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Full Series The Clone Wars: Episode 121: Liberty On Ryloth Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Garth Maul, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. LawJedi

    LawJedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2009
    My analogy is getting tired, but look at the Bruce Timm / Paul Dini DC animated series (Batman/Superman/Justice League/JLU). Those shows may have used DC comics canon as strong inspiration, but they didn't treat the actual comics events as canon. I never watched Batman Animated and wondered where this episode fit in comparion to the Batman Year One comic. I might get excited to see Green Arrow and Black Canary hang out, but I don't assume that stories must echo and follow up their comic book relationship.

    That's exactly how I feel that Filoni and Lucas are (and should be) treating the EU. It's an interesting wellspring of creative ideas and inspiration, but not a continuity to take seriously. Some book about Mace Windu's Shatterpoint is equal to an unused McQuarrie concept. Just fuel for the fire. Honestly, if we all weren't obsessed fanpersons led on by flawed LFL logic, we would understand that this is the only rational way to accept EU. I don't think about how every single Superman and Lex Luthor encounter since the early 80's affects their current storylines. Why should it be any different for Star Wars?
  2. Gry Sarth

    Gry Sarth Ex 2x Banhammer Wielding Besalisk Mod star 5

    Jun 24, 1999
    Oh, come on. Comparing the Star Wars universe/continuitity to that of DC or Marvel is completely off the mark. Successfuly or not, Star Wars has always strived for a cohesive universe. That's why we have things like the Essential Chronology and the Encyclopedia, numerous retcons, and all the levels of canonicity. The DC and Marvel universes have always been a free-flowing collection of stories that run paralel and reboot ever so often. Each character has numerous different incarnations, genesis stories, multiple deaths, etc. If you're advocating that Star Wars should be the same, then I most strongly disagree. Star Wars should be not just a brand, a stamp for disjointed adventures. It is a SAGA, and that implies some level of continuity.
  3. DarthBoba

    DarthBoba Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 29, 2000
    Strictly speaking, the films are a saga. The rest of it is not, given their need for retcons at all.
  4. Gry Sarth

    Gry Sarth Ex 2x Banhammer Wielding Besalisk Mod star 5

    Jun 24, 1999
    I know, but at its core Star Wars is a saga, that's why they strive to maintain some level of continuity. The DC universe is just a label under which people create whatever stories they feel like.
  5. QueenMother_LK

    QueenMother_LK Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2009
    I agree with sarth on this one. One of the things I love so much about SW is how connected it all is, and not just a bunch of random stories, so I would hate to see it turn into that too much.
  6. koonfan

    koonfan Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 15, 2008
    Personally don't see what's the big deal about the Anakin and Ahsoka cameo, even if it wasn't the most natural thing. I mean, it's like hey, they're there, they speak, ooo, they're gone. I don't mind the nicknames, but then again, I don't really mind much of anything. Except lack of Plo Koon. Which will hopefully be remedied. XD

    Kinda reminds me of Han Shot First. A phenomenon based entirely on a relatively non-essential but popular event which had an incredibly short duration. Even if Han didn't shoot Greedo, he still would have run into Jabba who would have then brought up the topic of his debts. Yes, they needed to get rid of the bombers, and the bombers did appear beforehand and were used as a threat, but it's really just 'oh, hey, the primary characters' to me.

    Aaaand I expect any number of people to start calling out for my blood due to the fact that I ridiculed the event meant to emphasise Han Solo's character arc of Machiavellian-smuggler scoundrel to Rebel Hero. XD
  7. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    The Droid Commandoes elicited a holy crap! moment from me, as I wasn't expecting them (something NOT spoiled by the previews already? Impossible!). Great little detail I hope we'll see more of in the future. the french accents were another nice tie-in to the Aayla appearance.

    The politics, especially between Tambor and the Tact Droid was solid. I want that droid to return- not just another Tact droid, but THAT Tact Droid.

    Skakoans need to wear pressure suits in most "normal" environments, but those suits are heavy, and that is why they have to glide around on repulsorlifts, and why there's not much cloth motion- their lower bodies are entirely encased on the metallic pressure suit.

    Wat seems to get captured quite a bit- he was captured at the end of The New Droid Army GBA game, then a HoloNet news article had a cool story about how he escaped from prison- some other Skakoans visiting him intentionally breached their pressure suits, and the resulting explosions allowed Wat to flee.

    Yeah- in The Gungan General. Obviously, the Grail diary is next. ;)


    Soundwave approves.

    Episode Guide confirms it is Shatterpoint. Additionally, it is consistent with other uses of shatterpoint beyond the metaphysical one, presented in Legacy of the Force and the Legacy series'.

    That's because DC/Marvel/etc specifically do not claim to be a single continuity (ignoring multiverse theories/jokes). Each medium is a restart button since they want to start over and do things differently each time- bcause they have to, since their stories are focused on characters that barely, if ever, age, instead of the universe itself. Chronology is left to be a vague concept. If it wasn't, the characters would be old or dead or beyond their prime in order to k
  8. Darth Pipes

    Darth Pipes Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 12, 1999
    Excellent episode. Definitely the best of the three in terms of action and the story subject. CW went into war crimes territory with the Seps firebombing Twi'lek villages. This show doesn't hold back. Thought Tambor staying behind was idiotic but it paid off with the tactical droid deciding to leave him there.

    Also noticed that the droids were loading the Ark of the Covenant into their ship.

    Can't wait for the Cad Bane episode next week.
  9. Alpha-Red

    Alpha-Red Chosen One star 7

    Apr 25, 2004
    Mmm, the deliberate targeting of civilians by the Separatists is something that the EU already went into, so that's nothing new....although I really like it when they take stuff from the EU and put it on-screen.

    Also, isn't Mace's shatterpoint refer to his ability to sense how things and people are interconnected and how best to effect an outcome rather than actually shattering solid objects?
  10. Garth Maul

    Garth Maul Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 18, 2002
    Well, he's able to sense shatterpoints in anything.

    He can see where to hit somebody to take them out with one punch, or he can see how a situation crystallizes.

    I think the breaking of the glass was a nice nod to the EU without having to explain "shatterpoints" to someone who wasn't up on the Shatterpoint novel.
  11. jedi-soon

    jedi-soon Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 27, 2001
    Heck of a fortune cookie Garth :D

    Really fantastic characterization in this one. Mace as negotiator. The rebels don't trust the clones much more than they do the Seps. Heck, even when the transport door opened and Mace stepped out, the two battle droids had completely opposite reactions: "Oh no!" and "You're under arrest!" That second model must've been right off the assembly line [face_laugh]

    I loved the dramatic lighting in the rebels' underground base. It lent a lot of weight to Cham and Mace's back and forth. His suspicion of the Jedi's motives is a great realistic touch, when you consider how they tried in particular to mirror the Ryloth trilogy after real-world wars, which are often packaged for the masses as good vs. evil, but in reality are rarely so black and white and largely motivated by self interest.

    So THIS is the appearance of the Ark of the Covenant Dave told us was coming. And again i missed it completely!! Time for a 4th screening...

    I'm hoping that there is some massive Seppy rescue attempt that frees all their captured generals next season.. or even later. That would be a good mission for Greivous!

    Other bits:

    Superb use of Ahsoka and Anakin in supporting roles.

    Incredible landscape and building designs!

    I always love seeing the AT-TEs animated, they really seem to carry weight.

    The shot of the clone mounted on that Blurrg was so Stormtrooper/Dewback.

    The Mace force push against the droids was a nice nod to the Genndy series.

    And Mace's escape from the disappearing bridge was just... wow! Fantastic sound manipulation =D=
  12. QueenMother_LK

    QueenMother_LK Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2009
    As long as you know this. ;) :p I will not call for your blood.

    agreed. and the lack of other jedi in general, but I did like the epi's with aayla, so it hasn't been that bad.
  13. koonfan

    koonfan Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 15, 2008
    Yeah, thanks for that. Much appreciated. I actually appreciate character arcs like that. It's just the pomp it's given which grates on my nerves. But enough about that. :p

    Hopefully next episode will make great use of the idea of super-competent bounty hunters! And the use of Aurra Sing is a nice move as it gives them SOME wiggle room to add a lightsaber duel. XD
  14. Pat Darksider

    Pat Darksider Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 11, 2000
    I don´t think that we won´t get Clones vs. Droids in Season 2.
  15. fanboyskywalker

    fanboyskywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 3, 2008
    That's why I don't really pay attention to the trailers. Luckily, my DVR stops recording just as they start. ;)
  16. fanboyskywalker

    fanboyskywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 3, 2008
    I LIKE when he calls her Snips. They don't over do it. And they got rid of "Sky-guy" so all is well. :)
  17. waheennay

    waheennay Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 29, 2000
    I don't get that criticism. I thought the guy who did the voice sounded enough like Sam Jackson.

    I liked Anakin and Ahsoka showing up at the end because it tied the whole three part story together.
  18. DMan304

    DMan304 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 10, 2004
    I agree that "Snips" isn't that big of a problem.

    "Sky Guy" is what made me want to punch a baby, but thankfully it has been pretty much eradicated in the series.
  19. swcolts157

    swcolts157 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 15, 2008
    Man, this was incredible, I really enjoyed this episode. Mace was great, so was Wat and the clones and the AT-RTs and Cham Syndulla, and well, EVERTHING! It was the best directed, (great job Rob Coleman) and was just very high quality. The pacing was perfect and the action was breathtaking. There needs to be more episodes like this in season two, I'm loving this show too much!

    Overall, I really enjoyed the Ryloth Trilogy, it was the best arc of the series and hopefully a sets a precedent for arcs in season two. Liberty on Ryloth was one of the best episodes of Clone Wars and one of the best things I've seen on TV in a long time. It was something special and it was definitely Star Wars.

  20. swcolts157

    swcolts157 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 15, 2008
    EDIT: Forgot about the commando droids, great to see them show up again.
  21. swcolts157

    swcolts157 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 15, 2008
    AGH, double post sry.
  22. fanboyskywalker

    fanboyskywalker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 3, 2008
    Sorry, but a strong finish couldn't redeem a mediocre middle episode and a beyond boring part one.

    The Malevolence trilogy still reigns.

    Can't wait to see more Mace in action, though. :)
    I want a Mace/Yoda episode!! Especially now that I know they aren't going crazy with Mace like in the Genndy series. And... not going crazy with the shatterpoint stuff. :) I'd like to see him do it to a droid, but not sure it would make sense to casual viewers.
  23. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Thanks, Dr. Quest! [face_peace] I guess I always just figured the pressure suits covered the torsos and their legs were just draped in cloth like their arms.


  24. swcolts157

    swcolts157 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 15, 2008
    What didn't you like about the first one. are you not a fan of space battles? The middle episode had some of the best charcater stuff we've seen and I think the Malevolence trilogy started out great, continued great, and then ended with one of the worst episodes of the season, Destroy Malevolence.

    It was a big dissapointment, IMO. Pretty much nothing happened in it, Padme appeared out of nowhere, and the dialogue was flat, and the droid humor was pretty bad. The only good parts were Obi and Grievous and the space skirmish at the end.
  25. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    Wait a minute, I'm not bashing the EU on the contrary, the EU has told a better story than GL could ever come up with. I'm bothered that they are mining the EU and taking the parts from it and using it for the show. I would perfer a more creative approach, that was what made the EU so good. The stuff is original.
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