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Tenel Ka description

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Lady_Jade, Jun 26, 2004.

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  1. Lady_Jade

    Lady_Jade Jedi Master star 4

    May 22, 2004
    Ok, I'm in the process of writing a scene w/ Tenel Ka, and then I realized thaat I don't know what she looks like. If someone could please let me know, or let me know about a passage where it describes her, that would great!!

    ~Lady_Jade @};-
  2. Dantana Skywalker

    Dantana Skywalker Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 7, 2002
    Tenel Ka's about 5'2", maybe 5'4", red hair, grey eyes. Muscular, missing the lower half of her left arm. She's slight and a bit compact, as well.

  3. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    to add to that...

    Depending on when you're writing her, as a YJK she always had her hair braided in Dathomirian warrior braids... her hair is at least down to just below her shoulder blades as well, if not longer.

    as a Queen the NJO decided to change that somewhat, though there are still traces of the braids we can sometimes see.
  4. Dantana Skywalker

    Dantana Skywalker Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 7, 2002
    her hair is at least down to just below her shoulder blades as well, if not longer.

    I think it was in . . . "Diversity Alliance". Anyway, it was the one where they're on Ryloth, and Jaina's on the hot side of the planet, and Jacen and Tenel Ka are on the cold side. She takes her hair down and it's waist-length.

  5. Lady_Jade

    Lady_Jade Jedi Master star 4

    May 22, 2004
    Dantana & Jade Thanks a lot, it really helps!!

    ~Lady_Jade @};-
  6. -Tenel-Ka-

    -Tenel-Ka- Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 16, 2002
    She's also tan and has a tendency to show only small traces of emotion (physically, anyways) -- :D
  7. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    TK got described as tall in SbS and DW, so she is several inches taller than 5'2 or 4. I'd say about 5'7 (1.68 cm) at the least. Let's not forget that she's half-Hapan and Hapans tend to be at least a head taller than everyone else.
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