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The 17 pages

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by inkswamp, Feb 26, 2005.

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  1. inkswamp

    inkswamp Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 14, 2004
    In the Empire of Dreams documentary, it is mentioned that George Lucas wrote a 17 page summary of the SW story very early on which presumably contains the seeds of what were the OT as well as the prequels. Do any of you know if that summary has ever been published anywhere? I would love to read it.

    I'm sure he did lots of reworking on various story elements as well as characters and concepts. Much of what's in that 17 pages would probably not resemble what we now know as the SW films. I think reading that early summary would give a fascinating insight into how the story was originally conceived and how it evolved.
  2. Uric-Qel-Droma

    Uric-Qel-Droma Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 22, 2004
  3. Lars_Muul

    Lars_Muul Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 2, 2000
    That's not 17 pages.
    I don't believe Lucas has ever released that summary. He probably has it somewhere among his personal notes.
    It would be interesting to read it, though.

    Six episodes, two trilogies, one saga
  4. ThePariah

    ThePariah Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 24, 2003
    If you've seen enough SW documentaries, enough details of this summary have slipped out for one to piece it together: the Jedi Bendu, Mace Windu (the original Jedi), the planets Aquilae and Utapau, the Ashla and Bogan (good/bad sides of the Force of Others), Annikan Starkiller, the Kaiburr crystal, General Skywalker, Princess Leia ranging from being a child to a mind-witch...they're all mentioned many times in many different behind-the-scenes chronicles over the years, even in several published books.

    I think you might be mistaken on the number of pages the original story treatment was, though--I always heard it was 13 pages total (the T'Bone summary says 14, but that's closer than 17). Any other additional bizarre ideas that Lucas came up with and are mentioned elsewhere but not in this story treatment are likely the tangential, work-in-progress concepts that were changed or ejected.
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