

    Fress felt a serene calm wash over her as she raised her blaster. She felt like something was swirling around her as she began to blast the remotes with quick and precise movements almost too fast for the eye to follow.

    Fress began to wonder how much longer she could keep this up for. If she remembered correctly no one had unlimited Force energy.

    Tag Bravo, Coffee, Mitth
  2. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    OOG: I've been trying to find music for Jason Lasso's post. Sorry for the delay. It needs to be specific for the character's plot.

    IC: "He"
    Training Room (Gym), Johnny Boy, hyperspace

    Kasumi nodded to the message and took her side. She was able to almost match his speed with her reflexes that she was blessed with through the Force. Her focus stayed on the task at hand...and quickly the number of remotes on her side deminished.

    While Kasumi almost matched his speed, "He" knew she was more graceful. Kasumi flowed with her movements, as if she was one with the air, the weapon, the remotes. She was free.

    Whereas "He" was methodical in his approach. Rigid. Trained.

    As the remotes went faster this time, He kept up the best he could.

    Which was the best.

    As always.

    He always completed his mission.

    He never failed.

    He always obeyed.

    He always...

    She (Kasumi) was so free. Yet "He" was not free. A slave.

    Tag C_N, JF, Mitth

    [b]IC: Master Zat[/b]
    [i]Hanger Bay, [u]Johnny Boy[/u], hyperspace[/i]

    Zat watched as [b]Zieleb-Xan[/b] headed off.

    All wounds healed...

    With time.

    Zieleb-Xan was wounded deeply. But he wasn't alone. Zat was there with him. If only Zieleb-Xan knew. Later Zat would confront the man. First, let him vent. Then talk with more peaceful heads.

    [color=purple]?Bring it on,?[/color]

    MUSIC: [link=]Ninja Assassin OST - Training[/link]

    Zat shook himself from his thoughts and turned to [b]Aurora[/b]. Then nodded to the guard.

    The Queen's Guardsmen went with the same attack as before, a punch to the face, but his true intentions lay elsewhere as he stopped short and then dropped low to swipe Aurora's legs from out under her with his extended leg...

    [b]Tag CPL, spycoder9[/b]
  3. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    IC: Imperial Captain Sard, Corporal Vestor, Pilot Officer Yavscout, Tech Flavin, unnamed Lancer-class frigate; Immobiliser 418 cruiser, Delicate Delinquent.

    Captain Sard had started to wonder of Ysanne Isard were taking advantage of him!
    He had gotten his vessel safely away from that group of mysterious nebulae Uglies and that jamming, and reported in to the Imperial Intelligence? director.

    She had told him that she had officially seconded his vessel from the Fleet, so he would not be getting any heat from the Admiralty directly, and without any particular acknowledgement of his report, despatched him to look in on a Kuat Sector Interdictor that had gone missing in Imperial space.

    Now this one, he was monitoring from afar. The fact that there was something visible on his long-range sensors was a step up from the situation with the Time Slip escort frigate, of which he had only found debris and high energy readouts.

    ?Sir, she?s disappeared from our scopes!? The ComScan operator called from the back, making Sard jump in his seat!

    He must still be nervous from the situation at the nebulae. He leaned forwards and glared at the circular holo-globe floating before his chair. Yep, there was an empty area within the three-dimensional map, where the Delicate Delinquent had been.

    ?Could she have exploded?? He asked an obvious question.

    ?Negative, Captain. No sign of any excess energy discharges. Come to that, no sign of anything.?

    Sard nodded, mulling the news over. ?Alright, jump us in. Keep comm frequencies open. First sign of an audible ?scree?, get us the hell out of there.?

    ?As ordered.?

    * * * *

    Delicate Delinquent hangar

    Vestor crossed the hangar, pausing to spy the activities of a Rebaxan Columni MSE-6 mouse droid with busily spinning thick white brushes fitted to it?s wheeled base.

    He had wondered how the Empire kept these floors so well polished, but kept his curiousity to himself.

    Stepping up to his shuttle?s main hatch, he knocked smartly on the white metal.

    ?Who is it?? Someone answered from inside, after a pause.

    Should he say, or pretend he was doing a lunch run?

    ?I?m going down Hot Jod on a Stick; d?ju want anything??


    ?No, idiot! This is Corporal Vestor! Open up, and get someone to turn off the jammer. It worked fine, but blocked our attempts to call you back.?

    The door slid up into the slit above the hatch, and he could see inside the landing craft, a Go Team tech hurrying away, presumably to deal with the jammer.


    Vestor looked up, ?Alright, what the frag is that??

    Behind him, but standing beside the base of the imposing AT-AT barge?s dark blue bulk, Yav and Flavin stood together, the elf holding the back of the panicked tech's spacesuit to stop him running off, while he tapped his helmet comlink with his other hand. ?Hey, Deputy; what?s up? WHAT?!?

    Flavin, who had been straining sohard against th elf's grip that Yav's boots were starting to slide, stopped and snapped round to glare at the loud elf. ?W-what?s wrong??

    Yavscout pinched his voice-pickup with finger and thumb to quickly answer. ?Imperial frigate just reverted next to us. Lancer-class. Didn?t show up on scanners till literally just now. That jammer of ours worked too well, I think.?

    ?Have your droid operate the cruiser?s guns and cover us while we get clear. They can cut off our escape if we let them get into position.?

    ?Dep?, did you get all that? Get all the weapons emplacements synchronised, and try to leave a path clear for our ships. Then get down here?.what? No , don?t put him through! Oh, frag off! No, not you, Captain Sard. Yes, uh, this is the Captain of the ?Delinquent; no, we did not exp
  4. Coffee_Ninja

    Coffee_Ninja Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 29, 2011
    IC: Kasumi
    Johnny Boy, Training Arena/Gym

    Watch your step!? was all Chris called out as the remotes began cycling through the color pattern more rapidly, and more then two at once.

    Kasumi took a quick look over at Jeth. Note to self, don't step out of the it, she thought. That would have been some nice information to get earlier, but there was always a surprise hidden within these tests.

    Kasumi saw the lights changing faster and picked up the pace. Blasters were not her favorite by any means. But, this test too had to be passed.

    Tag: Mith, Bravo, JF
  5. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    OOG: I think Sith should write a book. He's good at storytelling.

    Just saying.

    Going to do my best to match my post to the music below that C_N found for me. We both went through countless music selections (Mitth sent me a few suggestions too) and I finally settled on the one below that C_N found.

    Now I just have to find music for the cockpit when Jason sits in it... [face_thinking]

    [b]IC: Jason Lasso[/b]
    [i]Hanger Bay, [u]Johnny Boy[/u], hyperspace, 7:30am CST[/i]

    [color=blue]?I have some parts to round up for this X-Wing. I?ll leave you two to make things right.?[/color]

    Lasso nodded and watched as [b]Sydney[/b] walked away. The X-Wing before Lasso was tucked in the corner of the hanger and several crates of equipment, other ready front line starfighters, and other hanger equipment blocked any solid view of the starfighter and it's once upon a time pilot.

    Lasso looked at the X-Wing.

    MUSIC: [link=]Elizabeth: The Golden Age Soundtrack - Mary's Beheading (7)[/link]

    Fear struck Jason. Dread. Death. Terror.

    The damaged starfighter, the spider-cracked cockpit window, the blood...

    It spoke a strong message: [i]stay away[/i].

    It was odd for Jason to take those few steps towards the X-Wing. He got this dreadful feeling about him, as if at any moment, the horror-holovid looking starfighter would jump out and kill him.

    Then, fighting through the urge to run away, Jason laid a hand on the fighter's forward (nose) fuselage and started to walk slowly towards the rear of the X-Wing. Jason allowed every sense in his left hand to connect with the starfighter---it's emotions, memories, thoughts...[i]their[/i] (as pilot and machine) memories.

    He could [i]feel[/i] the fighter call out to him, through the hull plating that his hand now touched, as if they had known each other for some time. The memory-lost mercenary closed his eyes as he walked, soaking in all that his brain was willing to bring back to him. Something, maybe the physical connection of his hand against the fuselage, brought the memories back.

    [i]He saw a space battle, laser blasts everywhere, voices speaking into his ear.

    He now heard[/i] his [i]voice[/i]. "Projekt and Firecracker, reform together. Firecracker, your in lead, Projekt follow. Reform with One Flight and follow Spook's orders. Quagmire out."

    [i]He watched as he flipped comm channels.[/i]

    "Havah, Lasso here. I'm giving you Projekt and Firecracker to assist in defense of the Johnny Boy. You told me at the meeting with King Alex and Taller that I understood,"

    [i]He watched as he looked at some pictures and names of pilots he didn't recognize...or could remember being the more correct answer.[/i]

    "I understand the pain. Take care of them for me, will ya? Thanks Boss."

    [i]Then Lasso watched as he started to pull on the stick.[/i]

    Suddenly Lasso snapped awake, his hand stopping sharply, as did his body. He had ran into something. He looked down to see the snapped off port wings of the X-Wing. He allowed his left hand to trail down the fighter to the bottom, as he used his right hand to balance himself on the the snapped off port wings as he squated, and allowed his left hand to follow the rigid ends of the damaged port "X" wing.

    [i]Voices again.[/i]

    [color=gray][Shields gone.][/color]

    "Arming proton torpedoes. Acquiring bridge target. Dude, set the next rotation of torpedoes to fire at same target area."


    "Those Jod fighters are being held up by those two Star Destroyer escorts. It's up to us."

    [color=gray][And if we survive? I'm sure Taller will have our skin for this.][/color]

    "I don't think we'll survive this one, Dude..."

    [color=gray][300 hundred meters.][/color]

    [i]Turbolaser fire was all around him as he flew through it towards a Star Destroyer's bow, then rolled up to avoid running into the larger ship's bow, and did a "trench run" in between the Star Destroyer's turbolasers.[/i]

    Lasso took a breath to stable himself. That voice was him.

  6. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    IC: Sydney Ayres
    Johnny Boy Hangar

    Ayres had returned to the damaged X-Wing, parts strapped down tightly on a hoversled, to see Jason cry out in anguish. He remained quiet as the young man worked through his troubles. Troubles that nobody else should have had to witness and yet Sydney had. He wanted to leave Jason to his own devices, wanted to respect his privacy as he worked through whatever it was he was working through. But another part of him knew that sometimes the best thing to be done when someone was going through a difficult period in their life was to just be there for them. That could be as intimate as a hug or as simple as simply standing to one side and sending out energy that you cared.

    Coiling up the straps on the hoversled, Sydney began to offload the heavier parts onto the firm surface of the hangar. The X-Wing would need a lot of work and the similarities between the physical damage to the X-Wing and the mental damage to Jason Lasso were striking.

    People used to laugh at Sydney when he referred fondly of the vessels he helped create as his children. They thought he was crazy, considered him out to lunch and chalked up his odd expressions of love for inanimate mechanical objects as having spent too much time without a respirator in the open vacuum of a shipyard. Those people were wrong. Any pilot worth their salt, any pilot that had a heart, possessed a bond with the craft that they flew. To the pilots who cared, to Sydney, the wires and computer chips and all the technology that went into the machine went beyond electrical connections. You got so used to the craft that you flew that you could almost read its thoughts, anticipate its next move, it no longer was inanimate, it was alive.

    Ayres knew that that kind of bond would save a pilot?s life when the going got rough. That was how Jason was alive now. The bond between the craft you piloted, the astromech that assisted, it was inseparable. His eyes looked over at Jason. Felt sympathetic. But Sydney realized that he wasn?t ship?s counselor and that he could not fix Jason. Jason had to fix himself. Sydney was a mechanic, a simple mechanic who did his job and kept these pilots coming home. The X-Wing was his priority.
    Get the X-Wing fixed and in flying condition, and maybe, just maybe, Jason would recover. For now, that was enough. For now, it would have to be enough.

    ?We?ll get her fixed, Jason. Don?t you worry. She?ll be back and better than ever. She?s got a heart, this one, and she won?t let you down,? Ayres said as he got to work putting the wires and servo-motors back in the right place to ensure the proper operation of the port wing. The wires were a lot like nerves at the base of a being?s spine. One false move and it would all be over.

    Tag: Bravo
  7. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Havah Jeth / Chris Streets
    Johhny Boy, Training Room / Gym

    Havah Jeth soon found that the remotes were starting to occur more on either edge of his periphery, along the four lines made by the borders between the four inside the circle. This meant a longer track time, switching back and forth, it was to the point were he had to draw out the other blaster pistol and keep both arms aiming along the periphery.

    His armored helmet?s sensors allowed him to keep his head faced forward and track those infront and to the sides in a 190 degree window displayed in front of his eyes. With targeting overlay, he had a small built in edge, but it was still getting more difficult for him to keep up as his focus still had to shift for which arm he was firing with.

    Chris yawned slightly at the constant progression and began tapping on his pad, ?Time to speed this up alittle. Ten levels sound good??

    Suddenly ports opened up in the ceiling around the circle and began spewing a smokescreen, as the remotes continued to maneuver and flash their colors their appearance became more indistinct shimmering lights within the artificial fog. Havah adjusted by starting to use a triple shot stitch pattern to make a slash across where he believed the remotes to be with the proper color. Ultimately only a minor increase in difficulty, except the remotes started to dash behind and around each other. With the smoke diffusing their lights colors, when near each other different colors began to become apparent as they crossed. A purple light shown indicating a red and blue were in close proximity, something that was a starting trend. Havah?s shots hit both, earning him a buzz of deactivation from the pistol he used to make the shot. Five seconds slowly began to count down.

    ?I?m down one for five.? He called over his shoulder to his partner Fress. Things were indeed beginning to move more quickly.

    TAG: Coffee_Ninja, JediFalcon, Bravo
  8. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    IC: Fress Colias
    Johnny Boy, Gym/training room

    Fress shot another blue remote as smoke quickly descended down on the group making it difficult to keep track of the remotes. Except for the brief flashes of color, they blended in with the fake fog.

    ?I?m down one for five.? He called over his shoulder to his partner Fress. Things were indeed beginning to move more quickly.

    Fress unhooked one of the other three blasters she grabbed for the test and shot down two remotes circling Jeth. The third was down for the count but the other two weren?t. She hooked the other blaster on her belt and grabbed the downed blaster and took out another remote. ?Five seconds are up,? she reminded Jeth with a small smile.

    Tag Mith, Bravo, Coffee
  9. roxez

    roxez Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 13, 2007
    OOC: Approved by GM.

    Name: Commander Alexandra ?Alex? Tachi
    Gender: Female
    Age: late 20s ? mid 30s
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Affiliation: Imperial, possible Firebird Society Member (see history)

    ---Traits: Cold, calculating, and efficient. Commander Tachi is very competent, task driven, caring first for the mission. However, she also takes pride in not losing squadmates. She is a no nonsense fighter pilot who?s seen her share of battles. Speech and mannerisms reveal advanced military training, though behavior suggests a dislike for that rigidity.
    ---Likes: Wearing hair down against Imperial regulation, proving herself right.
    ---Dislikes: Misogyny, ineptitude, failure
    ---Habits: Eyebrow tic when annoyed, general disdain to those she finds ?inferior?.

    ---Skin Color: Light
    ---Hair Color: Dark Auburn
    ---Eye Color: Hazel
    ---Clothing: Sealed flight suit with helmet (ship has no life support) with face mask. Flight suit is form fitting leaving little doubt to her gender. Also wears standard Imperial uniform, black colored to indicate officer rank in the Imperial Starfighter Corps. Noted for wearing a custom command rank cylinder in electrum rather than the usual silver color.
    ---Other Attributes: Shorter than most, barely reaching 1.6 meters. Flight suit adds a little, but not much.
    ---Other Details:

    Starship (Starfighter only---can?t be an X-Wing yet)
    ---Name: Raven 1 (or Raven Leader)
    ---Class: Alpha-3 Nimbus-Class V-Wing Starfighter (heavily modified)
    ---Hyperdrive Class: Class 1
    ---Weapon(s): Twin Laser Cannons, Modified Twin Flak Guns
    ---Shields: Equipped
    ---Sublight Speed: 75 MGLT. 50,000 km/h atmospheric
    ---Crew: Pilot and Q7-Series Astromech
    ---Passenger(s): 0
    ---Max Cargo (kg): 60 kg
    ---Interior Description: Standard flight cockpit
    ---Other Details: V-Wing model modified by Raven Squadron to include standalone hyperdrive and enhanced shielding. Further off-market modifications include:
    Enhanced variable wing geometry ? Wings no longer just up and down but extend out and back. Added airfoil and maneuvering thrusters for atmospheric operations.
    Modified life support package to link with unique flight suit for extended range.
    Custom stealth black paint obscures ship from sensors and visual (in space ? in atmo it?s rather obvious)

    ---Personal / Military History: Born into a proud military family, there was no doubt that she would be sent off to the local Imperial Military Academy like her two older brothers. Top of her class in grade school, she worked hard to keep the family tradition, joining the Imperial Naval Academy immediately after earning her diploma. Originally desiring an officer position in the Navy, she earned double degrees in engineering and fleet tactics. However, the Emperor?s increasing misogyny led to her being assigned a rudimentary clerical position on a destroyer in the Inner Rim, far away from any conflicts. Still, she took pride in her job and excelled.

    The loss of her brothers during the Battle of Kamino (12 BBY) only cemented her resolve to uphold the legacy of the Tachi family as career military. She reached the rank of Lieutenant quickly but grew frustrated with her position. She took extra courses after her first tour, earning her pilot?s certification and switching to the Starfighter Corps. Despite her skills, no commanding officer would put her in active flight status, always keeping her as a reserve pilot. Her solution was to command a shuttle and act as field relief for her squadron, rescuing downed pilots. While beneficial, her superiors disagreed with this (against the mentality of TIEs as expendable) and reassigned her to Raven Squadron, a low squadron that didn?t see much action. Raven squadron got the worst gear, the worst support, the worst missions, but she was flying as an active member.

    One particular escort mission turned south for Raven Squadron as a minor pirate faction ambushed the freighter from an asteroid field. Despite coming up with the strategy to defeat the pirates and saving her fellow pilots and the freighter, she lost
  10. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001

    Edited for spelling. Man I'm rusty!

    [face_laugh] Welcome back old friend! :D

    I will be getting to posts throughout the day. Have church to go to.

    IMPORTANT!!! Please pray for greyjedi125. He's going through the Footprints In The Sand poem as we speak.

    IC: "He"
    Training Room (Gym), Johnny Boy, hyperspace

    Kasumi saw the lights changing faster and picked up the pace. Blasters were not her favorite by any means. But, this test too had to be passed.

    ?I?m down one for five.? He called over his shoulder to his partner Fress. Things were indeed beginning to move more quickly.

    ?Five seconds are up,? she reminded Jeth with a small smile.


    Up until now, "He" had resisted giving into the Force (except for the basic---and natural abilities---of Force Sense, precognition, and Battle Precognition (Blink only)...but even those he only kept at a basic level as to not cheat against Havah Jeth in their recent match) the ability that made him the lethal weapon he was. But now, he saw no other choice. Lowering his own barriers to the Force, he allowed the life-giving energy to fill every inch of his body.

    Now he moved with a swiftness that betrayed who he really was. Time slowed, or seemed to slow to him, as he jumped and flew in between the various laser beams. In mid-air, his lightsaber was called to him from his pile of equipment on the floor and the crimson blade came to life. In movements too quick for even the human eye to keep up with, within the mili-seconds it took to jump from his position, call his lightsaber to him, and come with-in striking distance of the remotes, in a manner of seconds two remotes were slashed to pieces by his lightsaber and a third was Force pushed against a wall and hence crushed on impact.

    Whatever remotes remained, "He" saw that the others took care of them, and efficiently so. He deactivated his lightsaber as the smoke started to clear from the room. "He" had stayed with-in the circle, and perfectly so, with the aid of Force Sight.

    If Streets wanted to see how far he could push the patients, endurance, and tactical-minds of his possible combat team, then he had succeed. With only blasters, only so much could be done in this situation.

    And that's what Streets wanted, "He" thought. To force the trainees to think outside the box of blasters and use what they had.

    "He" looked at Streets, putting his lightsaber on his belt, and waited for some type of retort or back-lash to "He"'s decision to "break the rules of engagement" and drop his blaster and go for a more unconventional approach to answer the problem presented to the trainees.

    Tag C_N, JF, Mitth
  11. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    IC: Jason Lasso
    Hanger Bay, Johnny Boy, hyperspace

    ?We?ll get her fixed, Jason. Don?t you worry. She?ll be back and better than ever. She?s got a heart, this one, and she won?t let you down,?

    Jason looked at Sydney with tear-stained eyes, "Can you get me back, though? A starfighter can be fixed. Can a soul?"

    Jason grabbed a near-by ladder that pilots used to board their crafts and hooked it up to the side.

    MUSIC: Batman Begins Soundtrack - Corynorhinus (00:00 to 3:14)

    He climbed the steps, slowly, painfully. Every step brought him ever closer to the spider cracked canopy, ever closer to a past that he couldn't remember.

    Lifting the canopy up, feeling the spider crack slowly, Lasso looked inside the cockpit. He could feel his own presence, as if long gone and but a ghost, was once here. There was still a lingering smell of sweat in the cockpit, as if the past, like the lingering presence with-in, refused to leave and wanted to tell someone a secret, a story.

    Jason looked throughout the cockpit and saw, as was in his memories, the photos, tucked into the left corner of the cockpit above the console but below the forward canopy view.

    Fear seized him. So the memory was not a dream, but real. Stealing his resolve, what he could through a sudden feeling of chills, he forced himself up and over the lip of the cockpit and into the seat. The presence that he felt, while looking at the cockpit from above, seemed to lap over him, as if he was sitting in the cockpit with a ghost.

    Jason ran his fingers across the controls knobs, switches, various read-outs, view screen, sensor screen, and joy-stick. Finally his fingers rested on the photos. Although he didn't know it now, the photos had the Duro Kale Bithos (Farsox), who would loose his life under Jason's command during the ill-fated convoy mission to recover the painting of "The Last Battle of the Red Rock Kingdom". Next to him, to the left, was Toran Jaekaro (Katana_Master), who would, after escaping a doomed wrecked Victory I-class Star Destroyer over Desert Planet 22-52A, would never wake-up again after jumping into the cockpit of his starfighter. The reasons for his death were unknown, but ill regardless, it happened under Jason's command. There had been others under Two Flight's banner, but whose whereabouts and fates were not allotted to KIA, but rather those who had simply went AWOL.

    Two deaths. Maybe to your usual combat veteran, a drop in the bucket, but for Lasso it was more then he could bare. Both Kale and Toran had dreams, likes and dislikes, stories to tell...but now they were gone. Unable to tell those stories ever again, dream those dreams, smile at the likes, and frown at the dislikes.

    A third photo was stuffed in the corner, left of Toran's. It was a family photos. It showed Lasso, two older adults, and two Corellian Sand Panthers.

    It was a family.

    Was his family dead too?

    What had he done?

    Feeling, all of sudden, sick to his stomach, Jason jumped out of the cockpit and ran out of the hanger. He ran, trying to out-run his past, his memories, his deeds.

    Tag L_V

    [b]IC: Jason Lasso[/b]
    [i]Personal Quarters, [u]Johnny Boy[/u], hyperspace, one hour later (around 08:00am CST)[/i]

    Jason allowed the reactions of his stomach and throat to eject the last of the vomit into the toilet. For several long moments, he remained kneeling, waiting to see if any more would come up. After that time, he flushed his stomach contents and washed his hands. Taking a cold cloth from his refresher, he wiped his face, looking at the chaos of paperwork and data-pads on the floor, the same chaos he had gone through before, and now again.

    But this time he found out who Kale was, who Toran was, who his parents were and how they died.

    And the grief, his knowledge of a shattered life at home, his running to the Mercs, the lost of his two comrades under his command, and now
  12. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    IC: Fress Colias
    Johnny Boy gym/trianing area

    Fress felt frustrated with the test, there was no way a non-Force sensitive could handle this. She glanced at 'He' and watched as he went for his saber. She had thought about going for her saber but holding off thinking it wouldn't be fair to Jeth. 'He' had just about enough of this test. She was sick of the test. Enough was enough.

    Fress dropped the blaster and unhooked the lightsaber and switched it on as a yellow blade appeared with a snap hiss. She deflected the blast bolts back to the remotes causing the remotes to shut down quicker. She dodged the blaster bolts from the remotes circling her area. She caught the remotes in the air with her bare hands and quickly shut them down. She entered Jeth's space and deflected the blasts back to the remotes. She was careful not to accidentally hit Jeth as the blade was at full strength. She had to be more cautious due to how close she was to him. This test was over as far as she was concerned.

    Fress held the lit lightsaber in her hand as she glanced at Jeth with a frown. She shook her head and deactivated the blade. "That's enough of that."

    tag Bravo, Mitth, Coffee.
  13. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Aurora Cradmoon

    Aurora watched the young man walk away. She stared for several seconds, even after he had turned a corner and was gone from her sight of vision. Something about that man. . .something very special. . .the way he had snapped and ?saved? her when he had assumed she was in danger. Aurora brushed a lock of hair from her face, a tiny smile touching her lips. She turned her head only to see a fist coming right for her face.


    She flailed backwards, trying to keep her balance as she stumbled around. The guard was trying to knock her feet out from under her, that she noticed. She leaped up, something in her head whispering the guard?s moves to her right before they happened.

    ?You sure do give a fair warning!? Aurora cried out to Master Zat, this time just talking to try and cope with the sudden attack.

    Swinging her own leg out, she hoped to hit the guard in the face, though she knew that the likelihood of that actually happening was slim to none.

    TAG: Bravo
  14. CPL_Macja

    CPL_Macja Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 29, 2008
    IC: Josch Decinchi
    Private Quarters, Johnny Boy (around 0715 CST)
    Once Josch got back to his quarters he immediately knelt before Navi and opened an access panel. Behind the panel lay a series of buttons baring characters from the traditional Erphaean alphabet. He punched in a personal identification number and two hatches in the top of Navi?s dome opened to reveal his two personally designed lightsabers. He then returned to the access panel and punched in three additional characters. As soon as he finished, an additional hidden compartment slid open behind the panel.

    Inside it held a manual written on tattered paper pages that were bound by a blue-bantha-hide cover. Emblazoned in the bantha-hide was the crest of the old Jedi Order. The manual had been written a mere 2 years prior to Josch?s birth and was given to him by his ?father?. He made sure that Navi was put back together and addressed her, ?Listen Navi, they are making modifications to the Arrow and I want you to head down to the hanger and check out everything that is going on, okay??

    Navi did not hesitate, nor did she question her master?s orders, she simply complied and rolled out to the hanger bay. He then turned his attention to Fidget who was curled up on one of the vacant chairs. He scooped the ferret up and carried him into the bedroom. He closed the door to the room and set about clearing some space in the living area. Once the room was set up to allow him some freedom of movement, Josch ignited his standard length lightsaber.

    He held the weapon in both hands with the hilt at about waist height with the blade vertically parallel to his torso. He took several cleansing breaths to clear his mind before he began moving through the six fluid movements that consisted of the Form I velocity.

    The encounter with Master Zat and Aurora Cradmoor shook Josch up so much that needed to refocus himself before encountering anyone else from the crew. He finished moving through the vilocities, deactivated his blade, and placed it on his utility belt. He took up a cross-legged sitting position on the floor and tried to meditate to further clear his mind. He had been doing extensive reading into the lightsaber form called Soresu and knew that one of its principles was to be the calm in the eye of the storm. He knew to achieve this calm he would need to clear his mind through meditation.

    The only problem was that everytime that he closed his eyes he saw Aurora?s piercingly beautiful eyes staring back at him. He even tried to play his pipes to calm himself but found his mind wondering to the questions of what kind of music did Aurora like to listen too. Finally he gave up and decided that it would be best to seek out Kasumi. Unfortunately he had no idea what room was hers, or even if she had one.

    So he ended up wandering the corridor aimlessly until the doors to the quarters he was passing opened up and Jason Lasso ran right into him. ?I?m sorry Lieutenant Lasso, I should have been paying closer attention to my surroundings.?

    He looked upon the flight commanders confused countenance, ?Sorry sir, but are you feeling alright? Would you like for me to accompany you to sick bay?? Josch was genuinely concerned for the poor pilot, not just because Jason was his commanding officer, but as a fellow member of the Force.
    TAG: Bravo
  15. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    OOG: Will get to other tags ASAP. :)

    IC: Master Zat
    Hanger Bay, Johnny Boy, hyperspace

    ?You sure do give a fair warning!?

    Swinging her own leg out, she hoped to hit the guard in the face, though she knew that the likelihood of that actually happening was slim to none.

    The movement by Aurora was swift, but ill-timed. The guard caught her kick and twisted her to the ground. The guard stepped back at Zat's nod.

    Zat commented to Aurora, "Warnings are for the dead, Miss Aurora. Now, attack the guard."

    Tag spy
  16. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    OOC: Roxez, welcome to the game. I hope your request doesn't turn me into a pariah. :p

    [b]IC: Colonel Jon Thaw, Samantha Irisa[/b], Imperial Base 'Moonbase Alpha', and Chasin City spaceport, respectively.
    [color=red]Location: Commenor star system[/color]

    Moonbase Alpha sprawled under the command tower across the landscape, served by three circular landing pads, on which cross-shaped areas descended into the tapired three-storey barrels that housed the V-Wings, while airtight vehicle and personnel tunnels connected the moonbase to a proper light grey ziggurat of an Imperial Garrison, for the storage and tractor launching of TIEs.

    [b][i]Colonel[/i] Jon Thaw[/b] lounged in his chair, alone in his glase-sided tower, staring the centre of the three screens positioned in front of him, at the flat too-dee image of his raven-haired Lost Girl, the commander of the Interdictor, [i]Charlotte's Web[/i], that had disappeared over Ryloth two decades before.


    The view was from the back, showing her in her Auxilary Fleet greens, charcoal hair cascading over alabaster cheekbones...

    He had treated her like the daughter he never had, and her loss had scarred him.

    Jedi were responsible; he just [i]knew[/i] it. Just knew it.

    To their credit, the Admiralty had let him keep five of his star destroyers to chase Jedi leads - he had been the admiral in charge of the Sixth Expansionary Fleet, after all - for the best part of two years, but eventually, enough of the other Admirals and Moffs had complained about him blundering through their Sectors, and he had been stopped. Eventually placed here, running a land-based installation.

    "No more star destroyers for you, Sunshine." He whispered now, paraphrasing the result of the Judicial Inquiry.

    Commander Ramala's fate was on [i]him[/i]. He had feted her, encouraged her, facilitated her getting her own command, and despite his own misgivings, allowed her and her vessel to jump alone to Ryloth.

    Well, [i]never again[/i].

    He had no influence to stop females signing up for Imperial military service, but if they came under his umbrella of influence, he made sure they did not see combat, attain command responsibility, and actively worked to divert them into administrative or support roles.

    "[color=deeppink]Colonel? You wanted to see me?[/color]"

    Thaw extinguished the image at the sound of Ensign Walker's voice from the doorway, and beckoned her to approach, satisfied at her appearance tan-coloured belted Imperial tunic, knee-length skirt, polished boots, blonde hair down to her shoulders.
    A success of his new philosophy, WIKYTPASO - Would It Kill You To Put A Skirt On?

    "Sarah," Thaw started, putting a fatherly arm round her as she stood close to his chair, "any rebel or pirate activity?"

    "[color=deeppink]No, sir. The usual commercial traffic, either arriving or leaving. Although, one new ship arrived in-system, heading for Commenor.[/color]"

    "Oh yes?"

    "[color=deeppink]A Pantolomin-registered Firespray-31 personal craft, sir. I spoke to Commenor traffic control. Occupant claimed to be following up on the 'Hero of Chasin City' incident.[/color]"

    "Oh yes?" Thaw contemplated this missive. Over a week before, there had been a runaway train heading without a crew towards Chasin City on Commenor, whilst carrying toxins or chemicals, or something unpleasant. An unknown individual landed a yellow N-1 fighter on the moving train, and attempted to run over the carriages to the front, and gotten taken out by a bridge whilst remonstrating with a news LAAT. "By the way, your dormitory supervisor mentioned that you missed your sleep cycle, yesterday."

    "[color=deeppink]Yes, sir. I was staying up to see Corporal Thom after his shift, at midnight.[/color]"

    The base commander affected exhaspiration (and dyslexia), "You have a set bed-time for a reason, Young Lady. What is this man's name again? I'll have his shifts changed around so that you can still meet, and so you can get to bed at a reasonable hour. Also,
  17. roxez

    roxez Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 13, 2007
    OOC: Me like Sith-I-5. Now it's time to give each other bloody noses.

    IC: Commander Tachi

    Tachi and the rest of Raven Squadron emerged from their staging room, clad in their pilot suits. Less bulky than the TIE pilot's counterpart, it still was the familiar black jumpsuit, cut a little tighter; while it wasn't blatant, the flight suits were a little more form-fitting, showing the pilots were female. The helmets were not TIE pilot standard either, instead were repurposed ARC pilot helmets with a large polarizing visor covering the eyes. The helmets were modified to seal completely for life support. The helmets were like their ships; old relics from the Clone wars.

    It was a wonder the squadron could even fly with their outdated equipment. Alpha-3 Numbus Class V-Wings were state of the art back when the Clone Wars was just ending, but now... TIEs were more maneuverable and faster, heck even the Rebels' Y-Wings could keep pace in deep space. Still, V-Wings had their advantages. They were some of the last fighters made by the Republic equipped with shields and Astromech units, before the Empire's dogma of fighters being tin cans with guns and engines. Plus, Alexandra and the Ravens had put some extra time into making sure their ships - outdated as they were - could still contribute, still keep up in dogfights. She had always wondered how her V-Wings might stack up against the Incom T-65. She had read about the recent defection and the theft of the plans and prototypes for their new fighter, dubbed "X-Wing", and the defection to the Rebels. She had never engaged an X-Wing, but she was confident her ship could survive such an encounter. Besides, there were a few tricks her engineering background gave her that saw the ships upgraded significantly from factory specs. The obvious was the wing design. Normal V-wings had scissor wings that opened up to point vertically above and below the body of the fighter. The bottom wings were kept (they also provided the landing skids in retracted position) but the top wings were scrapped for a set of angled wings that swept out and back. The maneuverability of the ship stayed relatively the same, but the larger wing design yielded higher energy from the imbedded solar cells. The ships were also painted a deep mirrored black, very good for hiding in deep space, though in atmo they stood out among the clouds.

    Tachi climbed into her fighter and pulled the lever to lower the canopy, hearing the hiss of a solid lock. The ships did not pressurize the cabin, so she clicked on her breather unit from the control panel on her chest plate. She leaned back in her seat and felt the click of her breather unit engage with the on-board life support system - another modification she made to ensure the ship could stand long space missions in case of being stranded away from her base or carrier. She gritted her teeth, remembering one of her trainers who thought it would be funny to jump the transport away and leave her with no hyperdrive and no way out of deep space. She reached over and flicked the two master switches simultaneously, smiling when the whine of the twin ion engines (a precursor to Seinar's true TIE design) hum to life. A beep from behind indicated her Q7 series droid waking up. "8-Ball, run preflight sequence." 8-Ball - so named because it was all black except for a white shroud around the main photoreceptor - hooted and quickly brought the fighter to life. "Ravens, this is Lead. I have two green and ready for launch. Call in status."

    A chorus of voices as the Ravens called out their readiness over the comm. "Alright. Switch to squadron frequencies and wait for orders to launch." She switched over to standard Imperial frequencies. "Tower Control, Raven Squadron reports ready for mission, awaiting launch clearance."

    "Raven Squadron, your launch is on hold pending launch of other squadrons. " She snorted. Always last out, despite being ready to fly, they would have to sit in the hangar bay until everyone else launched. It took several minutes before the comm officer came back. "Rav
  18. Bravo

    Bravo Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 10, 2001
    IC: Jason Lasso
    Corridors, Johnny Boy, hyperspace, 8:15am CST

    He looked upon the flight commanders confused countenance, ?Sorry sir, but are you feeling alright? Would you like for me to accompany you to sick bay?? Josch was genuinely concerned for the poor pilot, not just because Jason was his commanding officer, but as a fellow member of the Force.

    It took a moment longer for Jason's mind to register what was going on, then he blinked a few times when it did register. "No...I'm okay. Just needed some fresh air."

    And something to focus my attention. I need it for the journey I fear that is ahead. Lasso added quietly in thought, Who is 'Jason Lasso'? Why were his parents murdered? What is my past? I fear it is dark...and unforgiving.

    Feeling awkward and not knowing what to say next, Jason said, "What are you up to?"

    Jason knew his question was a complete failure in socializing skills, but he dare ask anyone else to have lost their memory recently, then run into someone you barely knew. How would they react then?

    Tag CPL
  19. Coffee_Ninja

    Coffee_Ninja Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 29, 2011
    OOC/OOG: Sorry this took so long to get up. Long week.

    IC: Kasumi
    Johnny Boy, Gym/Training room

    Kasumi just watched as the remotes went silent. While she was as frustrated a Fress, she was willing to see this thing through. Kasumi lowered her weapon and closed her eyes. With a deep breath she centered herself and waited for the next order, or rather the next feeling through the Force about this test.

    Tag: Mith, JF, Bravo
  20. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Havah Jeth / Chris Streets
    Johhny Boy, Training Room / Gym

    Seeing what happened as a blur of activity and counter activity Havah found himself having a hard time staying out the swing of fire that the lightsaber blades represented as well within his own slice of the ring. ?What in the frozen wastes!? he called out in the hail storm that exploded shortly after his blaster was working again. Soon all the remotes were off. Then it was quiet as the fog makers shut off and the mere hum of the ships own ventilation systems cleared the air. Breathing a little heavy Havah was taking a few regulatory breaths. Of course the force users looked more like they had taken a bad nap then been working on a program over halfway to it?s maximum setting.

    Chris Streets stood there looking at them. ?Kasumi, you kept your cool and were untouched in this exercise. You also worked well with your team mate, although it appeared more like two lone narglatch?s rather than a team effort.? Tapping a few buttons on his pad, entering the information he turned to the next.

    ?Havah Jeth, you did communicate with your team-mate once you were in trouble. You were shot twice. Your reaction times are down 0.12 from when you first joined the Mercs, I would recommend a nueral pathway work up and a stim before and for the mission.? Tapping the pad again he turned to look up at ?He?.

    ? Nameless, you used the Force and used your lightsaber. Neither were forbidden in this exercise, your waiting is odd considering your seasoning to use them.? Stepping forward he tappin a third of a remote sphere that sparked and sizzled at his boots prodding touch. ?You destroyed Merc property, reset and used your weapon on a lethal setting in close quarters during an exercise where you were in no real jeopardy. To my eyes you may just be the weakest link in this squad.? Tapping a few buttons he turned to Fress.

    ?You used your lightsaber, but only after another had begun the same action. You abstained from destroying remotes, but moved into your team mates personal space when such an action was unnecessary and caused greater danger from your swinging weapon and triggered blaster fire on your shared position. You are reckless and lack control. You are tied for the weakest link position in this team because of that recklessness.? Tapping a few more keys strokes into the pad he looked at all of them.

    ?If it was up to you Havah, would you approve this team for the mission at it?s present abilities??

    ?No sir.? Jeth replied with back straight.

    ?I thought so.? Chris replied with a smile. ?Havah denied, Merc approved. Because we don?t have the time. Think on your weakness? and failure of this test. A test which was supposed to push you not to your breaking point, but to your failing point. Congratulations, do to footwork outside the circle a mine was triggered. You fail. with that his finger quick tapped a signal sender.

    Not even one with the force if they knew what was about to happen would be able to unlock and remove the training armor in time. Even if all the locks could be loosened at the same instance, but still the relayed pain signal would beat the effort. Not that such a feat was possible as the suites had locked down after the first drone had been destroyed. Their fates had already been sealed. It was a pain cascade, alternating and firing from ?He?s and Fress? suits. Until they both quickly collapsed and soon lost consciousness on the floor. In Kasumi?s and Havah?s suits the pain was merely enough and prolonged enough to bring them to their knees and keep them there for a few moments.

    ?Congratulations, you two survived. Now haul them to med-bay get your physicals redone and hit the mess-hall. I have a mess to clean up.? With that dismissal Streets headed to the back wall and called for a maintenance and clean-up crew.

  21. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    IC: Ensign Sarah Walker, Colonel Jon Thaw, The Big Red One, Flight officer Cho, Flight Lieutenant Haart, Moonbase Alpha, Space
    Location: Commenor star system

    In the moonbase command tower, Walker stood at the transparisteel windows of Thaw's office, watching the last of the ion engine glows disappear into the star speckled firmament.

    "They're away, sir." She reported, starting to turn to look down at the colonel.

    "Cool." He fllicked his gaze up from the back of her knees to her earnest expression.

    "Red, Gray, Black, the Ravens, and the transport PotShot should already be at the jump coordinates." She elaborated crisply.

    Thaw scowled. PotShot? Fat, slow transport; he would have called it the Who Ate All The Pies?, but that had been a secondary penalty of his Judicial Inquiry: no more naming of ships.

    Personally, he thought that needlessly vindictive. He did not drink, he did not smoke, having an ISD-II called the Whose Your Daddy was the only pleasure he had left, and now he didn't even have that.

    * * * *


    Cho felt incredibly relaxed as his TIE tore through space towards the rendezvous point, only able to see a portion of his fellows around the hexagonal solar panel wings on either side of his cockpit.

    "Colour groups from The Big Red One. All wings report in."

    Cho was not alone in filling the airwaves with laughter, but he alone waited for the hilarity to die down. "The Big Red One. Seriously?"

    "Well thank you, Grey Four!" The Squadron Leader's tone was overly brittle, an indication of how invested he was in his new callsign. "You just volunteered to play patrol, the sort that would challenge any suspicious craft that jumped into our back yard."

    "What, by myself?"

    "Take Grey Seven with you, since you are such great friends."

    "Oh, cheers, Boss." The pilot that had head-smacked Cho earlier, acknowledged without too much enthusiasm.

    "Oh, you are most welcome, Seven. Get going you two. Don't get too close though; make contact from extreme sensor range."

    Cho pressed on the accelerator with the toe of one boot, and saw down on his scanner, the red arrowheads of his and the other TIE breaking ahead of the pack. "Gray Four, copy. Seven, on me." He tried to remember the script for challenging the captains of suspicious craft. Hi, welcome to Commenor. Too casual? He asked himself.

    "Grey Squadron from The Big Red One. Follow Greys Four and Seven at extreme range, but try to hang back from Ravens' sensor range. Reds, we are going to move round the back of their formation. Blacks, create a wide range net above, below, and to the sides of Gray Squadron, in case the V-Wings abandon the transport and run for it. They don't have hyperspace rings, so they can only go to Commenor or the moons."

    * * * *

    Flight Lieutenant Baille Haart felt uneasy about this mission as her V-Wing moved into formation behind and to the right of the Corellian freighter.

    Unusual that all of the base' fighters were out here. No-one on general patrol, no-one back at base in Ready One position, that latter role going to a pair of V-Wings, since they could emergency launch before the TIEs could, since they were nothing without the garrison's tractor beams to put them outside the sky-facing launch chutes.

    "Ravens. We're go for the mission. Switch lasers to training mode, shields to minimal. Conserve your power for maneuvering. Orders are as in the brief. We're to escort the freighter Potshot during the training. Let's make this as real as possible. Follow standard escort procedures but don't just let them hit you. Let's make sure we rack up a few 'kills' as well."

    Is that wise?
  22. spycoder9

    spycoder9 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2008
    Aurora Cradmoon

    Aurora realized at the last second that she had been too slow, and the guard gained the upper hand. She was twisted onto the ground, and groaned out as her cheek smashed onto the floor. She stood, dusted off her clothing, and faced the guard. She nodded at Master Zat?s comment, too irritated at the moment to say anything else.

    She circled the guard, her fists in front of her. The more she circled, the closer she got to him. Eventually she was within range, and leaped at him. At the last second, she switched tactics. With her leg out, she suddenly pulled back. Knowing the guard was going to try and snatch her leg, she punched her fist, aiming for his face. She could only hope it landed, and she?d be able to impress Master Zat.

    TAG: Bravo
  23. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    IC: Fress Colias
    Johnny Boy gym/training room

    Fress glanced at Jeth with a frown and shook her head sadly. This test didn?t prove anything to him except Streets deliberately failed her. She went to take the armor off only to realize something. The armor was locked and she could feel pain stunning her from the suit. Chris was dead as far as she was concerned.

    Fress ignored the pain as best as she could as she loosened the straps as the pain intensified and felt her knees begin to give out. She breathed in and out gritting her teeth as she reached into her pocket grabbing her lock picker. She pulled it out of her pocket and quickly ran it over the lock and felt the straps give immediately as a click sounded. She shrugged the armor off as she struggled to her feet ignoring the pain as she grabbed the armor and trudged over to Streets.

    She quickly slipped the armor over his shoulders and relocked the armor and hit the activation for the stunners inside the suit. She slipped the pink hair crawler into Chris?s hair. ?I bet you didn?t see this coming. Never turn your back to the enemy.?

    Fress watched as the pink crawler molted Chris?s hair as she collapsed to the ground losing consciousness.

    Tag Mitth, anyone

  24. Earwen_Lightrider

    Earwen_Lightrider Former RSA & Spokantina CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 17, 2004
    OOC: I'm back :p

    IC: Zixie Tyvyn
    Johnny Boy - Med Bay

    Zixie's eyes flickered open to the harsh glare of med bay lights. Her throat dry and her mind in a fog.

    "Where am I?" The question echoed like a gong in her mind, but to those that were near enough to hear, it was no more than a croaked whisper, easily missed in the bustle of every day commotion.

    Zixie tried to turn her head to see what was going on as pain shot up her arm and into her right shoulder. When the pain subsided, she wiggled the fingers on her left arm and was pleased to find no sign of injury there. She then began to take stock of her injuries. Her right arm ached all over, but a twist of her wrist told her that no bones had been broken. Her neck was bandaged on the right side. Her rib cage was also bandaged. A twist of her torso confirmed her fear... she had cracked at least one of her ribs. She also had more bandages on her right side.

    What happened? Zixie thought as she drifted back to sleep.

    Tag: Anyone in med bay (if they want - otherwise this is basic set up for Falcon to tell me what happened).
  25. Coffee_Ninja

    Coffee_Ninja Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 29, 2011
    IC: Kasumi
    Johnny Boy, Training Room/Gym

    Even after the pain was gone from the "failing grade" the residual was still there. Kasumi stayed on her knees to remove the armor. She shrugged it to the floor and just sat back on her heals for a moment. It was nice that she "survived". She stood slowly and walked the armor and weapons back to where she got them as well as Fress' and He's items as well. The least she could do was not leave the training area a matter how much pain she was still in.

    She looked over at Jeth and nodded. "I will take Fress....if you want to take He."

    With that said, Kasumi bent down and picked her future student up and left the training area. She made her way to the med bay. Once there she placed Fress on an empty bed and sat on the one next to her. Her body was tired and her muscles screamed in pain from this exercise. It wasn't that her body was out of shape, it was that she wasn't used to the armor.

    She sat and patiently waited for the doctor.

    Tag: Bravo, JF, et al in the med bay
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